What are you all up to



  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,852
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    edited August 2024 #60362

    It's  taken a while but at last I can access the CT website again much to the joy of you all 🤣. 

    It has been very hot here so I have been doing as little as possible. At least I was  on duty in the Cathedral on Tuesday and it was nice and cool in there. I have also been on duty to feed our daughter's animals (or rather the grandchildrens') - a cat and a guinea pig - as daughter and family are away camping with a group of friends. I don't really 'do' pets in cages. You seem to spend all your time feeding them and cleaning out their cages only for them to appear briefly to get their food and disapear back into their sleeping compartment. The cat is lovely though. She is a rescue cat that they got the same time as we got ours. Today we we met some friends for lunch which was a nice convivial occasion. I then watered some of the plants just before our evening meal and guess what - it then rained! Not a lot though, not really anything useful. It has been a bit cooler today with a strong breeze which was very welcome. I opened all the windows to get a breeze through the house to try and dissipate some of the heat.

    Glad you are feeling a bit better bakers2. I wouldnt be surprised if it was covid as I read there has been a big uptick in cases during the summer. The chemists and some supermarkets sell the testing kits and you can also get them on Amazon. I keep a few in 'just in case'.  When I went to the dentist recently there was a notice on the reception desk saying covid cases were increasing and if we had any symptoms please dont go. A bit late really as we were already there!

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,852
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    edited August 2024 #60363

    Well done to your grandson heddlo. What a fantastic result. Good idea to defer for a year to give himself time to think about what a really wants to do and to gain a few life experiences. I think they are sometimes panicked into making a decision and then find they have made the wrong decision. Best of luck to him.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,133
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    edited August 2024 #60364

    That's  correct, OP. I thought you might get the location. The view is looking towards Cross Fell and Great Dun Fell, with the globe on the top, and with Dutton Pike on the left of the photo. We are stopping on a CS about a mile out from Appleby.. It has been wet for much of the day, with the two stopping finally around 15;00, however the sky is now clear and we have just had a red sky.

    Good to see that Millie, CS and OP have been able to get back on line and that Ro has posted a response to B2.

    Congrats to Heddlo's grandson, a great achievement, and hopefully he will find out in the next year what he want to do workwise or if he wants to continue with his education.

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,929
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    edited August 2024 #60365

    Thats great news, Heddlo.... do pass on our congratulations.  A year out is not a bad idea...  give him chance to get his head around what direction he wants to take.  All good luck to him for the future.


  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,929
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    edited August 2024 #60366

    Mixed weather here today at home.... got back from 'our travels' yesterday. After playing for a funeral this morning, and an instumental practice, a small group of us provided some music for the Mother's Union Garden Party this afternoon.  Fortunately the rain kept off long enough for the event, and managed to pack up before the rain started.  Another funeral tomorrow and a wedding on Saturday, before we're off again.... 😀


    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,406
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    edited August 2024 #60367

    Cut the grass front and back today, then cutback lots of plants and shrubs, filled the green bin that was only emptied yesterday, and we don’t have a large garden. It just seems to be cut back time of year. The lilac needs doing as it’s hanging over next door but it will have to wait until the weekend, not sure what I will do with the branches now the bin is full. I purchased a small battery chainsaw to make these jobs easier but haven’t used it much yet, it seems very powerful so a little in ore of it.

    Taking our granddaughter to hospital tomorrow, she had one of her POTS episodes last week, unfortunately at the top of the stairs and fell down them. Head and shoulder hurt but she has maybe also broken her hand but X-ray not clear so MRI scan booked for tomorrow. It doesn’t make it easy for her to push her wheelchair so we hope they can sort it.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,428
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    edited August 2024 #60368

    Hope it’s not broken DEBSC🤞 What a fighter she is.

    I had a few hours in garden at home yesterday as well. Nettle removal, I leave a patch each year for bugs etc…. But it’s gone mad this year. It’s so dry here, we are on tidying now, cutting back as some things have done for year. Hoping to get into late October before leaves fall. I gave myself a Pat on the back after doing a good watering last thing…..then the heavens opened briefly. But at least it’s gone back into the butts. Need to take garden bags to tip later, but up at Mums today.

    Red Kite mentioned the London Olympic opening yesterday. I skimmed through the best bits, haven’t seen it since 2012. Had forgotten how good it was to be honest. 

