What are you all up to
Very dull, damp and misty here. Hopefully it will brighten up later. Had a look at the new boooking system earlier. They seem to bee using a queue system, booking wasn't open but it said I was 380 in the queue when it did. Also said I would go to the back for further bookings once I made one. Just checked again and although the queue page came up, there was no number and went straight in. Seems it is not really needed for these monthly frenzies. Wonder why the never used the system for the December one.
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I am surprised they haven't done it before. However, I think they might loose out. We are probably not as likely to bother with a couple of sandwiches for lunch at £8 or so if we have to pay another £4 for coffee. Personally I am surprised they did not just put up the amount you had to spend before qualifying, as they did with the papers.
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I am sure as you see when you visit your local store that it is a very popular perk. It could be a question of timing but we often have some difficulty finding somewhere to sit. When we have our coffee we tend to share a scone or pastry so we perhaps spend around £2 each visit. I suspect we will not be as willing to spend £8/10 a week in future. I suppose from the Waitrose perspective whilst they may well lose some money through the cafe till but they will save money on staffing if our cafe is anything to go by as they seem always to be struggling at busy times. The real test will whether it affects their overall sales. I can't see this move increasing them!!!
We will have to see what else they put in place. As they seem to be moving towards vouchers in lieu of the top ten items offer maybe you will get the occasional tea/coffee and cake voucher like you do in JL?
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We've had to change a lot of plans for the early part of this year because of the ongoing problems with the static. We're off down to Cornwall this afternoon for a few days to finish off the last few bits of repair work.
So then we'll be back to normal hopefully! Just booked a couple of nights at Cirencester next week to get things sorted in the tourer and then we've got our first fortnight tour - up to the Peak District via Harbury Fields AS and back via C&CC site at Kingsbury Water Park. Fingers crossed that the weather will finally have changed by then.
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Good Morning from a wet, cold and grey West Wales, suppose to improve later.
Touring plans on hold again whilst OH in hospital, hopefully we will be able to be away next month, even if I have to do the towing.
Hope all that have been unwell are getting better, those away are having a wonderful time, and those at home enjoying housework / DIY and family time.
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Just spent some time on the phone with CC booking. It seems they haven't really got this monthly release sorted. 3 weeks ago when they released January to March, I booked at Chatsworth for the third week in March. It was supposedly opening on the 15th after some refurbishment work. Today I happened to notice a statement on the web page that they currently aren't taking bookings for Chatworth in 2019. Apparently it is not opening until June.
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Strangely I not very keen on drinking coffee on its own so its more than likely that we won't bother and just get on with the shopping. I have never been a coffee on the go sort of person, probably my age! So taking my own container to get a free coffee at the service desk is unlikely to happen. It was good well it lasted.
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Grey damp and miserable today here but no rain so that's a bonus.
Popped into town this morning to collect a book we had ordered from WH Smith, The Official Guide to the Most Beautiful Villages of France. Think this should help us with where to go on our visits rather than just stumble across them.
After town it was a food shopping trip to Asda's everything was getting a bit low so a good shop has been done, now I need to do some cooking and freezing.
Off to the hairdressers later on while OH is out at a village meeting and then visiting his friend who needs help with something on his computer.
To wet in the garden so nothing doing there, though I did buy some soil this morning to do a bit of potting up so might do that.
Cariadon, hope OH gets out soon and you can get away. We've been chomping at the bit to go but as the weather isn't yet up to it I will wait awhile more, can't get abroad yet until OH gets the ok from his consultant and that won't be until the end of the month but we could go away in Scotland for a few days if it turns nice.
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About time that coffee suppliers started withdrawing non disposable cups. They're a large pollutant. Waitress reckon it will take over 50 million cups out of circulation. Just imagine how many could be taken out if Costalot and LoadsofBucks did the same?
Anyway, day much better than yesterday which entitled an emergency trip to the dentist in Chester for Mrs WN. Her root canal treatment didn't work out so she had the tooth taken out. They found a hairline crack in it so the RCT was a waste of time. She feels a lot better now.
HD and Oneputt, I didn't post yesterday in order to remain calm
(most unlike me) but just wanted to say good luck to you both.
Enjoy the rest of the day folks.
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I took our car in for a full service and MOT this morning. Now I,m just waiting for a phone call to give me the verdict. The suspense is getting to me, hence my visiting CT.
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Hope you don’t have an ouch moment Nevers💷🚙
Back home now, van safely in storage, next outing is a week today when I take it for it’s annual inspection.
House is cold after a week with no heating on. Will probably light the fire for a cosy evening.🔥
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Thanks OP and welcome home.
I've just had the phone call to say its ready to collect and no mention of extra work done. Just off to pick it up now, will pop back later.
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Sorry to hear that your OH is still in hospital cariadon. I hope he is home and on the road to recovery soon.
moulesy: We stayed at Harbury Fields a few years ago in order to meet up with friends who live in the area. It's a nice quiet little site, Hope you enjoy it. Hope you get your static all sorted this weekend.
I have been packing this afternoon ready for our trip over to N.Ireland tomorrow. If OH moves anything else and then loses it I shall scream
Any news of Arbuthnot bakers2. Perhaps he has moved in with next door's hedgehog?
Welcome home OP. I hope you have warmed up.
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Very misty here, just back from visiting the caravan in storage and that seemed to be in the cloud. ☁️It is higher than here but not that much. Everything OK, which is more than I can say for some of the road on route. It's less than a week since we traveled that way shopping and the number of potholes that have opened up is staggering. Presumably all this wet after the cold. I am glad I don't have travel that way after dark, some were deep enough to do damage if you hit them.
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Nellie: I will admit that were just a few posts I couldn't trust myself to comment on
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Hope you have a lovely time at Coniston Endex
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It has been grey and with a chilly wind here all day and is now raining
Not that it stopped Rosa "needing" to tell me She wanted her usual several "walkies" through the woods and over the fields on her "know where we are going " just follow me
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Day off work today. Went to the storage site to empty the caravan in readiness for some warranty work to be completed. We now have a dining room and garage full of caravan stuff, and we're not the sort to carry loads of unnecessary things each time we travel.
Spent the afternoon relaxing in the conservatory as the weather has been dull and grey. Also trying to deter two pigeons from nesting in our red robin tree right next to the bedroom window. Their cooing calls at 5:30 am is not appreciated. 😮😊🐦
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It's been another grey, cold day, when will we see some sunshine?
Went to get my hair cut this morning, wasn't sure who would be cutting it though as hairdresser had told me she was moving to Wales. Turned out she was still there, sale hadn't completed yet. Next time I go it will be back to old hairdresser who moved to Crete a few years ago and is now back.
Sorted a weeks holiday in June after work, down to Devon.
Moulesy : Hope all static repairs go well, hope you enjoy the peak district.
Millie : Have a lovely time with the family in Northern Ireland.