What are you all up to



  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,940
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    edited June 2023 #56042

    I've used gmail for years, David and is works really well for us.  I also use Google for diary too...  I can share certain bits of the diary (by authorising it) with different specific folk....  should I forget to tell Carol about a date or appointment  she will see it anyway, in her diary.  I then have a section for 'Abbey Funerals' and Abbey Weddings' which I share with our vicar.... it's a double check so he know I have dates booked in, and so that he hasn't forgotten to send me the details.  I share other bits with other folk too, and can see other folks' diary who have authorised it. It works really well.

    For documents, photos, audio files etc I use Google Drive.  It costs me £8.99 a month for 2TB of space, but is much cheaper if you only need up to 100gb.  If I need to share stuff with other people, I use a free Dropbox account.  I just add or delete from Dropbox as necessary, keeping original copies on Google Drive. 🙂


  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,940
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    edited June 2023 #56043

    Yesterday was, ineed, a lovely day.  Really warm here.  I did a concert at the Abbey... lovely and cool in the stone building, but many of went out into the sensory garden during the interval for our refreshments.  However, we've had a downpour and a little lightening this evening.  I'll have to go across to the caravan storeage tomorrow to check and make sure that our new caravan hasn't leaked.  It has hammered down tonight....


  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,842
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    edited June 2023 #56044

    Bakers2 / David - I don't know whether or not Windows users can open an Apple account - but I pay a mere 79p per month for 50Gb of storage on iCloud (and it's never gone up in over 10 years).  Everything is on there - including nearly 6000 photos, diary, documents etc etc - and I've still only used  about 20Gb, plus it automatically syncs with all my devices.

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,485
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    edited June 2023 #56045

    It looks like you can get partial access to iCloud without having an Apple device, R&R, but seems to be only for Apple programs. I do the same as you and pay 79p p/m. It’s plenty for my needs.



  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,332
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    edited June 2023 #56046

    Thanks but I fear uts beyond me 😱. Can't find how to access one drive I've now paid for 😡😡😡😡

    OH got an appointment for memory clinic last week in 2 weeks. Video call likely to be 1-2 hours. We don't have equipment or inclination for that sort of appointment. Phoned to say face to face, please. Await new one.  Phone us answered as older persons memory and mental help clinic. She said most don't have the equipment for these appointments! We had a discussion on the new world ways 🤔. I'm not silly, or old but I'm out of that world..... the above paragraph may contradict that!

    Very warm here again, 24 in deep shade, very slight breeze, yesterday's humidity has gone. Dig walkbefore 7am just doing bare minimum before heading fir the garden chair and shade!

  • MikeyA
    MikeyA Forum Participant Posts: 1,072
    edited June 2023 #56047

    You can even use the EHIC/GHIC card in Australia and New Zealand. 

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,888
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    edited June 2023 #56048

    GHIC- Global Health Insurance Card.

    Had a couple minutes of spits and spots of rain before we set off today. First for over a week.

    We were woken up by one of the 2 horses in the adjacent field having a darn good scratch on a metal pole right by the caravan, which is about 5' behind where we stood for the photo. We gave this one a good nose scratch before driving home from a wonderful 8 nights away on Angelsey. Feel like a new man, which funnily enough is exactly what Mrs WN said to me!smile

    Busy week ahead as we'll unpack fully tomorrow, need shopping as well and then I have the car in on Wednesday to see if they can rectify the problem and also have a hospital appointment Wednesday afternoon and hopefully back to pick the car up.

    "New Man" won't take long to become old man.foot-in-mouth

  • Goldie146
    Goldie146 Club Member Posts: 2,509
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    edited June 2023 #56049

    Times have gradually changed. It used to be that when I got a new phone, I passed the old one down to a grandchild. But not any longer. There were gasps when I admitted my model number. Then I had to ask my grandson for advice on some of the technical terms in a phone’s description. And which case and screen protector to buy. 

    But by tomorrow I’ll have the most up to date phone in the family. For a short while at least.

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited June 2023 #56050
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  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,190
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    edited June 2023 #56051

    We awoke early, for us, and it was quite warm then and by the time we set off the temperature had risen to 27 C, and was up to 29 when we got to our last site on this trip. Thankfully there is a breeze again so it didn't feel that high during our afternoon walk down to the R.Lune, where Flyte got in to cool down. It has clouded up again so perhaps we will get some rain over night, which might just clear the air.

