What are you all up to
Ours goes in for it's new tyres tomorrow, those plus a new battery the other week and I think we'd better use it soon! (Hopefully near the end of the month ) Enjoy your trip away Husky.
We're on flood alert here although luckily not us as we're on rising ground. The Parrett has burst its banks, surprising how much water has come down.
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Taxi service day. Just small journeys.
Apart from a running daylight bulb Mrs WNs car passed its MOT and had a full service so am quite a bit lighter in the wallet.
Fixed a small problem around the kitchen skylight in the caravan so its ready for action.
Nice to hear some progress made Bakers.
When will you know the results Op?
Factor 30 Millie!!!
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B2, good to hear things are still improving. Agree re mental stimulation. Something that we do with family members who are not very well, too tired to read, what about talking books? Only needs an old cassette player and some cheap earphones, or you could try loading audio books onto a smart phone if you think it won’t get stolen. Check out local library, they often have free audio downloads. You can get freebies out of copyright on lots of websites as well, or others for a few pounds. Apologies if you have already thought of this.😃
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I am using factor 50 WN. Sun is surprisingly strong so need to be careful.
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After a night of rain I was able to get Flyte out before breakfast just as it was stopping. Fortunately it stayed fine all dry although it's still quite windy. No rush to get away from Barleywood this morning as it was just 25mls to our present CL....Bramble Park, Fellbrigg, Cromer, yet another new one for us. Only 2 H/S pitches in use as the grass ones are rather wet, and haven't recovered from last year's use yet. Not long after we set up a Montjac ran across the field in front of the van.
Hope that your M/H sails through it's MOT, HD, and your trip to Moreton in Marsh goes well.
Glad to hear that Mrs WN's car has passed it's MOT.
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Having a few days off from DIY as my wood turning club is doing demos at the Scottish Exhibition Centre from tomorrow till Sunday. Today we were setting up our equipment.
OH has been struck down with a very sore throat so had a day off too, tomorrow she is going to be looking after little Callum in the afternoon. He has had a cold and cough, so she likely caught it off him.
I will do a few more little jobs for DD on Friday, then it will be Monday before we are there again. Tuesday we take the caravan for service, so will need to tidy up inside it a bit after my heating repairs.
Heating is still working!
Good to hear your OH is making progress B2. Once he gets home, should you need a wheelchair to get him out and about over longer distances, I believe the Red Cross do a loan service.
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OH moved to Broomfield hospital Wednesday evening. So my last visiting time at Basildon. Journey time will be about the same but I'll use the bus so no parking stress! New routine to sort out.
He did quite a long walk about 150 yards or more almost unaided soon after I arrived to visit, slept a lot to recover! Physically he's doing quite well. I wasn't able to take him off the ward in a wheelchair as the staff busy and they weren't sure how he'd be. Something to discuss on this ward in this hospital today. Sadly he's not had another shower again staff issues but they gave him a bed bath again. That seems very sad to me.
Was given a copy of his discharge letter, wish I hadn't read it, ignorance can be bliss! I'll ask for a meeting date/time with Dr when I visit today and they've had time to read his notes. I'm hoping it'll be on a stroke ward where he'll get the help he needs, assuming the heart part is recovered! So far the only staff input has been a weekday walk and few assessments!
Thanks for the ideas for wheelchair and audible books. Im grateful for any suggestions so please feel free to offer any.
I'm a great audible and podcast fan so organised on that front. Sadly don't have any cassette player or tapes now! He also loves films/TV series and has some downloaded, by son 😉, but not mentally dextrous enough yet for controls, I'll work on it.
Now have to think about sorting out driving on motorway, not something I've had recent experience of as I'm a happy passenger and he was happy driver. Need it if I don't want to take the scenic way to son's for the wedding - 5 weeks Saturday. So much in the way of adjustments to make 😢.
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Best wishes to you B2, take each day at a time and I hope you can find someone at the new hospital who you can discuss things with easily. Can someone give you a lift to the wedding so that you don't have to think about the drive just now. Do hope you find all is ok on your visit today, thinking about you.
I was awake early, lots of nice sunshine, it's now gone dark and heavy rain coming down!
David, that sounds like a restful night?!
