What are you all up to



  • cyberyacht
    cyberyacht Club Member Posts: 10,224
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    edited March 2019 #25652

    Pie day? Is that in recognition of the Brexit negotiations - going round in circles?

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,721
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    edited March 2019 #25653

    yes, is it just my memory or did they all wear glasses?

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,721
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    edited March 2019 #25654

    or having your pie and eating it

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,721
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    edited March 2019 #25655

    speaking of which what happened to the master of pie eating?

  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited March 2019 #25656

    Possibly he was whipped but resigned from the forum on principle rather than toeing the party line! (Good lesson, that!) laughing

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,475
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    edited March 2019 #25657

    This is awful Bakers. No way should your OH be coming home until he is stabilised a lot more. I would be in there asking to speak to Ward Manager and asking questions about timing of basic nursing. Four hours without any attention is scandalous. No BP taken, no check on fluids, has he seen a physio, some form of home assessment should be done? Get them to show you how they have reached this decision. I am so annoyed for you! Once all home checks are done, your OH might be better at home, and of course you as well, but it is a huge leap. If you do decide to get him home, demand all the kit you might need to help him. A downstairs commode is the very least I would expect. Good that support visits are planned, but if anything like here, timings can be unpredictable, we ended up waiting in all day and still no one came sometimes.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,475
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    edited March 2019 #25658

    If you look at the photo, all we had of the lamp was the brass and copper hose pipe bit in the middle. They are known in Fire Service as “branches”, the bit that attaches to the flexible/rubber hose. They are usually lumps of alloy, not pretty, but robust and up to all the work and treatment meted out to them. We found this quite special example in an antique shop, Holmfirth I think. It’s copper and brass, weighs a lot. Ones like this were/are usually found in big houses, think Lanhydrock or Cragside where there’s either been a devastating fire previously, or the house was built with all mod cons in at the time! Hence practical, but the owners could afford to have a basic bit of kit produced in expensive metals. Sadly no idea or hint of where it is from. We had it as an unusual ornament, but couple of months ago, I had one of those light bulb moments, and the project took off from there. OH made the base, which had to be heavy, and then we found a wonderful lighting company that supplied all we needed. I thought of using one of OHs old Firefighter helmets as a shade, we have a retired selection ranging from cork to up to date, but this flame lantern looks so much better. A touch Art Deco. The helmets await other projects🤔

    We are that strange couple to be found investigating firefighting equipment in NT houses by the way!🤣🤣🤣🤪

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,335
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    edited March 2019 #25659

    Wholeheartedly agree but it's tiring.  Day 48 and I'm sick of fighting the  system. 

    Just had a conversation with him, I was on the bus and am now awaiting the magic time, he says his NG is coming out and the yellow sign about feeding has been taken down 😃. I'll check it out properly when I reach the ward.

    Hopefully it will all come out in the wash - but I feel like I've been on fast spin cycle for 7 weeks. I feel so sorry for those folk who are alone or don't have anyone to stand up for them. I can't even make my complaint formal unless he agrees! Haven't discussed it yet, awaiting the informal response of action taken, but  again what happens if the patient can't consent?

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited March 2019 #25660

    A good hospital will listen to close relatives like you B2, I'm sure all will be ok in the end and I think when your OH goes home he will be in the best place and certainly well away from further infections etc. Do hope you have a better visit today.


  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,762
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    edited March 2019 #25661

    Sunshine and showers here today, same the previous 2 days.  Took the van over to dealer on Tuesday, luckily ahead of the arrival of the strong winds, but it was a bit gusty in places.  Nose is very light when the van is virtually empty, so extra care needed.

    On the way back it was very wet and the traffic very heavy, so it was well after 5 before we arrived home.  We had meant to stop off at The Caravan Shop in town, but were so late we had to leave it till today.

    Needed to buy Puriclean, a new shower head, some new feet for the steadies, and one new Milenco mirror head.

