What are you all up to
I would like a DNA test but like cariadon I am still not sure how accurate they are. I was told some years ago that they only show DNA from your mother's side but I am not sure whether that is still the case.
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I'm interested in the DNA analysis of others but too mean to pay the cost for myself.
Having done my family tree, I have a good idea on where I can from - peasant stock, even after some arrived with William the Bastard 😂😂. My husband turned out to be from Huegnot stock not the Jewish they'd all been lead to believe 😉.
I think the advert is very misleading about finding your long lost family, more than poetic licence. Unless you put all your research online there's no hope - folks worry about fb 😲😲😲.
I did mine as I worked in that environment and it was useful to use the resources so you could assist others. Not sure I would have bothered otherwise. Torn between finding it interesting, sadly no big shocks in mine or OH, if you want to do it you must be prepared for crimes, pregnancy before marriage ( you needed to hope to have care and income when you are old 😉) and a huge amount of time not spent living in the present. But as I say I was working so latter not too much of an issue 😂😂.
Raining here again. We had a taste of spring for a couple of days. Out of interest fb offered me a memory for this weekend, a photo I'd posted on that date 2017, on a closed group, showing our central park in spring glory. Cherry trees out along with beds on full flower containing forget me nots and tulips. Our forget me nots are barely in bud and little show from tulip leaves this year! That said passed a field of oil seed rape with the odd yellow flower yesterday 😲
Opticians appointment today I know my cataract is getting much worse so expect new glasses as a minimum. OH new prescription glasses are ready so he's coming too. I suspect another expensive day 😢.
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That's interesting milliehull. I don' really understand DNA overly much, unlike my scienisy friend who still loses me when she tries to explain 😲, but I thought it would have both sides. Said friend had hers done and result surprised us both we expected at least a trace of Asian but none! She then went on to say because she was only child it may still be but would have come out in siblings of which she has none. I think I'll buy several umbrellas with my money - more use today 😉😂
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It also states in the T&C's that if you remove your outfit from site, as you have done, you are not actually guaranteed to get the same pitch on your return.
So as you removed your van, you did not technically have a pitch.
Whatever, it makes sense to have a discussion with the warden prior to leaving. Not just assuming it is OK.
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We came home yesterday on the route advised,no real hills ,dry most of the way then ran into rain on M1 just past Milton Keynes, was still only getting about 18-20 mpg and on long drags was down to 4th even 3rd on most,
Have been to Dealer this morning and they have bought car back for what i paid ,they have got in a same year Sportage KX4 180 bhp diesel for me and are paying to have towbar changed over,so hopefully a result,?if as said on here, once you go auto you will not go back to manual,
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The dealer has been very "good?" as it was mostly their fault that i had the petrol, as i was at the time not made aware it was a petrol version,( otherwise i would not have bought it)until they delivered it to me but then it was to late,as it was needed for our first tow to P/boro and the towbar had been fitted,
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The tests are what's called "autosomal" Millie, basically, missing out the XY sex chromosomes and using the numbered ones so there is a broad range of information based on present day matches across the world. You can look at reviews for various DNA test kits on line. We used myheritage which is fairly basic but neither of us wanted to read about possible genetic faults or anything like that, we were just interested in finding links to our ancestry. The main thing to remember is every set of DNA is unique to you but you will have common links to other DNA. My brother in law, who is half French and is very proud of his "French" ancestry discovered his DNA comes from elsewhere, not France, although his family settled there and assumed a "frenchness" they thought must go back a long way.
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Dry day again today, not sunny though greyish skies but as long as it stays dry no complaints.
As I've now had 3 good nights sleep I'm raring to go
, so this morning has been housework. a good clean through the house and all the windows cleaned and frames washed, carpets and floors steam cleaned. OH cleaned the oven for me and a good job he has done to.
He's now out in his shed, not sure what he's up to but he will be happy.
Just need to finish off in the house then I think I will go in the garden for an hour.
Isn't it great when your feeling better.
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Glad you and OH feeling better TG.
We just got in from visiting the 1st World War Aerodrome and museum at Stow Marie and can recommend a visit including the bread and butter pudding in the airman’s mess.
Still a bit murky here but hopefully get a walk in later.
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Lots of drizzly rain here. Glad to hear you have perked up TG, don't dash around overdoing it!
OH is bashing on with his DIY, I was glad to be out earlier when the water was turned off.
Hope the sun appears again soon. My sister and BIL are off to Chinon next week for their favourite wine festival, sounds good, maybe we'll get there one day.
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Glad you're feeling better Tammygirl don't go over doing it!
Caradigon sorry to hear your OH in hospital, hope he's making progress. Jealous of your weather 😢. Cold, damp, dreary and grey again today 8c at present similar to yesterday. Did I dream Friday and Saturday, cuppa on the patio in the sun?
My 'full head/stuffed ears vertigo' still around 😤 but not as dramatic as it was on saturday. Long visit to the opticians 😲. Cataract definitely changing so I'm changing my glasses prescription, interestingly my non cataract eye has changed meaning I can see farther than before without aids 😆, not gone that way since I started wearing glasses in my teens.
What a task choosing frames is 😮. Had a big debate about varifocals again or just single distance lenses but disadvantages out way not having varificols, especially should i not be able to wear my contact lenses. Have settled on rimless, you have to choose the shape of the lens, then the arms and bridge come in a huge variety of colours, matt and gloss, at least 3 styles of arms, so spoilt for choice! Shocked at the price but decent discount, VIP scheme and for introducing OH plus interest free credit took a lot of the pain away.
OH picked up his new glasses and wore them whilst he waited for me - so plenty of time, we even went off for some lunch whilst they did all the paperwork! Kept saying they were better than the national spec company ones he returned before our NZ trip but still not right. Got them checked out by the dispenser again and she discovered they weren't sitting correctly in the frame so they've gone back to be remade as she said easy try not to admit not you've wrongly made expensive lenses!
3 hours of our day used 😲😲
We are to collect our rescued hedgehog, Arbuthnott, between 7-8pm tonight 😆. He now weighs 822 grams. So a real uplift to our day. Mind you I'm not sure that he'll be over keen to find a new home in this weather so delighted he'll be handed over in a carrycase with his bedding which we'll return once he' found himself a new abode. Dried kitten food purchased on our trip out and remnants of visiting dog's canned food which is for our visiting hedgehog calling cards have enjoyed left 😉. I believe you can buy hedgehog food but rescue folks recommend kitten food no fish.
Oneputt glad you enjoyed Stow Maries aerodrome, not been yet as really only coming together very recently. I like the sound if the food 😃.