CLOSED - Your bookings are not safe



  • huskydog
    huskydog Club Member Posts: 5,466
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    edited April 2016 #32

    Huskydog...You are barking up the wrong treeSurprised

    I'll go and find another tree to bark upCool

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited April 2016 #33
    The user and all related content has been Deleted User
  • IamtheGaitor
    IamtheGaitor Forum Participant Posts: 529
    edited April 2016 #34

    We were once told on arrival at 12 that if we had arrived at 4 they wouldnt have let us on. This was despite being well within the max size for the site. We were then told we needed to ring sites the day before (even if we had got a confirmed booking months before) to check if we would be allowed on (we werent an oversized outfit as we were below the max on all the sites we went to).  Therefore Vivien's story saddens but doesnt surprise me.

    Several examples on this forum of certain folks getting preferential treatment - eg one person saying they 'need' to arrive before 12 so just ring the site and are allowed to do that, or tales of wardens reserving pitches for friends - show that all is certainly not transparent and fair where the CC is concerned.

  • vivien
    vivien Forum Participant Posts: 449
    edited April 2016 #35

    Which I am!  I have tils them I accept their appologies but NOT their excuses.  I an awaiting their reply!

  • Surfer
    Surfer Club Member Posts: 1,303
    500 Comments 100 Likes
    edited April 2016 #36

    Vivien is it possible for you to name the site in question as that is shocking treatment?  We recenty cancelled 4 nights on CC sites because tehya re so inflexible.  

    We wanted to stay an additional 4 hours on Rookesbury as we are catching a ferry.  We were quite happy to pay a bit extra, but the club wanted a full nights stay so for 4 hours it would have cost us an additonal £22 even if no one else was coming onto the
    site.  We were also quite happy to move onto a ferry pitch, but not at £22 for 4 hours!  

    Many commecial sites will allow you to stay late by arrangement for under £10!  We found another site nearby and are paying £7 for the additional 4 hours.

    It honestly seems that the CC have lost the plot!  BTW I am surprised that the thread is still running and has not been removed by a CC staff member.

  • Rocky 2 buckets
    Rocky 2 buckets Forum Participant Posts: 7,101
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    edited April 2016 #37

    Surfer, doing so for some trumped up reason would only lead folk to believe they have something to hide. When & if Vivien complains to the Trading Standards I would have thought it would then be at risk, purely due to the fact it may prejudice any future

  • path
    path Forum Participant Posts: 77
    edited April 2016 #38

    I cant believe what I am reading! How on earth can this happen? Does this mean we could travel over two hundred miles to a site we have booked months before to find they won't let us on because they have overbooked?!

    or to have them ring us to say they are cancelling our booking. 

    No way should this happen. Good luck Vivien hope you get somewhere. A weeks supply of site vouchers as an apology wouldn't go amiss but even those wouldn't make up for your disappointment.

    Oh! As for pitches being reserved by wardens for friends is a definite No No. We have seen that happen at least twice. Surely the CC don't condone this.

  • vivien
    vivien Forum Participant Posts: 449
    edited April 2016 #39

    It was Blackknowl CC site at Brockenhurst.

    I booked in February and booking was cancelled less than 48 hours before arrival!  I was due with my caravan on the 31st March and the holiday was cancelled 4.30pm on the 29th March. Not even the Easter Weekend! It was purposely book after Easter to avoid crowds etc.

  • Surfer
    Surfer Club Member Posts: 1,303
    500 Comments 100 Likes
    edited April 2016 #40

    It was Blackknowl CC site at Brockenhurst.

    I booked in February and booking was cancelled less than 48 hours before arrival!  I was due with my caravan on the 31st March and the holiday was cancelled 4.30pm on the 29th March. Not even the Easter Weekend! It was purposely book after Easter to avoid crowds etc.

    I did not realise it was so far back in time and thought it was for the forthcoming bank holiday.  Is there a reason why you have left it so long before raising this thread?