    Yesterday was Callum's first birthday so his mum had made cake, which we had after lunch, then we all went along to the soft play place nearby, where he had a great time on the slide and in the ball  pool.

    His other grandparents arrived later with his present.....a little slide.House is being taken over by the baby!

    Dealer rang to say service was complete and everything was fine, so that is a relief.  We have a busy week so have arranged to collect the van on Monday.

    Today we have been looking after Callum.

    Tomorrow we have a long day, getting the Guide Hall ready for the annual Coffee Morning on Saturday.  On the Sunday Callum has his birthday party, and afterwards we will be doing the last of the clearing up at the Guide Hall.  OH prefers to sort and stash all the cups, saucers etc herself, in peace.

    Monday we also have to fit in a trip to the bank with all the money.  Always lots of coins, so my job to carry it all!  Tuesday will likely be caravan cleaning so we can get all the stuff put back into it, meantime it is cluttering up the house.


  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,335
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    edited March 2019 #25662

    YAY OH now on normal food 😃. NG was to be removed this afternoon but his blood pressure was only 60 systolic Dr's have asked it remains in so they can 'water' if necessary. He needs to hydrate himself more! Still barrier nursing but was allowed to take him for a blow outside,  so we now have our own wheelchair at least until results of the stool test are known. Gradually acquiring all the equipment we need 😉

    Lovely chat with senior nurse and ward manager with OH, allayed a lot of my fears and they assure me that if he is allowed home as an early discharge with  support there will be a full assessment of our home environment to ensure he will be safe before he comes out. Makes so much more sense!

    The stroke ward was only moved to this location 2 weeks ago so they are still orientation themselves and are grateful that I pointed out lack of shower chairs. Feeling more optimistic at lwast for a bit. 

    Mentioned  the dirty floor and he said the nurse never returned to change his bed so when we returned from our outing, we'd left the windows open as well, you can smell it's been cleaned 😃. I've  once again told them about the wedding,  this doesn't seem to get written down /passed on as a goal 😲 and they're up for getting him able for it. Fingers crossed.

    Thanks for your support I wondered if I was expecting too much, but deep down I knew I wasn't!

    Edit I'm also invited to the therapy sessions and can have open visiting to stimulate him embarassed no twittering thanks,  because he's in isolation so no opportunity for housework again 😂😂👍😉

  • HelenandTrevor
    HelenandTrevor Forum Participant Posts: 3,221
    edited March 2019 #25663

    We travelled up to CL near Ely this afternoon. Journey pretty good just a bit blustery. Sun came out so setting up was ok.  We are here to visit NT Wicken Fen,somewhere I have wanted to visit for ages, thanks to MillieH ,posting on here about her lovely visits.smile

     Bakers2 good news about your OH, you must be pleased. I really admire the way you have coped with everything , I don't think I would be as strong. undecided Hope things keep improving.

    Glad all ok with caravan service, KjellNN.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited March 2019 #25664

    Have a good time Helen! Good news from B2, that's a relief! KJ hope it won't be long before you can have a break in the van, enjoy the birthday party. smile

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,081
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    edited March 2019 #25665

    We left Southport this morning and headed over to Preston as our caravan was booked in to the dealers for a warranty repair on the fridge. Once we dropped the van off we had a look at some new vans (dangerous thing to do) we saw one we liked but not now maybe next year. Had lunch in a nice little pub and were almost finished when dealer rang to say the van was ready to be collected. Now on a CL close to Blackpool 3 more nights on this trip then home on Sunday. We were booked to go to Keswick C&CC site but they called us during the week to say parts of the site was flooded and apparently people had been evacuated overnight so they had to cancel our booking which is a shame as we were looking forward too keswick but we like Blackpool too so won't complain although it does mean a longer drive home on Sunday.

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,178
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    edited March 2019 #25666

    What CL are staying at Heather?  Don’t forget you welly’s at wickham fen.  

