What are you all up to



  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,065
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    edited January 31 #62132

    We had some rain overnight but today has been dry if somewhat cloudy. We visited Rufford Old Hall, and although the house was not yet open we had a couple of good walks around the gardens and Woodland where there was a fine display of Snowdrops, and along the Leeds,Liverpool canal. Now watching Wales suffering at the hands of the French so far.

    Side view.

    The front entrance

    In the woods.

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,309
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    Extremely quiet read over breakfast - very late today!

    I'm still here, it's still grey, little to report.

    I trust it's similar for others?

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,838
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    Yes, very grey here @Bakers2 but I think the sun is supposed to come out later🤞 We met some friends for lunch yesterday at The Ramblewood Inn and had a good catch up. It was nice to see them again as we hadn't seen them since before Christmas as one of them had a knee replacement late December. It was damp and grey here all day yesterday. Until we went to Stamford and then out for lunch yesterday I felt as though we had been in hibernation throughout January. I think we might be emerging into the land of the living again! I hope everyone is well and that you have a good weekend.

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,838
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    Lovely photos @nelliethehooker. What a wonderful house. Good to see the snowdrops as well.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,395
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    I’m here😁 We were cream crackered from hedge wrangling yesterday, and then retired indoors for food and catching up on Alula Cycling Tour, and had an early night. Raring to go again this morning, so it’s a trip to the Tip, then a swim, lunch then back out for more hedge wrangling.

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,398
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    Beautiful blue skies here but a heavy frost. Son and youngest grandson due any time, coming to see us just for the weekend, daughter in law working, as is eldest grandson. They are bringing more bits to put in the lockup before they move here. I expect they and OH will have it all done before the rugby starts on the tv this afternoon. I’m doing a roast for this evening, along with a steamed treacle pudding, that should fill the boys up.

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,061
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    We’ve spent today spring cleaning the inside of the caravan took the carpets out last week and got them cleaned with an industrial carpet cleaner we borrowed from youngest son so today cleaned the floor and emptied out all the bedding etc and gave the inside a general clean even washed the aqua roll and waste master (is that a bit much lol ??) will post a couple of pics tomorrow. Hoping to get away in it later on next week for a couple of nights and we are planning to visit the caravan show in Glasgow next weekend too. Cold but dry here today.

    Hope everyone else is having a nice weekend

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,843
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    edited February 1 #62139

    We managed to get away for a night on Friday. It was gorgeous January weather, sunny with a nip in the air. We travelled down the Welsh coast and parked up at Llanfairfechan, between Conway and Bangor, and went for a walk along the coastal path passing through 2 nature reserves with the Irish Sea on one side and the lower hills of Snowdonia on the other. Had a wonderful days birdwatching and we really needed the break.

    The van behaved itself on the Cl and this morning, before returning home we called off at Bodnant Gardens after de-icing the windscreen as we had frost overnight. The gardens had suffered some damage in recent storms and some areas were closed off but we were able to spend a couple of hours there enjoying some very early Camellias, Helebores and plenty of Snowdrops.

    Nice photos @nelliethehooker. We were there last year with MiL.

    Also enjoyed @Cornersteady photos. Memories from when we were last at Wolsingham. Went for a lovely walk from Stanhope, another lovely place. Probably somewhere where you have to make an effort to get to.

    Lovely sunny day here.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,395
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    Nice photos😁 We survived our swim, it’s a private health club, really nice. We had the pool to ourselves most of the time we were in there. Got back a bit late for restarting on the hedge, and it’s very hard work, so OH had afternoon off and sorted out his wardrobe (overdue by around 3 years🤣🤣), and I had a couple of hours doing some general garden stuff, until bad light stopped play.

    We have got tickets to see Mark Steel in June, not far away, and just contemplating Sting and Simple Minds at the moment🤔or both🤩 at Lincoln Castle. Events diary is filling up nicely👏👏

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,065
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    Grand photos @Wherenext and glad to read that you got away for a night and that the problems in the Van seem to have disappeared.

    @Francis hope you are able to get away next week after all your spring cleaning efforts

    Hope you have recovered from all your efforts in the garden, @Takethedogalong

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,744
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    We have had a busy day as little Nathan was 4 yesterday, and today Mummy had invited all the family round at lunch time for sandwiches, sausage rolls and cake. Quite a noisy gathering with 15 adults, 2 teenagers, and 3 small children. Lots of presents, which we stayed to play with with the boys after everyone else had gone home. Cake was delicious, as always, a chocolate one this year.

