What are you all up to



  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,916
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    edited May 2017 #5072

    Great pictures Moulsey and Millie.  I've just downloaded an app onto my phone which makes converting photos to the right size easy. (Photo and Picture Resizer)


  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,413
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    edited May 2017 #5073

    On the subject of takeaway pizza's, I can confirm that the one we had last week will be my last ever! Still suffering. Great way to lose some weight though.

  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited May 2017 #5074

    I wonder if that app can be downloaded to my android tablet? I'll see if it does because so far I've only been able to use photos from my PC! frown

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,317
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    edited May 2017 #5075

    If it doesn't work on your tablet. Email photo to yourself - chance to resize as you select. Then post from the email. All a faff in this day and age. 😉

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,916
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    edited May 2017 #5076

    If it can be downloaded to my android phone, I guess it can be downloaded to an android tabet. I downloaded it to the phone yesterday (or rather after midnight this morning 😂 😂)  Try it, Chris, and let us know how you get on.


  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,916
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    edited May 2017 #5077

    ........there a button on the app which takes you to the photos it has resized so that you can click on and delete them after you have uploaded them to CT.  I'll be deleting the resized ones after I've uploaded so I still keep the best quality ones, and don't get them mixed up.

    I downloaded the app from Google Play Store.


  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited May 2017 #5078

    OK, have downloaded the app, now let's see if it works with these 3 beauties amongst the bluebells in Idless Woods last week! 

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,916
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    edited May 2017 #5079

    Waiting for Carol to come out of the shops...... there's no stopping me now!!! 😂 


  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited May 2017 #5080

    Wow! How easy was that?!! No stopping us now. Thanks, David. smile

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,916
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    edited May 2017 #5081

    Great Chris.  All seems to be working.....


  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited May 2017 #5082

    Vive Le Photo! wink

    Today I decided to take a break from sorting my mother's hearing aids (again) the elderly neighbours general muddle and daughter's boyfriend's failed van MOT (could he have another lift!) yell

    Drove down to West Bay, had a nice lunch at Slader's Yard and looked at Philip Sutton art exhibition followed by walk in glorious sunshine round the harbour. Ah, feel better now! Hope the photo works!

  • triky auto
    triky auto Forum Participant Posts: 8,689
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    edited May 2017 #5083

    surprised ,'Time Factor !!  ?? Hmmm, Left there at just before 16.00,but the work also included the removal of the main beam headlight ,due to water ingress .This was only fitted two weeks ago ,BUT but fitted incorrectly ,so no charge to me .wink.Total costs for the 20.000/nine year service was £ 347 .Not bad 'me-thinks cool.

  • redface
    redface Forum Participant Posts: 1,701
    edited May 2017 #5084

    So what is the app then? 

    I would love to be able to resize a piccy to use as an avatar.

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,317
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    edited May 2017 #5085

    Just looked so the two halves of country weather-wise on BBC.  Wished I hadn't!  Now really fed up 😢.  Grey lasted all day, small breaks in the cloud but not enough to entice me outside as the wind is really really chilly.

    Beautiful photo brue.

    Not a bad price tricky. Did it seem like a long day?

    Downloaded David's app but still can't see how to insert it 😲. Think I'll stick with emailing to myself only drawback is that it has to be done singularly! 

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,317
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    edited May 2017 #5086

     Oh this site is playing up for me tonight soooo slow and saying there's errors 😤😭😤😭😤. And then insult to injury saying I seem to be lost 😤😤😤😤😤. Losing my post so I take the time to rewrite and post only to find my original did post........ so I'm now still writing the post by editing 😭😭😭

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,317
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    edited May 2017 #5087

    Photo and picture resized from the play store. App works well but I can get work out how to get it from there to here. 😲

    Just been logged out in the process of replying and hen the lost pages again. 😤😤😭😭😭

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited May 2017 #5088

    I haven't downloaded the app, on my phone I just go into edit, then export, where I can resize easily. Then on here when I click on add photos I go back into the photo file and download the edited photo from there.

  • HelenandTrevor
    HelenandTrevor Forum Participant Posts: 3,221
    edited May 2017 #5089

    Great to see the lovely photos,  smile will have to find the app. Although tend to take more photos on the camera rather than phone.

