Excessive site fees



  • cody
    cody Forum Participant Posts: 123
    edited April 2016 #92

    It amazes me that some people think thirty plus pounds a night are good value for a patch of grass and a bit of electric, Cornwall for me in July August and I won't be anywhere near a club site, rather a very nice AO site with hedged pitch, CC standard toilet
    block and electric for around 12 pounds per night.

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,690
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    edited April 2016 #93

    defining value for money from one person to another is difficult

    Welcome back BTW - haven't seen you for while

  • cyberyacht
    cyberyacht Club Member Posts: 10,224
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    edited April 2016 #94

    Considering the facilities available, a patch of grass/gravel, a loo block and a hookup, a realistic maximum for a site would be £20 even in peak season, whether CC or commercial. CL's providing the same perhaps £15, with basic CLs with EHU around the £10/£12.
    Singing and dancing bars/shops/pools perhaps could add £5. The fact that higher fees are charged is indicative of "what the market will bear" strategy and why 'off-peak' is showing an unwillingness to be ripped off.

  • MichaelT
    MichaelT Forum Participant Posts: 1,874
    edited April 2016 #95

    well judging by the booking availiblity there seem to be plenty of us who  either blindly pay up or perhaps we really see what good value the club sites are in terms of quality

    But ONCE again, no one if forced to go to them, if thy are too high why are so many upset by this, go somewhere else

    .....but why is there so much availability mid week and out of peak....?..price, im afraid.

    Write your comments here...I would probably say its more down to the fact that most people are at work or school etc.  then they all want to get away at wekends....

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,690
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    edited April 2016 #96

    Winkwell judging by the booking availiblity there seem to be plenty of us who  either blindly pay up or perhaps we really see what good value the
    club sites are in terms of quality

    But ONCE again, no one if forced to go to them, if thy are too high why are so many upset by this, go somewhere else

    .....but why is there so much availability mid week and out of peak....?..price, im afraid.

    Write your comments here...I would probably say its more down to the fact that most people are at work or school etc.  then they all want to get away at wekends....

    can't be that easy surely? Wink

    Agree fully with you, also to make a fair comparison we need to know the occupancy rates for non club sites at these times. Some people on this thread seem to imply that while club sites are not used midweek, non club sites are full, is this true? Is there
    any evidence for these claims?


  • Unknown
    edited April 2016 #97
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  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,690
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    edited April 2016 #98

    weve used several commercial sites this year (being stuck here for the past couple of months....) and, yes, those that are prepared to offer good deals are getting rewarded with good occupancy, from what weve seen....

    moris leisure, sandy balls, haven all seemingly well used...

    anecdotal evidence (chatting to those using these sites) cite two reasons for using them....theyre easily as good as cc sites and a damn site cheaper.....

    even you cannot be in two places at once, you cannot comment on club site occupancy if you're somewhere else. All you can report onis the site you're on. Yes people are staying there as they are a cheaper alternative to them but this does not mean club sites are empty-ish.

    There are plenty of poster who report club sites are full too at off peak times (Ferry Meadows for one)

  • Unknown
    edited April 2016 #99
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  • Metheven
    Metheven Club Member Posts: 3,987
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    edited April 2016 #100

    May I congratulate you two for keeping the rest of the forum going whilst everyone else is elsewhere

  • Unknown
    edited April 2016 #101
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  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,690
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    edited April 2016 #102

    May I congratulate you two for keeping the rest of the forum going whilst everyone else is elsewhere

    that's OK, its a service we provide

  • cody
    cody Forum Participant Posts: 123
    edited April 2016 #103

    Thank you for the welcome back CS, reminded me of the battle of Britain film  "even a spitfire can't be in two places at the same time" 

  • cyberyacht
    cyberyacht Club Member Posts: 10,224
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    edited April 2016 #104

    No, you're thinking of Schrodinger's cat.

  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited April 2016 #105

    It might be worth pointing out again, as I did on a similar thread some time ago, that the likes of SB/Haven/Morris run small groups of sites in popular tourist areas. They can afford to give what are, admittedly, great offers off peak because they subsidise
    them with sky high prices at peak times. The club, on the other hand, runs a huge network of sites, many in remote and beautiful areas which probably don't come close to paying their way. I trust no-one is going to suggest that the club closes or sells off
    those sites in order to be able to match those special deals?

  • Wildwood
    Wildwood Club Member Posts: 3,771
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    edited April 2016 #106

    Essentially all the posts are matters of opnion and if you are happy with the price of club sites use them. If you think they are too high then you can go elsewhere but rip off prices are only rip off if you think they are and others may dissagree. 

    While we would like lower fees like everbody else, we feel they are reasonably competitive and provide what we want and will continue to use club sites.

  • Boff
    Boff Forum Participant Posts: 1,742
    edited April 2016 #107

    No, you're thinking of Schrodinger's cat.

    I thought that was more of a case of wanted dead or alive. 

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,690
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    edited April 2016 #108

    Essentially all the posts are matters of opnion and if you are happy with the price of club sites use them. If you think they are too high then you can go elsewhere but rip off prices are only rip off if you think they are and others may dissagree. 

    While we would like lower fees like everbody else, we feel they are reasonably competitive and provide what we want and will continue to use club sites.

    yes, I do not blindly use club sites, I see clearly what they have to offer and make a decison that they are worth the asking price

  • RAP2
    RAP2 Forum Participant Posts: 3
    edited April 2016 #109

    Just cannot understand why prices have to rise so much in any part of the camping season , as a club one would expect it to be one price all open season for all members & when a site is full then you cannot get in & thats it . Here in Cornwall there are many sites run privately that have almost the same facilities but perhaps more rural on a fixed price bases all season with exceptional views . If they can do it then why cannot a club for its members , they have overheads as well .

