What are you all up to
How lovely Millie ☺ I could do with a Spa Day 😎
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I can thoroughly recommend it Helen. I am just trying to work out when I could afford another one😁. (It could be a few years!) The back massage was absolutely wonderful. I also have beautifully painted toe nails. I am a new woman😂
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It's nice to get a bit of pampering every so often! I cut OHs hair this morning, bit of a wriggler!
We have been putting a few things in MH, worked out a nice little tour around for a week or so. We might even use the campsite we stayed on when we had our honeymoon all those years ago. It's a tad more expensive these days, but looks just as nice. Nothing will stop me getting into sea for a swim either, we have our new wetsuits to try out!
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They look good ET, well done.
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Busy day today. SIL had a wedding invitation, so they decided that DD and Callum would stay over here tonight as it is not too far from the wedding venue, then one of us will pick him up tonight so he too will stay here.
Got the beds made up this morning, HW turned on for the upstairs bathroom, and bath etc cleaned. DD arrived about 3 pm, then fed and changed Callum and left him to OH while the 2 of us went to pick up a free leather sofa OH had secured for their new house.
Entry is not till Wednesday, so the sofa had to come here. We wrestled it out of the donor's house and into the car where it hung out of the tailgate a fair bit, but we secured everything down to the towbar with a stout rope.
Once here, we managed to get it into the house OK, it is heavier than we had expected, but we decided not to try to get it further than the hall, so it will be sitting there for a while now!
We have a load of their stuff here, so they will hire a van to take it all to the new house once they are ready.
Callum is sleeping meantime, so we are making scones as DD has some friends coming over tomorrow and Sunday. Delicious smells in the kitchen now!
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They look really good EastT.
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We are away in the caravan just now jjust local after last weeks long journey back from the IOW. We didnt get left home until after 5 but the site is only 40 miles from home so we arrived on site just after 6. The site is very busy but it is a bit cold so we didn't get to sit out but passed some time watching Celebrity go Caravanning which is quite entertaining. Now just sitting with a beer watching the sun set. Not sure what we are doing tomorrow.
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Where have you decided to go tda? I hope you have a really great time.
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Busy tiring day today.
This morning I was back at the sewing machine making more covers etc.
Then after a bit of lunch it was outside in the garden moving plants and replanting them, now that we've had a good 4 days of steady rain I can move things around. Couldn't risk it before when it was so dry.
The grass we reseeded is coming up a treat now with the rain, its still warm during the day so its romping away. Still a few bits that will need to be redone, think the birds must have ate some of the seed.
While clearing under the big hedges the other day I cleared up 6 dead birds mainly blue tits (or what was left of them) next doors cat is a bit of a killer. Managed to catch her one day with a black bird in her mouth, rescued that one only to have her run past us the next day with another on in her mouth, to quick for us that time. I know its nature but it really angers me that we feed the birds and she kills them
all our feeders are out of her reach and safe for the birds but she gets the young birds who are not so quick or aware.
OH busy tomorrow morning with his Mens Shed group, they have secured new permanent premises, so tomorrow they are going out and about in the village drumming up more Men to join them. I'm going to have a few hours to myself
Night night.
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Our cat used to lie down on the back door mat and watch the blackbirds etc eat the food from his bowl 2 or 3 feet away. If he was in the garden, which he generally was much of the day, the birds on feeders and the ground feeders would take no notice and hop around him.
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Had a lovely lie in, no one waking me before 7am. But the plasterer has now arrived to start on the final stages of the conservatory, we can finally see progress after a few hiccups.
Very humid here, would like to go down to the sea but it will be too busy. The sea temperature is a lot warmer in the south this year but I don't blame TDA for putting one on elsewhere. Daughter going to Tiree will definitely have one on!
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I hate it if I don't wake up before 7am Brue and don't like to have a lie in. I have an old mobile phone beside the bed with a 7am alarm set. When I get up in a morning I take it with me lest it wakes Fliss. I cannot recall being woken by it more than once in the past year and I am usually up and dressed by 6.30am.
