What are you all up to



  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,460
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    edited June 2023 #56012

    Yes, I meant rediscovering😁 

    I think your weather has blown up here now, 27c outside. 

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,485
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    edited June 2023 #56013

    Last time I was a frequent visitor there, parking was free 🤷🏻‍♂️

  • robsail
    robsail Forum Participant Posts: 1,441
    edited June 2023 #56014

    MH Ah the memories on the Poppy Line! 

    Would agree to your thoughts on modern technology WN. I cut the grass just before going off in the van, cleaned and dried a pair of trainers to get the grass stains off them, put them on once dry , went to have a cuppa, laptop beside me my feet slipped I put a hand out to save myself and ended up on the laptop. Broken screen and hinge resulting in a new laptop got yesterday!

    Been away at Maragowan last weekend, an opportunity to do a turn on the safety boat at the sailing club without a massive drive home. I was toasted even with sun cream, hat, and bottled water!

  • RedKite
    RedKite Club Member Posts: 1,764
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    edited June 2023 #56015

    Glad you are enjoying your trip TG gosh time flies by.

    Know the area you are in rufs a long time since we were in that area and glad you are enjoying your holiday.

    Friends of our are away in their motorhome having a break from their B&B and have just sent a few photos of where they are at the moment Port des Barques not far from La Rochelle and enjoying good weather and will be moving on as they are back home on Tuesday and will get ready for next lot of guests a week on Sunday.

    Lovely day here and warm 27C with some cloud about and a nice breeze, will need to do some gardening next week after Monday/Tuesday stormy weather, weeds come out easily with all this rain.

    OH on his computer sorting basic planning for a new carport (a kit one) as under a certain size we do not need full planning but will have to take paperwork to the village Marie for them to check things over and hopefully not too long to wait to put it up that will be fun in warm weather, the kit is stacked behind our above ground pool on the concrete covered over, pool will be restarted once we are back from our short break later this month.

    Will find somewhere to go tomorrow and take a picnic with us not to far from home.

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,174
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    edited June 2023 #56016

    Lovely day here, wind dropped, sun came out and it was a balmy 20C.  Wandered down to the beach which was crowded with folk enjoying the sun and the sea plus the added attraction os a small food fair

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited June 2023 #56017

    MH Ah the memories on the Poppy Line

    A line from Robsail's post

    Brian is just wondering how long those Steam engines ( Road and Rail way ) will survive since one of the regular coal suppliers, Ffos~y~Fran in south Wales has been told or ordered to close its colliery.


    P.S.  == the sky over south Cheshire  is turning  a very dark grey right now, and there's the occasional rumble of something noisy and nasty out there !

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,888
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    edited June 2023 #56018

    Another lovely day. Not quite as much of a breeze today. 

    We drove along the coast to Camaes Bay and had a 4 mile loop of a walk, half through the countryside and the other half along an up and down coastal path. Great for my leg recovery. Bit wobbly at the end though. The scenery was great and the weather played ball. We came across a cliff top Church, dedicated to St.Patrick, apparently the only one to be so in Wales, as he was shipwrecked nearby and took shelter here. The church itself was a simple affair, all the better for it.

    We did think we might get a bit of rain but seems to have passed.

    Had a snooze when I got back.laughing

    Last day tomorrow. Play it by ear but might visit a garden being claimed back from neglect that has Heligan ancestors.

    Glad you got away Robsail. Good to hear from Tammy. Where are you? Also good to see Mrs.Rufs back out in the caravan again. Hope her recovery goes as well as can be expected.

    Best wishes to all others. Hope you've enjoyed today as much as we have.

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,410
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    edited June 2023 #56019

    Very hot here all day in the caravan, I’m not bothered by the heat but with no shade we did head across the site to sit by the river under the trees this afternoon. Lots of youngsters on paddle boards and lots of falling in the river and laughter. Very nice relaxing day reading etc didn’t even have to cook as had yesterday’s salads and other bbq leftovers for our evening meal.

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,865
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    edited June 2023 #56020

    Great photos of that lovely little church WN. Glad to hear that you have warm weather now Debsc. It's been a great day here as well. Wall to wall sunshine and not a cloud in the sky. We went out for a short walk this morning, did a bit of shopping in the village shop and then relaxed and enjoyed the lovely weather. We have a really good view of the beach from our cliff top position and it was lovely to see people enjoying the weather - some even swimming in the sea.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,190
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    edited June 2023 #56021

    Today started off warm and gradually got hotter. Thankfully there was enough breeze to keep it feeling comfortable in the shade. Then around 17:30 the clouds built up and the sky turned very dark towards the west. We have now had lightning and thunder and a short rain shower too, however it seems to be passing over quite quickly. OH has just spotted a dark shape running across the field opposite the van, and it turn out to be a Badger, the first we have defintely seen alive in quite a while, although I think one crossed in front of me the other night,around 10:15, when I was out with Flyte, but it was too dark to be certain.

    Nice photos Rufs  and WN. Glad you are enjoying your trip away, TG, and pleased to read that you have managed to get away Robsail.

