What are you all up to
Added bonus. . . .No more speculation👍🏻😊
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While the Mods leave it to guesswork there will always be someone questioning anothers disappearance.
Some on here took umbrage, reported him and you can now guess what has happened, now read it, digest it before this post says 'Content has been removed'
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Grey and misty here this morning, in fact very misty over the fields,but has now cleared and sun showing itself sometimes,quite a change from yesterday, when managed to cut all the grass put a new blade on mower before starting,did not realise how much the old one had deteriated until sa finished product
also yesterday did a bit of shopping and found the "local" Stevenage branch of Maplin still open ,(and recruiting staff
) found an adaptor to fit our new tv so my hearing aid streamer could fit
have cut the hedges this morning may have a trip to Notcuts as they have 20% of everything this w/end
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Even if you post "content has been removed" it will be removed, as was proved yesterday.
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Err, I’m in East Yorks. . . .It’s sunny & beaut🤔🤔
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Sun broken through in Essex 😆😃 Son safely airborne. Lunch smelling lovely. Grass still too soggy to cut, but it has had a short back and sides during last 4 weeks. It's growing like crazy. Beds have mostly been done. Forget me nots about to burst forth. Washing blowing gently on the line. All is well in my world for this moment 😉
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You’re so welcome, Metheven.
Its drying up here so it’s on its way. Still cloudy and misty across the valley though.
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The sun's out here now. Reckon the rain's almost reached the Midlands by now on its way to the Tundra.
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We are ready to roll. Last few plants to pot up, quick Hoover then off! It's raining, but passing over quickly. Forecast is good!
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"Good travels everyone."
Same from me as well.
We're contemplating a change of plan and may try Ross Park as it gets much praise and looks good.
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Had a brief rain shower a couple of hours ago, and its now looking 'orrible, all flat grey sky !! Really not too worried, I'm about to organise my "Road Trip" down to Cornwall for Trevithick Day etc etc -- I don't use Sat Navs, working out my route from a decent map is part of the holiday. but I've just calculated the fuel used for my little trip to Old Hartley and it worked out at 39.7 per 5 Litres ( Not to over complicate it ! ) not bad for the M6 & A69
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Straight down the A30 to Camborne, ABM.
"Going up Camborne hill coming down.....…"
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Still sunny here as yet, mayhap it’ll be here drekkly Tinster😂😂
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I remembered you'd been there and recommended it, Moulesy. We usually go to Stover but this would make a change.
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Reckon so. Tis trying to be sunny here.
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We went for a Segway ride in the local forest this morning. Never tried it before. Great fun but more tiring than one would think. Must be the concentration involved. It's rather an alien concept to lean forward to accelerate and lean back to brake. I would certainly like another go, but will probably try mid week when less folk are about. Passing groups on foot / bikes was a rather nerve-wracking. They are heavy bits of machinery and I would hate to slip.
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Just checking TW, you rascal there is no A30 junction in Cheshire, Best I can manage is A534 !!
And I reckon "Going up Camborne hill coming down" will be referring to rain by the bucketfull this year
Still I'm looking forward to two trips down there (ish) this year, Scotland will have to wait till September this time.
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We've had a couple of dry days. You might be lucky.
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100% agreement there EasyT, Just think :--
Dark Blue Jacket & Weskit, over Tartan Kilt & Socks !!
Would Anybody in their right mind tell a Pure Blood Scot that
his taste in colours is dodgy
( One would need the shades to hide the black eyes !!)