What are you all up to
Very heavy rain overnight but a lovely sunny hot morning (I class hot as when I just have a cycling top on and no need of another jacket) and a trip to Newcastle then along the Tyne then under it to back home.
In the third photograph you can actually count all seven bridges!
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Well this time of year we are normally in Spain lapping up the sunshine and warmth but this year we have had 2 weeks in Cornwall lapping up the sunshine and warmth, 2 weeks at home ditto, and just done 2 weeks in glorious Devon ditto, but no more adventures in the caravan until September, daughter in from Spain for 3 weeks and lots of family gatherings for birthdays etc, but have to say if the weather is kind then you cant beat the UK, site in Devon was very quiet, just how we like them and able to sit outside until quite late, this pub was just 5 mins from the site, very oldie wordly, California Cross,
"A delightful 14th Century Freehouse and Restaurant situated on California Cross. The pub and crossroads are reputed to have got their name from the throngs of people who would meet at the coach house to take the Stage Coach to Plymouth and catch a ship heading West to the New World"
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The food is good there too. It's conveniently sited for access from a few camp sites including the CAMC site, the C&CC site and the AO site where Rufs stayed.
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Having a relaxing few days in a hotel in the Dales. Just outside our bedroom window we have these 2!!! 🤦🏻♀️😂. Not sure how quiet it’s going to be.
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That's good to know for potential future visits, cheers, TW.
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We're back in the UK. Arrived early at Hull this morning. We were on the lorry deck so was one of the first to be off the ferry. It took 1 hour from time of docking to us clearing the port.
Lots of Dutch and German outfits on board plus a couple of tour buses. Seemingly all heading to Scotland according to the customs man.
We are on a CL close to our sons new house, we've used often before as its the only one in the area. They have increased their price by £4 a night to cover the extra cost of electricity. I would imagine given its location that units use a lot of electricity here to heat the van under normal conditions.
As it happens it's turned out to be the most expensive site of our 8 week trip, yet it is just a basic grass CL.
Sent the afternoon at our sons new house going over a few DIY things that he wasn't so confidant at doing. All sorted now, advice on garden plants and what to do with certain bushes also given.
Grandson has shot up and is starting to look quite mature at 15 years of age. His first love though is still his gaming computer 😅 just like his dad. Given that it's our sons job in life ( special effects on computer games) it's only to be expected. Grandaughter much to busy 'chatting' to friends on her phone to talk to granny and grandad, might get a few words out of her tomorrow.
We managed to miss all the thunderstorms on our way up to Rotterdam on Sunday and the crossing was very calm.
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Know what you mean about Peacocks with your hotel have been to places where the are and a friend has just come back from a 3 night stay Norden farm site and the last morning he was woken up at 6.40am by the Peacock on his caravan step far too early he said, he did enjoy the site with a working farm and great farm shop.
More storms forecast here and have had over 30mm of rain in the last two days everything is growing well never seen it so green at this time of year and the grass cutting will have to wait until we come back from our short break away.
Medical appointments for OH today and tomorrow plus shopping and whilst in Cahors tomorrow need to make medical appointment for me breast screening as received the letter yesterday, so all go hopefully we can get on with the packing on Thursday if not pouring with rain.
Glad your return trip went ok TG and enjoy your time with the family.
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Lots of these to be had in the local area as well nellie
but you have to do cream first
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Yes great area for sites and lots of CL's available although access to some would not be great. Kingsbridge is the nearest biggish town 30 mins drive.
We were a bit nosey and did visit the sites metioned and have to say all were very quiet, the CCC warden told me he had never seen it so quiet, the site we were on, i think 70 pitches, never more than 10 mainly caravans for the 12 day duration.
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It’s certainty rained here this morning, woke me up at 6am it was so heavy on the caravan roof. It has flooded next doors outside space, where they park their car, not helped by them removing all their grass area and gravelling it all, the road outside theirs is one big puddle, would need wellies to get to their caravan but they aren’t here so it doesn’t matter. We are on a flood plain so to be expected. It seems to just depend on where the ground dips. Not woken as usual by the resident cuckoo at 4.30! He gets very close, it really sounds like a cuckoo clock, he must have taken a break due to the rain.
We went into Stratford yesterday, lots of foreign visitors there, more than usual, lots of Americans. We heard one say,’let’s try to get off this main drag’, we thought the same and went for a quiet picnic in Stratford park.
