What are you all up to



  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,208
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    People will be sick and tired of hearing about the saga of Margaret's hip. I mentioned in a previous post that she had been cleared by the cardiologist to have the operation and a letter confirming this was sent to the hip surgeon. So far so good! Therefore we were expecting a communication any day confirming a new date. Early on Wednesday morning we had a missed call, private number so no idea who had called. Later that morning we had another telephone call which I manage to answer. This is the hospital, is Margaret on the way to us for her operation! To say we were gob smacked is an understatement! We had, had no communication from them telling us the date. Even had we got the early morning call which I assume would have been on the same subject it wasn't possible for her to go as you have a 5 day period of cleansing with a special shower wash to help avoid infection. After about half a dozen phones calls we have managed to get a new date but we have to wait until the 23rd April, I think @InaD will have had her operation before that? Margaret has opted to take a cancellation and I did confirm they would give us sufficient warning in order to meet pre op preparations. I am calmer now but will admit to getting quite stressed over the whole issue, especially as no one at the hospital could explain how they booked an operation without telling us, it must have been a waste of time and money for them!


  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,190
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    edited March 13 #62613

    @DavidKlyne OH dear, what a way to run a health service. Surely they could have given you sufficient notice by letter or text as well as by a phone call. Glad you were able to get it sorted out eventually and fingers crossed all will go well from now on.

    Thanks @Bakers2 we have had a good trip so far with 4 grand CLs do far. We know 3 of the next 4 and hope the other is as good as its reviews. Hope you manage to get round the exhibition at the Cathedral in good time and that it doesn't infringe on your booked meal.

    We managed to avoid nearly all of the rain and hail showers this morning. We had a walk around part of the Octavia Hill Walk at Wisbech before lunch and then went to see Peckover House and Garden. There is a beautiful dolls' house replica of the Georgian Building in one of the rooms.

    Front above and rear view below

    And the dolls' house, as above.

    This display caught my eye in the garden.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,208
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    @nelliethehooker I am beginning to think that the NHS is far better organised and more efficient than private health care, just a shame about the length of waits.

    On a lighter note I have finished another jigsaw. This one is of Grand Prix cars through the ages. I suppose the red ones are easy to identify but the others are a bit more difficult although I think you can guess at some? This one is curtesy of number 2 Son who works in F1.


  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,940
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    Oh dear, @DavidKlyne ... so sorry to read this. I do hope they can sort Margaret out soon.


  • heddlo
    heddlo Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 909
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    @DavidKlyne good heavens! What a debacle! So sorry to hear about this. I suppose having a date is a plus but what a shame about all the confusion.

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,332
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    @DavidKlyne sorry to read of the latest episode in Margaret's hip op. It does seem madness at the very least. Might I suggest Margaret's go to cleansing regime for now is using the shower gel as her go to product for now. I believe you can purchase the stuff over the counter, if you don't have too already! Keep a hospital bag packed, a bit like at the end of pregnancy 😂That way should such a situation occur again you're up and running. Might need a blue light for the car? Seriously I hope there are no more hiccups. Take care of yourself too - you'll be no use for all the aftercare if you don't.......

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,460
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    @DavidKlyne its Hibiscrub for pre op showering, although some hospitals use Octenisan. You can buy it at pharmacy. We have bottles of the stuff left over, doubles as a dog shampoo!🤭 I think Hibiscrub you only use for a couple of days, the other might be 5 days. I can prep a hospital stay bag in around 10 minutes nowadays, had too much practice😉 Tip from me is add some noise cancelling headphones into bag for recovery period. You can cut out excess noise from others on Ward if required, and enjoy talking books, music without disturbing others. It’s like being read a bedtime story as a child, you listen, close your eyes and then……zzzzzzz Hope things move on quickly👍

  • Freddy55
    Freddy55 Club Member Posts: 1,871
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    Blimey @DavidKlyne , it’s been a right old saga, one setback after another, so frustrating for both of you. You’d think the one thing they’d get right would be to invite the patient, especially so since you’re paying, unbelievable. I really hope that there aren’t any more setbacks and that it all goes smoothly from now on 🤞

  • vbfg
    vbfg Club Member Posts: 533
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    I have news for you David, the NHS are definitely not more organised! We had a phone call last Monday telling us that my son,Brendan's appointment for that afternoon at Liverpool Royal was cancelled, but we knew nothing about the appointment, when you phone the hospital appointments department the phone is very rarely answered and if you leave a voice mail, no-one phones back!. I can't help thinking that dealing with much of the NHS, is like dealing with a cross between a Monty Python sketch and one of Basil Fawlty's failed attempts to fool Sybil!