    Discussed with DD to go to Islay this summer. DIL and her Mum have a house there, but we have never been. They are not using it this summer so suggested we go instead. Will depend on whether we can get a ferry booking, seems the ferries fill up fast for the school holidays, DD will investigate . The house has 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, so plenty of room for us all to go.

    At Easter we will go away in the caravan for a couple of weeks. DD and family may take a week away first, but no destination chosen as yet.

    No dinner needed this evening, so we have been relaxing and catching up on some TV programmes.

    Tomorrow we need to catch up on paperwork and filing, we have neglected that recently, but I have at least paid my dues to HMRC on time.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,843
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    Had a strange attack of the cleaning bug this morning, think it's called Francisitis.😁 Gave the Van a wash this morning. Got the ladders out to do the roof but when I looked it was spotless. I think the recent snow had cleaned it for me.😂 Still, the rest got a clean. We'd given the insides a clean before going away last Friday so no need there.

    Thought we had a virtually free week next week but MiL handed us 2 letters she had received, needing appointments making for her hearing and her eye testing. It's pretty typical of not planning too far ahead for any getaways. No point although we did make a booking for March when Wirral CP opens in order to use our free night offer. Hope we can keep it this time.

    It's been mostly cloudy with the odd rain shower here.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,395
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    @Wherenext oh yes, there’s always something comes up. We keep two calendars on the go now, one for Mum/Sis appointment, one for any days out, events we have planned. We bought the Sting concert tickets yesterday, so that’s been added. A nice present for our postponed Ruby Wedding from last year, we first saw Sting with The Police the year before our wedding, so it’s a nice link. Lincoln isn’t far either, so we can do it in a day.

    More garden duties this morning, I managed an hour of cutting up stuff dragged out of hedge, and clearing round some other areas before coming up to Mum’s, hoping to get back before daylight fades, as it’s a nice sunny if cold afternoon. We are out tomorrow, off to our friends to meet their daughter’s new rescue Labrador. They have a nice black dog (also a rescue) and wanted another. This one is a Chocolate Lab, has been badly mistreated, in fact has lost a leg. She’s only young and manages to race around really well on just three legs, and despite a horrendous start in life, has now got a loving forever home with caring, experienced rehomers. She will have a lovely life, full of love, fun, attention and travel, as they tour with their caravan.

  • Freddy55
    Freddy55 Club Member Posts: 1,864
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    It sounds like you’re on the up Kj, good to hear 👍

  • InaD
    InaD Club Member Posts: 1,751
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    @nelliethehooker Just catching up on posts here, and in particular yours from your stay near Chorley. Lovely photos of your visits in and around Chorley; know it well as we've lived in and around this area for some time! In fact, Astley Park is quite close to us. We've also visited Rufford a number of times, have visited the Hall a couple of times, but often park up and go for a nice walk there. You were lucky with the weather, we've had some lovely days, albeit rather cold, but at least it's been dry.

    Enjoy Delamere Forest, it's a great site for lots of walks in every direction.

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,061
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    Glad you got some cleaning done nice to know my influence has paid off hehe. Not done much here today just relaxed and watched the football still hopeful of getting away in van at the end of the week weather forecast looking ok so far

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,838
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  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,065
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    Thanks millie we were unhappy thinking of going to Dumfries and Galloway but the forecast was for poorer weather further north than down in Lancashire/Cheshire. Looking at the storm damage, see below, we made the right decision.


    Just like yesterday it started office and sunny but clouded up as the day went on, but it stayed dry. We had an easy drive down to the C&CC's Delamere site, and were fortunate to be able to pick our favoured pitch. We had a pleasant walk around part of the forest after we set up.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,065
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    @InaD it was only by chance that we found it! I purchased a few OS maps at the bookshop at Rufford including the Southport/Chorley one and spotted it on there while studying it. Definitely a place worth a visit with lots of see and great for walking the dog. Hope to get back there when the Hall is open, and also to and see Heskin Hall. Did you manage to get to Meathop Fell?

  • InaD
    InaD Club Member Posts: 1,751
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    @nelliethehooker Yes, Astley Hall and Park are well worth a visit, it's much bigger than first appears. For us it's close enough to walk to and then have a nice walk through with enough different paths to vary the walks.

    It's funny you should ask about Meathop Fell: we're planning to go later this coming week, the weather looks to be reasonable apart from Tuesday, so probably Wednesday.

    Hope you have a pleasant stay at Delamere with decent weather.

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,904
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    edited February 3 #62153

    Finally got to Tredehar House CAMC site.... we have had axtrip out to Barry Island today. It's been ages since the last time we came here.... It's been sunny here today - on the wadm side fkr early February..


