What are you all up to



  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,428
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    edited August 2024 #60392

    That would be good F, I cannot recall if you said your wife has a mobility scooter. If she does, HC shouldn’t be a problem to get round most of the gardens. Not sure of woodland area. You could check if they have anything for loan/hire as lots of places do nowadays. But I’d do it well in advance, as they often get booked up quick. On the plus side, there are lots of benches, seats as you go round, so even by foot, there’s quite a bit of scope to see plenty. I cannot recall if it has buggies that drop off, climb on, but worth googling. All the best with the hip op, hope it happens asap.

    Grey with thick cloud here at the moment, but very dry. Early get away for me from Mum’s shortly. It’s eye test for me later🤓

  • Freddy55
    Freddy55 Club Member Posts: 1,868
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    edited August 2024 #60393

    Thanks TDA, but no, it’s not that bad that she needs a mobility scooter, but walking any great distance ain’t going to happen. Good to hear there’s plenty of seating. We’ll just take our time and try to soak it all up. Who knows, I might find some inspiration 🙂

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,428
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    edited August 2024 #60394

    There’s plenty of inspiration, but be wary of buying plants…..top price. I only do plant rescue tables there, got a lovely neglected little Clematis Pixie for £2. Gave it some TLC and it’s now doing great. I think they wanted £15 for one not in throw out bin at the time🤭 some lovely stuff in shop though.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,178
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    edited August 2024 #60395


    Just tried and seem to have managed to get in with no problem. I use an Android Phone.


  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,178
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    edited August 2024 #60396


    Margaret is in the same position regarding her hip. It was one of the reasons we gave up motorhoming. She was initially referred to a non NHS facility who were able to offer the operation quite quickly but there were two issues. Firstly neither were in MK, one in Kettering and the other in Banbury but the second issue was that as she has had a heart bypass it seems the hip has to be done in a main hospital. The downside of that is much longer waiting lists! She had a message today telling her to select the hospital and set the initial appointment with the Consultant so its only then we will get an idea of the cost. Our two boys keep telling her to pay to have it done privately, whether that happens might depend on how long the wait is. She seems to have got very bad over a fairly short space of time? Fingers crossed that your wife gets it sorted soon.


  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,863
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    edited August 2024 #60397

    Came home via the Staffordshire moorland, dropping down into Leek this morning just so we could view the heather which is starting to bloom very nicely.  Wonderful ride. Probably a bit longer route than coming over the Cat and Fiddle to Macclesfield but variety etc..

    Got the most out of the 2 days and really refreshed mentally if tired physically.

    Home for 11 ish in time to unload the bikes before the rain. OH just back from taking her mother for her annual hearing test. Seems fine so the Stroke didn't affect anything in there. She also took the opportunity of getting a walk around the shopping area as it was relatively quiet.

    Not the nicest of days.

    Good to hear the news on your GS Nellie. 

  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,090
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    edited August 2024 #60398

    Tks David, it would appear that in some areas you need to either reload the app or simply reboot your phone, software ugrade, but as usual no prior warning

  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,090
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    edited August 2024 #60399

    This area is a minefield, a friend was on NHS waiting list for hip replacement, told 18 months wait time, agreed to go private, found to have a heart murmur, private hospital said they could not do hip replacement, had to have valve replacement to fix heart but private hospital still said no way, went back to NHS and found she was now bottom of the list which now had a 2 year wait time.

    She had hip replaced some 3 months ago, fell last week and broke her femur, some folk have no luck, thank my lucky stars both knees replaced and hips seem to be reasonably ok, rub iboprofin into them every day laughing

    p.s. £15k for new hip, £12k when i had my knees done privately, however, NHS paid bonus

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,459
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    edited August 2024 #60400

    There have been 2 updates to the NHS app recently. I received notifications of both and it’s working better now without the need to have a OTC texted each time.

  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,090
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    edited August 2024 #60401

    yes do not fully understand how they work the updates, never had any kind of notification, however, i now notice that there is a box to tick for "remember me" now, which i guess will negate the need for OTC, but i never updated the app simply rebooted my phone, but it works thank goodness, getting repeat perscriptions via the surgery web site is a bit of a chore.


