Excessive site fees



  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,689
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    edited June 2016 #182

    BB when are you going to accept that we are all different? Some like CL type sites with no, or limited facilities, others don't  and prefer a full toielet block and 16 amps. Yes I know some CL's now offer these facilities, but these are generally more expensive,
     just as a larger facility site will be. Just be grateful that we all don't want to visit your favourite CL's, or they might have to invoke a frenzy booking day as well

    very true why can't people accept that?

  • IanH
    IanH Club Member Posts: 4,708
    edited June 2016 #183

    But in fairness, why can't BB have a point of view?

    Try to find fault with his argument by all means (I personally don't chose sites without toilets and showers) but please don't berate someone simply for having their own views......even if they differ from yours.

  • Unknown
    edited June 2016 #184
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  • huskydog
    huskydog Club Member Posts: 5,466
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    edited June 2016 #185

    Yes Ian ,I agree ,I have read BB's post twice and nowhere is he telling anyone to do ,or must be done this way , but mearly putting his view over , isnt this the whole point of CT ,to give your own view ,opinion ,remark ..............

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,399
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    edited June 2016 #186

    I don't mind anyone having a point of view but BB's constant need to try and indoctriate folk into his way of thinking is a bit wearing.

  • Unknown
    edited June 2016 #187
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  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,399
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    edited June 2016 #188

    But in fairness, why can't BB have a point of view?

    Try to find fault with his argument by all means (I personally don't chose sites without toilets and showers) but please don't berate someone simply for having their own views......even if they differ from yours.

    Ian read the post. I never said someone could not have another point of view.

  • Unknown
    edited June 2016 #189
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  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,399
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    edited June 2016 #190

    BB when are you going to accept that we are all different? Some like CL type sites with no, or limited facilities, others don't  and prefer a full toielet block and 16 amps. Yes I know some CL's now offer these facilities, but these are generally more expensive,
     just as a larger facility site will be. Just be grateful that we all don't want to visit your favourite CL's, or they might have to invoke a frenzy booking day as well

    very true why can't people accept that?

    why can people read which post was being responded to before wading in on their chargers....?

    i didnt say that it was right or wrong to choose a cc site over a cl, merely challenging JVBs point which suggested that cc sites  had more facilities and security than a cl .....i disagreed.


    I am afraid that it does not come across that way BB and I do not think I am alone in this interpretation.

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited June 2016 #191
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    edited June 2016 #193
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  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,399
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    edited June 2016 #195

    Unless of course they liked spending time in Public Lavatories. Not everybody's idea of fun. 

    If the CS was on a farm it would be very secure. 


    K.   Whist I would not claim that CC sites are immune from thefts, particularly ones like Clumber. You only have to google rural crime or thefts from farms, to see that your statement is very far from the truth.  

    I have yet to read of herds of CC Ltd members, flocks of Aqua Role’s or even Waste master’s being rustled from CL’s but perhaps I have missed something.  Now I realise that a CC Ltd member aged for six or seven decades then slow roasted for several weeks may been seen as a delicacy in some quarters but I would have thought the market was quite small.  As for the trade in second hand equipment again I would think that anyone wanting to go thieving would do so on a large site where the pickings are better and more numerous; something like a large CC Ltd site; however I am willing to be enlightened, and can someone tell me what happened at Clumber because I have missed that as well. 

    I wasn't thinking about the small things such as Aqua Rolls or caps. Given the scale of thefts, everything from large tractors downwards. I personally would be happier leaving my van on a CC site and going out for an evening meal, than possibly the only van in a field. Just my opinion you understand, others are free to make their own choice.

    edit we pay for gold security at our pound. 24 hour guard, CCTV, razor wire etc. So a lone van in a field for me would be a non starter.

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited June 2016 #196
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  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited June 2016 #197

    We have two local farms who do c/van&m/van storage but when I looked at moving from our secure gated alarmed gold standard store ,all the companies i got quotes from were more expensive if not where we are

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,689
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    edited June 2016 #198

    I don't mind anyone having a point of view but BB's constant need to try and indoctriate folk into his way of thinking is a bit wearing.

    yes very true again, perhaps he doesn't mean to come across that way?

  • Kennine
    Kennine Forum Participant Posts: 3,472
    edited June 2016 #199

    BB when are you going to accept that we are all different? Some like CL type sites with no, or limited facilities, others don't  and prefer a full toielet block and 16 amps. Yes I know some CL's now offer these facilities, but these are generally more expensive,  just as a larger facility site will be. Just be grateful that we all don't want to visit your favourite CL's, or they might have to invoke a frenzy booking day as well

    very true why can't people accept that?

    why can people read which post was being responded to before wading in on their chargers....?

    i didnt say that it was right or wrong to choose a cc site over a cl, merely challenging JVBs point which suggested that cc sites  had more facilities and security than a cl .....i disagreed.


    Write your comments here...Good post ----- As has often been mentioned on this forum, there are a few, possibly not more than five ,  who do not like others having a different opinion to themselves.

  • huskydog
    huskydog Club Member Posts: 5,466
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    edited June 2016 #200

    I have an opinion on lots of things ,but I don't always post it on CT as I don't want to be put in a "group" ........I'm just a group of one , well that's what I have been told Wink

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited June 2016 #201
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  • Unknown
    edited June 2016 #202
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  • IanH
    IanH Club Member Posts: 4,708
    edited June 2016 #203

    I don't mind anyone having a point of view but BB's constant need to try and indoctriate folk into his way of thinking is a bit wearing.

    yes very true again, perhaps he doesn't mean to come across that way?

    That's a very rude way to talk about someone, in the third party when clearly they can read the comment.

    Rude and an attempt at bullying, I would say......


  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,430
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    edited June 2016 #204

    Will someone wake me up when this thread gets back to discussing site fees please? I'll spend some quality time having a nap until it does!Undecided

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited June 2016 #205
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  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,689
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    edited June 2016 #206

    I don't mind anyone having a point of view but BB's constant need to try and indoctriate folk into his way of thinking is a bit wearing.

    yes very true again, perhaps he doesn't mean to come across that way?

    plese dont discuss me with someone else in the third person.

    if you want to ask me something, please go ahead.

    this type of posting (indirect criticism) is one of the features of several posters on CT, and i could name them...

    so, if you have something to say (about me), please go ahead (to me)Happy

    btw, ill tell you now that your type of posting is a bit wearing but perhaps you dont mean to come across that way?Undecided 

    ruffled your feathers a bit BB? I  keep forgeting that was you job (as you once proudly stated)

    I fully apologise if you are in any way offended and upset by my post. It should not have been made.

  • IanH
    IanH Club Member Posts: 4,708
    edited June 2016 #207

    Another very rude post.

  • Unknown
    edited June 2016 #208
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  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,461
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    edited June 2016 #209

    Another very rude post.

    Why? It's the truth.

  • IanH
    IanH Club Member Posts: 4,708
    edited June 2016 #210

    Did you just get 5 stars for that, Tinners? Smile

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,461
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    edited June 2016 #211

    No, not today, Ian.