The same Club, just better...
That has always been the way on Club Together, there have been a number of instances over the years. You also have the drill down into the complaints as they fall into several categories. There are those who are totally against the idea, There are those that are concerned about the cost, but would they agree if it was cost free or a small amount of cost? There are those that don't like the logo, There are those that don't want the word motorhome in the name. So there are a range of complaints which don't all point to not completely liking the change. What we need is someone brave enough to wade through all the replies and put them into categories for us, where is Rogher when you need him? I think we would all have been a bit surprised had the boot been on the other foot there were more posts praising the change than the other way round
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I to would like to type up a positive statement,
But to be honest, 1635 posts and I`m bored now,
So I`ll just say..........What he said -----------
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A prime example of posters not reading back through previous posts. It's no surprise this thread is so long, it has more repeats than Top Gear on Dave
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Hi Ian,
All costs when finalised will be reported to members in the usual way in the Annual Report and Accounts. That will be a far more accurate representation of the total costs which will then be more transparent to members.
As for the abbreviation, our new website URL is which now reflects in all staff email addresses.
As for my screen name, which a few people have mentioned, these are my initials, so I won't be changing them to CAMC!
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With respect Rochelle, you are just avoiding the question.
Nobody expects to be given the finalised costs at this stage. Many of us believe that it is perfectly reasonable to have an estimate (or budget) of the anticipated costs together with an indication of the possible financial benefit to the Club. I find it difficult to believe that these figures are not available.
So, may I ask again for these figures to be provided? - or does the management of the Club think we should be not be told?
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A perusal of the latest Handbook will provide the information on the decline of the network compared with the previous issue in stark figures. I fear that, after the latest issues with the website, the continued exodus of CL's will accelerate.
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I am a critic of the rebranding exercise, both the end result and also the way in which it has been carried out with no direct reference to the membership. It has basically been presented as a 'fait accompli' like it or lump it situation and I personally as a member in the fifth decade of continuous membership feel insulted and disappointed that the executive felt that they could freely act in this undemocratic way.
We are paying for all this and even now are not being told the budgeted cost and I along with VolvoV70 would like to formally request this information is made available to members.
A petition has been started to "Re-instate the Caravan Club Name and Red Pennant Logo" at <> , like me if you feel strongly about this matter visit this petition and sign up.
Like Cyberyacht we joined the caravan club all those years ago for the better quality Club sites and CL network which seems to now be in decline.
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The new logo reminded me of one used for an ice cream maker so does this mean that we can now buy Walls ice cream at all the club sites?
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I think that there is a problem with your keyboard ET as it has displayed the word sensitive, when surely you must have typed embarrassing.
The Club is not listed on the stock exchange, its shares aren't traded so the information isn't really commercially sensitive, unless a member was to say how much and not renew their subscription.
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'Come on ,stop all this negativity , ok ,it's a name change ,but does it stop us getting out there and having fun ??????'
It is NOT just a name change, how naïve ! It has been the best kept secret I have ever encountered, a gross insult to members, To tell us our committee representatives agreed it - well, who is my committee representative ? When did s/he ask my opinion which s/he is supposed to be representing ? With publications, websites, advertising, logos, the magazine, the directory, signage, uniforms, exhibition stands,, stationary, liaison with service providers like insurance, badges, rally flags, demo vehicles, all the promotional gadgets... it will already have cost OUR club an absolute fortune. Staff hours, meetings, negotiations, design experiments etc. All done in deceitful secrecy - didn't you trust us to say yes, CC ? I want a FULL account of the costs of this and the directors should hang their heads in shame. Their arrogance is unheard of in terms of patronising their MEMBERS - because, make no mistake, it is OUR club, not theirs. When the very flawed new website was launched did they think to include us in their secret plans, new directory already published and hidden from our eyes ? I have no problem with modernising. Motorhomes - of course we welcome you. It is the deceit I am angry at.
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I notice Rochelle keeps using the term 'we think'. Who is 'we' ? It is certainly not 'US' the members.
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So while you are throwing your toys out the pram I am busy planning my next breaks away ,not bothered what they call the "club" as long as there are sites to book ,sorry but I don't see it as my club ,but just an organisation to book some holidays with (along with other organisations)
Motorhomes...I thought we were always welcome
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With respect for your post, surely focus groups ie market research, come BEFORE the rebrand. If a host of focus group attendees post to confirm involvement I shall back off.
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Good post, Husky. It's good to keep things in perspective.
I, too, hadn't realised we MH-ers are the spawn of the devil prior to reading this thread. It's been an eye opener in more ways than one.
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Well good luck on your booking. Perhaps we have already booked ??? Or perhaps not, due to all the sites we want to go to being already full by New Year ???? Or perhaps trying to gain the information we require for CLs is very shaky, literally, as website still leaps around and won't stabilise ? Or perhaps, as sites for a couple are so expensive now, it is better value to pay a bit more for a package tour ?
Motorhomes - barely register them, of course you are welcome - how do you know I am not awaiting delivery of a motorhome to travel to much cheaper sites abroad ?
Questions, questions !! I'm off into loft to find a pram and some toys.
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At least you found your sense of humour.
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I have just looked at the petition,21 signatures so far
, but a comment left by a member left me confused
quote ....." Fed up with motorhomes having priority of hardstandings "
does that member know know something I don't know , is there a special handshake to the warden to secure a hardstanding !!
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I haven,t seen so much bile,negativity and downright rudeness,since all the same internet warriors launched into Caravanner of the Year.
Still I suppose whilst they are all wasting their time in front of a keyboard,we can all get along with enjoying our caravanning.
I like the rebrand,and think it goes in the right direction.