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,406
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    edited August 2024 #60369

    Left for Gdaughters hospital appointment at 11.30, just got home! Good job I thought to make sandwiches. Long wait for results in A&E after the MRI. A&E packed, lots of holidaymakers. We did stop to collect her and then took her home. Hand not broken but Dr said it’s damaged and may take a while to heal, but at least not broken. Just getting into the car at the hospital to leave and got a phone call to say that her sister had been taken very unwell at work. She is now resting at home. Got home to find the kitchen sink pipes have leaked water into the cupboards. OH now trying to fix but probably plumber tomorrow. One of those days.

    Poor old chap in A&E in pyjamas, said he’d been there most of the day, sent from another small local hospital. We got him a drink of water as he said he was parched, didn’t seem to be able to get out of the hospital wheelchair, not sure that he had eaten all day, didn’t like to offer to get him anything in case not right, or he might need an op. We sat and chatted to him, Granddaughter engaged with him and made him laugh a bit. All staff looked busy but didn’t seem right that he was just left alone. Life can be rather sad.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,864
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    edited August 2024 #60370

    Good luck to your GD DEBSC.  Good job she has a strong temperament.

    Strange how different experiences some people have in A&E. When we took MiL after her recent fall the staff were on the ball about making sure that those people waiting to be seen or waiting for results/see a doctor weren't under any further duress. MiL was offered a free sandwich and a cuppa after 5 hours as was everyone else who was in as a patient. Carers had to look after themselves though. Too many people wasting A&E staff time as well. One wanted a repeat prescription as his GPs surgery was closed that afternoon.

    Quiet last couple of days. Busy schedule next week so we're escaping for the weekend, with MiLs blessing. Just have to make sure bottles of water are cracked open and gently closed, pepper chopped for her salmon salad as she can't manage it and salmon cooked how she likes it. That and keep our fingers crossed.smile


    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,406
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    edited August 2024 #60371

    Hope that you have a good weekend away Wherenext. To be fair it didn’t look as though too many time wasters, lots of falls, cuts and bruises. Many bleeding badly. One chap with a cut leg so drunk that he couldn’t stand up but not really causing any trouble. Three police officers down the corridor though in a room dealing with someone, waste of their time and the staff. Time wasters should, in my opinion, be left waiting hours and hours, and then they might not be so keen to go next time. Sadly, as in many areas of life, those that make the most noise, nuisance, get sorted first to get rid of them or shut them up.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,428
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    edited August 2024 #60372

    Good for you DEBSC. Poor fella, hospital is bad enough but awful if you are alone. You sound like us, we pack for a couple of days if going to A&E. Phones, top up batteries, a book, headphones, food, drink, etc… You do seem to have some awfully unlucky days. 

    Hope your little tour goes well WN. Weather still nice over here, if a tad cooler. Didn’t stop us having a dip though🤣

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,864
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    edited August 2024 #60373

    There is a relatively new prison in Wrexham and OH heard one of the nurses mention that prisoner "visits" accompanied by officers is a regular occurrence, usually resulting in being unable to find anything wrong. They like a change of scenery you see. Of course the medics at the prison can't risk an undiagnosed real problem getting  worse.

    Hope everyone has a good weekend.  Weather looks good for vast majority of UK.

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,852
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    edited August 2024 #60374

    We saw a couple of prisoners and their officers when we went to A&E about my eye a few weeks ago WN.They all seemed very jovial. Presumably they were enjoying the outing. Enjoy your weekend away.

    Good for you DEBSC helping that poor old gentleman. I hope he got seen and sorted eventually. I hope your grand-daughter's hand gets less painful soon.

    Lovely weather today - lots of sun but not that dreadful heat we had at the beginning of the week. We are also promised a cooler night so I am looking forward to a better nights sleep.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,133
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    edited August 2024 #60376

    A much duller day than yesterday, with a gentle wind . We visited Acorn Bank for a walk through the woods and garden, and also saw the mill in action. Called in to Appleby after lunch for some provisions before I took a walk along the course of the Roman Road. The evenings are cerrtainly drawing in!! 😯



  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,169
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    edited August 2024 #60377

    Sunny day here only about 20C.  Went to Lowestoft to watch granddaughter play soccer.  The team played really well and scored several goals.  

    had a wander along the beach, this afternoon, lots of people about and a few swimming and paddling

    Brother released from hospital, so hopefully he’s on the mend

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,864
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    edited August 2024 #60378

    Parked at Parsley Hay car park in Peak District and had a long cycle along the High Peak trail. Then off to a CL nearby. About 10 years since we stayed on this one. Had a walk early evening. 

