What are you all up to



  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,757
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    edited July 2018 #20972

    I think you need to  consider what you are eating, as well as the total calories when diabetes is a danger.  Sure ABM can advise on that.

    My sister comes to visit quite often so we have become  much more aware of which foods are not so good for us on both the carbs and the salt front, and try to limit our intake of both.

    Finding yoghurt that is low in sugar is quite difficult, particularly in France (where she was with us on holiday), but even in UK.

    Low fat is easy, but then you get a high sugar content.

  • taffyY
    taffyY Forum Participant Posts: 326
    edited July 2018 #20973

    You are right Kj, if you are diabetic or in danger of becoming a diabetic, it is in your own interest to eat your calories in 'good' food and not in fat, alcohol and sugar.  The best yoghurt is plain yoghurt from that point of view.   Also, not a good idea to 'lie around' all day!

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,466
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    edited July 2018 #20974

    Of course you’re right, KJ, and I’m a borderliner myself so always watch the sugar, fat and so on.

    However, the conversation was about the amount Malc is eating in relation to the exercise he gets rather then the right/wrong foods.

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited July 2018 #20975

    I'll  be  off  to  Malvern  Hills  Club  Site  next  Thursday,  so  he'll  need  a  flexible  return  ticket   !!innocentcool

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited July 2018 #20976

    Oh  thank  you,  KjellNN,  It's  truly  gratifying  to  know  you  have  such  high  thoughts  about  me  innocent !!

    Lets  get  a  couple  of  things  straight  tho'  --  Diabetes,  even  Type 2,  is  not  a  simple  thing  to  deal  with,  or  in  many  cases,  to  identify.

    I  was  'discovered'  as  Type  2  at  a  company  offered  medical  when  the  urine  sample  was  identified  as  being  a  major  leak  from  T & L's  syrup  unit !!  I  was  then  about  a  stone  over  the  weight  I  was  when  I  finally  stopped  chasing  a  football  some  20  years  before.  I  was  still  playing  tennis  &  20 over  cricket  all  to  the  same  standard  -->  badly  but  relatively  energetically.  I  am  now  a  little  heavier,  but  I  am  25  years  older  frown

    If  you  have  doubts  ==>  consult  your  doctor  &  ask  for  the  appointment  with  the  DIETICIAN !  { They  can  be  scary,  cos  mine  cannot  put  a  pencil  behind  her  ear  without  disappearing }

    My  regimen  suits  my lifestyle  a  treat  --  Small  light  meals  regularly  thro  the  day,  more  or  less  what  I  want  to  eat  but  all  within  reason  ==  THE  BLOOD  SUGAR  METER  RULES  !!  Also  the  use  of  insulin  places  strict  controls  on  your  driving  !!

    You  are  supposed  to  do  regular  blood  tests  &  keep  above  a  certain  level  which  always  seems  to  be  against  the  point  of  "Control".


    And  please  don't  forget  DIABETES  CAN  BE  A  PROGRESSIVE  DISEASE,  with  horrid  results  if  its  out  of  control.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,191
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    edited July 2018 #20977

    Lets get a couple of things straight tho' -- Diabetes, even Type 2, is not a simple thing to deal with, or in many cases, to identify.

    Particularly if you end up having to control it by insulin as Margaret does!!! It rules your whole life.



  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,757
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    edited July 2018 #20978

    Yes,indeed, my sister started out on just tablets about 10 years back but is now on insulin and as you say has to make regular checks on her levels, and of course has regular checks on her eyes and, I think, her feet?

    She has cut out several things that are high in sugar, but has a weakness for potatoes and bread, though she is careful not to over indulge.  She fills up on vegetables, but takes only a small amount of fruit.

    Before she was diagnosed she had a big problem with  constant tiredness, even now she likes a nap in the afternoon 

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited July 2018 #20979

    Definitely  care  for  the  feet,  Kj,  Neuropathy  or  loss  of  feeling  due  to  nerve  damage  can  lead  to  damaged  feet  not  being  discovered  till  too  late  !  It's  probably  the  greatest  cause  of  toe, foot,  lower  leg  amputations  within  the  NHS  --  diabetics  heal  oh  so  very  very  slowly,  if  at  all  !!

    I  like  a  nap  after  dining  as  well,  I  maintain  its  helping  my  digestion  !!embarassed

    But  don't  cut  out  ALL  SUGAR,  we  need  carbs + sugar  within  reason  for  the  muscles  to  function  --  it's  the  EXCESS  we  must  beware  of.

