What are you all up to



  • Freddy55
    Freddy55 Club Member Posts: 1,868
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    edited August 2024 #60422

    Thank you David, that’s very helpful 👍 I’ll show this to the wife 🙂

  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,835
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    edited August 2024 #60423

    Thanks for the tip WN - however, I know Ellerburn extremely well and it is, indeed, a beautiful spot.  I used to go picking-up on the shoot (with Tony that we went out to lunch with) and three of the drives were around there. Indeed, one of them is in that field just behind the church and it was often necessary to nip over the wall into the churchyard to recover birds from there! Sadly, neither he nor I are fit enough to do it anymore.

  • heddlo
    heddlo Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 905
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    edited August 2024 #60425

    Hi Freddy, hope you don’t mind me jumping in on your comment but I had my hip replacement 2 and a half years ago (when I was 71) and it was great.  Well, as David said there are inconveniences but mostly helped by occupational health equipment - raised toilet seat and support surrounds etc.  We bought some blocks to raise a chair and used extra cushions for other things.  2 weeks after my operation we had our son and family, with our 3 year old granddaughter, stay with us for a couple of months so it was difficult to rest but maybe that was a good thing as it got me going pretty quickly!  I was walking with elbow crutches after 2 days with only a little discomfort.  It seems to be a fairly common operation these days with few issues, as long as you follow the rules I suppose, and do the (fairly simple) physio.  Now I have no problems, or discomfort from that hip.  Sadly I can’t say the same for the other side!!  

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,178
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    edited August 2024 #60426

    Heddlo makes some good points about the pre-op arrangements in the house. I know all hospitals are different but I had a meeting at the hospital pre-op to discuss what was needed, all the things that Heddlo mentioned. Apparently what is important that when sitting your upper thigh is straight rather than dipping down which requires a higher sitting position be it a chair or bed. One of the biggest fears immediately post op is the risk of dislocation but the hospital should go through this with you. It takes a while for all the muscles and ligaments to reknit after the op. One of the reasons  regular exercise is important post op.


  • Freddy55
    Freddy55 Club Member Posts: 1,868
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    edited August 2024 #60427

    “Hi Freddy, hope you don’t mind me jumping in on your comment”

    Not at all, quite the opposite heddlo. Thanks very much for your post, which I’ve shown to the wife 👍

  • Freddy55
    Freddy55 Club Member Posts: 1,868
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    edited August 2024 #60428

    We arrived at our current site (Harrogate Caravan Park - the one next to the farm shop) yesterday. Nice site with easy access and at a good price, £28 pn. Visited Harlow Carr today. Very nice as one would expect from an RHS establishment. We didn’t get to see all of it, but spent a nice couple of hours walking around. A pity there wasn’t a Japanese garden, I do like a Japanese garden 🙂 As always happens, we ended up buying a plant, a Campsis, for £33 😐 The plan is to rip out a climbing rose and a clematis, both of which haven’t thrived at all, and replace with the Campsis.

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,406
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    edited August 2024 #60429

    Another busy morning, we washed down the front and the back of the house and downstairs windows. All looking neat now. We hibernate in August to miss the Devon crowds so a good time for all of these chores. Also we have a family party here next week, it’s a Big birthday for OH in the middle of September, he kept saying he didn’t want a fuss and two of our granddaughters will be back at Uni then so we are having an early smallish celebration at home. Also a handy time as all the family will be here then for my nephews wedding the following weekend. I’ll be making all the food for our party at the end of the week and freezing it. Decided to buy the birthday cake though. Really hoping for a nice day weather wise so that we can all sit out in the garden. After the wedding we are off to the caravan for a break. I really can’t wait, so looking forward to it.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,863
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    edited August 2024 #60430

    Finished lopping the overgrown Hawthorne bush at the rear of the garden yesterday and today. Right arm now sore from holding the long strimmer. Just have an overgrown Holly bush that we deliberately let grow to replace a gap between ourselves and Armageddon next door. We were a bit shocked the other day after returning home from our weekend away. The person who might be buying the property has had the windows cleaned. First time in 6 years!

    Lovely photos DSB. Beautiful place but weather incoming as they say.

    Hope to be at Harlow ourselves next month. Nice photos as well Freddy.