    Welney is also a nice wildlife site

  • ADD46
    ADD46 Forum Participant Posts: 437
    edited March 2019 #25667

    Bakers your latest post sounds much more positive. It sounds like the staff know what they're doing. If he gets the necessary stroke physio he will improve on a daily basis. Best of luck for his future care and hopefully his transfer back home. Take care of yourself too. It's been a long road to get this far. Our thoughts are with you even though we don't know who you are. We're full of support for you. The internet is great for this kind of help. 🙂

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,178
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    edited March 2019 #25668

     Walked along the river today just to see what was about.  Came across this ship, funny really I've been here just over 50 years and this is the first time I've seen an EU fishery's inspection vessel in the river


  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,475
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    edited March 2019 #25669

    Could be the last time you see one as well OP!😂

    Bakers, sounds like you have had a lot more information thank goodness. Things will progress better once he is home, but they have to get him, you and the house ready first. I understand fully what M says, my Dad was discharged after two months, we were all so pleased, got everything ready at home, left it to ambulance to fetch him home. It was one of those transport only ambulances. On arrival, we took one look at him, demanded they do some basic tests......and yes, an infection. A nasty one, he had his own room for another two months. He wasn’t in the house more than 30 minutes. As you might imagine, the ambulance staff, who were from one of those contracted firms rather than our own SYAS team copped it badly. They had not spotted a thing, he was completely zoned out was Dad. After that we ferried him ourselves, it was a lot less hassle. 

  • triky auto
    triky auto Forum Participant Posts: 8,689
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    edited March 2019 #25670

    undecided AT last at last at last !!!! I,m managing to get away for a long weekend !!!! surprised Since thew "Concorde" had all it's works/repairs done ,not had a chance till now .SO ,,,a three night break at "Monks Horton" is set up (including an Italian Night ) tomorrow tongue-out.Oh R&R !!  sealed

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,335
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    edited March 2019 #25671

    Tricky have a great time. You deserve it. Check everything out to much sure it functions as it should. 

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,917
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    edited March 2019 #25672

    Phew what a day! And that was just reading todays news on this thread! Brexit? Piece of cake. Try joining the real world.

    Bakers, I'm exhausted but like a (moderately) happy ending. When FiL was in respite the Social Services decided hd couldn't come home until changes were made to the house. We were away in France on a short break at the time and MiL told them changes couldn't be made as the house wasn't theirs.We didn't know this but rushed home as they then decided he couldn't come home full stop but couldn't stay in respite. We had about 4 days to find him a care home. So some of Social Services were great, they inspected the house and were prepared to knock walls down and instal a bathroom suitable for a disabled person. Other Social Services were cold hearted. They wanted his respite bed. 

    Don't know if your Social people can get involved or are any good. They should be able to provide things like toilet seats and shower seats, even hoists.

    All turned out ok for FiL insofar as we managed to luckily find a great place for him but boy everyone was put through the wringer.

    So my very best wishes for a good resolution. Don't give in or give up. Stay strong, your OH needs it, whether he realises it or not.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,917
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    edited March 2019 #25673

    Kj, that's one expensive council you have. 

    We had a water meter installed in 2002 as we were newly retired and away for large portions of the year. Cost dropped dramatically. Then In-Laws moved in in 2004! Cost increased dramatically.smile Still only about £320 per year.

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,335
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    edited March 2019 #25674

    Thank you. I have to say that being able to write on here has been quite therapeutic. No one is involved and looking at me or judging as friends and family may do in a concerned way . I can just offload.

    Helenandtrevor I have no idea where I have got my strength from, my darling aunt, godmother and second mum always told me we aren't given a burden that we can't handle strength is given, and I can feel her beside me cheering me on! Have a fabulous time away. Out of interest which site are you on?

