What are you all up to
Nothing is better than good home cooked food. Generally you know where the ingredients come from, you know the food is prepared with love and in hygienic conditions. I enjoy cooking and don’t consider it a chore at all. Last night I had a beautiful bbqed mackerel with some salad, I enjoyed it sat out in the garden with a glass of good wine.
As for pizza I always make my own, usually with the help of my granddaughter, she also enjoys cooking and likes to choose her own pizza toppings and make patterns with them before we cook them.
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Back home after lovely 18 nights away. Would have been longer but discovered an appointment for tomorrow on my phone which wasn't on the calendar 😲😲.
Called in to see son on the way home, knew wed only catch a glimpse of DIL2B. Got text to say I'm on the farm come over. Oh my the dust I'd cleaned the motorhome inside before we left but you wouldn't know it now! Watched/supervised 😉 trying to clear a blockage in the combine - such fun, such dirt, OH had to assist a bit too! Anyway had lunch with him at their house and good catch up before back to combine and and and walk round the very dry cracked fields with grand-dog before heading home.
Stored and land unloaded motorhome, first time at new storage not as slick as we were 😂. Decided to surprise mum and call in as it's only a slight detour from new storage. Finally indoors about 9pm pleasantly surprised with garden containers, mint dry and brown but everything else looking for a drink but faired far better than we'd feared. Didn't ask ask none to pop in at all.
First load of washing in 😃 few bits including clothes asknyonend shoes to go on their proper places so feeling positive.
Tammygirl Farnell islands are great aren't they? I'd forgotten the smell - thanks for the reminder 😉. We loved the area when we visited, must call again. I agree with Brue the Grace Darling musuem well worth a look and her grave almost opposite.
Nelliethehooker glad Flyers getting better - safe and happy travels.
Safe and happy travels to all those home and away.
Husky sending a hug, wish I could wave a wand and make it and all better 😢. Glad you've booked a break you deserve it. Fingers crossed on shop sale, I'm with Rocky2buckets in that it tricky be for the best in the end.
Milliehull and brue never easy went offspring move a long way away😢. Our daughter thought Christchurch Canterbury too far away to go to uni so stayed at home and went to Essex, then moved to NZ 😲. As OH said in his speech when she married, in NZ, you raise them to give them wings 😂😂.
Hope I've not missed anything important.
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At Pizza Hut, Lancing, floors are mopped and cleaned, work top surfaces cleaned and disinfected, staff are provided and made to use hand sanitisers, even the walls are scrubbed, cleaned and disinfected. This is done several times a day. The standards of hygiene and cleanliness are far higher than what anyone can do in their own home, unless you have a team of servants in your house, which most people can't afford, except the very rich!
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The thing that struck me when visiting the Farnes was the apparent racial segregation of the birds. One island seemed exclusively puffins, another was guillemots, yet another terns.
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I so agree with home cooked food of any description 😃. I can't say I find it a chore but a less picky OH, 40 plus years and continuing 😉, doesn't inspire now there's only 2.
I sometimes feel cheated - my primary headteacher told us in the late 1960s we'd be not have to cook as we'd just have a pill for nutrition. Think that went same way as free electric from the 'oh so cheap nuclear'. Mind you what would we do with the time saved? Especially in retirement 😉😉. I can't imagine a world without a meal to eat - mind you maybe the waistline, not to mention other parts 😉, might be trimmer 😂😂😂
Retirement is mostly wonderful, the only part of my job I miss is the social interaction with customers. Then I recall just a very few customers and one in particular 'colleague' and I'm cured 😂😂
Have a great day folks.
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You simply wouldn't have the time to do that much cleaning, taffyY. Pizza Hut have a team of staff employed that are working on achieving the highest possible standards. Many hands make light work, as the saying goes! That's why I'm proud and honoured to be part of their team!
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Glad you enjoyed your holiday B2. We are waiting to hear where are son and family will "land," we moved a lot ourselves when young but it has been nice having one of our grandsons living a bit nearer for a few years.
The builders arrived at 7am, hard work in this hot weather, must stock up on coffee and tea supplies today.
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Try telling that to my wife, taffyY. She maintains that the housework in the caravan never stops!
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M, I don’t think anyone has suggested Pizza Hut’s hygiene is below par, there’s no need to be so defensive. There are plenty of fast food takeaways, not national chains, in my local town and I wouldn’t dream of eating anything they had prepared despite the councils hygiene certificate that’s on display in the window.
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Morning all, nice drop of rain here in West Wales, not enough to make a difference. Back after a last minute few days away at a lovely site near Llandovery.
Hope you are all having enjoyable time away or at home.
I love making pizzas, especially using proper cheese, not the "manufactured" cheese used by many fastfood outlets and shop bought.
edit I mean processed cheese.
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Thanks, cariadon, I'm not sure what kind of cheese is used at Pizza Hut but I think they might appreciate your advice about using proper cheese, if they haven't already considered that!
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Several folks lost their front walls round here a few years back.With bigger kids kicking at them apparently. A few caught after a chase, no police action even when that happened. Assumed it was sorted by owners😉. Despite being in the city this area is like a village, most folks know or ae known. Not at all funny.
Enjoy the grandtwins while you can. My friends 3 year old grandson starts school in September! Not fulktime to begin with 😲 I expect its about the funding. But neighbours child started last September aged 4 and a bit, one intake policy apparently. Poor little fellow was permanently exhausted.
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If you're happy with their standards, Whittakerr, then why not?
Many of our customers have told me that we are better than our competitors in product quality and delivery service. I certainly feel a lot happier working for Pizza Hut than I did for Dominos or dinner2go. I believe my customers when they tell me we are the best, thay have tried other brands and so know what they are talking about. I get it straight from the horses mouth!
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You've lost me there Malcolm, when did i say i was happy with their (who's) standards.
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That's seems the same sort of comments that are recieved to site staff of the CMS then by the the majority of site users, but as with all large companies it depends on the attitude of the staff at each branch
ps I just wish more sites could have the mobile real wood burner pizza vans call
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Second daughter's graduation in Newcastle today
(the third daughter in Leeds on Thursday)
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Another lovely warm day here on IOW the site isnt too busy just now but I think that will change nearer the end of the week. We have put our Air awning up but have removed the front and sides to use it as a shade which is very useful in this weather. With regard to cooking we do order pizza occasionally when at home as there are some very good take-Aways in our area but when away we buy supermarket pizzas and cook them on the Cadac which is great my favourite way to cook outside beer in hand watching the world go buy
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You said that the standards weren't below par which surely means that you are satisfied with them, Whittaker!