What are you all up to



  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited April 2018 #18602

    Might  be  lovely  to  look  at,  Francis,  but  the  sandy  beaches  round  there  are  bloomin'  hard  !!  Long  time  ago  four  of  us  were  looking  for  a  horse  ride  but  all  we  could  get  was  to  assist  a  local  stable  exercising  on  the  beach.  Mine  was  keen  to  run  but  another  took  exception  to  being  passed  &  bit -- HARD.  Mine  turned  sharp  left,  I  didn't  and  performed  the  only  successful  gymnastic  flying  forward  roll  in  my  life  ending  up  running  down  the  beach.  Got  a  'sitting  ovation'  for  that  but,  alas,  my  comments  cost  me  a  blossoming  relationship  embarassedsealed!!

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited April 2018 #18603

    Yes I'm brave enough wink been telling him for years his choice of outfits is bizarre. laughing I blame 45 years in the military wearing uniforms. I just wait till he's not around then I clear all the stuff out I don't like surprised 

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited April 2018 #18604

    Been a much better day today we even had sunshine for awhile. 

    Went to visit Mum this morning and didn't even wear a jacket surprised 

    Then it was a look around the car dealerships, OH wants another car for himself, a bit bigger than mine and a bit plusher for longer drives but it has to be able to get the 2 folding bikes into it as well. Needless to say we didn't see anything that fitted the bill at the price he's willing to pay.

    Back home and a nice bowl of soup for lunch then out for a bike ride only 5 miles but enough to be starting with as half of it was uphill. 

    Managed a little while in the garden doing the potting up I've been meaning to get round to for days. smile

    Yesterday I spent part of the afternoon in the MH, gave the cab a good clean out and shampooed the seats, then it was hoover through and wash the floors. Carpets lifted and taken into house for a good hoover and shampoo. MH going into workshop on Tuesday to have an external gas BBQ point fitted. So that will be the inside ready just needs the outside to be washed at some point. 

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited April 2018 #18606

    When  you  have  such  a  wonderfully  successful evening  to  tell  us  all  about,  Goldie,  there's  no  need  to  apologise  about  the  length  of  your  post.  Indeed,  we're  wondering  what  you  have  missed  out  wink

    Now  relax  and  close  your  eyes  &  re-live  those  special  moments  wink

  • cariadon
    cariadon Forum Participant Posts: 861
    edited April 2018 #18607

    So glad you had a wonderful day / night Goldie and that all the planning was worth while. So nice to read a happy story.

  • HelenandTrevor
    HelenandTrevor Forum Participant Posts: 3,221
    edited April 2018 #18608

    Goldie , what a fantastic evening, smile Pleased that everything  went well after all the planning.  We had a much smaller family get together last night but had a good time too. Had a late start this morning though wink

    Weather not  as nice today, but had a rather muddy walk in a local wood with the dog. A few bluebells were just starting to open up.

    Wishing everyone off on trips a great time, we are off at the end of the week, hoping the nice weather we've been promised arrives and lasts till then undecided

  • cariadon
    cariadon Forum Participant Posts: 861
    edited April 2018 #18610

    When you look at the few names at the beginning of this thread you realise that many members who used to post quite regular on here have stopped, whether by not being members and some have sadly passed away. So many names no longer on here since I joined 5 years ago.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited April 2018 #18611

     Good to hear the special evening went well Goldie, sounds as though you all enjoyed it, very happy looking partakers in the photo!  smile

    We're just about packed up, haven't had much time and the rain has rained nearly all day, a bit drier now. 


  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,459
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    edited April 2018 #18612

    That’s great, Millie. You couldn’t make it up. laughinglaughing

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,319
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    edited April 2018 #18613

    Brilliant 😂😂😂😂

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited April 2018 #18614

      Last week at Broadway ,I was grooming Rosa in her groom room (the back of the car) with the tailgate open ,i had just gone get another brush from the van side locker,when the train set off from the station (Rosa is no keen on steam trains)i went to back to the car to find she had gonesurprised so a frantic search of the site was  fruitless ,on getting back to the van something caught my eye in the car, she was curled up in the passenger footwell having scrambled over the seatsembarassedcry

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,846
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    edited April 2018 #18615

    I must admit it gave us all a good laughTW. (apart from the guy who drove off looking very sheepish)😁

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,846
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    edited April 2018 #18616

    Sensible Rosa.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,121
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    edited April 2018 #18617

    Excellent millie. laughing Sounds as if you're having a good time over there.

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,926
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    edited April 2018 #18618

    Have a good time in N.I. Millie.  Great to read all the post on here.  I always have real difficulty in keeping up to date with all the posts on this thread - it always seems to move so quickly and I miss a lot. 


  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,063
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    edited April 2018 #18619

    We returned home today after a lovely 4 night stay at Yellowcraig C&MCsite in North Berwick. The weathwr was decent I managed a cycle a couple of morini gs we also managed a meal on the Cadac which was a bonus. We visited the Musuem of Flight which was excellent  we went on To the Concorde which was excellent what a piece of engineering. This morning was lovely weather so we had a nice drive home.  This afternoon once we unpacked and put the van in its space I went to the pub to meet a coupleme of friends and watch the football. Next trip out is 4 nights in Berwick upon Tweed in 3 weeks cant wait now

  • neveramsure
    neveramsure Forum Participant Posts: 713
    edited April 2018 #18620

    That's so funny Millielaughing, glad your having a good time.smile

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,754
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    edited April 2018 #18621

    Well, we are back now, just been away for 18 nights on CCC sites so have not been using up our 3 data allowance by posting on CT.

