What are you all up to
Not been on here for a few days. We went on one of our U3A church visits on Thursday to the village church in Ufford. It was sadly closed some years ago but has been taken over by The Churches Conservation Trust so it very well looked after and maintained. A very knowledgeable gentleman gave us a very good talk and a tour round and then we all went across the road to the village hall for tea and cake. On Friday I met up with a friend for lunch. We hadn't met up for a while as she has not been at all well this winter so it was nice to see her on good form again.
I love all your photos @nelliethehooker. You mentioned that you had been to Thorney. The estate of Thorney passed to the Russell family after the Dissolution of the Monasteries and one of the later Earls of Bedford built the village as 'Model' Estate Village for his workers One of the earlier Earls was heavily involved with the drainage of the Fens and a number of people came across from the Continent - mainly Walloons - and there are still some 'foreign' sounding surnames around to this day. It is a very interesting village. We love Peckover as well. We sometimes pop over there for a wander round the gardens and a cup of tea in the summer.
What a debacle over your OH's hip operation @DavidKlyne. It beggars belief. I hope it all gets sorted out soon.