What are you all up to



  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited August 2018 #21872

    Ours is sprung with a hefty fold out wooden ladder attached, there really shouldn't be any chance of missing it but there you go, someone didn't see it. wink

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,405
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    edited August 2018 #21873

    Thanks for the link Goldie very interesting. Fingers crossed 🤞 the innovative solutions get you through.

  • RedKite
    RedKite Club Member Posts: 1,764
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    edited August 2018 #21874

    We have been chopping an old rosemary bush ready for new shed base early today and have noticed on here what folk have been saying about cut and scratches to their arms well Oh due to medication has thin skin on arms after so many scrapes etc I said there must be something you can wear other than long gloves, had a good look on Amazon and found Cut Resistant Sleeves 14 inches long order number B01N7LZ5TY they really do the job and now has two pairs and we even said to friends of ours has she has same problem and now got a pair when back in UK, can be used for different jobs even been worn for concreting with gloves over the top.

    Very hot here in the Lot and getting to 40C this weekend phew, keep cool folks.


  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,170
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    edited August 2018 #21875

     Goldie when I was a lad all the farmers where we lived mad silage but also grew Kale for winter feed so are the traditional methods returning again?

    Lovely day here but no where near 40C.  Just checked the van ready for our trip tomorrow.laughing

    Don't forget the sunscreen folksmile

  • Goldie146
    Goldie146 Club Member Posts: 2,509
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    edited August 2018 #21876

    We’re just growing kale this year as it will be ready to turn the cows on in October - and hopefully shorten the winter.


  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,758
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    edited August 2018 #21877

    Sounds like it is the same as ours, we have one that comes down into the kitchen, and the other one comes down over the landing, we have 2 bits of unconnected loft.  

    It would be very difficult not to see that they are down, and so far I have managed to avoid walking into one, but your OH has my sympathies, they are indeed very solid!   surprised

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,758
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    edited August 2018 #21878

    Recovering at home after our cleaning duties this morning!   Dull here with rain, and very humid.

    The house viewing went well, turned out to be an older couple, they live not that far from us and now want to move closer to town.  Before moving out here they had a house in the same road as DD's new house.  They seemed to like the layout and space,and had brought a tape line along for measuring up, which is a good sign I reckon.

    Bit of a glitch.....during the viewing DD noticed a water mark on the study ceiling, there was a lot of rain and strong wind the other day. I think some rain has been blown up under the tiles and has run down onto the ceiling.   She only saw it when she took them into the room, but reckons the viewers did not notice it.  She will need to get it seen to as soon as possible.

    I climbed up and felt it, but it felt dry, so cannot have been much water come in.  Once it is sorted we will need to find the stain block and white paint to touch up the area.

    The jobs are starting to build up now........a widow needs a hinge replaced as the wind caught it and damaged it.........a TRV head needs replaced as "someone" seems to have hit it with their briefcase, again,and broken the collar, again, and now this.

    Solicitor has been in touch to discuss entry date for the new house, so things are moving along now.

    Yesterday evening I found my laptop was refusing to start up, so another thing to get sorted, need to look out the paperwork to see if I have any time left on the warranty.

    Very inconvenient as I have all my spreadsheets on that machine, OH now resorting to pencil and paper to check the bank account will be OK for the month ahead!



  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited August 2018 #21879

    Yesterday with help from OH and a bit of resting between legs I replaced 7 rear legs. Although the remaining rear leg is OK decided that I shall replace that as well. There were two front legs to replace but have decided to grab another two lengths of timber and replace all. Will pop down to local builders merchant and get the two more lengths ripped to size.

    Slow progress today. Replace d the remaining rear leg (they also support the backrest). Did a quick shop, returned with timber cut to width and just over thickness. My hips and back were pretty poor and so just rounded corners of new timbers ready to cut to length. Much simpler than rear legs and back support. Job for another day.

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited August 2018 #21880

    congratulations Tammygirl, I'm well impressed! If I suggest anything similar- there's a look and 'I'm not Portillo' comment. His wardrobe does now have various shades of mauve in t-shirts so maybe were getting there.

    Had to laugh at the 'Portillo' comment, I think coloured trousers would be a step too far for OH laughing he's not opposed to colourful shirts though.

