What are you all up to
Difficult isn't it, but worth it when you do
Had a lovely time this morning taking a walk with Nellie, his wife and Flyte, who seems fully recovered from his cut foot. Finished off by having a pub lunch with them both. Nice to catch up with them as they pass through.
Ordered a new porch awning. We were going to buy an air one but I've read about problems with them when the ground isn't level and I noticed JVB's post a few days ago saying that a couple of them had exploded with the heat on a site he was staying at. They're trouble most of the time anyway so we don't need to add to it. I suppose we'll have to try it out somewhere close before using it in the autumn (sorry about the A word).
Nice to see so many members enjoying themselves out and about.
MIL and Mrs WN set off on an 8 day river cruise on Friday so I'll be getting my list of chores to do soon.
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Redcurrants are very popular in Norway and seem to thrive even north of the Arctic Circle, we have several rows of bushes in the house garden there.
As well as just eating them, we use them in desserts and for topping cakes, and when we have a glut we mix them with some sugar and freeze them to use later.
They are particularly delicious served with warm home made waffles.
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Didn't think about that WN as we are not members. Although we were thinking of joining. The daily rate of £7.50 each, for what was on offer, was not bad value though, when compared with other places.
I just checked and it is listed, so another reason to add for signing up. As we will certainly be back here,
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Solved the heat problem. I'm off to Greenland.
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How lovely. What a super gesture too. I hope it's got a nearby water supply and you're available to keep them moist 😉.
Been pottering in our 'garden' especially deadheading and cutting back. Think there's a slight improvement but still lots of brown shrivelled burnt leaves to go yet.
Ain't pottering days great? I've interspersed mine gardening with a chapter of two of my Logan MacRae book, blood thirsty as ever 😲, as we're quite humid at times. It's rare to here me complain about the heat, I may mention the warmth, but I potter about and go outside with a cooling drink and sit in the garden in the shade inbetween chores. (Still manage a full nights sleep)
When does your family arrive?
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Thanks for all the suggestions everyone, i'm liking Goldies suggestion of Raspberry and Redcurrant jam, i might give that a go. I've never made jam before so Lord knows how it will turn out, either very runny or solid as a rock, my money is on runny.
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Thank you Goldie, that's beautiful.
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Love the quilt idea brue, a very special memorial. I was made one by an Aunt a few years ago, when she was into quilting. It's a stunning colour, mainly golds and reds, looks fantastic on our four poster!
We are majoring on soft fruits at the moment, love a few raspberries and blueberries on a healthy cereal, then create an Eton mess type dessert with strawbs, rasps and blueberries. Hope the blackberry crop will be a good one a big later on........
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Malcolm, I do not think you can compare a caravan with a house when it comes to hot weather and air con.
A caravan is a relatively small metal box, if it sits in the sun, it, all of it, will get very hot, even if it has the latest insulation. The best insulated caravan is no match for a house with thick stone walls or one with the latest insulation.
Even our fully south facing house has a shady side, the back of the house faces north so gets almost no direct sun. If it is hot, we close the blinds at the front, open the windows all round to allow cross ventilation, and sit in the shade at the back, either inside or outside.
As a caravan is small by comparison, it will all be hot, unless it is completely in the shade.
So, we have, use, and are glad of, air con in our caravan in this weather, though we never use it overnight, we have not found that necessary. On our recent trip we had over 31 degrees in Keswick, the van was sitting in full sun, it would have been unbearable in it without air con.
Now we are home, we are in our well insulated house, it is still hot outside, but at the back it is very pleasant and shady, we can sit out on the deck if we want. We do not need air con as we can use fans, and free solar power, if necessary, to push the hot air from the front to the back and out, and from upstairs to downstairs.
If we were building a new house, we would certainly consider fitting air con, maybe a heat pump, which can both cool and heat, but in an existing property, fitting full air con would be difficult and very expensive, certainly way more than £2000!
Many years back we spent about 6 weeks in Canada visiting relatives. It was June, so it was hot. They had a flat and every year they hired an air con unit, they seemed to be made to a standard size, that fitted exactly in a special aperture in a window in one of the living rooms. By leaving the doors open it could cool the whole flat, it was a very pleasant temperature in there as a result. Outside, your ice cream would melt before you could eat it!