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B2, good to hear that visiting OH will be a bit easier for you with the move of hospital. I just wondered how he was recovering from the actual operation? Appreciate that other events have overtaken that but is he reasonably comfortable as far as you can tell?
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Woke up this morning to lashing rain. Hasn't stopped since.
Did some food shopping. Tackling the filing cabinet this afternoon for shredding purposes. Found out our council tax likely to increase by just over 9%. Not surprised.
Good luck with the new hospital, Bakers. Does OH read at all? Large print books available at libraries.
Is Somerset under water, Brue?
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I thought there was a limit by how much a Council could put up Council Tax and it was a lot lower than 9%? I know they have been allowed to add extra for Social Care but that is usually around 5% tops! If my Council Tax went up by 9% I would be paying an extra £200 a year!!!!
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My energy bill has just risen by £15 a month so that's this years state pension increase gone in one swallow.
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Switch to bottled gas😊
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Bright but breezy start to the day.
Had the stitches out but I found another 2 areas of concern.
Got back from the surgery and decided to have a nap unfortunately the phone rang, Virgin media, as you have been with us we are going to give you a pressie, a new film package, it will only cost you another £13/month for the first 6 months and then £26/month thereafter. Short answer goodbye.
Just read our council tax is going up by £5 this year
Have just got a reduction in our energy bill of £25 for next year.
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I like an optimist!!!
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I have had two phone calls from Virgin in the last week. First one wanted to sell me a new phone and even when I said they don't have the phone I might consider they persist in trying to sell me a model I don't want!!! Second one was about my call/data package. Included in this is 4GB of data which I don't always use but have the allowance so that I can use my phone as a wifi point when on a campsite. Pointless trying to explain so I just say I am happy with what I have which usually confuses them enough to give up. Does everyone in the Philippines work for Virgin!!!
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Have been following your post, and you and OH have been in my prayers.
If you have a windows 10 laptop and right click on a page you should get an option to read aloud, maybe that could be useful,
With regards to the driving, have a look on google maps and use the "little man" to take you along the route.
To everyone away, enjoy, to anyone unwell - Get well soon, to everyone else best wishes.
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after mile of narrow lanes on the M1 and M6 with constant lane changes in heavy traffic and pouring rain.
Sounds just like some places in Germany
So you don't think i'm being untruthful, see attached about the A1 autobahn its been under repair for the bast part of 3 years
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'Interesting' visit yesterday 😯.
Asked to speak to senior nurse or doctor. Offered nurse who asked for OH name and said you need to speak to X. X is there, a senior nurse, snaps I don't have any patients today - who are you after? I give name 'oh yes I know about him' 😯 😤. I ask my 1st question, told he doesn't need to be there, blocking a monitoring bed 😯 looking to discharge him doesnt need stroke help....... He was very confused overnight, discharge letter says he needs re-orientantion often! I then enquired why he didn't have a red tray, indicates needs special diet and may need help feeding, and has evidence of ham and tomato sandwich which was a no no in other hospital. He's in a side ward alone! Was informed he'd asked for it! It continued similarly re shower etc. What a difference to where he was!
Had a visit from stroke physio who examined OH and allayed my fears re immediate discharge. (Similar from cardiac Dr a bit later.) I was delighted to see huge progress in how well he did tasks compared to a week ago 😃. More Dr and therapist visits, then a bed move. New bed in 4 bed ward, sign re red tray and diet on the board before he arrived 😉. Hoping he'll be moved, if bed blocking very quickly 😉, to a stroke ward for care after more assessment today.
Awoken to a beautiful morning and I must get moving.
Keep any ideas coming!
Oneputt sorry about more cause for concern bits on your head. Thinking of you.
Not heard about council tax but water rates came in last week. I checked the amount not much of a change monthly but can't recall offhand.
Enjoy your day folks.
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Our first weekend away! But not in the caravan.
As soon as OH has finished "doing up" (feeding and mucking out) we'll be on our way. We're going to Buxton to see Seth Lakeman at the Opera House (LINK).
Lunch on the way in a good pub we sussed out last year and two nights in a posh hotel a stone's throw from the Opera House.
Tomorrow we're going to see our younger son and family in Belper.
P.S I know there are CAMC sites in both Buxton and Belper - but I'm not at all averse to a bit of pampering.