    Miserable day today and cold, think a heater might have to go on in the lounge tonight frown no real warmth since last Friday, just the odd of blue sky and sun. Looks like summer is over for us frown

    Trip to Dundee today to take back the curtains I bought there on Saturday. The idea was to make covers for the caravan seats but when I opened them they had black marks all over them, looks like dye had not taken properly. So bought something else to do the job and its much nicer,smile also made some bolster cushion covers to house the pillows and duvets, hate having to put them under the bed and don't like having them hanging around. Did the same when we got the motorhome and it worked out well. 

  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited August 2018 #21881

    We took advantage of a light day to come down to Cornwall a day earlier than planned - well Mrs M's bridge ladies cancelled so she had more time to pack the car while Mr M's gent's bowls and lunch club went ahead as normal! wink 

    Very smooth journey down and now set for a couple of weeks. smile

    TG & Bakers - I may not have much fashion sense and I hate getting rid of most clothes, but colourful T shirts are one thing I'm not short of! It's become a bit of a tradition for me to buy one from wherever we go on holiday so my wardrobe is full of them and Mrs M knows well that she can "dispose" of any other items but the T shirts are sacrosanct!  surprised

  • robsail
    robsail Forum Participant Posts: 1,441
    edited August 2018 #21882

    Washed the bedding from the van and put it out on the line......Guess what it started to pour down and it hasn't stopped!

    So here's hoping for tomorrow, although I am running around between hospital appointments so I may have to chance it!


  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,863
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    edited August 2018 #21883

    We had a lovely visit to Easton Walled Gardens. It is one of our favourites and was perfect weather for it. They are a bit like the Lost Gardens of Heligan in their history as the house became derelict and had to be demolished in 1951. The gardens became overgrown and neglected until about 20 years ago and since then have been totally renovated


  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited August 2018 #21884

    MilliH, the gardens look lovely, miraculous considering the weather.

  • HelenandTrevor
    HelenandTrevor Forum Participant Posts: 3,221
    edited August 2018 #21885

    Met up witb a friend and enjoyed a lovely leisurely  walk this morning starting in Lower Heyford, we had some good views of the folly known as " the eyecatcher" at Steeple Aston. Walk ended at the pub, very handy wink

    Glad you enjoyed your day at Easton  Millie, lovely photos. smile

    Moulesy enjoy Cornwall. 


  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,863
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    edited August 2018 #21886

    Tammygirl, They had closed the woodland walk because the trees are stressed through lack of water and they were concerned about branches falling. Other than that I think a lot if watering hsd been going on.

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,863
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    edited August 2018 #21887

    Your walk sounds lovely Helen, especially the pub finish😁

    Enjoy Cornwall moulesy. I hope it is a bit cooler for Harry and Lady.

  • huskydog
    huskydog Club Member Posts: 5,466
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    edited August 2018 #21888

    The chap who was looking at the shop has decided to pull out yell, but I won £10 on a scratch card laughing, that £10 is going to buy some Cider smile

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,405
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    edited August 2018 #21889

    Sorry to hear that husky, hopefully the next one will be more committed.

    Walked from the site today to St Ann's well in Malvern. A reasonable length walk for us these days. Made even longer as some of the footpaths had been closed (officially) by a building site. Added over 2 miles in total.☹️ We are starting to find some of the stiles a bit of a challenge these days. Some had been replaced by new geriatric friendly kissing gate types. However, many were old style and none too stable in some cases.

    Anyway we made it and the water was still running, although not from all orifices. Enjoyed it but now feeling a bit worn out.😀

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,405
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    edited August 2018 #21890

    Nice photos milliehull. Not heard of it before. It's only 50 minutes from home. We will have to get round to visiting.

  • BrianJosie
    BrianJosie Forum Participant Posts: 391
    edited August 2018 #21891

    Well after our lovely week in Scotland at Forfar Lochside Site we are now back at work frown Can’t wait until the 18th when we are off to Carnon Downes Club affiliated site in Cornwall for a weeksmile

    This work thing keeps on getting in the waycool

    Brian & Jo

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited August 2018 #21892

    After 5nights atTredegar House meeting friends we are moving on to Cirencester,to go to,a steam fair near by

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,329
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    edited August 2018 #21893

    Lovely photos Millie and Steve.