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I am being naughty tonight, just off down the garden to sit on the swing, enjoy the perfumes, frogs, late hunting blackbirds, swifts, bats etc....
Why naughty? 'Cos I have a glass of my fave tipple to take down with me, so ya boo sucks to the world at the moment!
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Kj, it's all been said before, we will only get a repeat tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow....as Bill Shakespeare once famously wrote.
Mr Shakespeare knew a thing or too..linky thingy to view.
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We could have a bet on how many consecutive posts it takes to answer K's post! Or perhaps not...........
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Just cadging a bit of free WiFi while watching the Sun set over the harbour with a pint of Reverand James, 😉
Huge thanks to Cariadon as after we visited Devils Bridge we were in time to see the Red Kite feeding at Bwlch Nant Yr Arian. Absolutely fantastic got some pretty good photos but will have to wait until we get home to download them.
The Dolphins came really close to the beach tonight so some good sightings.
Seems to be lots to catch up on, Will try and catch up a bit, as I've got a bit of WiFi 😂
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When i was in New Quay last month i found a little bar that had a balcony overlooking the harbor, (on the first floor above a shop), that sold beer from its own micro brewery. cant remember what it was called but i'm sure you would find it. it must be popular because you could reserve a table out on the balcony.
A perfect place for watching the world and the dolphins go by.
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Yes brue, you are right!
Anyway, to move on.......tonight we are worn out after being down at DD's house cleaning and keeping Callum amused. OH had him out in his push chair for over an hour while the rest of us started the cleaning, he slept for about 25 minutes, then I took over push chair duties while OH did bathroom cleaning, but he did not sleep much for me.
After he had been fed, we had lunch and then got on with the final cleaning before the viewer came. Amazingly, she turned out to be the Mum of SIL's best friend at primary school! She is moving back to Glasgow to be near her son.
Viewing went well, but she is just starting on her search for a new home.
Another viewer is due tomorrow.
Still no word from the surveyor re this mine entrance and the valuation on the new house. We noticed that the present owners were busy moving out today (the new house is only about 500 metres away).
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We are in a very similar situation KJ, looking after the youngest grandson, cooking extra meals, home filling up with the contents of another house, generally being run into the ground. Builders arriving at 7am every day, visiting dog staying over, well, whatever did we do when we worked?!
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Sorry Cariadon just seen this post, Thanks for the tips.
We are on a CL Rhydhalen Farm hope that's how its spelt😕 its a Lovely CL close to New Quay .
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Penlon by any chance?
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Not sure. It was next to a pub, Penwig hotel or something like that.
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Yes, glad I no longer go to work. Before I retired I did, briefly, worry about what I would do all day, OH said not to worry, she had plenty of things to occupy me!!
Now, 11years on, I also do not know how I fitted in a full time job!
The list of things I am given to do seems to expand to fill all my time.
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It must be the one, We are sitting outside the Penwig now it's next door. 😉😂
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Ha Ha. Have one for me.
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It's still free to members on their web site, so I guess that they've not left it yet.
It was great to meet up with you and Mrs WN. We both enjoyed the walk, chat and the lunch. Hope Mrs WN has a great time away. I'm sure that she wouldn't dare to leave you list of jobs to do, and stop you getting away on your own in the van for a few days.
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Oh how appropriate!! He certainly knew what he was writing about.
You did well to remember that full quote, brue.
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Another warm day here on the IOW we visited Sandown and Shanklin today we were planning on going along the pier but sister had the dog with her and no dogs allowed on pier so we all made do with a drink on the terrace of a lovely little bistro on the sea front. Tonight a fish and chip van visited the site so we made use of that and were not disappointed good food at a reasonable price. After dinner my self and BIL took a walk down to the pub in the village and had a few beers in the beer garden (would be rude not too). Not sure what we are doing tomorrow SWMBO is busy looking through a pile of leaflets so I will go where I am told. Just as a side not our pitch is in the sun but our new caravan has a very handy sunroof so we leave this open during the day and this seems to keep the van cool it is a new van but no aircon but not something we would be particularly bothered about