What are you all up to
It’ll be the noise of the air con keeping him awake. 😁
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“So you need to think about that and get some aircon sorted before it's too late!”
Please don’t dictate to others, Malc. We’re all adults capable of making our own decisions.
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I was asleep by 7 p.m. last night so that by 2 a.m. I already had had seven hours sleep! How much more sleep does one need than that?
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With air conditioning running all night in a small space like a caravan, cups of tea in the early hours will be needed to alleviate the dry throat the air conditioning will give you.
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It never keeps me awake and can operate on sleep mode so that it's almost completely silent.
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I would prefer 130 comfortable nights out in the van rather than 130 sleepless nights! Furthermore, everyone on here tells me that they have comfortable pensions and savings stashed away in the bank after a lifetime of hard graft. So why is a small amount of cost for aircon a problem? Surely, in those circumstances, its possible to have your 130 nights away as well as an aircon!
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I’ll be leaving work a little bit early today, I have to go and buy a new lawn mower. My old one packed up beyond economical repair about three weeks ago, and with the couple of heavy showers we’ve had over the last few days the grass has sprung in to life and started growing again.
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There's a fast charge facility at the dealership in Portslade which I can use for free! So the alternative plan is to use that during the hot weather next summer and use our aircon without difficulty!
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Hey, Malc. Many is the time I’ve championed your right to live the way you choose. How about you showing similar consideration to others? Did you not read my previous post?
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Yes but I was simply responding to people's complaints about the heat, TW!
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No they'll be closed after I finish work but will open next day before I start work to get my daily full charge for free plus a free cup of tea or coffee from their machine! They are open until 6 p.m. and on Sundays too. So no worries!
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Well, we can all sleep easy at night (with or without air con
) now we now that (again).
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That's true! I do get dryness of throat and skin. I just drink more water and cups of tea like you say!
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content Deleted User. I decided not to take the bait.
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When we first got the caravan, we used to have the aircon switched on all day and all night. Now, I turn it off in the early hours of the morning when it's cooler and open the windows for fresh air. This means that when I get the Smart Electric, I can turn off the aircon at 2 a.m. get a full charge between 2 and 8 a.m. ( 6 hours is needed). Then turn the aircon back on afterwards.
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Been to the van to sort a couple of things out. Now going to return to my favourite at home pastime, pottering. Going to pull up the remainder of the Spring Cabbage, it’s been plentiful and tasty. Peas and broad beans ready for harvesting so going to enjoy them for a few meals. Will sort some stuff out in the car before it’s trip to the garage tomorrow. A day which a lot wouldn’t find interesting but it suits me fine🌞
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I’ve got a red current bush in the garden thats laden with berries, but haven got a clue what to do with them. I did make a cordial with them a few years back but not all that was used.
I would welcome any ideas.
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I've made red currant jelly in the past, but it's hardly worth the effort and very fiddly.
Nowadays I mix spare fruit together, raspberries, gooseberries, redcurrants etc and cook them up, add sugar and freeze for toppings on icecream or whatever. You can sieve the mixture (makes a "coulis" if you don't like anything pippy.
I'm going out after lunch, a group of us are about to tackle making a patchwork quilt. Making it was a request from a dear friend we have lost, we will auction it for the cancer charity she requested. I'm not a quilt maker but have stepped up to the plate for someone special.
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Ha Ha, never thought of that
Spaghetti and meatballs for dinner tonight, i'll have a couple of bunches with that!
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I agree, make the jelly is far to much messing when a good quality jar is only a few pence.
I like the idea of stewing a selection of berries down in to a compote, might give that a go this weekend. I'm making a coconut and lime ice cream (with a dash of white rum), it should go nice with that.
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Visited Sewerby Hall today, only a mile or so walk from the Bridlington site. It is run by the East Riding Council and they have a facility to be very proud of. Well worth a visit for anyone staying in this area. There is the house to visit, a small zoo ŵhich young children would really enjoy, a park / pleasure garden, adventure playground and walled garden. You needed sun glasses for the plants in the walled garden they were so vivid.😂
Apparently the house and estate were sold to the council in 1934 and opened to the public in 1936 by Amy Johnson, who was born in Hull.