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Normally Alan, I would wake quite early too but have time to get my brain going, over the last few weeks the builders lorry has arrived at 7am. We have to do certain things like move the car out of the way down to the road etc. There is no thinking time, it's been all go and our grandson is awake at 6am most days. I think "choice" would suit me just now.
And yes Millie we have sole charge of the hamster till Tuesday, just sorting her out this morning but of course she prefers to be in her food bowl.
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I had years to getting up at 6.00am when working so I prefer to be a bit later now by choice.
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The alarm goes off at 4:58, so we’re awake for the News. OH gets up after that but I have a lie in till about 6:30.
But we do go to bed early (unless we’ve something on) - by 10pm
Away in the caravan it’s no alarms and long lie ins (partly because of better black out, and no cows bawling)
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It's a cooler all together more pleasant day today so we're shortly heading of to St Agnes Head for a walk along the coastal path to Chapel Porth, possibly stopping off for a "hedgehog" and back over the Beacon, possibly stopping off at the bakery for a pasty - have to replenish all those used calories somehow!
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New neighbour made a mess of cutting back a small Hawthorn tree that we "share" so have spent a couple of very sweaty hours sawing, chopping and tidying whilst the 2 ladies of the house have taken themselves off to garden centre. Now having a coffee after having a shower.
Weather is a bit more humid today.
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Too hot here at Malvern for a proper walk, so went to Sudeley Castle and gardens. It is in that 2 for 1 Gardeners World scheme, which is what we used. However, is free if you are a member of HHA, or you can get 20% discount for National Trust or English Heritage membership.
The gardens were interesting but would be at there best when the roses were in full bloom. They seem to have quite a few of them. The Castle itself was fascinating. Almost too much, resulting in brain overload.😂 It's history dates back to Ethelred the unready and it was owned by Richard the third and Henry the Eighth amongst others. Well worth a visit if you are in this area. It's 25 miles from Malvern but only 9 from Broadway.
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It's been another very warm day, I had a bit of a lie in this morning, it's so easy to fall back to sleep in the morning as it's cooler 😂
Oh Cleaned out the inside of the car, while I pottered about with a few household jobs. Took the dog to the local woods, lovely and cool under the trees.
Going to see youngest son and his girlfriend tonight, they are just passing through after their holiday in SardinIa. Will be nice to catch up with them.
Nice photos Steve, glad you enjoyed Sudeley Castle, we will be in the area in September so might squeeze in a visit, if I can drag OH away from the classic car show!
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Lovely photos Steve. I must put it in our list. You have found some lovely places to visit. It is very hot here today so have not done a lot. We went to check on our caravan in storage first thing while it was still relatively cool, ready for our trip next weekend.
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We've been in all day due to plasterers doing our conservatory, they've got all the plasterboard up but it was too hot to plaster (plaster would set too quickly.) So once more we will have to wait a few more days for the next bit. Monday the waterboard are finally coming out to look at a leak...only look mind...probably a two week wait for the fix.
Visiting dog arrives tomorrow for a two week holiday. OH goes fishing, I will do absolutely nothing, I hope.
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Not hot or humid here
just a nice temp for working in or going for a walk. Oh up and about just after 8 am but I resisted it and dropped off again, woke up at 09.50
always the best sleep I get.
Morning to myself (or what was left of it) tidied up a bit then made a mess again cutting out more material
only got 1 more cushion cover to do, these ones are big back cushions. They are a funny shape so not straight forward and with trying to match the tartan pattern to the other cushions it was fun (not). All sorted now just need a couple of buttons to go through them then I'm all finished. All we need now is the caravan
The young couple next door are 'camping' out tonight with their 2 small children. They have a small tent (very small) fire basket lighted and marshmallows toasted, kids now turned in for the night and the adults sat out round the fire. The children are 4 and 2 years of age, they are having a ball, not sure if they will last the whole night but great to see they trying it.