    Took some of the bluebells yesterday,  just got to transfer them to the computer. 

    Rather grey and rather chilly today, bit disappointing after yesterday. Did get washing dry though wink

    Not much done today,  only work. Got pile of ironing to do tonight though. frown

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,916
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    edited May 2017 #5090

    The app I have started to use on my Android phone, which according to Moulsey, works on an Android tablet too is 'Photo and Picture Resizer'.  It's downloadable from Google Play Store.

    More often than not I use my phone for photos these days so it makes it easy.  I haven't changed my Avatar for 5 years - since CT started - so can't vouch for its avatar friendliness.


  • Unknown
    edited May 2017 #5091
    This content has been removed.
  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,916
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    edited May 2017 #5092

    After resizing the photo coe back to CT and click on Add Photos at the bottom of the post.  It then asks me to 'Choose an action'.  On my phone it gives me 4 options: Camera, Camcorder, Voice and Documents.  I click on Documents, and I navigate to the photos from there by choosing either Gallery or Images - it depends where the photos are on your phone.  You should then be able to choose a photo.


  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited May 2017 #5093

    Yes that's the one I downloaded. Go to Google Play Store, type in Picture Resizer and up it comes. Takes a minute or so to install and then just a couple of clicks to resize any photo from your gallery. If I can do it, anyone can!! wink

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited May 2017 #5094

    Once you've found a way, with or without an app, it seems quite easy, it's been good to finally add some photos to CT (mustn't overdo it. laughing)

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,843
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    edited May 2017 #5095

    Busy day today.  Started with a visit to GP at the crack of dawn for result of X-ray on foot that has been causing me problems. It appears I have extensive arthritis so have been given a Px for naproxen to be taken as and when it flares up.  He then took my BP and said it was fine - just keep taking the tablets - hey ho. Came home and did the ironing and then Mr H and I picked up a couple of friends and we all went for a pub lunch before a visit arranged by our local Museum Society to see the remains of the Stamford Canal which now runs through various private gardens.  Vey interesting and then we all came back to ours for a cup of tea and a catch up.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited May 2017 #5096

    Sounds like a busy day Millie. Sorry to hear about your X ray results, hope the flare ups are few and far between. Your museum society visit sounded good. I miss our local history society which folded a couple of years ago.

  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited May 2017 #5097

    And how are things in the beautiful lake district today, Ian? Seems like you're having good weather up there - if you could just arrange for it to spread down to Lancashire for the rest of the week it'd be appreciated! wink

    Have you managed to get down to Dalemain yet?

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,843
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    edited May 2017 #5098

    Thank brue. I am learning to be careful about the shoes I wear so unfortunately so my days of elegant footwear have finished.frown I have also had to stop our outings with our walking group as walking miles across ploughed fields and over lots of stiles wasnt doing it much good so we now have to choose our walks on even paths. It could be worse though. I felt quite young  and lively compared to some in the waiting room. laughing Our Museum Society is beginning to lose numbers unfortunately as we have gone down from about 100 to about 60. We need some new younger members so we are having a recruitment drive over the summer.

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,686
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    edited May 2017 #5099

    This where I'll be slumming it fr the next few weeks. Thought Liz would do better, still I suppose she has to watch your money I supposewink

    Anyone recognise the view?

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,686
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    edited May 2017 #5100

    I would recommend the Slate mine tours at Honister Slate mine. A good underground tour lasting an hour. Dare you to do the optional Via Ferrata. I did it three years ago, oh and the extreme one!

  • IanH
    IanH Club Member Posts: 4,708
    edited May 2017 #5101

    Another blue sky, sunny day here in the Lakes, but a slightly cool breeze. Almost needed a jacket at one point!

    We walked around Derwentwater today......lovely. Never seen the water level so low though.

    Moulesy - we have Dalemain on the list (only arrived yesterday!) and we clocked it as we drove along the A66 just past the M6.

    Corners - remember watching a documentry about the guy who set up the Honister visitor centre and his battles with the planners when trying to establish the Via Ferrata and a zip wire. He was killed flying his Gazelle helicopter home one cloudy evening, before finishing the documentary. Quite a character.


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