    TTDA I feel your pain and frustration with care for your dad, sadly the only way to be sure is to do it yourself 😉. Others can label this as 'control freak' 😂😂. I don't care myself I believe things should be done properly and with pride in the job 😲

    Edit Wherenext we posted together. Thank you, great words, most appreciated.  Life is s**t at times and some folks like to stir it and others offer assistance! Once this tummy bug clears, results tomorrow hopefully,  we can progress again. He's doing great and hopefully will make a full recovery in time. Fine motorskills and vision are issues now but not huge. He can feed and clean himself 👍and his handwriting never was up to much! We live to fight another day. 

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,917
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    edited March 2019 #25675

    At a girl.😀

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,475
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    edited March 2019 #25676

    Yep, Top tip from me is if you can do without getting Social Services involved, do it yourself. We gave Dad an extra 5 years from his first really bad illness. At times he spent weeks in hospital, we later learned some of this was because Social Services were trying to find him a care home......I ask you! There were some very embarrassed faces when I told them what we had put in place at home for him. They were all so wrapped up in trying to “do the right thing” they forgot to consult those who mattered. It was bloody hard work at times, a total mindset change, but love and laughs we all shared, still do share with Mum, made it worth it. But it takes a team, one alone just can’t do it. He was still going out with us up to a week before his final illness, spirit unbroken. I just hope things stay same with Mum, that we can look after her. She’s out tomorrow with us, three cousins looking after a 92 year old, a 90 year old, an 89 year old and a mere youngster of 78! All got dementia, but on the plus side, they can ask each other the same questions while the carers have a drink😂 By 10 o clock none of us will know the way home! Somewhere in the mayhem is a Budgie that has tens of thousands of Instagram followers from all over the World. You couldn’t make it up sometimes.......

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,230
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    edited March 2019 #25677

    Great to hear of his improvement and I hope that you can get everything sorted out for his eventual return home. Fingers crossed that it happens sooner rather than later, provided that he's fit enough for the move. My thought are with you both, Bakers, stay positive.

    Glad that you've managed to get the Concorde back and are ready for the off AT.

    Enjoy your trip to Wicken Fen, Helen. We might just get there too next week. 

    Sounds as if you've a very busy time ahead of you this weekend, Kjell. Great that the van has come through it's service without having anything major having to be done to it. The winds should have calmed down somewhat when you bring it home.

    Take care on the trip home, Francis. It looks as if they had a lot of rain up in the Lakes this past week. Not very nice being on the Keswick site and then having to be evacuated, so it'was good of them to let you know of the problem before you arrived.

    After a heavy rain shower this morning we've had a lovely sunny, but very windy day. By the sounds of it the wind has finally died down this evening. Visited 2 RSPB reserves close by, south of the R.Yare today but nothing to see or hear because of the conditions.

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,335
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    edited March 2019 #25679

    Husky what lovely words thank you. I'm managing some me time too, as you say even it's only an hour. There is plenty of kindness in this world - it's such a shame that it doesn't hit the headlines! It makes this world a nicer place.

    My heart goes out to Christchurch New Zealand, our daughter lives on the North Island. 

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited March 2019 #25680

    I was thinking the same abut NZ this morning B2, very sad.

    Just settled in to watch QT last night when we had another "mouse under the piano" drama, for some unknown reason when our cat brings a creature in he deposits it within reach of our upright piano in the hall. I think it's regarded as a holding area. With two terriers in the house the mouse decided not to come out for as long as possible. We usually enter into "emergency" visitor procedures, we close all doors and exits and open the front door escape route. This didn't work. So I left OH to sort it as it escaped to the sitting room and OH is better at these things! laughing (Mouse later caught and taken outside.) It was a little wood mouse and in good condition I'm relieved to report.

    So I didn't see QT and maybe that was a good thing, I shall be glad to escape on a van trip soon. smile

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited March 2019 #25681

    brue,  you  should  have  got  a  pub - style  sing song  going  --  guaranteed  to  shift  little  varmints  tout-suite  just  leaving  the  turfing  out  of  peeple  sized  ones  to  you  wink