    { Not  that  I'm  trying  to  teach  KJ  &  DK  anything  they  have  not  already  discovered  !}

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited July 2018 #20980

    Isn't there some sort of dark folk tale about someone being stuffed with food ready for a terrible fate...? surprised

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited July 2018 #20981

    Good couple of days down at the Tall Ships, quiet CL smile

    Now up at Beadnell Bay C&CC site. Site full for the weekend, lots of children zipping around on bikes/scooters having fun. Lots of cloud cover but temp has plummeted with a sea breeze, however these hardy northern children are still out in shorts and T shirts laughing

    Will go out and explore tomorrow, hope everyone away and at home has a good weekend.

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited July 2018 #20982

    Quite  right  Brue  :--

    Neuropathy  --  A  fate  worse  than  death



    { For  fate  read  feet  sealed }

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited July 2018 #20983

    Glad  you  got  to  see  them  TammyG,  and  that  you  could  tolerate  the  children  playing  happily.

    For  that  kindness  you  deserve  a  Grand  Day  Out  playing  as  well  wink

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,147
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    edited July 2018 #20984

    Great area to explore, TG. We always find new placed to visit along that coast. Have a great time over there. 

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,147
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    edited July 2018 #20985

    We had our first real rain this morning since we came home nearly 3 weeks ago, which is a rare thing where we live, although it didn't last very long and the ground soon dried up. It continued cloudy till late afternoon but was warm again.

    I finished polishing the inside of the van this morning, laid the carpet runner, checked the car tyre pressures and loaded maps etc into the van. Nearly ready for the off on Monday morning, Yipee!!

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited July 2018 #20987

    Nice news Millie, congratulations. smile

    TG I can imagine everyone enjoying Beadnell, we stayed at the other site near Dunstanburgh and the children were having a great time. Two good sites for the coast. Hope you enjoy your stay. 

    Nellie, our van will need a thorough clean on return, we are covered in sandy dust, it is so dry here.

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited July 2018 #20988

    Gosh not only are they hardy here, they must eat loads of carrots (totally dark here now) kids only just starting to settle down laughing lots of funny onesies on show laughinglaughinglaughing Don't think its going to be a relaxing weekend.


  • Malcolm Mehta
    Malcolm Mehta Forum Participant Posts: 5,660
    edited July 2018 #20989

    My weight seems to have remained steady.

  • Malcolm Mehta
    Malcolm Mehta Forum Participant Posts: 5,660
    edited July 2018 #20990

    My condition is controlled by tablets and I have recently attended diabetic clinic in which my medication was reviewed, so I'm being well looked after!

  • Malcolm Mehta
    Malcolm Mehta Forum Participant Posts: 5,660
    edited July 2018 #20991

    Day before yesterday, I ordered a case of mixed wines fromMajestic wines online. I had received a £20 discount voucher through my NT magazine which I used and also got 3 free bottles in their introductory offer. Yesterday, I got an email and phone call to say it was ready for collection. So I had to interrupt my afternoon sleep to go to their store in Worthing to collect it. Their service was very good and the staff loaded it in the car for me. So now, I have 6 bottles of red, 6 bottles of white and 3 mixed making a total of 15 bottles of wine. We just need to find space to store it all!

    Luckily, it went quiet by 20:30 at work so they let me finish at that time, an hour and a half earlier than my rota. The manager also gave me a gift of a box of Cadburys Milk Tray chocolates, lovely! They thanked me for all my hard work, so that was the thank you present!

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,327
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    edited July 2018 #20992

    Back with a signal again! Great time at Sandringham C&CC site but black hole for 4g and phone signal - very patchy. 

    Loved Sandringham house and Gardens, plus walks. Had done the church and some walks on previous visit when we had the grand-dog. Loved our visit to Kings Lynn and took the guided tour, interesting, the river has certainly moved a great deal. Would love another visit as so much history to explore. Weather went very cloudy and felt rather chilly for 3 days - thermometer said 18c in the deep shade but that was 10c down on what we've had, almost needed thermals 😂😂. 

    Now at Fields End Water near March, nice site but bus service now very limited so will take the motorhome to Wisbech today.

    May catch a glimpse of son plus on our way homewards but waiting for proper reply 😉. I know DIL2B has tickets for ladies final today. I discovered I have an appointment on Tuesday that's on my phone diary but not house calendar 😲. So will be back Sunday or Monday and then maybe fit in something local for a few days.

    Took a while to catch up on here!

    Lovely news milliehull, hopefully it won't be too long before they can name the day. So much to look forward to 😃

    Hope Flyte has recovered, do you know the cause of the cut Nelliethehooker?

    KjellNN hope the discovery at your daughters proposed house is resolved successfully - sounds dramatic to me and I'd probably walk away 😲. Not something we come across in our area so no idea if it should be a deal breaker.

    Brue I hope your relative is OK,  those very early days, as with most things, are very difficult for all to get through and do determine the future. Fingers crossed. Your rally stay sounds lovely. Note to self must look into them. 