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited April 2016 #41
    The user and all related content has been Deleted User
  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited April 2016 #42

    It was Blackknowl CC site at Brockenhurst.

    I booked in February and booking was cancelled less than 48 hours before arrival!  I was due with my caravan on the 31st March and the holiday was cancelled 4.30pm on the 29th March. Not even the Easter Weekend! It was purposely book after Easter to avoid crowds etc.

    I did not realise it was so far back in time and thought it was for the forthcoming bank holiday.  Is there a reason why you have left it so long before raising this thread?

    Vivien raised the issue straightaway, some of us thought there had been flooding problems at the site but this wasn't the case and the response from the CC to Vivien has been slow and vague. Luckily she got a CL pitch in the area so she could visit her solo friends on the site. This was down to her own last minute efforts and could easily have ended with no holiday at all.

  • Surfer
    Surfer Club Member Posts: 1,303
    500 Comments 100 Likes
    edited April 2016 #43

    All members should be aware of the T's & C's to which they and CC Ltd sign up so it is well worth reading them.

    As per the T & Cs;

    9.1  If we fail to comply with these Booking Terms, we are responsible for loss or damage you suffer that is a foreseeable result of our breach of these Booking Terms or our negligence, but we are not responsible for any loss or damage that is not
    foreseeable. Loss or damage is foreseeable if they were an obvious consequence of our breach or if they were contemplated by you and us at the time we entered into the Contract.

  • vivien
    vivien Forum Participant Posts: 449
    edited April 2016 #44

    It was Blackknowl CC site at Brockenhurst.

    I booked in February and booking was cancelled less than 48 hours before arrival!  I was due with my caravan on the 31st March and the holiday was cancelled 4.30pm on the 29th March. Not even the Easter Weekend! It was purposely book after Easter to avoid
    crowds etc.

    I did not realise it was so far back in time and thought it was for the forthcoming bank holiday.  Is there a reason why you have left it so long before raising this thread?

    Write your comments here...I raised the problem on the 30th March, wot rote acomplaint on 4 th April, I only received a reply fron the Divisional manager Friday 22.04.16

  • Surfer
    Surfer Club Member Posts: 1,303
    500 Comments 100 Likes
    edited April 2016 #45

    It was Blackknowl CC site at Brockenhurst.

    I booked in February and booking was cancelled less than 48 hours before arrival!  I was due with my caravan on the 31st March and the holiday was cancelled 4.30pm on the 29th March. Not even the Easter Weekend! It was purposely book after Easter to avoid
    crowds etc.

    I did not realise it was so far back in time and thought it was for the forthcoming bank holiday.  Is there a reason why you have left it so long before raising this thread?

    Write your comments here...I raised the problem on the 30th March, wot rote acomplaint on 4 th April, I only received a reply fron the Divisional manager Friday 22.04.16

    I thought that they were supposed to reply back within 5 working days and not 10 or more days?

  • vivien
    vivien Forum Participant Posts: 449
    edited April 2016 #46

    All members should be aware of the T's & C's to which they and CC Ltd sign up so it is well worth reading them.

    As per the T & Cs;

    9.1  If we fail to comply with these Booking Terms, we are responsible for loss or damage you suffer that is a foreseeable result of our breach of these Booking Terms or our negligence, but we are not responsible for any loss or damage that is not
    foreseeable. Loss or damage is foreseeable if they were an obvious consequence of our breach or if they were contemplated by you and us at the time we entered into the Contract.

    Write your comments here... Best bit! Within 35 minutes of the office being open after my phone call at 4.30pm by 9.05 the following day it showed 3 vacant pitches!

    During my trips twice a day to the site, there were empty pitches!

    People that had booked the week before and for the same duration had holidays honoured!

  • vivien
    vivien Forum Participant Posts: 449
    edited April 2016 #47

    This is a copy of my original post to the CC



    Sent: 04 April 2016 17:34:08
    To: UK Sites Booking Service ; "
    Subject: For the Attention of the Sites Booking Manager

    Re Cancellation of booking at Black Knowl CC site Cancellation Number 0006328400

    After speaking to two members of staff within the Caravan Club Headquarters at East Ginstead, I was asked to right a formal written letter of complaint.

