What are you all up to
Has been a very windy couple of days here, we were heading home today but are now booked in to leave Sunday ,when it will hopefully have calmed down
It does mean that LNER will have the privilege of taking me to London on Friday for my hospital appointment
Glad the Oh is now in the hands of the specialists B2
C/van service cancelled (was next monday)and rebooked for mid April as that's next available slot
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Dangerous times here. We went to the local Land Rover dealership for a new headlight bulb (cheaper and better service than Halfords).
So inevitabley we looked at a few cars . . . .
I’m not sure which way we’ll jump, but I think a change is on the horizon. We have a seven year old Discovery now and the trade in value is obviously dropping.
We may “downsize” to a Discovery Sport if we’re sure it’s up to towing. And just as a fantasy I looked online at new caravans - HOW MUCH!
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Winds and clouds gone
its been lovely for the last 3 days wall to wall blue skies around the mid 20's.
Tomorrow lots of folk go home and another lot arrive, lots of Irish on the island this coming week for the St Patrick day celebrations. The island puts on a great time for those who want it.
Bakers, good news on your OH, don't forget to look after yourself too.
We changed to a Combi boiler 7 years ago, removed both tanks and got rid of the bath. Boiler is in the attic on the gable end where the tanks used to be, didn't have an airing cupboard so no loss there. WB for us and has been great, with us being away so much no worries of tanks leaking and flooding the house.
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Glad to hear that you've had your tooth sorted, Helen. Fingers crossed that all's well now.
Good to read that your OH has been moved to the specialist's ward, B2, is responding to physio and that you've been able to get him out for a breath of fresh air.
OH was just commenting today how much the hawthorns are greening up, and also on the amount of the white blossom that's about too, brue.
Very windy over here last night but it has died down a bit, although I was glad that I wasn't towing our caravan today. Sensible of those that have decided to postpone moving in this weather. hope it's better by Sunday when we move again.
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Got our council tax in. 4.8% rise. Ho hum, good job our pensions have increased similarly - NOT. Never mind no pockets in a shroud. AND they're nowhere near KjNelln staggering sum. Is council tax generally higher in Scotland? Property prices are different, I know theres hot spots, but we have the 'privilege' of being close to London.
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It's at the Royal Brompton in Kensington, they have some specialist MRI equipment, as they "may?"need to do some more work as the ct scan I had before last work carried out was not conclusive ,but they have said what ever may need doing is not unusual
My daughter is meeting me at Kings Cross to go with me as OH will need to stay with Rosa at FM
Thanks for thoughts ,still not the problems you have had but glad the light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter and he is now getting the care he deserves
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I seem to be emerging from my cold, feeling a tad more “human” tonight. Good wishes to all those with health related issues, and great to hear things are improving for you Bakers. Look after yourself as well, the odd treat helps every now and then👍
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I thought the same but wondered if the system in Scotland was different? We saved no end of money changing from rateable value to a meter. Our water costs £25 a month inclusive.
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This is the lovely lamp my OH made for me, rather stunning and unique. I forgot to post photo earlier, love projects like this. All we had to start with was the antique fire branch. Polishes up lovely, now useful at last rather than ornamental!😁
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All the best JVB..I hope all goes well for you. Pleased to know that you will have the support of your daughter.
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Probably not that much, but Scottish Water make it very difficult and expensive to get a meter fitted, we looked into it last year, or maybe the year before, think we even discussed it on here, and the outcome was that the saving would be very small, so we dropped the idea.
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It is quite similar, apart from the water bit, but we have an extra band at the top end, band H, which our property has been placed in, this is for any property valued at over £212,001 in 1991.
Info here.......https://www.eastdunbarton.gov.uk/filedepot_download/11441/130
We are apparently living in a high house price area, so they reckon we must have plenty of money to pay this high charge!
However, unlike London and the SE, prices have not risen exponentially since 1991.
We could never have afforded to buy a house here if we had not bought the land and organised the building ourselves, plus of course doing a lot of work ourselves, such as kitchen fitting, tiling, decorating, laying flooring, landscaping the plot , including several retaining walls and laying the driveway etc etc
It is a very nice area, very convenient, and we like it here, so we pay up.
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TTDA the lamp looks beautiful, what a wonderful personalised gift. Pardon my ignorance
I didn't ask before as I thought the photo might clarify things 😉, but what exactly was it before and what was it's use?
Glad to hear you're feeling more human after your cold. I rarely get one but it hits hard when I do. I'm staggered by others who say " its only a cold" I'm either a wimp or I catch only the nasty ones.
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A wet and windy morning here. Few bits to do in town so meeting a friend for a swift cuppa.
Disappointed to find OH in a side ward, again, with barrier nursing as he has loose stools. Not one visit from staff during the four hours I was there not even to offer a drink. (I only realised this when I got home!) I had to go to get towels for use after his showers and extra blankets. But I was shocked to find no, and I had to go find one, chair in his shower. I had to report the shower room flooded as water not draining away, a maintenance chap came and cleared lots of hair from the drain, haven't seen it in action since myself. Such basic items!