  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,128
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    edited August 2024 #60431

    WN, the sale of next door to you must have gone through rather quickly, as it doesn't seem so long ago when the council men invaded the property!

    Grand photos, David, hope that the forthcoming winds and rain bypass you. More good photos from Freddy too.

    We moved down to our last site of this trip, another new NoE one. It was dry while we packed up, and when we arrived on site, but ran through a shower over Shap, and again from mid afternoon for a while, along with quite strong winds, but it is dry at the moment. Forecast is not at all promising for tomorrow, unfortunately, nor for the bank holiday weekend up here near the Lakes.

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,851
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    edited August 2024 #60433

    David. Just to say that Nottingham isnt local to us or my friend but it seemed to be the only.option other than waiting 2 - 3 years for the NHS. She went to her outpatient apppintments by train and as she is on her own various friends helped out with transport as well. Not exactly ideal but worth it all in the end.

    We transported son and his mates to and from the Beer Festival last night. Judging by the convivial atmosphere in the car when we picked them up a good time was had by all!

    Now waiting to hear the GCSE results from 2 of our grandchildren. I expect the stress levels in their 2 houses are pretty high just now.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,755
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    edited August 2024 #60434

    I got a day off DIY yesterday as it was my birthday,  but we were still looking after the boys.    We did a bit of shopping and took that to DD’s to have birthday meals……..waffles at lunch time, and for dinner, Lasagne followed by cheesecake…..nice to have someone else do the cooking and clearing up.

    The caravan trip in September is still not certain, but we reviewed what is still to be done in DD’s flat, scored off a few items and added a couple of other ones, and it is looking more hopeful.  However, with the current weather,  cutting it short might not be such a bad idea!

    We are tied up with Guide Hall stuff tomorrow, and DD has some plans for Saturday, so it will be Sunday before work at the flat resumes.  On  Monday she has a day off so we will be there then too, after I have dropped off the Touareg for service and MOT, so we will not decide about our trip until we see what then remains to be done.

    There has been heavy rain here off and on, and some strong winds too.  When OH was out shopping on Monday a sudden gust  blew the car door partly shut, it caught  her shoulder and banged her glasses into the bridge of her  nose, so she now has some spectacular bruises!   The ones on her face only appeared on Tuesday morning, then spread  even more round her eyes yesterday, fortunately not particularly sore, but they do look awful.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,178
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    edited August 2024 #60435

    Happy Birthday Kj. You deserve at least one day of restwink


  • heddlo
    heddlo Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 905
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    edited August 2024 #60436

    Now waiting to hear the GCSE results from 2 of our grandchildren. I expect the stress levels in their 2 houses are pretty high just now.  

    Same here Milliehull!!!   However, we have now heard from our granddaughter and she has passed all the subjects she needed for her chosen college course, including Maths and English which she was particularly concerned about.  So proud of her as I knew she was a bit under pressure as her brother had just had brilliant results in his A levels last week AND he just passed his driving test a couple of days ago, so we were so excited for her to have done well also.   My DIL has said she does not recommend A level results, Driving test, GCSE results, and a Taylor Swift concert all in the same week!!!!  🤦🏻‍♀️🤯



  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,835
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    edited August 2024 #60437

    Happy Birthday from us, as well Kj.

    We had some really good news from our Grandson, this morning. They are currently on holiday in Valencia and the text said he had passed 9 subjects in his GCSE - 2 x B’s and 7 x A’s !!  Absolutely delighted for him - especially as in the middle of it all he was in hospital having been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. 

    Been extremely windy and wet here this morning although still quite warm.  Typical BH weather, I suppose!

  • heddlo
    heddlo Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 905
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    edited August 2024 #60438

    Well done for your grandson R&R, such a stressful time for children and their families!  I remember it well with our boys but it has to be done.  Enjoy the rest of your break away and hopefully the weather should settle down according to the forecast.  

    Happy Birthday for yesterday Kj, hope you can get away in September as I’m sure you could do with a break.

    We enjoy Sledmere Wherenext, the cafe is usually good as well, we live about 30 minutes away.  

