Coronavirus: Stay or go
I no so, my grandkids already doing cartwheels because all their after school and weekend sports have been cxld and to make matters worse we now cannot get together as a family because gkids should not be having contact with 70+ year old Gparents, nightmare.
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My understanding is that children may not sometimes show symptoms, but they are just as susceptible to catching it, and therefore passing it on. I can understand the governments reluctance to shutting schools, because of the inherent problems of childcare, but as far as I’m concerned, the move to shut schools is a good one.
As it is now, we won’t be able to have any contact with our grandchildren for two weeks. Of course, it might only be a cough in their case, but we can’t afford to take any chances.
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and as somebody has already said "you ought to read previous posts" before making sarcastic comments.
just to remind you this is what i quoted, yes quoted from an imminent scientist
The science has proven that cases of coronavirus infection within schools is very low if at all because children seem to be not necessarily immune but suffer much less from the infection, and are not serial carriers.
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As it is now, we won’t be able to have any contact with our grandchildren for two weeks. Of course, it might only be a cough in their case, but we can’t afford to take any chances.
very sad but as we are both 70+ we are in the same boat but for what is now an indefinite period
and unfortunately this club still insist that it is ok for people in their L.V's to tour the country possibly taking the virus with them as they go
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Hi All,
As I see it I have two possibilities facing me. I get infected and develop antibodies, I am ignoring the other obvious outcome here, or I self isolate till a vaccine is developed.
Reports suggest a vaccine is likely 12-18 months away.
Is it likely that any of us could/would self isolate for that period of time?
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That’s speculation, A&J. As yet no one even knows if you become immune after becoming infected.
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Thanks for that. Not sure if this will help, but it’s a superb Site we used for a short trip to S Wales. It’s an hour from Tredegar, using M4, to give you some idea of distance and travel time. Peaceful, great owners, a good place to chill out.
I can’t find review I did of it on another forum, but it was a fabulous site, certainly reflected in UKcampsite reviews. Might be too far for your purposes?
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It’s on my radar CY, not that far from us, and a classic example of infection. I also know what ultimately helped snuff out the plague in London, might be a tad drastic in this day and age though..... Pudding Lane😉
History tells us this is going to get interesting over a long period. The Black Death took its time spreading, but it came back again a few times. That was the 1400’s. Cue the Tudors, and their period had to cope with bouts of something know as The Sweating Sickness, this too carried off hundreds of thousands, and came back year upon year, not helped by the rich scuttling off to their country estates and taking it with them!
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I haven't posted on here for some time but I thought I would mention where we stand on this. Due to a recent small operation and the following recovery our van hasn't moved for 4 months now.
We both have mothers who are around 90, one at home and one in a nursing home, their finances are administered by us, one is via power of attorney so we could well do without any risks of catching this virus.
Only a few weeks ago we booked a number of trips involving 13 sites between March and June with both clubs and some private sites. Deposits of £250 have been paid in total.
I have just cancelled the March sites and will cancel the other sites too as we get closer to the dates should the situation not improve and the advice on unnecessary travel remain. We couldn't care less if we lose deposits anymore, or indeed if the van doesn't move at all in 2020 though I may take it out for a half hour run now and again for the benefit of its mechanical bits.
Stay safe everyone.
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I was clear that I was talking about myself and basing that on the statements I have heard from the scientific advisers.
An antibody test is being sought so that persons with them can go back to work ‘safely’.
Sp presently the presumption is that the anti bodies will protect them but the virus, like flu, could of course come back.
The medical adviser to HMG has said that at present its estimated that in China 10% of the population may catch the virus and that once you move to the phase we are now entering you have to maintain it till a vaccine is available, or the other 90% are at risk of catching it.
This is why I am wondering if people think that self isolation is sustainable as it appears it could be for far far longer than what people may be expecting.
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The honey monster??? Carrying sugar puffs, tell them about the honey mummy.
At work we have several WhattsApp groups set up. My department one has a mixture of humour, factual and nonsense in it. Lots of people want to join it, but they can't!!
We have a daily call in with the objective of humanity and support, not business or the ins and outs of COVID-19. Colleagues are across the full age spectrum from grads in industry to near retirees, with family commitments from new born to elders in care.