Shocked to be told they're looking to send him home with support visits, I'd love him home I can do basic nursing and feeding 😉. But there will be no inspection of our house to see if he can use our facilities before they discharge him! So naturally I'm more than apprehensive as our shower is over the bath, no handles and our toilet is upstairs. Apparently they'll make suggestions when they come to visit him! I may need to send an SOS call to KjNelln but I don't think anyone can fix stuff in a day or 2 😢. We are a can do family but I despair at times!
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Polishing lamps, TDA? Have changed you changed your name to Aladdin?
JVB, I was a bit nervous about being slid into a MRI scanner. I half expected to see someone in a Nehru jacket stroking a white cat.
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Can you let Occupational Health know your concerns before OH is discharged B2 so that you can discuss your needs about adaptions to the house, even if they are just small temporary ones? Do hope you get some answers.
Best wishes to JVB.
Not so sure about Goldie, I think it might be painful on the pocket?!
TDA good to hear you are feeling better and the lamp is a success, someone was thinking of you.
I just checked our water/sewerage bill, it comes to about £350 a year on a meter. It is surprising in Scotland with so much water around that it's expensive, I remember when living up there when ours came from a very peaty loch, bathing in tea was the way I'd describe it.
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This is a link to an article about getting a water meter here, it explains the difficulties. As you can see, very few people bother!
The charge is high, like the CT, as it is based on the assumed property value, no link whatever to level of use of any services, or the ability to pay.
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B2 hope it all works out but it does seem a bit hit and miss with such a serious case. In my own case as an out patient I have no complaints at all in fact I've had first class treatment by lovely staff.
Still raining with very strong winds here so just been out to check on the solar panels. The reason why was that a friend of our had to panels blown off their roof on Tuesday night. Fortunately no one was hurt but they have severe damaged to their roof and major water ingress. Living in their caravan until sorted. Checked our out by going up the garden and looking through the bino's. Thankfully ours look very solid
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B2......if you feel you want to get some stuff yourself, there are some ideas here.......
Pretty sure these things can be can be sourced at reasonable prices on the internet.
Getting stuff provided can be slow and tortuous, we were offered a wheelchair for MIL when she had terminal cancer, they came with it 2 weeks after she died, some 4 weeks after she left hospital.
Good aids we did get given were the special toilet seat that is like a chair, a bath board and a thing to lower her into the bath, which the nurses that came in used.
As you do not have a downstairs toilet, would a commode work for you? Main problem is where to keep it.
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great news everyone:
The value of the number pi has been calculated to a new world record length of 31 trillion digits, far past the previous record of 22 trillion.
PS today is Pie Day (14th March in US date format)
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Brue I talked to the phyiso yesterday who told me this. Didn't manage to see an OT yesterday or a nurse who knew about things. It reminds me so much of Mrs Beeton 'first catch your rabbit'. But it's really unfair for Dr's to say well discharge you asap and build his hopes up when therapists have concerns.
Not looking for stuff to be provided but a clue as to what might be needed and where to place it. We have access to a commode and other items from when my dad list his leg. Red cross will assist with a wheelchair. We are a very 'can do' family but some guidance would be great. Thanks for the link KjellNN I'll explore that when I get the opportunity and share it with our son.
Oneputt glad your solar panels are still in tact, such catastrophic damage for your friends I do hope the insurance will cover it. You are so right about patchy care. I'm so glad you had a positive experience, we've had a similarly great service from the plastic surgery part of our hospital with my mums cancer and my lump removal.
I'm in town at the mo sheltering in the precinct from what sounds like monsoon rain. I completed my tasks really swiftly, no queues anywhere, and have some time to kill.
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B2 - stand your ground if you think it's too early. Both my Dad and brother have been hospitalised in recent months and both were discharged, without home checks too early. Brother, who has had a major spinal operation was sent home 4 days before Christmas with a walking frame but no one had checked that the width of the frame was more than the width of their downstairs toilet door. Within an hour he'd trIed to get to the toilet, fallen over and had to wait for an ambulance to come to readmit him. A couple of weeks ago he was discharged again but within a couple of days had picked up a bladder infection and again was readmitted. He's home now, but they are understandably very nervous about the next few weeks. Dad, was discharged, with a care package, but after showing some aggression to the carers (most unlike him) was diagnosed with a urine infection just 2 days after coming home. How that was not spotted in the hospital is beyond me. He never recovered to the extent of being able to care for himself, but luckily we were able to find a very good care home locally who were able to take him and he seems settled there now (although there are big questions to be answered about ongoing funding!)
We found the occupational therapists had a better understanding of things than the medical teams - for them it's a matter of making space for the next patient. And that's not a criticism of any individual NHS staff - the system is simply creaking beyond breaking point.
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Interesting Kj, sounds as though they want people to go through hoops! Our meter is out on the road, it monitors our supply as it comes in from the mains. The only problems have been occasional water leaks which they repair free of charge (so far.