When we got back I went for a long walk as not much exercise lately due to the heat. I wore a pair of sandals that I’ve had for ages but for some reason I’ve now got a massive and painful blister on the ball of my foot, hobbling around like an old woman (suppose I am really) this morning. OH, who doesn’t like walking, not sympathetic, his comment, ‘well that’s what you get going for long walks’
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Hurrah - Ros's injury-imposed lockdown is about to come to an end! Not been anywhere other than the local supermarket since Easter - so it's starting to get to us - but Ros is improving and can now walk about the house without her stick - and most importantly has managed to get in and out of the caravan (on the drive) with no trouble. So - we have booked to go away for a week, from Sunday. Nothing too adventurous - just off to our favourite CS near Malton and only an hour or so away from home - so she should be OK in the car for that length of time. Think I will have to be careful about hitching up and setting off - a bit out of practice! I don't think long walks will be on the agenda
, but it will just be so nice to have a change of scenery.
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That’s great news R&R, will do you both good. Enjoy with care.
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We chose a great match to go and watch last night😁 Stadium was full, lots of families and youngsters, very different to a League game. Thoroughly enjoyable, with plenty of England goals and some very good performances. Strange watching a game in warmth and sunshine 😂 Some good support for North Macedonia as well.
The less said about the journey there and back the better. It’s only 45 miles from home, but getting to Wembley would have been easier and a whole lot quicker. Trans Pennine links are simply abysmal. Road or rail.
First goal, Harry Kane lurking on the right of penalty box.
Harry’s penalty in second half.
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Enjoying Pembrokeshire, no phone signal so a brief log in at Amroth, a few things here older than us, 300 million year old fossil trees on the beach...
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Somewhere easy and nice for a visit out, (you might have been), Helmsley Walled Garden is flat with good paths and plenty of benches to ease aches. Parking easy in big Car Park under Castle, there were some nice small business units alongside garden as well. Garden should be fabulous this time of year.👍
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Yes we agree that Helmsley Walled garden is a lovely visit TDA but just now, we went last Thursday, the garden was a bit ‘between seasons’ shall we say, apart from the lovely Iris beds there wasn’t much out! The cafe is lovely though. So glad to hear Ros is improving Richard and you can get away for a much needed break.
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Very pleased to read that Ros is moving better and hopefully she is in much less pain too. Enjoy your trip to Melton R&R.
Pleased to hear that you are home safe and sound, TG. You seem at have had a grand trip, and you are fortunate not to be back home and have missed the rain that has fallen on Central Scotland today, by the sounds of it being reported on the Scotland match.
You certainly picked the right match to go and see yesterday, tda, and with a full house it must have been a brilliant atmosphere.
I had to get a couple of new tyres for our tow car today, the old ones having done 45000 mls in nearly 7 yrs, so that was the first job today. Then it was a wet rainy walk with Flyte before finishing off the cleaning of the inside of the caravan. All ready now for the next trip, after more appointments next week.
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We know it well TTDA - but thank you. I usually go and see Keith - "The Stickman" - who has his workshop just off the walled garden. Although I just go in for a natter, I invariably come out with yet another project to complete for my collection. I don't know if you know about him but he's made walking sticks for the King and Adam Henson and his carvings are absolutely wonderful. Sells them all over the world - a very talented craftsman.
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Glad to hear you news about Ros and hope you enjoy your break Richard.
Well we had a storm yesterday evening thunder lightening, strong winds, hail and heavy rain oh boy what a noise nearly 30mm in 30 minutes, waited until storm abated then went out to check everything ok cars ok caravan covered up and ok blew a couple of garden ornaments about and plenty of small trees debris everywhere and then saw a car stop outside on the road only to clear larger branches off the road so we went out and cleared bits of branches off the road as far as we could and then more rain never seen anything like it before in June and this morning saw down the field that a large branch has come of a female Juniper tree so will leave that at the moment until some drier weather as more storms today and tomorrow and it is the longest day today and last year much drier and very hot about 38C what a difference.
So packing will be Friday morning as it is a dry day and no more rain for awhile we hope good job it is only a short break as I can pack stuff in to shopping bags then take them to the caravan on Friday although that will be parked close to the house which will be easier.
OH has pressured washed the car wheels after he had done the concrete path but the rest of the car needs doing sometime heyho all go.
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Six monthly dental check up yesterday, both of us passed with flying colours, so that’s good. Booked a haircut for me, need to have an eye check as well🤔 and we did a big shop at Aldi. We do lead an exciting life at the moment🤣
Oh is putting a new exhaust bit on Mini today, thankfully a cheap bit.0 -
Oh's heart check all ok and pleased with him and will need a stationery cycle test next not had one for a few years so 22nd August all booked even had a email when we got back to confirm it, very nice refurbished buildings and not been open long by the looks of it Centre de Quercy so he was impressed and lot of other medical bits and looks like a small hospital, was dry and sunny when we went in and not long there and it was very stormy when we came out so a quick walk back to the car downhill and a lot of running water everywhere, also saw a lot of damage around our area trees down even a telephone pole down the road damaged and the trees have been removed whilst out, but did noticed a wll outside a house had collapsed and on the way back could see that a mature Walnut had blown over and on the side of a house and they are English folk a shame not sure if house is damaged but the walnut will have to go and full of walnuts too, so far not had today's storm here yet but will be later.