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,888
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    There's no real excuse for the private health company @DavidKlyne at all. Shambolic and very stressful for both yourself and Margaret. Hope it's second time lucky for her. ps I like the jigsaw.

    Busy day today. Had to be at the main hospital in Wrexham fairly early for an X-Ray. Back home to meet with a suddenly made appointment for MiL then lunch and off to town to drop both ladies off at the Opticians. The poor man is seeing both of them this afternoon, God help him. Heavy bill incoming I daresay.

    Weather was cold this morning. It hasn't warmed up much but the sun is shining and as living room is south facing it is feeling a tad warmer. Just off to collect the ladies.

    Have a nice weekend folks, weather forecast hereabouts looks promisingly dry with some sun.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,460
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    We have a very busy day yesterday, vets in the morning for the hound, his monthly “keeps him moving” jab. Back home to get changed for my Aunt’s funeral, lovely service and get together in afternoon. Then home for a couple of hours before heading off to a Poetry event in a fabulous local venue, courtesy of our niece who was the “warm up” poet. Very funny, met up with some of OH’s family members so had a good old natter. We were tired out though after all the socialising. I am wrestling with Mum’s house insurance renewal at the moment, on and off. Can’t believe the price of insurance this year☹️ No claims either.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,761
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    edited March 14 #62623

    Another sunny day, but quite chilly out of the sun. We have the caravan back on the drive, Mover worked fine, thankfully, but it is not all good news.

    We were a bit worried when we did not hear from our dealer on the day of the service, Tuesday, but they rang on Wednesday with the not so good news………at the front end of the van, in the gas locker, the screws holding the brackets fixing the walls to the floor and then to the chassis have “pulled out”, which sounded very alarming! However the only problem this gave was that they had to disconnect and cap off the gas supply to the BBQ point, which we never use anyway, for safety.

    The delay in contacting us was due to them investigating whether a repair could be done, and it seems the answer is “no”.

    These brackets are apparently totally inaccessible without taking apart the lower edges of the van, a lengthy and costly job, but the main problem is that body parts are likely to get damaged, and new parts are no longer available. The advice is that the van is safe to use, not about to fall apart, and has plenty of life in it yet, but that we should not load anything heavy in the gas locker, other than the gas bottles. I suppose we can live with that. They also think that this is something that only happened fairly recently, could possibly be due to hitting a pothole.

    The good news is that it sailed through the damp test, everything is working as it should, and the only thing needed was one new tyre valve.

    I also plan to fit a new alarm battery as it is quite old now, so need to source a suitable one.

    We were home again by 12.30, had lunch then headed down to DD’s to discuss what, if anything, I could do in her garden tomorrow while she was out taking Callum and some friends bowling to celebrate his birthday.

  • InaD
    InaD Club Member Posts: 1,763
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    @DavidKlyne Oh David, I'm so sorry to hear that. It beggars belief, no wonder you were stressed out with it all. I do think the hospital has some explaining to do, not only to Margaret as a self-funding patient, but they have also lost valuable theatre time that day. How could that even have happened anyway? In my case, I had a phonecall informing me of the date of my operation on the Friday, followed by a letter of confirmation which I received the day after, on the Saturday. Therefore, even if the letter had gone astray, I would still have known what the date of the operation was; I'd have thought all hospitals used a similar method.

    Yes, I've also been given special shower wash and instructions etc for the 5 days prior to surgery. Can't tell you what it is at the moment, as we're away.

    I sincerely hope that Margaret manages to get a cancellation and gets her hip done before the 23rd of April (BTW you're correct, my op is scheduled for the 3rd of that month, providing that doesn't get cancelled for whatever reason!)

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,190
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    Glad you have your cashback from its service and that the moved has worked fine @KjellNN but a bit concerning regarding the state of the screws/brackets in the front locker, even if the dealer says It will be ok to use. Hope it doesn't get any worse.

    Like your jigsaw @DavidKlyne, can you identify each of the cars?

    It has been fine, although chilly at times, for most of the day, good enough to get a washing load, which OH did before we set off, dried outside after lunch when we got to our latest port of call. We are now at one of our favourite CLs, Barleywood at South Creake, another site with serviced pitches after leaving one at Murrow, near Wisbech, Greenacres which was a bargain at £17:50 pn on Hardstanding with EHU. It will be interesting to see how much electricity we use here as it is metered and charged after the first 10 kw per day. Late afternoon brought showers of hail and rain and F?the and I got rather wet on our post evening meal walk. Bright moon and a clear sky now so perhaps another night of frost, following on from snow here last night by all reports.