    Bit dull here until late on. More cycling tomorrow.

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,406
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    edited August 2024 #60379

    Well a better day yesterday. We tackled the lilac in the garden, which had shot up to about 16ft, more a bush not a tree. Found a Montana clematis growing through it which made it more bushy. OH hates gardening but, with lots of moaning, had to help as I just couldn’t reach it all. Him on the step ladder while I held it. The new small chainsaw came in handy. It took all the afternoon but we got there and disposed of the cut stuff. Looking very bare now and won’t flower next year, but it’s done! Do try to keep it trimmed but if the same again we will have to get someone in. Felt our age afterwards. Flopped in front of the tv with a glass of wine in the evening and an early night.

    Plumber came, took one look and said your taps are done for. Despite the office saying we weren’t covered if taps he said we were and fitted a lovely new set, it does look much nicer.

    We also cut a little of the apple tree back as the squirrels just drop down from the branches onto the feeding pole. I know they are hungry at this time of year but they are taking all the food and destroying all feeders. I now realise that next doors 4 cats were keeping them out a bit. Thinking of greasing the pole as well. They also go in the apple tree, drop the apples, take one bite and leave them, we usually have a huge crop but just a few left now. I’ll be glad when the acorns arrive in the wood for them. OH has just ordered me a long range water pistol, it should arrive today, need to practise my aim.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,428
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    edited August 2024 #60380

    That water pistol made me chuckle Debsc🤣 I used to use one to keep other horses at bay when we used to feed our horse in his field. Long range to avoid the kicks. 

    I had all afternoon in garden as well yesterday, tackling a big hedge, thankfully my non gardening OH decided he would help, so it was all completed, and brashings taken to our local tip. Other side, where neighbours don’t do anything has got well away, but that can wait for Mum’s gardeners to come in and tackle, once herbaceous border has finished for year. OH had a swim but I wasn’t bothered last night, so we had a meal watching first day of Vuelta. More gardening today for me, OH is planning a bike ride. 

    Nellie and WN having an interesting time👍

    Hope your brother doing ok Oneputt.

  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,090
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    edited August 2024 #60381

    "OH has just ordered me a long range water pistol, it should arrive today, need to practise my aim"

    been using a water pistol for ages to scare off the cats, but now one of them has become very savvy and hides behind the trunk of the tree until he thinks i have lost interest, so now i upend the garden table, hide behind it then pop up once he is in view and zap him one, problem now is, he thinks it is some sort of game so it is becoming much less of a deterant, he had both Robin chicks earlier in the year.

    glorious day agen, SIL & BIL down for weekend had a brill time, good to cycle and swim with some company, however, now have to wash sheets & towels and remake the beds undecidedbut worth the effort and yesterday the Solent was beautiful.

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,852
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    edited August 2024 #60382

    We had a good day yesterday as we decided to do some more tidying and clearing up in the garden. All the pots where the plants had died or were dying have been cleared out and put behing the shed in the compost area so the patio area is looking so much better. Some of the good pots will be offered to our family as I don't want so many pots in the future as they are too much work for us now. We also did quite a bit of cutting back. We found our 'favourite' trowel (which had been missing for some while and we thought we had thrown away with the garden clippings) in amongst the undergrowth and not only that OH found my fresh water pearl earing that I had lost while gardening a few weeks ago so we were well pleased. The garden is looking a lot better but still quite a bit to do.  Everything seems to be dying back much earlier this year. Today so far has been 'different'.  OH had been kept awake overnight with pain in his right ear so we decided to go to A&E. We arrived at 8.30am which is obviously a good time to go as we were out within the hour! They have given OH an antibiotic/steroid spray so hopefully that will help. The young man also checked OH's chest as he had a chest infection about 3 weeks ago and is still coughing a bit but his chest is clear so that was a good result.

    I love the idea of the long range water pistol. I wonder whether it would deter the magpies which are an absolute pest round here recently and scare off all the little birds?

    Have good trips both nellie and WN. Hopefully you are getting decent weather. Yesterday here was lovely - plenty of sun but no extreme heat or humidity. Today is slightly cooler and mostly cloudy but it means I can get on with some much needed jobs.

