What are you all up to
May have been me who recommended "The Hourglass" Millie, pleased you enjoyed reading it.
I think Bakers2 downloaded it to, hope she has enjoyed reading it too.
Safe trip to Seacroft.
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Only by a couple of minutes Malcolm, so you should not really notice. Although by the end of July it will be best part of 30 minutes. However, temperatures for the next couple of months should be at there highest, although you would not know it here today. Very disappointing, cloudy and not overly warm. Dry though, so we will be off for a walk shortly.
Having said that the sun just showed it's face. 😀
Oh it's gone again.☹️
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Enjoyed our visit to a new village community market yesterday, lots of plants but decided no more room in our small garden
Bought some homemade Jam, and rather nice birthday cards.
Collected the caravan from storage yesterday afternoon , it's booked in first thing Monday for its service, can't believe it's been a year! We have only found a couple of little niggles, one being the grill, so hoping everything will be ok. OH bought a new set of ladders so he climbed up to clean the roof, it needed doing as we could hardly see out of the skylight for bird poop!
Thinking of visiting Upton House today, we have never been, and as it's only 7 miles from us we thought we would go, we drive past the car park regularly and it's almost always full. Hoping to see our youngest son later too, he's been visiting his girlfriends parents this weekend.
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Staying mostly around the van today as Mrs WN has picked up a bug from somewhere (makes a change as it's usually me). She was worse yesterday so is improving and things should be back to normal tomorrow.
Took the time to translate the info we were given when we arrived on site. We seem to have landed in what is called a "Seniors campsite". Not sure how they decide who is Senior but it's very pleasant.
Quite breezy here today and only 17º.
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Thanks Helen. It is a lovely book. Hope your caravan goes through its service with flying colours. Enjoy Upton House. We went a few years ago and thoroughly enjoyed it.
David, I don't know why they have such a late arrival time either. We met some people on the Sandringham site last year who were leaving for Seacroft and were hanging about and worried they might arrive too early. There must be quite a few people touring round various sites in Norfolk with the same time problem.
OP. Enjoy your solo trip to N. Norfolk.
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Bit of a damp start on early Rosa walk, but did not come to much again,found out another of the regular dog walkers has lost their "companion" thats three in less than two months,all just age related problems, put to sleep to save them suffering,
Have pumped over 60gals from water butts to top up pond and give lawns a drink as lack of rain is getting seriouse in this area now.
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De Sangershoeve at Ohe en Laak, near Echt in Limburg region of Netherlands. Very Dutch. We stayed at one a bit further north "Petrushoeve" on the way out as it seemed good for a bit of nature watching, and was, but this one is more for cycling and a bit of sightseeing.
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We left the site at Ludham Bridge on the dot of 12.00, took a fairly leisurely drive to Cromer (luckily 2 sets of traffic lights held us up for a while 😊) and arrived at Seacroft at 12.50 and found that they were already queuing to get in 😲. All set up now. It is a bit of a grey day here.
Hope Mrs WN feels better tomorrow.
Hope you liked Upton House Helen and that you had a nice meet up with your son.
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If they were trying to avoid the queue that backs up into the road by having a later arrival time it didn't work 😕will remember about the scones 😁 thanks JVB.
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Thanks Millie. She seems a lot better tonight. We ventured out for a walk from site after dinner and she pronounced herself ready to pass a fitness test tomorrow. Enjoy North Norfolk.
AD - In Spring go up to the old castle on the left of the vulture viewing area and you may be lucky enough to see Red Rumped Swallows flying below you. Wonderful sight. Probably too late in the year now.
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Spent the morning at Upton House, weather cloudy and cool but enjoyed wandering around the gardens. Had a nice surprise visit from our son while enjoying tea and cake
Didn't go into the house this time, thought we'd save it for a second trip, when some more of the flowers in bloom.
Stopped off on way home at the Rose & Crown pub in Ratley, quaint village pub, good selection of real Ales including Tribute. Caught up with all our sons news.
Pleased Mrs WN is on the mend, and Millie glad you are happily all set up at Seacroft, forecast looks good, getting warmer!