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,075
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    edited March 14 #62626

    Decent day today we moved on this morning from a wonderful 6 night stay at Southport club site we had been before and didn’t like the site but that was a few years ago and the weather was rubbish so we thought we would give it another try. Glad we did we had a great time and the weather was good nice and sunny if a bit cold and I managed to get a few miles cycling done. We had two days where the car didn’t move we walked in to Southport also visited Bury and Liverpool. Moved on this morning and made the easy 50 minute tow to our regular site here near Blackpool got here just before one so got set up quickly and headed in to Cleveleys for the afternoon. Had a nice walk along the shore front they are doing some work on the sea defence there so was interesting to watch the massive trucks move the rocks on to the sand. Went to chippy on way back to the van then headed to the pub in the village for a few drinks. Now back at the.van watching the Chase. All in all a good day. Nice sunset on site tonight

    hope everyone else has a nice weekend

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,208
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    @nelliethehooker Some are easy to identify like the red ones must be Ferrari. I imagine the green ones are Lotus. Not many of them seem to be from the modern era. Although there are still the legacy teams still in F1 there are also a lot of new ones. I don't recall Mercedes F1 until they took over the Braun, previously BAR, team. No sign of Red Bull either. So many names have gone over the years or transitioned into different teams Like Stewart, Jaguar, Minardi, Arrows, Jordon, Force India. As I mentioned they didn't actually list them on the puzzle box but I am sure there must be a few enthusiasts who will recognise most of them. All quite topical as the new Grand Prix season starts this weekend!


  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,761
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    Yes Nellie, it is concerning, despite what we have been told. I will see if I can investigate it further myself, see if there is anything I could do to improve the situation. We had not noticed anything being “loose” or any different, but we have not used the van since last October. Apparently this is normal, the customer not noticing anything, but I think with a 17 year old van they probably look more closely at the structure and will know what to look for.

    We have been debating for several years now whether to invest in a new van, one that would be more suitable for DD and family, with single beds for the boys, but there are very few these days with fixed singles. We have narrowed it down to a Bailey Phoenix 642 or an Adria Altea Tyne as they can both get decent weight upgrades, but both have drawbacks. They both have the Truma Combi heating, and the Bailey has only a small fridge. The Adria is also BIG, and would be too heavy for DD’s Skoda Kodiaq to pull, IMO. And would she want to tow such a large van .

    And of course there is the question of whether we want to continue caravanning for much longer anyway.

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,332
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    We appear to be having a busy few days!

    We met up with friends from Essex at The Cricketers, Clavering. Nice meal and setting, used to be Jamie Oliver's parents. Great catch-up and about an hour's drive for all of us. Today we'll see son and grandson's, not sure here or there as yet, as DIL organising and enjoying a hen do in Cambridge. Then The Longest Yarn tomorrow.

    Found this on the Longest Yarn online


    Wow that was easy, I was about to say I've not posted a link before on this new site! I'm well impressed.

    Beautiful but frosty start to the day 😃, not read posts yet. Enjoy your day folks

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,075
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    Lovely sunny morning here on the Lancashire coast. very cold though. Not sure if the plan today will probably go a walk along the coast somewhere

    Hope everyone else has a nice day

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,460
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    @DavidKlyne re your jigsaw🤔 Row 4, second from right. That looks like an unbadged Lotus John Player Special? And directly underneath, Row 5, possibly the (at the time) very controversially sponsored Durex Surtees?

    I occasionally watched F1 when Damon Hill and Nigel Mansell were racing, but not watched much recently. My best friend’s Dad drove Emerson Fittipaldi’s big articulated motorhome around the World to and from races in the 60’s-70’s, she has all sorts of stories of her Dad being put up in posh Monaco hotels, while Emerson enjoyed his own luxury space! Not a bad job to have😁

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,208
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    @Takethedogalong I am not so sure that travelling with F1 is all that glamourous, even for the drivers. OK they might get better accommodation than the team and many of the drivers travel by private jet. Just read an article about Oliver Bearman, he is still only 19 now but at the age of 16 he left home and moved to Italy to pursue his racing career. My youngest son has worked in F1 for the last 20 odd years and used to travel when it it was the Jaguar Team. One double header to China and Japan involved eight flights! Interesting on that occasion because China and Japan are relatively close together the did get a trip the see the Great Wall. But as he used to say you just live out of a suitcase all the time. Immediately the race is over everything needs to be packed up and either comes back to the UK or the next race depending on timing. He is now based in MK and probably quite pleased he no longer has to travel. Another thing to consider is there are more races now and most of the new ones are long haul.