    I spotted this fingerpost, which i thought quite unusual, when out for my afternoon walk today. You might have to enlarge it be able to read it.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,761
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    edited June 2023 #56022

    After a week with DD and the 2 boys being with us, peace has been restored.  They left here at 14.30 and apparently were home by 16.50 as roads quite quiet.

    Heavy rain at home this evening  apparently.

    We have had a week of good weather here in Northumberland, no rain at all.    We have been out and about quite a bit,,,,,,,the Chainbridge Honey Farm.....the beach  (twice) ......Heatherslaw Railway........birthday lunch for DD  of fish and chips in Berwick followed by a visit to the excellent playpark near the beach where we had ice cream, then home for a Cuthbert cake.  Plus swimming on the site, twice, soft play, playpark, and bungee trampoline bouncing.

    Site busy at weekends but quiet during the week.

    Had to do a quick repair on the van, one of the waste pipe joints under the floor had come adrift.   The joint is in an awkward position so I had to jack up the van this evening to be able to reach it.

    We are now all packed up and ready for departure by 10am tomorrow.  Fridge is pretty bare, those boys sure know how to eat, so we will restock on Monday at our next stop before heading out to the Suffolk coast.

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited June 2023 #56023

    " those boys sure know how to eat  "

    I think they get special training courses for youngsters these days, KJ !!

    Last time I saw my g/g/nephew who must be almost 4 now I just put my arms out and he came straight to me, but, alas it was as much as I could do to lift young Cody Arthur up to my chest level. surprised Sadly, I don't think I will be trying that again, well at least not till my truss is renewed cry

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited June 2023 #56024
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  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,075
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    edited June 2023 #56025

    Enjoying reading all the posts looks like everyone is busy. Weather here has been wonderful for the last few weeks but late on last night we had lightening and thunder it didn’t last long though and this morning it’s warm and sunny again. Not really done much since we came home from Craigie last Sunday 

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,888
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    edited June 2023 #56026

    Day off today. Need to recharge the batteries. Sunny at the moment.

    AD good to hear you've made a start. En route to Spain?  How did the insurance go?

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited June 2023 #56027
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  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,865
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    edited June 2023 #56028

    AD I thought the EHIC cards weren't valid anymore since we are no longer part of the European Union?

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited June 2023 #56029
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  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,842
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    edited June 2023 #56030

    Sun been shining all day today - here in East Yorkshire - and that dreadful NE wind seems to have disappeared.  Things are looking up  - caravan due to be brought back from the dealers after they have sorted out the fiasco with fitting the Omnistor - all sorted now and Ros is asking when we can go away in the van again.  Just need to see if she is able to get up and down the caravan step when it comes back tomorrow and, hopefully we'll be off. Just somewhere local but, at least, it will be a change of scenery.smile

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,460
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    edited June 2023 #56031

    That’s good news R&R, hope you manage a change of scenery. Same for you as well AD.

    OH pounding the (red hot) tarmac somewhere, I have sorted out MH for our next short trip. 30c here🥵 Loving this weather, you hardly need to pack anything beyond t shirts, shorts and sun cream. And dog food……….. No cycles this time, so travelling really light.

  • RedKite
    RedKite Club Member Posts: 1,764
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    edited June 2023 #56032

    At last some positive news R&R hope all goes well.

    29.5C here Tda and very sticky with it, we went our this morning for a picnic found a nice spot with views and lovely Windmill behind us lovely just got the coffee made and we could see rain in the distant and heyho it came over very quickly quick dash back to the car and finish the coffee off before we came back home a different way and no rain here but we have had three sharp thundery showers and 7.7mm of rain and more storms tomorrow and Tuesday at least no watering for the garden thankfully.

    A busy couple of weeks and then we are off for our short break and really ready for it as the caravan is still under its cover with these storms although we did give it a clean before the cover went back on.

    AD enjoy your break away much needed.

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,410
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    edited June 2023 #56033

    Boy it’s hot! Not that I’m complaining, it’s lovely. It’s just that it’s so different for us, with the woods behind us at home we have a very shady garden and house and here it’s difficult to find shade so we are just not used to it. We went to Stratford and sat in the park near the river, there were lots of big family gatherings and birthday parties for children going on, lovely to see all the kids playing, but then we came back here to sit out in the loungers, a little hot to do much else. Even though lots of the caravans are occupied it’s so very quiet here, some are sitting in with all the doors and windows closed so they must have air conditioning units. Salad for tea, then fruit salad for afters, too warm to cook much else.

  • Rocky 2 buckets
    Rocky 2 buckets Forum Participant Posts: 7,101
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    edited June 2023 #56034

    Once the card(EHIC) expires it can be replaced by GHIC. That’s the range of my knowledge so it’s best to check these rules still apply👍🏻

  • RedKite
    RedKite Club Member Posts: 1,764
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    edited June 2023 #56035

    Photos of the windmill from our travels today.