    I will start! I am one of the founders of Solos within the Caravan Club, ensuring single people can still enjoy caravanning within the Caravan Club after they have either been bereaved or divorced.
    Solos has ensured that approx 450 people can still carry on and enjoy their times away on site.

    It was arranged that a 'Meet' be held from the 21st of April till the 4th of May 2016. The dates are clearly advertised in the Solos section of the Caravan Clubs forum, Club Together.
    This advertising of dates had 7 people book into the Black Knowl site. I myself booked in on the 27th of February.

    As time approached, Solos arranged a BBQ for the Saturday evening as it was my Birthday, plus trips out, this was also to welcome new Solos into the world of caravanning alone.

    29th of March at 4.30pm I received a phone call from a lady warden telling me the hard standing pitches were flooded, so my holiday at Black Knowl site was cancelled! I explained that I had NEW Solos, which was their first trip out, they would be on their own, which would be daunting. The warden had no compassion and said it was not her problem, but would let them know I was not attending the site. I was then told to try ringing the New Forest site to see if they could book me in there.
    I was not pleased at all about the wardens attitude, nor the fact my stay had been cancelled.
    What the warden was not aware of, was a friend was already on site and told be there was one pitch with a puddle, but no more than that!

    30th of March 9.05am I rang the Caravan Club Headquarters and spoke to a gent with a South African accent, who could not understand why my booking had been cancelled, as the site was actually showing 3 vacant pitches on his computer. He also spoke to his Manager, and both suggested I sent in a formal letter of complaint. It was also suggested that my booking should be reinstated, but thought best not, as the wardens would recognise my name. It was also confirmed that the grass pitches were not available and that I should have been on hard standing due to the time of year.
    I was left to sorce another site, which I managed to get into a CL on Silver Street in Sway, eight miles away.

    31st of March at 12.15am I visited the Black Knowl site, I found caravans and motor homes being fast checked in, to avoid the road from being blocked. If the pitches were flooded, why so many booking in?
    I walked the site, yes! There were grass pitches covered in fleece at the top of the site, but NO hard standing pitches were flooded, not alone wet! For the last two days there had been bright sunshine.
    I returned later at 5.30pm, just shortly after the Chip and Fish van had arrived. Standing in the queue, a lady in a caravan stopped as they were leaving to return the key etc as they left. This was at approx. 5.50pm, yet I was stood under a sign attached to the front of the office stating you must be off your pitch by 11.30am.
    Whilst in the queue, I spoke to several people, three present stated they had only booked the week before, they had not been contacted, they were families!
    Before leaving at 7pm I walked the site again and found the site full except one hard standing pitch.

    1st of April I again made two visits to the site, once at 10am, where there were empty pitches and again at 4pm. Again there were people leaving way over the 11.30am deadline.
    Again, but this time two empty pitches.

    2nd of April I arrived at 11.30am, there were empty pitches as I walked to collect a friend for my Birthday meal out! This had changed from the BBQ that had been arranged for the evening, as I am night blind and have to leave before it gets dark at 7.30pm.
    On return to the site, it seemed full, and YES! People were still booking out, but this time at 7.30pm. I followed a motor home or the site on his way home!

    3rd of April, in the morning people were leaving the site leaving empty pitches. One Solos asked if they could stay on, but we're told there was no pitches available. He left the site as planned.
    Last night, the site was full, with one person on a grass pitch!

    In between me travelling 8 miles each way on average twice a day, to and fro from the only CL I could get a pitch in local to Brockenhurst. I was asked via the Caravan Club Headquarters to contact them. This was on Friday, I spoke to a member of CC Staff known as Rosies2.

