New Booking System



  • TimboC
    TimboC Club Member Posts: 437
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    edited October 2022 #1593

    Presentations are made days in advance, not on the day.

    This thread is about the difficulty of using the new booking system, and that slide shows that the majority of members are working with it succesfully.

    Unless you think that its all just BS, in which case there is no point in continuing with the debate

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited October 2022 #1594

    Some of the membership you meant to say surely undecided

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited October 2022 #1595

    If you feel in these circumstances the new system deserves praise why not use TP or even a new thread. This thread is about issues with the system eg CL search function still not working correctly. smile

  • TimboC
    TimboC Club Member Posts: 437
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    edited October 2022 #1597

    No. Didnt mean that.

  • TimboC
    TimboC Club Member Posts: 437
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    edited October 2022 #1598

    So you think that 73000 bookings made since the system went live is insignificant? 

  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,525
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    edited October 2022 #1599

    I wouldn't praise it, there is still much to be tidied up but it is functional and with a work around to the site pages you can find missing data. 60,000 members have used it to book since the 11th September. The number of complaints pales into insignificance against that.

    I have tried the CL search function on all three of my devices, desktop, tablet and smart phone and have not had any trouble finding what I want. Indeed I used the tablet to find and obtain the contacts to book a CL last week. for a visit to the NEC. noting in doing so that Chapel Lane was full. I still do not like it on the phone very much but it is usable over the 4G network. The old App was better.




  • obbernockle
    obbernockle Forum Participant Posts: 616
    edited October 2022 #1600

    I use a laptop for accessing the internet. I have an Android phone but really dont like it with its tiny screen and prefer to use it as a phone, although I will use it on 4G for the odd email when I have to. I don't want to download the "app" to the phone any more that I want any of the dozen or so phone "apps" being pushed by the LA, NHS, Local Doctors  Surgery, Supermarkets, and goodness know who else either). I have tried using the club website since the improvements were introduced on our laptop along with the sites book (now getting well out of date) but it's hopeless.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited October 2022 #1601

    Peedee, it doesn't mean that bookings are up. Circa 350000 members leaves 290000 who haven't made bookings?

    That's a significant amount who haven't made bookings.

    However there is plenty of time ahead for improvements all round and CAMC apologies for the poor functionality of the booking site to end. 

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited October 2022 #1602

    Bookings or nights bookings

  • TimboC
    TimboC Club Member Posts: 437
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    edited October 2022 #1603

    You're grabbing at straws. Are you suggesting that because 290000 members havent made a booking since the launch that they are somehow abandoning the club?

    It seems you're just looking for anything that might support your narrative


  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited October 2022 #1604

    How many of those bookings were made via the call CENTRES more than just EGH  they had taken on add staff because it seems problems with the system 

  • TimboC
    TimboC Club Member Posts: 437
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    edited October 2022 #1605

    Did you read the post??

    60,000 members have made 73,000 bookings for 300,000 nights generating income of £9.6m.

    In addition, 2350 overseas bookings

  • TimboC
    TimboC Club Member Posts: 437
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    edited October 2022 #1606

    Havent a clue

  • TimboC
    TimboC Club Member Posts: 437
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    edited October 2022 #1608

    In which case I'm sure that she's more than capable of mounting her own defence, and will do so in due course.

    It seems to me that there is an increasing number of people jumping on the 'booking system is rubbish' bandwagon when the figures show otherwise. The discussion is becoming increasingly negative with posters taking aim at the club, and accusing it of all sorts of ineptitude, instead of offering constructive criticism. 


  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,525
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    edited October 2022 #1610

    Circa 350000 members leaves 290000 who haven't made bookings?

    That's a significant amount who haven't made bookings

    You could argue that is what the Club wants, more members leaving their bookings until they are certain they won't have to change them, i.e less speculation. I think I heard it said at the AGM, that on average 66 percent of bookings are made on line with peaks of 80 percent in some weeks

     I think generally the complaints here and on other forms of social media have been OTT. It is also evident that not all are down to the new system but are user errors. Having not had a great deal of trouble, especially as the new system is now settling down, it is difficult to appreciate why some are finding it so difficult especially if it is just a moan with no real substance as to what the encountered problem was.


  • N1805
    N1805 Forum Participant Posts: 1,092
    edited October 2022 #1612

    I feel the new booking system was launched before it was fit for purpose by users as they have a form for one to fill in if one is having difficulty – see DSB’s post page 166.

    My main concern was/is the fact that way back up thread I recall members were finding details appearing on their bookings that did not belong to them.

    Whilst I read some of the thread occasionally and understand fixes links are being posted here by Rowena I do hope CAMC will find an appropriate way to inform all members when the booking system is totally fixed.

  • Rocky 2 buckets
    Rocky 2 buckets Forum Participant Posts: 7,101
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    edited November 2022 #1615

    It will never be totally fixed-Google, Apple & all the major players have an ongoing raison d’etre of tech advancement & bugs will always appear within. To expect ‘total fix’ will never happen,🤷🏻‍♂️🙁

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,450
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    edited October 2022 #1616

    Something that occurred to me during yesterday’s AGM slide show….

    Slide is showing 73,000 bookings have been made since 11th September, and either 2350 of those were overseas bookings, or an extra above the 73,000 bookings. If this is the case, then it’s a hugely significant percentage of UK tourers making the bookings, as opposed to overseas bookings. (I accept it might be the time of year to a certain extent..)

    I fully understand why the new booking system was trialled with Overseas section, smaller usage etc……

    But, much of the search functions, the information requests for DOB, relate more to aspects such as overseas sites and ferry bookings rather than Club Site bookings. This is where much of the poor search function, the never before required DOB requests, two aspects that are driving much of user frustration are centred. It seems a bit strange to use a bookings platform geared more to Overseas booking requirements than to the hugely more used UK bookings market.🤷‍♀️

    I admit I am no expert on booking platforms, no idea of what is out there now, so happy to listen to others that might have this knowledge.

  • Unknown
    edited October 2022 #1617
    This content has been removed.
  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,525
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    edited October 2022 #1619

    Not everyone is the same and different people will have varying levels of experience and understanding of the system. The fact that these posts continue is a strong indicator that for many all is not as it should be.

    I agree TW but is that really a problem of the booking software? There is enough help in many forms available to those in difficulty. I certainly do not accept that it is a stong indicator that all is not as it should be with the application.


  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,525
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    edited October 2022 #1621

    2) Choose an area as instructed. Input dates. Zoom on map.

    Some sites are marked as Full. Click on a Full tab only find site is ‘Full’ for just a few nights during the period. Not helpful at all if one wants to put together a tour and not stay on one site for the whole period as a couple of nights might sufice.

    (On old website, one could see at a glance where there were vacancies, and put together a tour, linking up vacant nights.)

    I am struggling to understand your problem WTG. Why not simply alter the dates to match the vacancies shown on the "Full" sites or are you saying you would have ignored that site in the first place as it showed "Full"? If it is the latter then surely it is not all that inconvenient to have a swift look to see what actually might be available if you altered your dates and really wanted to go there?