Agree with you re an exciting life Tda appointments for the next two months roll on September and our trip to UK.
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Sounds quite bad where you are RK. Stay safe.
Treated to lunch today by MiL, so as it was sunny and warm, we walked the mile down to the Restaurant/Pub and had an enjoyable meal. Mostly uphill on the way back so burned a few calories.
Got most of our tour booked now and will be home to take MiL to a cottage break in Yorkshire. Got one in a few weeks with her but going down towards Ludlow way. No wonder she buys me a meal every now and then.
Still warm here.
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Thanks WN and have just noticed that a very large Oak tree across two fields from us has come down in the next field thankfully if had gone the other way it would have gone straight on top of the lovely stone house there it was aout 30 metres high and a about 100 years old such a shame.
Also very warm here even gets a bit humid before the storms.
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Those storms have certainly take their toll, RK, but thankfully not too much damage to your property by the sounds of it. We have been very fortunate in only having one thunderstorm at home, so far anyway.
Good to read that you are getting your trips sorted, WN. We must try and do the same for after the caravan service towards the end of July. Not really fixed on an area yet, so lots of head scratching to do.
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Well survived another storm gosh we could hear this weird noise before it got to us and then lightening everywhere and then one big clap of thunder we nearly jumped out of bed (not good at our age ha ha) right over us and I thought the roof had been hit but all ok and the power had gone off for awhile then came back on but it was on and off for about 2 hours not our trip but the whole area was off, hence not much sleep until about 3am and possibly some more storms today and then the weather looks good for the next 10 days hooray.
Got to tie up summer flowering Jasmine from last night's storm but should be ok and shall leave the rest of stuff to do outside until we come back from our break.
Glad all ok there folks and thanks for your comments.
Whilst out yesterday we saw a lot of small waterfalls with all the rain and even some areas outskirts of Cahors have got storm drains fitted and they were flowing well and looks like waterboard staff checking drains etc never seen anything like it before and the Lot river was very full and saw two holiday boats tied up near Cahors probably could not go any further due to the conditions.
Our friends rang last night and one of their quite heavy sun loungers had come off their terrace and parked itself outside their shed about 3 metres away but not damaged thankfully, also their very old gas boiler which is huge as packed up so had engineer out trying to see what he can do as it is a German model and parts may not be available seems the previous nights storm affected it, so they have contacted guests to say no hot water available heyho. Inside chores today and sort some stuff out for the van all go.
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Home now after 2&half weeks at the caravan. I really appreciated every day of the rest and relaxation and had a lovely time. We caught up with family, friends and neighbours. Some days out, others reading on my deckchair by the river. Journey home yesterday wasn’t too bad, we did notice lots presumably on their way to Glastonbury when we stopped at Gloucester Services. 4 loads of washing done and a busy full day gardening today. A good cut back of the rose arch, which had seemed to grow 3ft on top just while we were away! Lots of other shrubs had a good haircut as well. Still lots to do but it will have to wait a few days now. Poured some red wine and writing this as OH offered to make dinner as he never gardens, nothing fancy but that’s ok.
Daughter rang and we have been ‘stood down’ from travelling to Plymouth on Sunday to bring all granddaughters belongings home for the holidays, a couple of friends have offered to help, which is great for us. Just need to take some flat pack boxes over for them tomorrow. Granddaughter in disabled accommodation this year but intends to move in with friends next year, hopefully that will be better as she’s been told that she shouldn’t be living alone at present. Oh dinner is being served.
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Sounds like your GD has super friends DEBSC. Must ease your mind a little.
Nellie - Managed to tie up our last 2 stops today for September. We'll be off a little earlier than usual due to the cottage booking for later on. Our caravan is due its service at the end of July but we're squeezing in a short break in Shropshire before then, hopefully.
Have the car in for service next week. Seems to be behaving itself at the moment.
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Margaret for some weeks now she has been suffering from hip and knee pain and really needed to discuss it with a doctor and was concerned if it was just telephone conversation perhaps it would just be painkillers? At our practise we have a female doctor who has hearing problems so its more difficult for her to do telephone consultations So when Margaret phoned this morning she asked to speak to a female doctor and managed to get the doctor she wanted and a face to face appointment! This Doctor has helped Margaret before so she quite likes her. She is now awaiting an MIR scan which she has been warned could be some time. Also an appointment for her hands where we think constant day in/day out taking of blood samples has impacted on the feeling in her fingers! Whilst the appointments might be extended hopefully we will get to know when they are as it would help in making future holiday plans.
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Just a quick one before EM!!
Please let us know where you are heading. We have not fixed anything up yet for after our trip starting next week, so we might be around some nearby, one never knows.