    Collected new car yesterday at agreed time. It wasn't ready valet running behind! Did all the paperwork, watched staff scurrying around as owner coming with Nissan folks, apparently been at it for 2 days! No work on desks!, jackets on chairs! All cars to be removed from car park- had we emptied ours? OH went out for a pipe smoke, got chatting as he does! Visitors not coming........

    Our car is brought out, immediately notice 3 scratches and one dent 😤😢😤😢. It had it's safeguard treatment and wasn't noticed! Our sales lad furious, he had another hand over waiting by then! Felt a bit sorry for him. Car back to valet but couldnt get them all out in the time frame 😤😢. Awaiting appointment to have sorted. By this time signed over old car! Hopefully that's it now, three hiccups finance, insurance and this.

    Very pleased with it, took it for a bit of a drive and had dinner - very nice 😁.

    Home, son arrived famished 🙄 set to cooking him egg and chips while we all caught up. He's giving us lift to the station this morning. Very welcome because of the heat. Scan on my foot.

    Enjoy your day folks. Safe journey to all those travelling, including me. Tammygirl I hope you've had your hiccups 😉

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,329
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    edited August 2018 #21894

    Remember that four letter word well 😂🤣

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited August 2018 #21895

    We are forever finding ourselves on walks that have been diverted, have missing signs etc etc. The best laid plans! Glad you got there, nice photo of the well house. Hope you had a refreshing drink. wink

    Goodness, I didn't know just how many springs there were at Malvern, I thought I'd look up the name of one that comes out of the rocks on the western side.


  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,863
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    edited August 2018 #21896

    Lovely photo of the well house Steve. Can you drink the water straight from the spring? I remember in Buxton many years ago they had a place in the town where people could fill up their water bottles etc.

    Glad you have got your car despite all the hiccups. Have you got the dent and scratches sorted? 

  • triky auto
    triky auto Forum Participant Posts: 8,689
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    edited August 2018 #21897

    undecided Staying home AGAIN today ,as the AGA has reverted to 'defect' again. 'Techy' should come today P.M !! yell.More eating out and housework .!! 

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,170
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    edited August 2018 #21898

    Glad you go sorted with the car B2.

    As in Buxton there are a few places in Malvern that you can fill water bottles..

    Car loaded so will be off shortly to pick up van and make our way up to North Norfolk.  Weather fabulous at the moment so looking forward to a great time.coollaughing

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,405
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    edited August 2018 #21899

    There was a very small sign advising it should be boiled. Given its size, colour and lack of prominence, I took it as a precaution against possible claims, rather than water purity. We filled a bottle direct from where it issued and drunk it on our walk back. So far no ill effects.😀

    I rember the one at Buxton, usually a long queue as it was right alongside the road. This being at the top of a 1 in 4 ascent, closed to vehicles, meant there was no waiting.😂 Also seem to recall the one at Buxton was slightly warm, and had a sign re purity, the Malvern Water was nice and cool.

    I rember filling our water bottles at Lourdes many years ago. No signs there about purity. They want the visitors, so check it regularly.

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,405
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    edited August 2018 #21900

    Thanks for the Link brue. Like you I had no idea there were so many.

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited August 2018 #21901

    Collected new car this morning, no hiccups thankfully. OH just has to learn how everything works, lots of things we've not had on a car before. Its been 6 years since we had a big car as we sold OH's car and caravan when we bought the MH. I have had my little Picanto for 7 years and it doesn't have any of the gizmos of the Kuga.

    After collection we did a bit of shopping then home for lunch and to try out the towbar bike rack, we had one on the last car so fairly familiar to us. Got the bikes out of the garage and fitted them on, everything fitted ok but have ordered another 2 restraining straps as the bikes feel a bit wobbly. Rack is built to take 60kg, bikes 42kg so well under the weight limit.

    OH now playing with his new toy wink I'm having a break from sitting at the sewing machine, back gets a bit stiff after awhile. All 4 bolster cushions made, pretty pleased with myself as its a tartan like fabric (yellow and grey) I've managed to get all the cushions to look alike. It would annoy me it the patterns didn't match, a bit of waste doing it the 'right' way but it had to be done.

    Grass has finally started to grow where we have re-seeded it, after 4 days of rain its looking not too bad now.

    Weather today has been a bit mixed again, very overcast this morning, then the sun came out and it was really warm, sun now vanished and the skies are once again grey.


    Bakers sorry to hear you have had a hiccup with the new car hope its sorted soon for you.