  • Freddy55
    Freddy55 Club Member Posts: 1,868
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    edited August 2024 #60402

    Hiya David. 
    The wife had a choice of hospitals for her consultation. As it happens, she chose one that not only has a short waiting list, but is just a 5 min drive away (it’s an NHS facility). At 68, she’s probably at the right age. It seems quite optimistic, but of course, it will depend on what the consultant says. He/she might decide the wifes condition isn’t severe enough? Thankfully, apart from the usual aches and pains, the wife doesn’t have any underlying health issues. I hope your wife can get sorted soon👍

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,755
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    edited August 2024 #60404

    Excellent news Goldie, so glad things are improving for you!

    Not been much on here lately as keeping busy trying to get DD’s Glasgow West End  flat in good enough shape to sell, it has turned into a much bigger job than we thought as the damage done by the (former) tenants is extensive, much worse than it looked at first.  And they did NO cleaning before they left, and did not give correct notice, or pay the correct rent.

    She had cleaners in before we went to  Norway in June, then a painter in to paint the whole place, but now, after I have been working there for 3 weeks, there is at least another weeks work required.

    Unfortunately there is now apparently water ingress in a downstairs bedroom, so that has to be dealt with by the factors (building managers) as outside walls are a shared problem, so very likely to take a while and hold up marketing the property.    Just what she did not need!

    I have been kept busy laying all new LVT flooring on the upper level ( it is a duplex flat) , new scotia beading to the existing laminate  on the lower level, new plinth in the kitchen, rebuilding the fridge housing trashed by the tenants, new lights in several rooms, new handrail to staircase………etc etc etc …..feels like everything has needed to be sorted!!

    How they have done so much damage in a few years is difficult to understand.

    DD has a long list that we are working through, she is helping me at weekends, but as is usual, one thing leads to another, and the jobs keep increasing!

    We are booked to go away early September, that is fixed as DD and children are coming along too for a couple of nights, then we are visiting friends, but nothing booked afterwards as yet.  If the flat needs more work, we will need to cut the holiday short, and maybe go away in October instead.



  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,178
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    edited August 2024 #60406

    I said "initial appointment with the Consultant so its only then we will get an idea of the cost." I should have said "initial appointment with the Consultant so its only then we will get an idea of the wait." I suppose it may not be possible to go privately if it has to be done in an NHS Hospital, no doubt the Consultant will be able to confirm?


  • Freddy55
    Freddy55 Club Member Posts: 1,868
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    edited August 2024 #60407

    Hiya David.

    I must admit, I was a bit confused. It doesn’t take much🙂

    Yes, the consultant should know. In my earlier post, I said that the wife was going to an NHS facility. It turns out that it has recently turned into a private establishment, so I’m guessing the NHS will be paying. Quite common apparently. I did look at the going rate for hip replacement there. Around £14,000, for starters.

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,928
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    edited August 2024 #60408

    Set out for the Outer Hebrides on Sunday lunchtime.  Caught the ferry from Uig on Skye to Tarbert (Harris) early on Moonday morning.  Weathe was pretty aweful yesterday, but this morning it's looking a lot brighter.... and the midges are out!!  Haven't had chance to catch up with posts yet - hope all are well.


  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,320
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    edited August 2024 #60409

    FANTASTIC news Goldie. Hopefully, your beasts will sell at a good price to cover additional costs. Once you're 'back to normal' and the additional workload eases you must all 'enjoy' 🍾 the news. Let's hope it never darkens your door again 🤞

    KjellNN once more you seem to be extremely busy! I do hope all this work, yours, and the professional help recoups a good deal more when the sale of your daughters flat happens. She's very lucky to have you to call on. Please ensure your get your holidays! 

    Good to read others news and see photos.

    Hoping those awaiting ops etc don't have to wait too long. OH had his oral op, teeth removal and removal of a lump under his tongue cancelled 2 days before it in June. The department is continually on answerphone, assuring they listen and will get back. 6 weeks and counting! Complex health issues, mainly heart so lots of blood thinners, mean no one is interested privately at any price! Capable of the work but it's if things take a turn......... One of the reasons private hospitals can't do 'complex cases is they don't have emergency departments on standby . Those folk are rushed to NHS hospitals 🤬

    I'm still feeling like my get up and go is on holiday..... At least the weather has turned to decent English summer days..tiny bit of rain overnight, neither use nor ornament!