  • RedKite
    RedKite Club Member Posts: 1,764
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    edited June 2023 #56052

    Well an interesting half hour just spent up the road as I was coming back from our poubelles met a large lorry taking up most of the road and as it was a bend and trees could not see him so got out of is way and he got the horn blasting at him not ev en looking where he was going so I ended up with front wheel in a gully for drainage but with long grass could not see it, heyho lorry went by slowly and then came back home only a short walk and OH got trolley jack and winch and as his car is in for service we walked back to my car and found a large stone to put under wheel and with the winch attached to a tree thankfully all came out and no damage thankfully and now having a coffee and cake, now feeling rather hot and it is a bit warm outside as well, good job I was going slowly think he was lost heyho.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,460
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    edited June 2023 #56053

    The perils of rural roads Red Kite! Glad all ok and not a bad recovery. We are about to head off, house sitters sorted, garden watered, Mum sorted, etc…. It’s hot, hot here, and hot hot where we are heading, but fully prepared.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,888
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    edited June 2023 #56054

    Enjoy your time away Ttda

    Glad to managed to escape the peril of narrow roads RK. Good job you weren't towing.laughing

    Unpacking first thing this morning before the sun  got too hot. Me for the car OH for the caravan. The 4th.wash now in with the other 3 being dry or nearly so for the last one. Car still misbehaving. Hope it starts first thing tomorrow.

    Whilst unpacking the caravan OH found the number plate on the floor. Amazing that it chose to wait until we got home before giving up the ghost.

    Catching up with local news and sad to hear that a young man committed suicide not long after being discharged from mental institution and a middle age man died whilst climbing in Snowdonia.Both from the village. We were talking with the CL owner who we had never met before and he mentioned that his uncle had passed away in our village not long ago. We told him we knew him to stop and have a chat with and he was always polite to us. Coincidences 🤷‍♂️ 

  • Amesford
    Amesford Club Member Posts: 701
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    edited June 2023 #56055

    After the annual service on the caravan I am going down the list of advisories and replacing the CO2 alarm out date, smoke alarm faulty, gas pig tail nearly out of date. I nearly had my second heart attack when I entered the caravan while Dan was doing the damp test when there was a very loud bleep as he past the damp tester over the wall inside one of the cupboards (luckily not dropping the cup of tea I had made for him) he then explained and demonstrated it was just a metal bracket in wall of the caravan panic oversmile 

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,888
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    edited June 2023 #56056

    We have our caravan service booked in for next month and keeping our fingers crossed. First time we've booked a mobile, from a recommendation, and hope it works out ok. We did have a mobile visit for 3 years when we bought a caravan from Wandahome and they included 3 years servicing at your home with the deal.

    We were talking with CL owner on Sunday and he mentioned that he had just had someone cancel a holiday as the caravan had been serviced and the work needed meant they couldn't afford the pitch fee for a fortnight. Money is tight for quite a few people and some things have to give.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited June 2023 #56057

    Catching up on all the posts. smile

    My Maltese friend flew out to her flat on Malta at the weekend but it's now hotter here at 30c hope those in the boiler house are coping.

    Thought we'd lost the cat,  but we've just found him in the depths of the no mow part of our lawn. He was upside down soaking in the ambience and with a bird feeder above had chosen the perfect spot. 🐈‍⬛🐦‍⬛

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,702
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    edited June 2023 #56058

    A cycle ride for both of us today, a day return on the ferry and up to Tynemouth (Breakfast by the beach) then back to South Shields (ice cream) and home. On the coast it was hot but a lovely cool breeze however inland it was a amazing to be cycling through hot air!

    Cycle computer said 25C!

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,075
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    edited June 2023 #56059

    Another lovely hot day here today. I was up early this morning to take the caravan in to the local dealers to get the problem with the hot water and heating fixed. Issue is with the Truma system it seems. Not heard anything yet after an initial update this morning hoping the bill won’t be too bad as we head off on our main summer break in 3 weeks. Getting the tyres changed while the van is in too as they are just coming up in 6 years old so trying to be safe they look ok but you never know. Still roasting here so sitting out the back garden with a cold drink cooking dinner outside on the BBQ tonight got to love this weather 

  • RedKite
    RedKite Club Member Posts: 1,764
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    edited June 2023 #56060

    Thanks for the comments folks.  OH's car all serviced and CT(MOT)  no issues so he is a happy bunny, as he said if he had the car he has a towing bar and heavy duty tow rope heyho but all ok and no damage to the car, OH will put his stuff back in his car tomorrow given him a chance to clear out stuff he does not need.

    Just had a couple of short sharp showers and may get more tonight but looking better for the next few days and it is the longest day next week.

    OH has finished the basic planning paperwork for our new carport and will take it upto the local Marie tomorrow as they are open in the morning a lot of scanning the original plans of the bungalow and where the carport is going so a bit of technical drawing done today good job he had done some during his past so will hope it will all go through they do like a lot of paperwork here and we also have our own copy as well just in case.

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited June 2023 #56061

    Lovely day here, we are near Dinan on a lovely site. Best kept manicured site so far this trip. 

    Took the car out to the coast today to visit Dinard and St Malo. Had a nice lunch overlooking the sea at Dinard shame there was a sea mist so a bit cool. Then onto St Malo where the sea mist was still hanging around but the sun had come out so it was warmer. 

    Back at the van it was 24c so a bit of sunbathing before coming in doors. 

    Redkite, good job you were going slow and the ditch not any deeper. Glad OH got it all sorted and no damage. 


