What are you all up to
Enjoy your visit Francis.
Have done nothing today, now watching Crufts. Had a chat with two lots of friends who've just had long holidays in India and Australia, feel very un-travelled but some of the things like extreme heat and stomach bugs lessened my travel inclinations.
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A quiet day with a trip to hospital for MiLs scan. We'll see what transpires.
Had a bottle of bubbly. Cooked a meal that seemed to go down well. Ordered a few brochures for walking holidays to, maybe, try one out next year. Tuscany sounds nice, travel company transporting your luggage while you walk from hotel to hotel. Anyone been on one? We were thinking Inntravel or Headwaters or Ramblers Association, someone like that.
Hope the 2 Davids enjoy their new toys.
Nice to hear from our Scottish Travel Correspondent, who seems to be enjoying herself!
Best wishes for your toothache Helen. Horrible things.
Thanks for the best wishes everyone. Funnily dnough not much changed from yesterday to today.
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Thanks H&T, I've no pain (up to now). Glad to read that your pain has calmed down a bit.
We are still in Notfolk, up just outside Cromer. We move on down to Norwich on Tuesday to yet another, new to us, site. Just hope that it's a good as the reviews and the ones that we've stayed on so far.
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Third day on the trot of mixed weather, sunshine and the some rain but still cold winds. Have walked in the estate and visited the house at Fellbrigg, wandered round Sheringham Estate where we saw "The Royal Norfolk Regiment" 90775 under steam, and today walked a couple of miles locally before lunch then drove up to Roman Camp and with Flyte strolled along to Beeston Regis Heath view point then down past the C&CC's West Runton site, where there were 3 vans on, so I guess that the site managers were getting ready for the new season, and then up onto Incleborough Hill before returning to the car. Got back to the van in time to see most of the Scotland/Wales match.
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We were round Sheringham N/T yesterday. Off to Blickling on Monday, as forecast for tomorrow is not very good, so don't think that we'll be trying a coastal walk.
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How long have you got before you go away David?
Woke up to a light covering of snow this morning and dozens of calls from the Sparrows to feed them. Some local Magnolias are out so they are in for a surprise, although I'm often taken aback by how hardy they are without seeming so.
Light sleet at the moment so any walking later will be done with boots on.
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Blowing a hooley here, 60mph winds, what a mixture of weather everywhere. Hoping to go out for lunch.
Have been sorting through more paper work and photos, the trouble is my sister has been doing the same and when we meet up next weekend I fear we'll be swapping things that we think the other might want...
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Weather here looks beautiful from inside, but go out and it's very different, just a bit blustery
I'am taking a quick break while pastry for Cheese and Marmite sausage rolls rests in the fridge. OH persuaded me to make him some, not that keen myself, not a marmite fan.
Still taking the pain killers for toothache, I will be glad to get the filling sorted next week, it's not often I look forward to going to the dentist!
David, hope you get the new van sorted, ready for your trip.
Tammygirl nice to read you are enjoying your holiday.
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I turned the telly on yesterday to catch a bit of Crufts, just in time to catch Gill Raddings, and Barley, giving a demonstration. My late step Father fostered one of her dogs , Sykes who used to be in Mid Summer Murders. A friend who i used to dog walk with also worked with her and looked after Barley sometimes and he came on our walks.
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Very blustery here but also sunny.
H&T - my godmother has been short listed to receive an award on Crufts today for her work with the good citizen training scheme. It's all down to a public vote between four categories, so we will be watching tonight to see how it goes. I like to watch the fly ball and the best in show award too.
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You'd think after 6 caravans we'd have learnt a lesson.
We visited the last day of the show on Sunday to hopefully see some bargain accessories.
We commented how lucky we were to spend all day visiting every stand and only spend ยฃ40, that was until we decided to kill time and visit the Swift stand again and say hello/goodbye to our favourite salespeople. Big mistake, now we're waiting for a new Swift Elegance Grande 645, doh!
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Today, I seem mainly to ab a told........sniff, cough, splutter!โน๏ธThatโll be all the birthday visitors, passing on more than presents.๐คง First one in years, forgotten how lousy you feel. Outside is freezing. Wind, hail, sun, hail, wind, repeat.
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Good luck to your Godmother ADD46, I also love watching the Fly ball, those dogs are so fast.
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IWe've just a a really heavy snow shower
I thought it had turned colder.
Sausage rolls made, just got to stop OH eating them all at once.
Sorry to hear you've caught a cold ttda, hope it doesn't last long.
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When we got up this morning it was very windy and rainy so I never got out a cycle. The site was full last night but emptied this morning lots of people must have just been here for the weekend normally we are packing up to go home on a Sunday so its nice to be staying. We took a drive out to Crosby to see the sculptures by Anthony Gormley but unfortunately we couldn't see them as the tide was in and the waves were crashing over the sea wall. We then drove back in to Southport and went a walk along the pier which certainly blew the cobwebs away. Now back at the van SWMBO is watching Dancing on Ice (not my scene) bit there is a new episode of Midsomer Murders on later so will be watching that later on.
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We've just had a short hail and snow storm that turned everything white for a few mins. All gone now though.
TTDA - hope your cold is short lived and you don't pass it on to your OH.
H&T- your cheese & marmite sausage rolls sound lovely. Are you willing to pass on the recipe? We went to Crufts a few years ago and watched the fly ball live. The noise was tremendous but the atmosphere was electric. A great time had by all but we only stayed in the arena for one session!
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Francis, I did say not to take the bikes if there was a gale blowing.
Hope your return journey manages to miss the forecasted winds.
Don't tend to watch Krufts. Absolutely love dogs but have an issue with the Kennel Club. Feel their regulations for finding the perfect dog have caused a lot of unnecesary suffering to their main reason for existence, namely the dogs. I know others may feel different but the dogs I meet every day seem to think they're already perfect.๐๐๐ฉ
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Glad to say that we've missed any snow but it has been very wet, Rain started about 2:00 in the night and lasted about 12 hrs. The wind had died down thankfully but there was the odd sleet shower when we were out for our morning walks. Lots of activity on the bird feeders I'd put up in front of our van regardless of the weather. Enjoyed a lazy afternoon watching the birds, and Ireland beating France on the box, although we did enjoy a dry walk too. Tomorrow promises to be a much better day over here.
Stay safe everyone who is out and about in their vans.
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Last day at the exhibition today, was 7pm before I got home after towing the trailer load of lathes back to the clubhouse. We woke to heavy snow at 7.30am, but it later turned to rain, so the roads were OK.
Looking after little Callum all day tomorrow, he cannot go to nursery as he apparently has a virus. Raised temperature and a rash all over, even in his hair. Early start for us as his Mum usually sets off to work by 07.30.
Tuesday his other grandparents are on duty, and we are taking the caravan for service, and on Wednesday he will be 1 year old.....that year has flown by......so we are going for lunch to celebrate and his Mum has booked a day off work. Thursday is our turn again.
Hopefully he will be recovered by the following week as we have the caravan to clean and load up for our upcoming trip.
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When in Rome etc. . .Try refrigerated fruit DD๐๐ป๐