    Garden harvest going well, sharing Victoria plums and runner beans with friends and neighbours. In return we're getting cooking apples 😋, but I'm declining marrows and courgettes so often! I don't grow them as we aren't keen!  Farm harvest ongoing, wheat all in, not a brilliant yield but ok. Started on the oats but  they were a tad damp, no sun - but wind yesterday so the expected finish of ripening didn't happen. The overnight shower(s) won't of helped.

    Shortly off for dog walk, I expect I'll be picking more blackberries. I just can't resist! Then thankfully it's a haircut, that seems to have grown like crazy over the last 4 weeks. Maybe I'll be the opposite of Samson, and my energy will return with its shearing? 🤣


  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,835
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    edited August 2024 #60410

    Wonderful news Goldie - bet you breathed a sigh of relief.  It must have been awful having that hanging over you for the last few months.

    Hope the crossing wasn't too lumpy David - and that you enjoy your holiday.

    We arrived at Thornthope CS, just outside Malton on Friday and other than set the awning up on Saturday (and that was an event in itself!) haven't done a great deal.  Did go to Thornton Le Dale, yesterday and it was heaving - probably the 'Bangers and Cash' effectsmile

    Off out for lunch today - with our friends from Old Malton - to celebrate Ros's birthday.  I haven't to say how old she is this year - but both numbers are the samewink

    I think we've got a bit of David's weather here today - although it's hot and sunny (most of the time), it's very windy.  The site is pretty busy - which is nice to see and Meg has two Cockapoo friends to play with - so everyone's happy!!

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,863
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    edited August 2024 #60411

    Hope it isn't that very "Un-PC" old bingo call of 2 Fat ladies Richard. Hope she enjoys the day.

    If you want a fairly undemanding walk then try visiting St.Hildas church in Ellerburn. The walk is mostly off road and if the church is locked then ask at the farmhouse opposite as lady owner kindly lent us the key. Quite interesting and worth the walk.

    St.Hildas Ellerburn

    Having a coffee break before returning to gardening duties. Need to clean the bikes as well, probably tomorrow and The Van needs a clean.

    MiL being "treated" to a small shop around Tesco with OH. Acclimatising her (could apply to both ladies actually)laughing

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,755
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    edited August 2024 #60412

    B2……..I just hope that it will get sold, even if not for a decent profit.  It was bought 21 years back when prices were tending towards a market peak, and after all the various slumps it has taken a long time to recover.  It is not a traditional West End tenament flat, but a small modernish place, so that may make the sale more difficult.

    If it does not sell then it will at least rent out easily, and for about 65% more  than the previous tenants were paying , but the whole point of selling now is to be rid of the responsibility.     DD really does not have the time, and I am not getting any younger!   

    You just never know whether tenants will look after the place well.  If it has to be rented out again it will not be ideal.

    By the time she has paid for all the repairs/renovations, selling  costs, and CGT, it looks like there may well be very little profit left for her, unfortunately.


  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,063
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    edited August 2024 #60413

    Have a good time Richard. We love Thornton le Dale we often visit and always go to the Bangers and Cash building. May get down there later in the year we shall see 

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,406
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    edited August 2024 #60414

    Having a lunch break after power washing the decking, lots of petals from bedding plants in pots on it had gone ‘slushy’. Might be a waste of time if it becomes as windy as they predict. All looking quite neat out there after days and days of gardening. I’m getting quite good with the water pistol. I’m happy for them to eat the bits on the ground but the minute the squirrels venture up the pole I shoot. Granddaughter was here yesterday, she said,‘that’s cruel Nan’, then couldn’t resist having a few goes herself.