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,863
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    edited August 2024 #60439

    Well done to those who passed the exams but I bet the most traumatic of the events Heddlo was the Taylor Swift concert! Nice touch of hers to have the children from Southport who managed to survive down to her concert at Wembley. BTW it's Ttda that enjoyed the cafe. Wish I was there to do so.laughing

    Shopping first thing before the ladies had arisen. Don't mind the shopping but having to unpack it when I got home was a bit much! Words were had, but gentle ones served with a cup of tea.

    It was like autumn gales up here last night. 40 mph winds, bins flying around, the Wood making a right racket. More forecast for tonight. Pity anyone in a tent.

    Good to see Kj getting a day off, if only because of his birthday. Maybe you should have more "birthdays".

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,851
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    edited August 2024 #60440

    Well done to your grandchildren who passed their GCSEs heddlo and R&R. We have heard from.both our grandchildren and they both did fantastically well. All exams passed with flying colours - lots of As, some A*s and a few A**s as well. There were a couple of Bs  - one for music for grandson - he has never been musical so we had no idea why he decided to take it, and a B for English Language for grand-daughter in N Ireland - well she is Irish! We are very proud of both of them.

    Belated happy birthday KjellNN. I am pleasebd you got a day off and a nice evening meal.

    heddlo Your post reminded me of the year many years ago when our daughter got her A level results and passed her driving test and eldest son got his O level results. We didnt have a Taylor Swift concert to contend with as well though but I seem to remember a Duran Duran concert somewhere in the mix!!

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,406
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    edited August 2024 #60441

    Congratulations to all grandchildren passing exams, a stressful time for them.

    We ventured out today! Just to a nearby outlet centre for a couple of things for upcoming wedding. The very large car park which is usually quite empty was full! We had to go round twice, at which point OH did say, shall we just go home, but having gone there we did stay.Popped into our usual shop for a pasty, the lady serving in there that we know said, with a wink, if I’d known how bad it would be I’d have stayed in bed. Still I suppose it’s all good for local businesses. On local news last night that the emergency services are really struggling to cope with the influx. An ex colleague recently made me smile when she told me that she is training someone new, I trained her. She said one of the first things she told them was what I’d advised her years ago, to plan work and visits all year as much as you can in order that you can do mostly office work for the majority of August and not have to venture out too often. Only 10 more days to go and it will start to get back to normal.

  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,090
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    edited August 2024 #60442

    You lot make me feel very old, grandchildren doing GCSE/A levels, we have 3 already at Uni, one in her 4th year, but we do have a granddaughter aged 10, i wonder what type of exams she will be sitting when she is 15-18 years of age. 

    Miserable day here, but not complaining getting lots of indoor jobs done that i always put on the back burner when the sun is shining, have planted a few of our what were our house plants outdoors, so they will welcome a good soaking, we are off to Cornwall for the whole of September so they would no doubt die if left indoors, some had gotten a bit straggly so i gave them a good haircut hopefully they will thrive outdoors in some well sheltered positions. Surprised at just how dry the garden is, even the grass has been very slow in growing this year, i normally cut twice a week but this year mostly only once.

    Off to E.G. this weekend to visit daughter, hope the weather improves for next week otherwise i might just have done my last swim of the season, could be too cold in October but cant complain, had a good season and thankfully the water companies in our area seem to have cleaned up their act and we are now seeing a quality of excellent for 2023 -2024, however, Cornwall in September should still be good, Crantock is one of my favourities and only 20 minutes from site followed by Godrevy and Perranporth although i am finding heavy surf quite difficult for my little legs now.yell


  • Freddy55
    Freddy55 Club Member Posts: 1,868
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    edited August 2024 #60443

    “Lovely photos of Harlow Carr. Doesn’t look very busy though. We might try the Harrogate Site at some point Freddy, looks very nice, and Fodder next door is great.”

    Looks can be deceiving, the main car parks were packed, we had to wait for a space. I think if I were to visit again, I’d be looking at early June, I do like springtime. If you were to visit the site, you’ll receive a 10% off voucher (Fodder), we used ours today. Prices are high, but so is the quality.