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,690
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    edited April 2016 #110

    Just cannot understand why prices have to rise so much in any part of the camping season , as a club one would expect it to be one price all open season for all members & when a site is full then you cannot get in & thats it . Here in Cornwall there are
    many sites run privately that have almost the same facilities but perhaps more rural on a fixed price bases all season with exceptional views . If they can do it then why cannot a club for its members , they have overheads as well .

    what are the costs of these clubs and how do they compare with the club's? Some names would be good too for people to try them out.

  • thebroons
    thebroons Forum Participant Posts: 165
    edited April 2016 #111

    I have looked at prices for next weekend near Fort William and the CC site is £56 for two nights and two people with membership. 

    The C&CC is £56 for two nights for two non members. If we take a membership it becomes £44 for the two nights. 

    I know on this forum there are members with the money is no object mentallity but if the CC wants to attract younger members / families it needs to be competitive and prove a benefit to membership. 

  • Fisherman
    Fisherman Forum Participant Posts: 2,371
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    edited April 2016 #112

    Have you looked at the Glen Nevis site? Its excellent. in a stunning location and cheaper.You also have the option of selecting EHU or not etc.

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,404
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    edited April 2016 #113

    I have looked at prices for next weekend near Fort William and the CC site is £56 for two nights and two people with membership. 

    The C&CC is £56 for two nights for two non members. If we take a membership it becomes £44 for the two nights. 

    I know on this forum there are members with the money is no object mentallity but if the CC wants to attract younger members / families it needs to be competitive and prove a benefit to membership. 

    They are however not easily comparable. One is a loch side location, one inland, although both in beautiful areas. One is 10 miles from FW the other 18. These differences could possibly result in the price differential. I point this out as generally on CT
     people are saying the C&CC works out about the same as the CC Price wise. So really you would have to compare several sites in similar locations to make a judgement.

  • thebroons
    thebroons Forum Participant Posts: 165
    edited April 2016 #114

    Have you looked at the Glen Nevis site? Its excellent. in a stunning location and cheaper.You also have the option of selecting EHU or not etc.

    I did and also Invercoe with its lochside location at £46 for two nights. 

  • cyberyacht
    cyberyacht Club Member Posts: 10,224
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    edited April 2016 #115

    Perhaps there's an extra charge for lochside midges.

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,404
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    edited April 2016 #116

    Have you looked at the Glen Nevis site? Its excellent. in a stunning location and cheaper.You also have the option of selecting EHU or not etc.

    I did and also Invercoe with its lochside location at £46 for two nights. 

    Looks like a very nice site in a stunning location, however, whilst less than the CC price it is difficult to compare as it depends on the individuals requirements. It is further from FW by 6 miles, only has 10 amp EHU and possibly the chance of ending up on a grass pitch. It is difficult to tell as I could not find the info on their web site, it just says pitch and in some of the photos those appear to be grass. Also a difference, although not perhaps not as important, the £30 deposit is non returnable. As far as I am concerned you should go with what you like and what you can afford, there are no rights or wrongs. However, if a comparison is to be made, it has to be like for like.

  • JayEss
    JayEss Forum Participant Posts: 1,663
    edited April 2016 #117

    We found the CCC Sandringham site to be significantly more expensive than the CC site when we went. We have generally found the CCC more expensive but we don't get ACR which may make a difference. 

    I suspect that if we looked at a different time of year the situation would reverse and the CC would be more expensive. 

    I tend to look for location first, price and whether it represents value second. 

  • Fisherman
    Fisherman Forum Participant Posts: 2,371
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    edited April 2016 #118

    Glen Nevis is only 1 mile fromFW. Within walking distance

  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited April 2016 #119

    I have looked at prices for next weekend near Fort William and the CC site is £56 for two nights and two people with membership. 

    The C&CC is £56 for two nights for two non members. If we take a membership it becomes £44 for the two nights. 

    I know on this forum there are members with the money is no object mentallity but if the CC wants to attract younger members / families it needs to be competitive and prove a benefit to membership. 

    What's with this "money no object" insult. Can you not just accept that some folk actually choose the CC site? Choice is what it's all about surely? We're currently on a fab C&CC site at Polstead in Suffolk. Next week, in order to meet up with family we'll be on the CC site at Commons Wood on a bank holiday weekend. Does that make us one of your "money no object" members? I don't think so! Sad

    ( Not sure how your suggestion will go down with the "bang up the prices in school holidays" crew! Wink)

  • Surfer
    Surfer Club Member Posts: 1,303
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    edited April 2016 #120

    Have you looked at the Glen Nevis site? Its excellent. in a stunning location and cheaper.You also have the option of selecting EHU or not etc.

    Went last year and were booked in for 4 days on a fully serviced pitch, however after 3 days we gave up and moved to the CC site at Oban which was 100% improvement on the Glen Nevis site even if we did not have a fully serviced pitch and we are not exactly fans of CC sites.

  • NevChap
    NevChap Forum Participant Posts: 180
    edited May 2016 #121

    Agreed that pricing at some CC sites is high and would urge the Club to consider more 'no facilities' sites. Why pay for toilet blocks when you pay good money for excellent facilities on board? Okay, not for everyone, but having been to Worthing over Easter
    and more recently Stamford during term time it is obvious that these sites are popular and good value.