    Sorry if I've missed off anything important embarassed. No posts from Tricky and few from huskydog,??

    Enjoy your day folks.


  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,861
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    edited July 2018 #20993

    Glad you enjoyed Sandringham Bakers2. We love it there and will probably go in the autumn after the schools go back. Yes it is a black hole for 4G and Wi-Fi. I hope you enjoy WIsbech.  It isn't the town is used to be unfortunately but Peckover House is well worth a visit, especially the garden.  And so is Octavia Hill's house the other side of the river.  Ellgood Brewery Garden is also excellent but has limited opening. You would need to check their website. You will be OK parking the MH in the car park next to the Rugby Club behind Peckover House.  It is the official parking for Peckover. Usually plenty of room there.

    I hope Flyte is fully recovered nth and that you have a good trip.

    It sounds like a lively site that you are on Tammygirl.  I think a lot of sites are like that at weekends and will now probably be busy for the rest of the summer as the schools in England break up next Friday.

  • Malcolm Mehta
    Malcolm Mehta Forum Participant Posts: 5,660
    edited July 2018 #20994

    I was asleep by 23:00 last night and slept through until 06:00 a.m. then got up for tea and breakfast, just a light breakfast this morning of cereal and boiled egg plus two slices of toast.

    It was nice getting back to the site in daylight yesterday evening, a rare occasion these days! People were still wandering around and sitting outside so a nice holiday atmosphere to come back to.

    After breakfast, I sat outside the awning in the relaxer for a cup of tea before going back to bed for another hours sleep. Then up again for another drink in the relaxer of tomato juice accompanied by salt, tabasco sauce and Worcestershire sauce, a tasty combination!

    We plan to have lunch at 11:00 a.m. followed by another afternoon nap before getting ready for a long 7 hour shift at work. I need to be there for 16:00 so will leave here by 15:30. I'm due to finish at 23:00.

  • Malcolm Mehta
    Malcolm Mehta Forum Participant Posts: 5,660
    edited July 2018 #20995

    We've had our lunch. My wife got an Indian takeaway for 2 from Tesco yesterday evening. The price was reduced to £2. The normal price is £8. 

    So we had Chicken Jalfrezi, Chicken Korma, pilau rice, naan and bhaji for lunch today. Then I sat out in the relaxer for a while. It's still quite cool and comfortable in the shade. It seems very quiet on site at the moment though. No people around, even though it's Saturday afternoon   and the site is almost full.

    Anyhow, it's time for me to get back to bed for another nap! Or should I have a cup of tea first? Difficult decisions!


  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited July 2018 #20996

    Van is on the drive and almost ready for our week away - stopping at 2 CLs, one near Shrewsbury and then Leominster for a couple of nights on the way home. No wifi at either so I'll have to rely on 4G. Two areas which we've visited briefly before and wanted to return to though both sites are new to us.Lots of walking planned although it'll be a case of taking it in turns as Harry won't want to venture far! Also hoping to visit some NT parks in both areas. Just got to decide how much and what wine to pack now! You're right Malcolm, difficult decisions!  wink

    Hope everyone else who is away enjoys themselves. smile

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,871
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    edited July 2018 #20997

    Nice walking on Hergest Ridge and at Croft Castle (NT) near Leominster, Moulesy. You can see about 7 different counties from the Ridge walk. Enjoy it.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited July 2018 #20998

    Have a good time Moulesy, we 've just returned so now doing the reverse. Trying to resuscitate a few plants, wend our way through builders bags, new conservatory windows and doors left all over the garden and propped up against the house. I think I am glad to be home? wink

  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited July 2018 #20999

    We've walked Hergest Ridge, I think when we were at Moorhampton last Easter and the views are immense. Croft Castle and Berrington Hall are on our list this time. smile

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,066
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    edited July 2018 #21000

    We arrived on IOW and it is very hot. We left home on Thursday morning and spent Thurs night at Chapel Lane C&MC we then drove on down to Portsmouth last night and stsyed st Rookesbury Park. Rookesbury is very handy for the ferry we were only a 30 min tow from the site to the Wightlink terminal, the crossing was enjoyable and the views great. We are set up now apart from the awning but it is too warm to put that up just now so that will have to wait until later. Heading out soon to get stuff to cook on the Cadac later.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,191
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    edited July 2018 #21001

    We arrived on the IOW on the 8th of June for a week the the weather was really excellent and I assume it has remained the same since! I have never use a Wightlink crossing as we have always gone from Southampton. I get the impression that Wightlink is always a bit more expensive? We paid £119 for our crossing, included in that was an extra charge for being a bit taller! Hope you enjoy your stay.