    Trip was not bad, weather very mixed, sites pretty good.

    At Moffat we had horizontal sleet one day, but did manage to  do some sightseeing, including the Lead Mining Museum and Drumlanrig Castle.

    Dunbar had slightly better weather, and excellent views over the Forth, so we were able to get out and about quite a lot.

    Most sheltered site was Scone, so we tried out our new canopy awning.  It was fine so a good purchase at  £120.  We had reasonable weather and met up with TG and her OH twice for  good food and lots of chatting.  We also had a good day yesterday with our friends in Fife.

    Arrived home in time for lunch, then we had to go and pick up a new tumble drier for DD's flat, the tenants have worn out the washer dryer.  SIL and I spent about 3 hours there removing the old machine and also the dishwasher they never used, so they will now have a washing machine and a separate dryer.  We installed the dryer this evening, and the washing machine will be delivered tomorrow, so I have to go back to install that.

    DD also  has shelves she wants me to put up, so plenty to keep me busy this week!



  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited April 2018 #18622

    If  the  valve  has  been  left  open  to  drain  for  the  winter,  give  it  a  couple  or  three  operations  to  ensure  it  seats  correctly,  I  was  using  a  hose  to  top  up  and  got  the  message  when  my  feet  got  all  cold  'n  damp!!  at  least  I  was  outside  when  it  happened,  but  a  couple  of  'operations'  and  it  sealed  A O K  !!

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited April 2018 #18623

    Drain sorted ta.

    Had a couple of problems though. I could not get the motor mover remote to work. Press start button and nothing! Change batteries and still no go. Pop into van and check voltage on panel. OK.

    Inside house, computer on for instructions and could not find in English. More head scratching. 20 mins later I realised. Old mover press two buttons simultaneously to start. New controller press same button several times rapidly to start!  smile

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,167
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    edited April 2018 #18624

    Off to van shortly to offload stuff before service.  Meet daughter and grandtwins later for some bike riding on the prom and beach timelaughing

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,846
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    edited April 2018 #18625

    Sitting in Belfast City airport waiting for our flight back home 😣

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,319
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    edited April 2018 #18626

    Safe trip. Rumour has it we are experiencing sunny intervals 😆

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,319
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    edited April 2018 #18627

    KjellNN nice to see you back, fully relaxed I trust? Looks like you're back in harness swiftly. Almost like being back at work 😉😉

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited April 2018 #18628

    Just  returned  from  seeing  Diabetes  Specialist  Nurse  and  she seems  almost  pleased  with  me  innocent.  Just  suggested  a  tiny  increase  in  insulin,  but  to  keep  a  careful  eye  on  it  --  could  just  be  the  result  of  over - indulgence  at or shortly  after  Christmas.  She  has  told  me  that  my  Insulin  Needles ( 8  mm )  will  be  replaced  on  future  prescriptions  by   4  mm  long  ones  !!  Am  I  being  told  to  lose  weight  here  ??undecided.  And,  chatting  away  happily  she  arranged  an  appointment  this  afternoon  with  another  Nurse  at  the  other  Surgery  'cos  she  said  I'd  missed  a  comment  or  three  and  I've  got  to  have  the  lug 'oles  power  washed surprised !  So  that's  why  wimmin  talk  behind  yer  back,  is  it  !!  Ah  well  as  the  scientists  say,  the  N H S is  doing  Brian  proud,  and  no  complaints  from  this  quarter  laughingsmile

  • HelenandTrevor
    HelenandTrevor Forum Participant Posts: 3,221
    edited April 2018 #18629

    Safe trip Millie,  and welcome back KjellNN and Francis after your breaks, both sound like they went well.smile

    OH has just taken the wheels off the Freelander, he thought yesterday the brakes felt a bit "spongy " he checked the brake pads and one side fell apart surprised so as we are going to be towing the van at the end of the week, it was a good job he checked!

    He has just gone off to buy new pads.

    Weather lovely this morning, what a difference a bit of sunshine makes.smile 

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited April 2018 #18630

    H & T ,  it's  always  good  to  have  somebody  around  who  is  Mechanically  Sympathetic  !!  To  know  how  something  should  feel  when  in  use  is  much,  much  better  than  lying  in  a  hospital  bed  and  saying  " Well  it  passed  its  MOT  last  October"  It's  also  a  darned  sight  cheaper  !!

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,319
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    edited April 2018 #18631

    Helenandtrevor glad you're getting brakes sorted before your trip. I agree with ABM handy to have someone mechanical about 😉.

    Our car made clunking noise, same but different, yesterday after drive to Gatwick and back 😲. OH took it back to our guys this morning, they full of apologises but suspect that 'centre of some part' this is non mechanical OH explaining what he thinks they said 😲😂, they have had a couple before but will check it out. OH caught bus home without asking when how long etc 😭. So we're careless again.

     I agree it's great to see the sun it makes things seem so much nicer. Although we have had grey cloud too, more coming now. Mattress covers and bedding blowing nicely. Still unable to cut our grass as heavy rain most of yesterday afternoon and early evening 😤😤

    ABM good news on diabetic nurse, not so good on the ears. Are you having them syringes? Don't envy you that,  the ear vac is less painful and damaging so I'm told. Delighted at the speed of another appointment 😆.  Best to be sorted before trips.

    MOT booked for our motorhome on Friday, just need to get to storage to check it over properly and on the day of the test. Fingers crossed.