    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,410
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    edited June 2023 #56062

    Yesterday’s forecast here was for heavy rain in the afternoon so we decided to go to Gloucester Docks outlet centre. I spent rather more than planned but purchased lots for my £s. Then OH wanted to visit the antique centre in the town, sadly it’s not the nicest of places anymore. Remember Dad saying my great grandad was a train driver there, often wonder if his house is still standing. We just got back to the car as it chucked it down, a lot of thunder and lightening when we got back to the caravan. Hot today so took my book and sat by the river in the shade. Invited out to friends and family for bbqs on Thursday and Friday so not even having to cook. Recharging my battery as we have many commitments when we get home.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,190
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    edited June 2023 #56063

    RK glad to hear that you and your OH we're able to extract your car from the ditch and that there appears to be no damage.

    Hope that they are able to fix your heating and hot water in your caravan Francis, and that it isn't too expensive.

    Pleased to read that you got home ok, WN, and that cleaning processes are well advanced.

    We were up and out early for our morning walk today so as we didn't get to hot. Had a gentle stroll along the old line that runs between the site and the main road to the Crook of Lune. The sun has been hot again today, 37C showing on the car's dash, but again a pleasant breeze, and I am still sat outside enjoying the last of if. Home tomorrow, and the usual round of appointments, including the dentist thankfully as I had a tooth filling drop out this evening while enjoying a piece of chocolate, so hopefully that can be fixed during my visit on Friday.





  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,460
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    edited June 2023 #56064

    Best wishes to all, we are on tethered wifi, so this will be brief. Boiling when we set off, 30c, but we had a lovely drive over via Bakewell, Monyash, skirted Congleton, passed Blackshaw Club Site, (nice location🤔), some tiny lanes and ups and downs, we do enjoy a scenic route. CS very nice, fabulous views, we are laid in bed with window open enjoying a nice breeze. Thankfully, that breeze has made things easier for the old pooch. We could be doing 3 NT properties this tour. Found a free pub stopover for last night, which is our anniversary, so will enjoy a nice meal all being well.

     Night all😁

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,190
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    edited June 2023 #56065

    It you want to take pooch for a walk at Biddulph there is a country park just up the road from the Gardens with a free, M/H friendly car park, good paths mostly under trees and a cafe.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,888
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    edited June 2023 #56066

    Happy anniversary when it arrives Ttda.🍾

    Dropped the car off at the garage this morning. Left it for one of the mechanics to park as there was no space and I was running a bit late so I was delighted when he appeared at the check-in desk to say the car wouldn't start as it didn't recognise the fob. Hooray. So we went out and I managed to get it started. They think that they'll have to order a part so it will have to go back. However it's due in for a service in 2 weeks time and we can use the OHs car. Bit worried if it doesn't start if left too long so will probably have to start it each day to keep it going.

    Off to hospital appointment after lunch, then hopefully back to pick car up.

    Lovely day again. We did some pruning when we got back and chopped back overgrowing weeds and branches from the "No Mow Ever" next door mess.

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,702
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    edited June 2023 #56067

    It's not often I visit Durham even though it's on my doorstep and in fact I can't remember the last time but I had to be there today.

    Another glorious day and there must have been some student ball on as many were in their tuxs and long ball gowns.

    Not as hot as yesterday but still good.   

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,865
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    edited June 2023 #56068

    Happy anniversary when it arrives mr and mrs tda. I hope you have a great time away.

    I hope they manage to sort your car out WN and that it doesn't take too long.

    Your 'open gardens' in your village sounds wonderful bakers2. I love a nose around other peoples gardens.

    I hope all your appts go well now you are home nellie

    I love the story about your cat brue 😅

    We have had a very enjoyable few days still with wall to wall sunshine. We went to Horsey Wind Pump on Monday and went on a wildlife boat trip from there with  an excellent guide. The highlight was seeing a group of spoonbills flying over. A wonderful sight. Tuesday we took the bus into Cromer and had a walk along the seafront and had lunch in (or rather sitting outside) the restaurant on the pier. Today we have been to Wells next the Sea and after a wander up and down the high street we took a ride in the little old 1951 Leyland bus down to the beach and had a look round the new Lifeboat station and after a wander along the beach sat and had an ice cream before catching the bus back to the town.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,888
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    edited June 2023 #56070

    Nice to see they've provided a suitably classy mode of transport to get you to the front Millie. They hadn't quite opened up the new RNLI station when we were there in September last year.

    Glad the holiday working out well for you and Mr.H.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,460
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    edited June 2023 #56071

    Lovely day at Biddulph Grange, hot out of the shade. Very different and interesting garden. Going to Little Moreton Hall tomorrow, then driving up to Bollington for a pub stopover.

    Glad you had a nice holiday Millie, that bus looks good.

    Hope the car gets fixed WN. My mini had a hiccup just before we came away, part of exhaust is poorly, a known fault with them. OH has sourced the offending part (£16), and it will get fixed on our return. Better than a whole new exhaust😱

    Had a stroll up to very top of hill above site, can see Jodrell Bank, Snowdonia and Liverpool Cathedral. Views are magnificent here.


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