    Again, it was stated that no reason should my booking have been cancelled. The Caravan Club works on a last booked in is the first cancelled if applicable.
    As I had booked over a month in advance, others on site that booked the week before arriving should have been contacted and cancelled.
    It was also mentioned that considering I was part of a Group, that promotes Solos caravanning in the Caravan Club once they are alone, then my booking should have been honoured, as people were expecting me to be present as I was the organiser of this Meet.
    It was also agreed that Black Knowl is not one of the sites troubled with flooding of any kind. Apologies were received but this does not change the fact my holiday was ruined.
    I agreed to send this report and letter of Formal Complaint on my return home. Which I have duly done.

    Why has the cancellation made me angry?
    I know the forest extremely well, I lived there as a child. I know natural pools can form when the weather is inclement, however, water can disappear just as quick.
    I went to the ford at Brockenhurst, this is a good indication to how much water has fallen. At 12pm on the 31st of March, the ford was bone dry. I asked a local trader, he said there was about an inch flowing in the ford over Easter, that's all! In two days it had dried up.
    It was my Birthday, which had celebrations planned, these were not allowed to happen as I had to constantly drive between the CL and the site, plus the BBQ was cancelled as I had to leave early due to being night blind.
    I felt extremely obliged to be on the Black Knowl site, to help recently widowed Solos into the world of holidaying on their own. I did help the best I could commuting and spending as much time as I could sorting a few problems out, plus comforting one person who was overcome by being alone.

    So, what with being told my stay was cancelled hours before I was due to arrive, due to flooded hard standing pitches, which clearly there was NOT. Plus having a Black Mark put against my name as I hadn't gave 72 hours notice... Emm? It was not me who cancelled.

    Me, having to find a site local at last minutes notice, only to be told by the Caravan Club staff that the last booked in should have been cancelled not my pitch. Then me having to travel 8miles each way to the site each day, to make sure the other Solos were OK! This has taken a toll on my fuel allowance that I put aside as I live on a small pension. Yes! I am out of pocket!

    Having a Birthday Celebration with friends ruined. And my social life made no existent.

    Last is the fact that a nice relaxing weekend away with friends before my operation on Wednesday turned into a frantic rush all the time, trying to please people from afar after being told lies and having my booking cancelled. My health is not the best at anyway, but now I feel exhausted and very angry!

    I do hope you can see your way, in to sorting this mess out that has been created by yourselves.
    I have been with the Caravan Club for many years, yet this is the first time I have been let down, lied too and I am very disappointed indeed.

    I await your reply,

    Yours sincerely,

    Vivien Blackmore

    Moderator edit: Membership number removed

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,186
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    edited April 2016 #48


    When you arrange a "Solos" meeting on a Club site do you usually inform the site in advance? I appreciate that it would mean that you would be put together but I just wonder if there would be any value in doing so? 

    Whilst I can understand that from time to time sites may have to cancel bookings because of unforeseen events the only basis on which that decision should be made is on a last booked first to be cancelled basis. Not only you, but the rest of us as well, deserve a proper explantion as to why this might be different.  


  • vivien
    vivien Forum Participant Posts: 449
    edited April 2016 #49

    David, Solos makes a point of not bulk booking etc, as that way people  can pick and choose their pitches as normal. However, this may be a choice in further, but never had a problem in the past. It does make me wonder what would have happened if we had bulk booked??  6 booked people without a holiday??

    I know I found after an hour of continuous phoning of sites, a very nice CL which had just one vacant pitch for the duration of original planned stay. I had rang both Caravan Club and Camping and Caravan Club sites and CL's, CS's but all booked up way in advance, not last minute dot com, like me!

  • vivien
    vivien Forum Participant Posts: 449
    edited April 2016 #50

    All other organisations, clubs/rallies etc, tend to 'block book' so this situation doesn't arise.....perhaps the CC doesn't allow this?

    Write your comments here...apparently they don't make a habit of it!  Although I have noticed another singles group at Christmas were hearded on a part of the site, right on the edge of the site away from everyone else, with some very tight pitches.

  • Surfer
    Surfer Club Member Posts: 1,303
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    edited April 2016 #51

    Vivien can I suggest you edit your post and remove personal details or if too late for that get a mod to do it as your personal life is now open to the whole world.