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,174
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    edited June 2023 #56036

    A second lovely day on the east coast with 24C and only a slight breeze. Went to lefty and righty’s (grand twins) 9th birthday party celebration today. Actual Birthday is tomorrow.  Keep asking ourselves where the time has gone?surprisedwink

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited June 2023 #56037

    WN, we are currently at St Michel Chef Chef which is near Pornic. Moving tomorrow to Dinan for a few days. 

    MillieH, the Ehic is valid until the date on it expires, then you need to change it for a Ghic which will still give you the same type of cover.

    Another great day today, a little cooler as the breeze is fresher now after the storm. Sun still hot if you get in a sheltered spot. 

    Took a cycle along the front this afternoon, lots of folk on the beach having fun. Since we've been here we have noticed the tide goes out late morning and starts back in late afternoon. Cycled past the small harbour here today mid afternoon and all the boats were afloat. Normally they are kipped over on the silt. Tides must have changed 🤔

    On our way back I called into the office to pay up. Total bill €110.40 for 7 days. We got a 7 for 6 nights so €102 for the site and 8.40 tourist tax for the both of us, very good VFM. We will visit this area again it feels so calming.


  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,865
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    edited June 2023 #56038

    Thanks for the clarification on the EHIC AD, Rocky and Tammy. Hope you have a good trip AD.

    Gosh OP are the grand twins 9? How did that happen?!

    Good news R&R. I hope you get away very soon. You and Ros deserve it.

    Another glorious day here. We had a walk in Sheringham Park where the rhododendrons were wonderful. It was very hot there but when we got back to base as we are right on the coast there was a very nice breeze which was very welcome. We have sat out on our little patio until 8.00pm.


  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,332
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    edited June 2023 #56039

    Just catching up on posts.  Good to read folks news and see photos.

    I'm with Wherenext on technology. Struggling with it myself, not the car, but have had similar issue with the car key. It was battery issue. 🤞New batteries solved the problem. I've also washed the key 😱😱 realised very quickly! I'd returned from a dog walk, muddied to the knees, cos you can lock at the touch of a button on the handle, it's not unusual for me not to put the key in its Faraday case immediately. I'm more vigilant now. Used the spare key and shot to local Timpsons as I couldn't open it. Great service, he dried it all, told me to go try it and it worked fine phew.... 

    I digress! Mine has been with sending and receiving emails. Apparently I'd used all my freespace on Microsoft. So they told me no emails. They were right!😡🤐 spent hours deleting emails - no changes. I could get more storage for a fee 😏🤔. Against my principle, but ate those words eventually. Turns out it was my one drive. Learn something new every day didn't know I had one. Tried to look at contents, slow laborious task. Discovered all attachments, including very early 1st granddaughter photos stored there despite me storing elsewhere. I think 🤔.  Checked out price, £20, gave in and it resolved immediately but I know I'm still missing emails - no tesco changes or receipt who knows what else? I now have 12 months to investigate further. No prizes for it not happening......

    At long last the sun has appeared. Rather too dramatically. Winter clothes on Thursday, layer off Friday 28c Saturday, 30 today. None of that cold wind of last few weeks, it might have been refreshing!

    Was our grandsons village carnival Saturday so watched him in the parade pushed by granny and mummy and dressed for the circus theme with his nursery friends, from the shade in the pub garden followed by lunch. Our village had  weekend of open gardens, art display, classic cars, plant sale 😀 and foral displays and wonderful quilts in church. Sooooo hot but I managed all 20 gardens, plant sale and church display. Sat in the shade with feet in a bowl of cold water to recover. It appears to have been very successful and hopefully raised some decent funds for the village. Some fabulous gardens and lots of inspiration and ideas. Everyone different and reflecting the gardener. I liked one with lovely beds and pots BUT I saw lots of blue pellets 😡😡😡. Didn't dwell there. Another had huge cages with owls, European Eagle, one empty cage, snowy owl with 3 chicks, huge vegetable area, flowers and all sorts, I won't say I've a big garden again. Others had every square inch planted, beautifully, and then chickens, no wonder the plants thrived. 

    It turned very humid mid afternoon, sun has gone.

    Right it's slightly cooler so chores to be done. Watering last night, had no rain for weeks..... was really pleasant. I generally get very chilly when watering and don't enjoy it but needs must.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,190
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    edited June 2023 #56040

    After a very hot day yesterday we have had another one today, and no breeze to keep it cool this morning. After lunch the breeze got up and by this afternoon high clouds came in. We didn't do much today as it was too hot for Flyte, although I did manage a 1 1/2hr walk around Pickmere village. The clouds came in mid afternoon and it was a most pleasant evening for sitting outside. The sky is looking a dark pink now, so perhaps we will be getting a thunderstorm shortly, so best be off with Flyte before the rain comes. 

    Last night here before we head up to our final site of this trip.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,208
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    edited June 2023 #56041


    Margaret is always getting a message saying she has used to much space on her Hotmail account. We went through and Deleted User loads of emails which seemed to make no difference. Then we started on the attachments and photographs and I think we just about got it below the limit but it seems a constant threat! Probably best to swap over to a gmail account but then you have all the bother of telling everyone, probably worse than moving house! I don't think I would mind paying a reasonable fee but the fees seem far from reasonable?