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Pleased to hear Mrs Wherenext ready for a proper day tomorrow.
Seems the grey day has been quite widespread, been warm though. We had enough drizzle to wet the concrete first thing, smelt wonderful, but did nothing for the ground or the water butts.
We went off to an NGS garden, very quaint old cottage with interesting garden including a natural swimming pool. Delicious cake too. Sadly those open today in our area were all in varying directions so only did the one. I forgot to get something out of the freezer so we had to eat out 😉😉. Delicious roast beef. Did some machine needlework and may pick up my knitting in a mo.
Helenandtrevor I have downloaded that book but hadn't started it yet - in fact I'd forgotten about it
I'm reading paperbacks I've picked up in charity shops, actually at present Maggie Smith a biography. Reading is stoppng my handicraft and I have a great niece due can' guarantee next one will require pink so must crack on 😂😂. Should be a good read and milliehull enjoyed it.
Just been 'text chatting' with son's partner about surprise birthday weekend away. She's pleased with Oneputt's eating suggestions, thank you 😃 and is sorting - won't hold my breath 😂. She's wondering about boat hire on the broads as well so Wroxham looks likely. Thanks milliehull for your post about it recently. Glad you're settled at Seacroft.
Oneputt I hope the airshow was as good today? Managed to miss yesterday and today's local news for glimpses.
Anyone heard from Tricky? Not seen him post lately, unless I missed it!
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Easy drive down/across to The Bairnkine CL near Jedburgh. As we came out of the town there was convoy of 7 German M/Hs, nose to tail!! Not the type of thing one wants to get stuck behind, as the roads are narrow and windy in these parts.
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Glad to hear that Mrs WM is feeling better.
Enjoy your stay at Cromer, millie.
Can't believe that it's been a year since you got your new van, H&T. Hope that they sort out those niggling faults that all new fans seem to suffer from.
Great picture from the air show, OP
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I don't wish to deny anyone a lunch break but if that is the reason then we could see many more sites go down the same route? Perhaps Millie could ask why they changed the times?
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I must admit that I'm glad of the cooler weather, SteveL. It gets very hot in the Pizza Hut kitchen with no aircon and the ovens blasting out heat all the time! Luckily, it has been very busy so that I spend very little time in the kitchen just to collect orders and then out in my air-conditioned car to do the deliveries.
Having said that, using aircon also has its problems. I've been getting a lot of dryness with flaking skin around the lips which I think may be due to use of the aircon both in the car and caravan.
They've increased my hours at work so that I'm now working six days a week and longe shifts too so that I'm almost up to full time hours. This week my rota indicates a total of 29 hours, just six hours short of full-time!
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We had our service done by a mobile servicing, S & G Caravans on 4th June. They came to us at our site here. H&T. It cost £231 which I had to pay by cheque because their card machine was out of order. So no Tesco Clubcard points on this occasion
! It's been a long time since I've had to write a cheque. I very seldom use my cheque book these days. When I do, it has to be HSBC as I don't have a cheque book for my Tesco Bank account.
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That's quite hot, Deleted User User but like you say, if you're under the shade and there's a breeze and sitting in a relaxer rather than busy doing things, you should be comfortable enough! Enjoy your stay there!
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Yes, I believe there's a pause of a few days after the summer solstice before the days start drawing in again. Isn't it after 24th June that it starts getting a few minutes less daylight each day, Steve L?
Yesterday evening, my wife went to the Railway pub for the Sunday evening karaoke whilst I was at work. She has been feeling stressed out about her visa application as it has been 7 months since the application was submitted and still no result. So she was hoping that attending the karoake in the pub for a sing-along would take her mind off it!
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I'm due to work 17:00 to 22:00 this evening and as I only have one day off this week, we have no plans to go anywhere. I'll need that day off just to stay at home in our caravan and chill, in time to recover for the onslaught of the weekend manic trade!
The weather makes no difference to me now. Rain or shine, when I'm not at work, I sleep! The bedroom blinds remain shut so that I can do so. I need to make money and needs must!