  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,075
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    edited March 15 #62633

    Good day here today cold but sunny so we went to Pembertons farm shop as we usually do to stock up with things to take home not the cheapest place but good stuff. Then went to Lytham and parked up near the shore front and went a 3 mile walk along the coast very good great in the sun with some nice views and lots of people out enjoying the day. Came back to the van quite early and went to the village pub for a pint. Back at the van now not much on the TV tonight by the looks of it so may watch a dvd.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,888
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    Seems like you've had a reasonably good break @Francis. We like Lytham.

    Both of the ladies are a bit out of sync today with the eye tests and drops that were applied yesterday. Very quiet day here. I'm thinking of asking the Optician if I could buy some of those drops for a quiet life.🤣

    We're off next week for a trial 3 night stay, only to Wirral CP, to see how MiL gets on with a carer dropping in twice a day mainly to see if she needs anything. We suspect that it might take another visit before MiL gets her trained to the way she's accustomed to.😂 So we'll sort the groundwork out tomorrow and get the Van ready.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,190
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    Fine photos @Francis we too like the walks along the front at Lytham. Glad you have had a good trip.

    Hope all goes well with your stay at the Wirral site @Wherenext and that MIL get her carer organised quickly.

    We visited Walsingham Abbey this morning for a walk through the grounds and around the village. A few weeks late to see the Snowdrops in full bloom, unfortunately. We were not able to go in to see the Anglican Shrine as they only allow assistance dogs around!Then had a walkbalong the old railway line from the Slipper Chapel car park

    The Crurch of the Annunciation.

    The 12th C doorway, the only remaining stonework remaining.

    The ruin of the West Tower

    The Packhorse bridge over the R.Stiffkey

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,174
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    hey Nell where are you staying

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,940
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    Wonderful photos @nelliethehooker and @Francis . Thanks for sharing.

    We're out in the van soon.... Putts Corner CAMC site coming up.....


  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,842
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    Not posted on here for a few days - due to one thing and another! Got back from Lincoln on Thursday afternoon after a lovely week away at Skybarn Farm. Quick turn around, however - car was due for MOT / service on Friday - so quickly unloaded it and took it to our local garage, 5 minutes away. MOT went OK - thank goodness - but another chunk out of the bank account! Yesterday spent giving the van a deep clean inside and I'm thinking - looking at the weather forecast - that it might even get a clean and polish outside this week.

    Drs on Tuesday morning - to discuss my blood test results - and see what, if anything, can be done about my painful joints which are really causing me a lot of discomfort.

    No news about my friend on Old Malton - he's still in hospital, unconscious, on oxygen and tubes in him all over the place. I did say he is a 'fighter', but I fear it's only a matter of time.

    So sorry to hear about the debacle with Margaret's treatment @DavidKlyne - it must be so frustrating and worrying for you both. Hope it all gets sorted soon and the operation goes ahead.

    Lovely photos @nelliethehooker - you certainly do get around, don't you!! It's almost a month until we go away again - by which time - no doubt - you'll have visited another half dozen places😀

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,174
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    thanks Wherenext

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,410
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    Sorry to hear about your friend Richard, at least he has no idea and is not in pain if unconscious, I do hope that he recovers.

    Loving all your photos, I’m going out and about vicariously through them all. Not been far ourselves as seatbelt in the car causing me a problem, even with a protective cushion. Our friends who live in Stratford have been today to check our caravan for us. They sent lots of photos, which made me ‘home sick’ for it. We won’t know if everything over wintered right until we drain it up and turn on the boiler and shower but it looks ok. The large white decking outside goes very brown each winter, even without any flooding, not sure why, but it will need a good jet wash from the look of it. With all the health appointments we both have I don’t think that we will get back there for a while, not feeling up to it just yet anyway. I’m looking forward to warm summer days visiting the Cotswolds and sitting outside the Broadway Hotel with a cold drink though.

    I don’t drink that much but since my diagnosis I have reduced to one glass of red wine a week, red wine is good for my heart the nurse said. But I’ll miss my G&T sitting out in the summer, maybe just one of those as well, just in the warm months. I have noticed that the grocery bill has reduced though.😁


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