  • vivien
    vivien Forum Participant Posts: 449
    edited April 2016 #52

    My membership number and email address, I am happy to be public!  Same with my surname as I am easy to search on google anyway!

  • ChefJim
    ChefJim Forum Participant Posts: 104
    First Comment
    edited April 2016 #53

    A similar thing happened to us over 20years ago, at that time mobile phones weren't as common as now but I had a mobile phone or should I say at that time something more like a house brick. We had set off to our destination to a private site near Whitby
    when we heard the phone ringing but as it was in the car boot it was ignored, on arriving at the site the owner said I've been trying to contact you because the site is water logged. With that comment I looked out of the office window to see a virtually empty
    site and I asked her to show me the pitches because I had just driven for 2.5hrs and wasn't going to get back in the car to go back home, she showed me the so called water logged pitches and yes they were wet but not under water and I told her I would have
    that one, when she turned round and said that's for Mr&Mrs Smith I pointed out that there was no reserved sign and I'm here and they're  not. On this site I had paid a deposit and had the letter confirming the booking and as the site was clearly still open
    I was staying, she later told me that she had rung me because of the mobile number the site filled up during the rest of the day but we noticed a motorhome parked up by the office for 2 days the occupants being in and out of the owners house so I assumed that
    they wanted the pitch for them.

  • vivien
    vivien Forum Participant Posts: 449
    edited April 2016 #54

    it does make you wonder? 

     The first solo holiday that I had cancelled was coming up for four years ago now that was at the centenary site now known as the new forest site. That holiday was cancelled at approximately 2 o'clock the day before arrival ,  The excuse was that the site
    was flooded two days later I did pay the site visit and yes it was to the majority underwater.  On that occasion I do know that they were for single people due to book into the site all having their holidays Cancelled.



  • vivien
    vivien Forum Participant Posts: 449
    edited April 2016 #55

    I am awaiting a phone call from Mr Horton, CCHQ. I am far from happy with his last reply, we will see what the outcome is when it happens.

  • vivien
    vivien Forum Participant Posts: 449
    edited April 2016 #56

    While you wait, here is a paragraph from the latest email!  So, last in is definetely NOT first out!


    There was of course one booking that had been made after you, but to arrive on the same day. As previously advised, further consideration is also given to duration of stay and the knock-on effect of surrounding bookings whilst
    seeking the least disruptive approach toward maintaining full site occupancy, for the benefit of the wider membership, whilst affecting as few individual members as possible. I do fully appreciate that you equally pay the same membership fees as other members
    however this decision was made for the benefit of the membership of a whole and to maximise monies to be reinvested into the Club for the benefit of all members, not just those who had made a booking on that particular occasion. The booking in question was
    for seven nights and it was not guaranteed that the remaining three (mid-week) nights would be resold.

  • Metheven
    Metheven Club Member Posts: 3,987
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    edited April 2016 #57

    In this case maximisation of monies should not have entered it, and the CC should have operated it on the 'last in first out' basis. It may not have been discrimination on a solo caravanner but still a totally unfair way of dealing with it.

  • Longtimecaravanner
    Longtimecaravanner Club Member Posts: 643
    edited April 2016 #58

    This is totally, totally unfair. It should be last booked in first cancelled. Profit for the club either on duration of stay or number of caravaners should have nothing to do with it.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited April 2016 #59

    In other words our bookings aren't safe and we can be bumped off if a more lucrative booking comes along....or   a warden made a serious error of judgement and the CC are covering for them since they have to take ultimate responsibility.

    Personally I find this totally unacceptable.

  • Bid
    Bid Forum Participant Posts: 5
    edited April 2016 #60

    Does this mean that if I am travelling from Scotland to the English south coast a trip of  about 500 miles and a book a pitch for a stop about halfway for an overnight rest the Club can just cancel it and there is nothing I can? What happens if I can find
    no other sites that can take me and I have to continue on my journey and have an accident that's nothing to do with them at all?

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited April 2016 #61
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