    All three local granddaughters are coming over this afternoon, they have gone into town to buy one of them shoes for an upcoming wedding. The two older ones keep their little sister (11) amused while Mum is at work. She twists them round her little finger. Last week middle one told her she smelt nice, reply, ‘yes I’ve been trying out all your perfumes to see which is best’, her sister wasn’t amused, but I did a giggle.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,428
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    edited August 2024 #60415

    We are about to brave an early dip here, 🥶 then late lunch before we head off for OH’s routine scan in Sheffield. Warm, sunny, cloudy, windy, bit of rain this morning. 

    Great news about the farm Goldie👍

  • Goldie146
    Goldie146 Club Member Posts: 2,509
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    edited August 2024 #60416

    Time to rest and pick up a book (Kindle really).

    Paperwork complete for 40+ animals. Some going to a private buyer (when the price is decided - and some through the Auction, where we hope we get want we would like).


  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,851
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    edited August 2024 #60417

    Such great news Goldie. It must be such a relief for you. Best of luck for the future.

    A friend of mine decided to pay privately for her hip operation as the waiting list was so long. She had difficulty finding a private hospital to do it as she has heart problems. She finally found that The Spire Hospital in Nottingham would do it as they have an A&E. She had it done in January and it was a succesful.

    It sounds like you had a very successful trip WN. 

    We had a little bit of rain overnight but nothing really useful for the garden. Much cooler today with a short sharp shower at lunchtime and quite a strong breeze. It feels almost autumnal. I was on duty on the shop in the Cathedral this morning and it was quite busy. As well as the exhibition there were several craft activities for the children. It was lovely to see so many children and young families enjoying themselves. (and spending money in the shop!)

    The Beer Festival in Peterborough has started today and will run over the bank holiday weekend. It has been an annual tradition for years. We used to go but now we are on duty to drive our son and his friends to and from.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,178
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    edited August 2024 #60418

    Millie said:- A friend of mine decided to pay privately for her hip operation as the waiting list was so long. She had difficulty finding a private hospital to do it as she has heart problems. She finally found that The Spire Hospital in Nottingham would do it as they have an A&E. She had it done in January and it was a successful.

    Millie, that would obviously be the ideal situation. A new problem has emerged today and that is actually trying to get an appointment to see a consultant! Margaret had a letter referring here to MK Hospital with a code so we could self refer. We went on the NHS website and logged in using the code and asked to select a hospital. As it turned out the only choice was MK Hospital and they had no appointments available. There was an option to add a note, which we have done explaining the situation but even then there was a warning that it could be the end of October before they get back to us. I have suggested to Margaret that in a couple weeks (assuming we have heard nothing) that she ring them just to have a conversation to see how the land lies. I don't think we expected it to be quite so complicated, so different to when I had mine done!



  • Freddy55
    Freddy55 Club Member Posts: 1,868
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    edited August 2024 #60419

    Hiya David. 

    My wife also had a letter of referral, codes etc, and as I said earlier, got an appointment with the specialist quite promptly (next week). It’s obviously a bit of a postcode lottery. As an aside, it’s quite surprising how many folks have had/going to have/knows someone who has had hip surgery.

    David, if I may ask, how did your recovery go?

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,128
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    edited August 2024 #60420

    A day of mixed weather, but we did manage to get our walks in the dry, so far anyway, but it is raining at the moment so I might get wet in a little while. We took our morning walk up in the woods above Penrith today before dropping down to the town to do some food shopping. After returning to the van I had a walk through to Newton Reigny to view the church, St John's, built in the 1800s but containing 12 & 13C festures inside, and Catterlen Hall, a mid-15C tower house, and a Scheduled Monument. There are numerous interesting building in the area which are private properties.

    Hope everyone has a pleasant week, in particularly those that are out and about in their units, or visiting relatives.

    Fingers crossed that your OH gets the OK following his checkup  tda.


  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,178
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    edited August 2024 #60421


    14 years ago now so I was a lot younger!!! I was very determined for it to work. I think the first month is a bit difficult but you do have to push yourself to get back to normal. The best part of the recovery was they tell you to have an hour lay done in the afternoon! The worst part the entire leg going black and blue for a few days, perfectly normal apparently!  I just tried to walk a bit further each day. The body soon lets you know if you are doing too much. I had my operation at on 16th of March and I towed to Peterborough on the 9th June. You do get some physio help but its relatively gentle compared to a knee replacement! 
