What are you all up to
We have had this conversation about the rest of us 'playing happy families' before and I for one am heartily sick of it. As TW says think of others for a change.
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No test drive, SteveL. They didn't have one available to test drive.
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We have to rely on the NHS to help with medical conditions and they seem to do the best they can, Huskydog. The doctors and nurses will just have to do whatever it takes to help your parents and new cures and treatments are being developed all the time.
My wife often reminds me of the importance of money!
The NHS can help with medical conditions but they can't and won't be able to help you financially!
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I agree that there is more to life than money and I have made some less financially rewarding choices because I felt that they were more rewarding in other ways for me or family.
It is easier though to think that way if you have enough to live on. Far harder when scraping by.
When my Iraqi friend and colleague wanted to bring his nephew to this county to have a foot amputated and a prosthetic fitted he had a reasonable income but a mortgage and 5 kids and was far from well off. He needed to show a certain level of income and a certain level of savings including enough to cover all hospital costs etc. Because I had enough for my needs I was able to give him £5,000 and tell him to pay me back if and when he could but not to worry. There were times in my life that I could not have done that because of the needs of my immediate family.
As a footnote I was handed back nearly £4k when his (19 year old?) nephew returned home. The specialist and all the theatre staff worked for nothing.
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Granted, it's hard enough to manage what we have to do now, which is why I said to Oneputt, that the last thing we would need, is to be burdened with children or grandchildren!
Malcolm,I often refuse to rise to your bait,but on this occasion,I can assure you that my grandchildren would never ever be regarded as a burden.
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At Pizza Hut, I'm the oldest member of staff there. All the other staff are in their twenties and thirties. Even the managers are all in their thirties. The most senior manager is 35. I'm double their age!
As regards the other drivers, very few of them stay longer than two to three months. I've been there nearly a year and it seems I'm the longest serving driver there probably because of having an understanding wife that supports me.
Insurance companies regard fast food delivery driving as higher risk because of the pressure of getting food to customers before it gets cold. Seemingly, even young drivers can't cope with it because there is a very high turnover of drivers.
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Another dry but grey day here, forecast was for rain all day so no complaints if it just stays grey.
Going out shortly to meet up with Mr & Mrs Kj while they are in our neck of the woods.
Pleasantly tired with aches last night but as it was from working in the garden I don't mind. Managed to dig up some Japanese anemones that have been getting out of control. I will find something less invasive to plant instead.
Husky, so sorry to hear your news. Thoughts and good wishes to you and your family.
Oneputt, hope everything is good with the latest scan and results, enjoy your last day at the CL it sounds lovely.
Malcolm, you do like to stir it don't you. I feel for your wife, not one word of love or affection when you speak about her just that she looks after you. Anyone would think she is a carer rather than a wife. As to your previous family, all I can say is "you reap what you sow"
We have 4 grandchildren, none of them live here in Scotland
we would love to see more of them but that is the way families are nowadays, parents have to go where the work is. Hard work, yes of course children and grandchildren are hard work but the more you put in the more you get out.
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Yes please. I'd rather put up with the mud that's a lot easier to bear than a crippling mortgage, cariadon! A pair wellies don't cost a lot! So mud a problem? Not for me, it isn't! When it costs me just £5.60 a night including electric, I love mud! At that price give me mud any day!
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I can think of a very apt biblical reference for this thread at the moment. It would be even money on what would result in the ban. The biblical reference? Or someone correctly interpreting it? Suppose I best not use it........
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Oh and as long as its Japanese anemonies you're growing and not Japanese knotweed! After all, we don't want your house invaded!
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What? You've lost me there, ttda!
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Does it involve a mathematical process?
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because of the pressure of getting food to customers before it gets cold.
Pizza delivery, the 6th emergency service - just laughable, you don't know what real pressure is.
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Rainy here today spent some time last night getting the van ready for our trip away put the bike rack on the roof of the Volvo hopefully the weather is ok when we are away Im hoping to get out on my bike. Not much planned tonight hoping to watch the football I think the Man City v Liverpool game will be a cracker
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This morning I've been doing more than my usual flick round with a duster. We have a 70 year old solid fuel Aga and it creates a lot of dust (filling/riddling etc twice a day). I can live with it, but as we having a houseful this weekend, plus a special guest (Have I mentioned it lately?), I'm making an effort.
I'm not sure how the dust gets around all the house - must be the Dust Devils at work.
But first I was distracted. I have shelves of CD's here there and everywhere - sorted alphabetically - but when I buy a new one I tend to just stack it up on a shelf. But today is a day of reckoning. The last time I did this was last June. Sixty one CD's to sort and slot into the correct place. I'm running out of space! Only about six inches of shelf room left!
I've not bought as many books (except on my Kindle) so they were easy to put away.
As it's raining yet again my OH helped me lift stuff from high shelves and my collections of blue bottles, and silver and blue glass cruet sets are back in place free from dust.
Sorry for the long post - just having a rest before cracking on!
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Good luck on the dusting front Goldie! We are covered in plaster dust here, although I was assured it wouldn't happen.
Tree climbing anyone? At Barrington last weekend we had a good romp in the grounds and also listened to the bees in the willow trees, there are several hives there. Just heard the weather is picking up next week, can this be true?!
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It might!
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And going to the firth by Edinburgh?
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Ssh, it might be guessed, and I shall be zapped!