What are you all up to
Moderator Comment
It's not a question of the moderator's opinion being either more important or anything of the like, it's a question of trying to avoid a debate on what one member is doing.
Please can we leave this discussion and move on.
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Been a lovely day today and it gave me the opportunity to clean the rest of the motorhome. (rain stopped play earlier in the week!) I have now carefully reversed it back so that I don't back into the concrete fencing post which I have just had to have replaced when I damaged it before!!!
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In fear of getting the post Deleted User, I do hope Malcolm is OK ?
I must admit, I do miss reading his updates
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The grown ups all chose badly but 5 year old grandson picked the winner of the Grand National today. I paid the stake but now he says the £50 from the betting shop is his, and wants me to take him to collect it before he goes to bed.
And how does he know how to work out his winnings? Is it now part of Year 1 National Curriculum to calculate the return from a range of starting price odds at the bookies? Seems so... Ah well...
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It's been a nice sunny day but OH had to do some mowing this evening after spending time with my Mum today. Can only mow one section as the rest is still squelching underfoot but the fastest growing bit has been tackled.
But that's us now, can get the van ready and look forward to a short break.
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The ice cream passed muster, rated delicious. All gone, only one scoop each, but oh so yummy. It was Burnt toast and Orange Marmalade flavour, sounds weird, tasted divine!
MH is ready to roll, we are off to a gorgeous local CL tomorrow afternoon, weather is booked, bikes are loaded, dogs excited, as are we!
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Oh ,,,what a lovely sunny and warm day here in East Kent !! My cold has receded.Launched one boat,sent another on it's way to Cornwall on it's trailer,assisted in setting up rigging on a motor sailor.Treated the weeds to a spray of killer...Oh ,,so much you can do in pleasant weather !!
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We will have to start calling you Heston Blumenthal, he likes interesting ice cream
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TTDA- your ice-cream sounds lovely. Enjoy your CL in such good weather.
HD- slab laying? Sounds very hard work.😑
We're going to visit some relatives on a local CL (about an hour away) to have lunch with them. We can't join them as our caravan is due for some warranty work to be completed......just as the good weather arrives. Jealous? Me? YES!! ☺️
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Dull start here but at least dry and perhaps decent temperature later on. Garden looks so much better after yesterdays work. Need to take care of the veg patch now and get stuff planted
If anyone interested there are 180 Alpaca's for sale in Norfolk today
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Breezy in Kent? Misty in Essex. 😲
About far earlier than usual in this house OH left about 30 minutes ago to drop son at Gatwick for his trip to Vegas. If I'd got my head together we could have had a day out that way but the weather being as it has been, and again this morning didn't encourage that sort of thinking. So I'm enjoying my a couple of hours in the house by myself 😆😆. As you can see I'm using it productively 😂.
Made a new temporary home for Arbuthnott or the wild hedgehog, I'll try to post photo but who can say? As the carrier he came home in and rescue lady suggested we do, was small. Despite not sleeping in it during the day it is definitely visited overnight. Our friends who had a box for their returned hedgehog which Hector wouldn't leave decided it needed to be more user friendly so duly set about making it easier for Hector to get in and out of plus other bits after 6 days find that the 'improvements' didn't suit and he' not slept in it since 😂😂😂😂. Our house has been visited but we are unable to see if anything is in there cos it isn't open in the way the carrier was but all the food has gone again this morning and no slugs in the food bowl. That was a real insult several mornings 😤.
Last night we had a very handsome male fox in the garden, not seen him before our previous one had a white bit on his tail, he had his nose to the ground - possibly for left over meal worms, he' be lucky my blackbird and Robin not to mention starlings make short work of those! I checked the hedgehog food (non fish kitten dried food) after he went and it hadn' been touched obviously not to his liking!
Reading the above maybe I should have posted on the what have you seen thread 😂😉
Off to prepare Sunday roast which we'l eat at lunchtime today that visit mother with her town shopping. My brother does her food shopping and I do the extras birthday cards, knitting wool, m&s cake etc. She gets a very good service from us both BUT her neighbours have Tesco/Sainsbury/Waitress delivery and she feels left out 😤😭. Brother explained delivery drivers do not place things in the cupboards and fridge.
I hope our weather bucks up, yesterday we had sunny intervals and I had a turn with the pressure washer on the block paving. Can see the small square footage I spent a couple of hours on with gallons of water and proper stone cleaner. I was pleased that the green on the gravel boards went rather easily and looks better - if you knew there was green on it in the first place! Wasn't as easy as I thought I can also see why there a 'missed bits' on individual blocks when others 😉 have done it. It's now definitely designated a boy job 😂😂😂
Enjoy your day folks.
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Bakers 2 - we have two hedgehog boxes in our garden. Both have been occupied over winter and used throughout the year. One year a female took up residence and had four babies in it. The box is right outside the conservatory so we had great views of the babies playing and crawling all over mum before leaving the nest to grow up in the big wide world. We put a small amount of sawdust in the bottom with some hay for them to make a nest from. They drag lots of dry leaves in during the autumn. Arbuthnot will be around somewhere enjoying himself. Our mealworms are being eaten every night and the we know how's eating them as their calling cards are all over the decking!
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how exciting to have hedgehog babies 😆, so jealous. We have wild hedgehog (s) but Arbuthnott was wandering in the garden in ?November very small so phoned local hedgehog rescue who got home through the winter he was 3?? Grams but 822g when he was returned. I'd have been happy to overwinter but don't have the skill.
Our temporary home certainly isn't in the 'right' place as he can home on a filthy wet evening and we wanted to keep an eye on him, grass far too wet to walk on 😲, so installed him undress the overhang of the shed with the addition of kneeling stool to extend the cover 😂😂😂. It contains the hay from the rescue home which he came with.
When our garden was checked to see it it was suitable to release our rescue hedgehog, we passed with flying colours 😇. We've had them return after a couple of years of absence 😢. We will hopefully be offered a rescue female, our wild one maybe 😉. So here's hoping 😆😆.
Our neighbours, 20 doors up and previously mentioned, rescued 2 but their lady one still has some ringworm so is having further treatment before they get her back.
On the subject of mealworms we were advised they should be given sparingly as they can cause bone weakening 😲.
We used to have fields be kind us 20 plus years ago, sadly all built on but I'm delighted we still have our great wildlife. I' looking forward to nwet spotting very soon, been too wet to check the pinfold for frog/toad spawn since our return 4 weeks ago so fingers crossed for that too 😆
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Not that adventurous! Although the recipe book I have does have a maple syrup bacon flavour in it! We don't eat meat or I would consider it. Eventually going to try some more ideas, there are lots of sorbets, and kulfi. It will have to be a rare treat though. Having now made it at home, I shall be wary of eating too much when away. Double cream, full cream milk, sugar etc......
A once in a while very special treat!
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WE were at a friends home last night and I went to the local Chinese for take always for the six of us. We watched a DVD and Fliss and I left reasonably early as we are off on holidays this morning. Never did ask for payment. Ahh well, never mind. My Treat!
Wallet was a bit too full anyway
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A bit dull here in East Kent ,due to the 'advection fog' .Should be brighter later on though. No B/yd today,off to 'Monks Horton' (in the car) for Sunday lunch.Just had an email confirming the visit to the "Concorde" factory 'bash' in May
Looking forward to that again.Another chance to see/explore the region of Bavaria,and tour the manufacturing plant too.
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It is so unlike Malcolm not to post, (as you all know) he has posted regularly from the beginning. It would be unlike him not to let us know if for some reason he knew that he would be unable to post. So I do hope that he is alright. If he is reading this, sending regards.