    We did a tour today around the eastern part of Bowland(blue route TDA) taking in some lovely villages en-route. Slaidburn and Waddington, particularly nice. We noticed some white domes from the road from Harrogate to Skipton (Nidderdale?), anyone know what they are? 
    Last day tomorrow, nothing planned as yet.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,427
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    edited August 2024 #60444

    Glad you enjoyed your tour Freddy👍 That route from Harrogate to Skipton is the A59 Blubberhouses route, scenic in its own right. The Domes are RAF Menwith Hill, a GCHQ listening station I think.
    We parked up just outside the caravan site earlier this year and I said to OH it looked a nice site. We have family in Harrogate, (so a cheap park up if we need one), but it is a nice site. I often go to the Rock and Gem Shows in the Harrogate Pavilions, so a good stop for this. 

    I’ve never seen Harlow Carr not busy to be honest.😁

    If you are bit stuck for something to do, Ripon is a nice town, Cathedral is lovely. There’s a car park not far from Cathedral, so an easy stroll for your wife. Fountains Abbey is lovely, but not without good walking legs I’m afraid, unless EH have a buggy cart to get up and down the hill.

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,851
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    edited August 2024 #60445

    Rufs Our 8 grandchildren's ages go from 29 down to 14 so quite a range! Yes I wonder what type of exams your 10 year old will be taking in the future or what the country will be like then. Everything seems to be changing so fast. I fear for them sometimes.

  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,090
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    edited August 2024 #60446

    "We noticed some white domes from the road from Harrogate to Skipton (Nidderdale?), anyone know what they are? "

    probably as below, supposed to be the largest monitoring station in the world, i was stationed there for 12 months in approx 1968, was very hush hush and very well guarded, get too close and you were dead laughing

    RAF Menwith Hill is a Royal Air Force station near Harrogate, North Yorkshire, England, which provides communications and intelligence support services to the United Kingdom and the United States

    p.s. i was actually in the navy but i did what was called "sneaky beaky" work

  • Freddy55
    Freddy55 Club Member Posts: 1,868
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    edited August 2024 #60447

    “If you are bit stuck for something to do, Ripon is a nice town, Cathedral is lovely. ”

    Ripon it is then👍 Harrogate itself is quite nice, with grand buildings, and nice green spaces. All in all, quite posh🙂 

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,427
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    edited August 2024 #60448

    Harrogate has always considered itself posh😁 It is nice. Look up the Cathedral car park in Ripon, it’s where I used to park with my Mum and Dad, so that it wasn’t too bad a walk for them. If you go into the Cathedral, ask about the “Hand of God” if there is a guide around. It’s in the Quire. Hope you enjoy Ripon, we always do.😁

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,178
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    edited August 2024 #60449

    Thanks Millie

    I think the first thing we have to sort out is what hospitals, outside of main hospitals, would be willing to do the operation given Margaret's previous heart operation. Once we get to see a proper consultant the decision path might be clearer. The problem is getting that initial appointment. I don't think Margaret is keen to pay, although she could!!!! However I suspect she might be persuaded depending on the NHS wait. 


  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,178
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    edited August 2024 #60450

    It's a long time since I have had much to do with a 6 year old child but my eldest son has a grandchild through marriage. It's a complicated story. Well young Mila is staying with them for a week. (the cats have gone into hiding!) It was her 6th birthday recently and Margaret in her wisdom thought it would be nice to take her shopping for some clothes. Well what a tornado (not misbehaved) she was going around the children's clothing department like a professional shopper! I couldn't keep up so went off to look at something else! Decisions made and things purchased and it was a relief to have a drink and cake in the JL Restaurant. Unfortunately this gave Mila a second wind and she still had more things she wanted so she and Paul went to Primark whilst we finished our cake! Don't get me wrong she is an absolute delight but her levels of energy out strip us by almost a 100 to 1!!! So all you that look after young grand children you have my admiration.


  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,128
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    edited August 2024 #60451

    Congratulations from me too, to all grandchildren passing exams, a stressful time for them and their parents!

    If you feel old Rufs, imagine how we feel as our only Grandson is 30 yrs old!

    More grand photos from those that have been out and about.

    A belated happy birthday greetings from me too, Kjell. You certainly deserve a a day of rest from all your extra curricula activities!😊

    We had quite heavy rain and strong winds through the night but not as bad as forecast. It was raining again first thing but thankfully it had stopped by the time we were ready to pack up and return home. Easy short drive home and then the sun came out and OH  was able to get 4 rounds of washing done and dried outside. Unfortunately it has now started to rain again but the wind is less fierce than last night, so far at least.