People feel supported.
When we are through this will we have done a good job? That's a priority.
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For some(high at risk categories) self isolation is proving to be a life or death decision-the longer the better I think👍🏻
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Huge gold star to you and your company KS. Compassion and kindness will always trump venality and viciousness.
Our little community had a bit of a chat yesterday, at a distance I hasten to add. Phone numbers checked, firm commitments to help anyone who might need it. Given that folks have worked in all sorts of environments, it’s staggering the range of expertise that’s at a shout away. Latest two recruits are from military, so that’s a big boost. 👍
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Hi Rocky, As in my last post I was referring to myself only. If I was in a high risk situation I would be more stringent but would still ask the same question.
Just reported on the TV that the antibody test is app 2-3 weeks away and its 'great news as those with antibodies can return to work'.
I would think that initially it will be key workers who are tested and probably a long time before its available in general.
I was looking at the guidance for if you are self isolating due to having possible symptoms and even then they advise against going outside 'except to exercise'.
I believe that in Italy you can go out to shop, obtain medicine or to walk your dog.
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i put this on another post but it is probably very relevant on here also
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Sorry, it wasn't clear at all to me that it was only about you and based on info from scientists. Hence my reply.
Certainly this part was more general and is something I could only speculate on although Rocky has given a valid opinion.-
"Is it likely that any of us could/would self isolate for that period of time?"
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Visited there a few times. It certainly worked then. Perhaps more difficult now. Unless food delivery vehicles are met at a check point there is certainly an interaction there. Medical and care personnel moving in and out the area. Also medical supply's for the local pharmacy. Are we going to stop postal deliveries, home shopping, all are potential risks to any quarantine.
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Hi TW, I believe it was clear but I would wouldn't I?
Not trying to make a point here just wondering if people feel that self isolation for the periods of time being suggested, maybe 18 months, is viable.
Certainly there will be changes we could never have imagined to achieve it.
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Supermarket on line deliveries are making arrangements for folks who are self isolating etc, they are going to prioritise those with the most need. Deliveries can be left on the doorstep or whatever and signed off via phones and other methods. There is a lot happening if you have to stay at home.
I'm glad we have our milk delivered, that's a real help in these circumstances and the glass bottles as usual will be returned via the doorstep. It's up to me whether I wash the bottles on receipt.
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agreed, but look on the bright side, there has been a rapid down turn of new cases in China to almost zero, so if we can achieve similar then maybe we can ride the storm in a relativily short time frame, Italy/Spain are the big worries just now , not heard anything re Russia ???
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Safest place seems to be North Korea - according to the “little rocket man” there is a complete absence of the virus there. So, perhaps we all need to live in a totalitarian state.........not! Probably find anyone there with the virus simply disappears forever.
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I think it unlikely that people would be prepared to self isolate for that length of time. Probably most people could begrudgingly self isolate for three months but after that length of time I think chinks would start to appear in the resolve. If it were to go on for 18 months I expect that human nature being what it is people in the vulnerable group would gradually come the conclusion that they would risk infection in order to settle the issue one way or the other as 18 months of self isolation would not be living your life!!!
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We have two Kelly communications vans just outside with the "engineers" looking in one of virgins cabinets, so being nosy
went out to see,,they say with nearly everyone it seems working from home, the speeds of fibre broadband ,in some populated areas are now slowing down ,and it will be , they think, as from next week ,when the school children will also be "working" from home, it is going to be really stretched to cope
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Hi David, As I said I was not trying to make a point, just wondering what others thought. I think that giving consideration to how you deal with it as an individual is vital as to enter into 'isolation' without doing so will likely mean you will be less successful in maintaining it.
One of our grandchildren falls into the group that can still attend school the only problem is that the school say they were unaware this would be the case and have nothing in place.
It would be easy to criticise but feel they are, and will, do their best but it just adds to people feeling confused and does nothing to help them make informed decisions.
I was out on Tuesday and a guy I was speaking to, at a safe distance, said his Mum had mentioned the Chicken Pox parties which had the intention of infecting many children as possible so can see how some might start thinking they want to 'get it over with'.
If you are feeling like getting out yourself The Navigation at Thrupp Wharf emailed me yesterday to confirm they are still open!