    We have finished our duties of feeding our daughter's family animals as daughter and family are now home. We took our grandson over to Stamford yesterday evening as he has a job clearing tables and pot washing in a pub/nightclub over there 2 nights a week and eldest son and DIL and younger grandson are over in NI staying with our youngest son. They are now on their way home so hopefully we can 'stand down' from our caring duties for a while


  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,864
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    edited August 2024 #60383

    Off early(ish) this morning. Able to cycle to Tissington Trail from the CL and as it was early it was quiet. We were able to take our time going through a deep cutting and watch a wonderful aerial display of about 40 Swallows quartering the sides. They were nowhere to be seen on the return leg. They must be fattening up getting ready for their long journey. Autumn's approaching.

    When we got to Tissington we were met at the cafe by about 3 dozen motorbikes out for the day. Coffee took a while to order. Biker in front of me just ordered 16 black coffees and a large jug of milk. He either had a really bad addiction or it was his turn to buy for his mates.

    We came off the trail at Biggin as we fancied a cool glass of cider at The Waterloo Inn so made our way home via backroads. A bit blustery today but fairly warm. Will have a stroll soon. Enjoyed our 2 days cycling. Made all that physio worth it.

    Cat deterrent - FiL used to have a catapult. Fortunately he was such a lousy shot that the cats didn't even move when he tried scaring them. Secretly I think they were having a laugh as cats are wont to do.

    Back garden calls next week. Ugh.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,133
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    edited August 2024 #60384

     You certainly have put the miles in this weekend, WN, home tomorrow I guess for a rest!

    Hope that your brother manages to stay out of hospital for a while OP.

    Sounds like there have been plenty of gardening getting done, something we try to avoid these days!

    Hope all those partners who have medical problems are soon back to full health.

    We had a rather "interesting" 20ml tow today! Firstly there was a diversion around Appleby due to work on the railway bridge, and then there was a two lane queue from the M6 roundabout at Penrith up to the Reghed one, with standing traffic heading down the Ullswater road. We had to use a very narrow lane to access the B5288 to our chosen site because of another road closure and of course there were cars come in the opposite direction!!😮 Thankfully all went well but it was exceedingly tight! Yesterday we got some good new from our grandson, whom we met up with a couple of weeks ago, as he has been offered a post in Japan, teaching English as a Foreign Language, under supervision initially, starting next March. He is at present out in Thailand and has just qualified as a fully certified advanced diver, and hopefully we will meet him when he come back home in early February before he heads out to the Far East again.

  • Freddy55
    Freddy55 Club Member Posts: 1,868
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    edited August 2024 #60385

    Travelled up from home (Bristol) to a CL in Middlewich today. A good CL with spacious pitches and very modern facilities (£23pn). We have 2 nights here before travelling on to Harrogate for 4 nights. Really looking forward to having a look round Harlow Carr.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,428
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    edited August 2024 #60386

    Harlow Carr should be fabulous at the moment. If you intend eating in Betty’s Tearoom, best get there earlyish. If you don’t manage a table, there’s lots of seating dotted around the garden for a picnic. You can buy Betty’s treats in the shop adjoining tearooms. Enjoy😁👍

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,852
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    edited August 2024 #60387

    I love Harlow Carr Freddy55. There is so much to see there.  You might need more than one visit!

  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,090
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    edited August 2024 #60388

    Dull today but on GD duties so no problems, been trying to connect to the NHS app for 3 days now but no joy, is anybody else having difficulties, not missed an upgrade have i???


  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,428
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    edited August 2024 #60389

    Yes, it’s big. We tend to do the ornamental gardens first, and then need to go back to MH to check on pooch, by which time we think…..we’ll leave the Woodlands for another day!😁 I like the hothouse, some lovely cacti and stuff in there. It was too hot a day to leave pooch last time we were there, and we didn’t fancy going round apart, so we just raided Betty’s (with a gift voucher) and had a lovely picnic instead in the furthest car park field. 

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,428
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    edited August 2024 #60390

    Well done to your Grandson Nellie👏👏👏

  • Freddy55
    Freddy55 Club Member Posts: 1,868
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    edited August 2024 #60391

    As I’ve mentioned before, the wife struggles to walk any great distance, so most likely we won’t be trying to see all of it (Harlow Carr). Had some good news before we came away, the wife has an appointment to see the (hip) specialist/consultant only a couple of weeks after being referred, she’ll see him/her a couple of days after we get back. Doing a bit of googling, it looks like she may get the op within a month or two, that’s pretty good, I reckon. Mind, she has been struggling for a couple of years now, having to go through the usual rigmarole, physio and the like. She’s of course not looking forward to recuperating, but onwards and upwards 🙂