  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,065
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    @DSB good to see that you made it to the Tredegar House site. Guess you missed out on your free night unfortunately, Fine photos of Barry Island, you didn't happen to bump into "Nessa" did you?😁

    @InaD we just used Meathop Fell as a convenient stop off on our way home from our Christmas trip. Although it did snow during the night of our arrival and it stayed down for most of the following day, so we only had a couple of walks from the Site, it had gone by the next morning and we had no problems getting home.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,065
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    Yet another day that started off bright and sunny but which clouded up as the day went on. We walked through some of the forest from the site today and did about 4.5 mls. We were quite surprised by the number of others that were out around the mere. The new visitors centre is most impressive and the cafe was doing a good trade.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,843
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    I had a morning to myself yesterday as Mrs.WN took her mother clothes shopping down the Welsh coast. Of course MiL came back with more clothes than she intended or needed to buy so now will need to go through her wardrobe to make room by sending some stuff to charity. They're now off at Tesco as OH likes to give her mother some mental exercises by getting her to make a list of what she needs and then accompanying her around the supermarket. Otherwise she'd leave everything to OH.

    Meanwhile I followed @Takethedogalong example by tackling the obscene Holly hedge at the bottom of the garden. I'm going to have to admit defeat as I can't get access to the top. Prior to my Stroke I was able to keep it under control but sometimes one has to accept ones limitations. Still, it gave me a good mornings workout.

    Following my attempts, and failure, at the end of last year to get a COVID vaccination in the early stages of the programme I eventually lost patience with my GP surgery and the Health Board and wrote to my local Welsh MS (MP). After signing various consent forms she looked into it and I received a letter from her last week enclosing a letter from the Health Board. It was long winded but basically said "Not our decision to classify patient, it's up to GPs" Great. So I sent everything including previous correspondence that I had had from surgery to them. Their previous replies had said it was up to the Health Board as my health record had been sent. I'm afraid I may have been rather forthright in my letter but have now received a reply saying that they finally agree its their responsibility and have reclassified me! At last. Glad as my head hurts from hitting that brick wall.

    Hoping barring accidents and unforeseen circumstances to get away tomorrow just for the 1 night. Hoping to get to Delamere and see the Nellies. Fingers crossed. Unfortunately we have to get back on Thursday.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,395
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    @Wherenext thats good news sorting your health status out, shame you had to fight so hard to get the recognition. Better late than never though. Have a good night away, and say hello to the Nellies from us.

    Still stump wrangling here, but it’s going ok so far. OH tackles the stumps, I clear the mess and bags to tip, so we have got a system going. It’s good exercise as well, but the outcome will be so much nicer and easier to live with. It’s given us a small shed full of firewood as well, drying out nicely ready for next Winter.

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,398
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    Out yesterday for a meet up with a couple of old work colleagues, I don’t mean either of them are old, in fact younger than our kids but even after 13 years of me being retired they still ask to meet up for coffee. I came away having laughed a lot, with lots of supportive comments and flowers. Our daughter has just visited us, bringing more flowers, so the room is looking very bright. I still have many more hospital appointments in the next week or so and then an operation, after a very unwelcome diagnosis a month ago. The freezer is now full of cooked healthy meals in readiness, I just need to tidy up the garden a bit, as it seems I won’t be allowed to be gardening for a while. Hopefully be able to get out there tomorrow as a good weather forecast for then.

  • InaD
    InaD Club Member Posts: 1,751
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    @nelliethehooker on the Sunday there was quite a bit of snow here and getting off the (sloping upwards) driveway here would have been problematic. I had contacted MF the day before and the female warden told me they were under an amber warning there. So with that and the snow here we decided we'd rather be safe than sorry. We also thought that the right-hand bend just before the entrance to the site could pose a problem.

    We do like the site and where it is, so looking forward to going again, not been for a few years.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,150
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    Well a frustrating day here in the Klyne household. Phone call from the Saxon Clinic, less than 24 hours before Margaret's hip operation to say she has to have another test due to previous heart bypass operation and her hip operation will be delayed until the tests are done. Its a bit cruel as she was getting herself worked about getting ready for and having the operation. We knew that the previous heart operation might be an issue but did expect a bit more notice. One of the issues seems to be that apart from the immediate post op consultation she has received no further follow up. It looks as though she will need an echocardiogram which is a ultrasound scan of the heart. Hopefully that will be arranged in the next week or two and the hip operation can be rescheduled. Deciding to go private has not been as easy and straightforward as we imagined it would be!


  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,395
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    I hope things go well for you, and you are back out there gardening soon. Sending best wishes.