What are you all up to
Goldie, Beautiful bluebells, thank you for sharing the video. We are hoping to go for a walk in the woods this weekend to see the bluebells .
Brue sorry to read you are still suffering with your cold,
really hope it clears up soon.
Been a busy week at work but now hoping the weather holds for the weekend. We're at home, and I'am hoping I can drag OH out of the garage and his car restoration project! 😞
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When we arrived at a nature reserve this morning we noticed a car pull into the empty car park with an animal trailer. They were followed by a tractor which hitched the trailer up to it.
We started our walk which took us alongside a lovely meadow full of Longhorn Cattle, some with young. The farmer was letting a young heifer out into the field and it seemed that the couple who had brought it, owned it and were "renting" space for their youngster.
However the heifer didn't want to join this other gang who were looking at it most inquisitively. The heifer kept trying to run back to the trailer. The farmer kept trying to coax it towards the herd. Eventually he closed the gate and the poor thing skittered from one end to the other, afraid for its life. Of course this running only acted to set the herd off.
We did wonder how things panned out so on the way back we checked and he had settled down but was eating about 50 yards from the rest who were now ignoring him.
Poor mite only wanted his mother.
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Lovely video, Goldie. The Bluebells are no where near that advanced up here in the Highlands. All the plants and trees are coming out very late, there are still some daffodils which are still not fully out, and there are lots of primroses still in full bloom.
Went to the Boat of Garten RSPB Reserve today to view the Ospreys and also had a couple of walks through the pine forest before calling in at Tesco at Aviemore to restock. Weather was dry and bright this morning but clouded up later, and is still quite cool.
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Up already, will be out of the house shortly to start setting up the Scout Jumble sale
fortunately the weather is dry at the moment. Went to a quiz night last night to raise money for one of our scouts who is off to USA to the world jamboree.
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Today we are doing two totally different things , first we have to go to London for passports interviews ,then in the afternoon we have to take my Dad in to the local hospice,so they can look after him for his last few days .not a day I'm looking forward too
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Husky, very sorry to read your sad news. Will be thinking of you and your family. Take Care.
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I have had to give in to my ongoing cold and sinus problems so now have some antibiotics. A different type this time so I hope they work and was lucky enough to get to the doctors without too long a wait. Interesting that as well as avoiding alcohol I have to avoid too much light, lucky it wasn't last week when we had summer
I am having issues with my sinus again, I have a lump by my ear, and pain spreading across my cheekbone and a swelling on the bridge of my nose which is spreading over my eye, on antibiotic again. Have had enough now.
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Returned home last night from the last leg of our two and a bit weeks away - a few nights at the C&CC site at Kingsbury Water Park. A very pleasant site, and even though very close to the M42 traffic noise was not really intrusive. I have to say that I'm very impressed by the way C&CC seem to have upped their game over the past few years with regard to the quality of their sites. We had a huge choice of pitches and in fact having been shown 3 different areas and chosen a grass pitch, it was very easy on second thoughts to switch to a HS. Wardens couldn't have been more cheerful and helpful too.
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I can empathise, Husky. I seem too be spending a lot of time at the hospice atm. It's kiboshed our Brittany trip temporarily as I was supposed to be on a ferry on Thursday.
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We had a very good time, thanks, David. We walked from Polesworth along the Coventry canal and then were supposed to walk on a footpath over the railway line to Dordon. Unfortunately, we had to abandon it at that point because the landowner had completely over planted the footpath with rapeseed - shoulder high, there was no way we were possibly going to get through! So we had to return along the lanes. I reported it to the county rights of way office when we got back. The young lady I spoke to seemed very efficient and noted all the details to pass on up the chain and I've had an email acknowledging my report. So hopefully sone thing will be done about it and others won't suffer the same frustration!
The abbey church looks very interesting but as a result we had no time to look around it. Is that where your choir performs?
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The Abbey Church is where I am organist and Choirmaster - I'm here every week. My concert this evening in Wednesbury, is with the Brewood Singers - a group that I have been directing since 1978 (before we moved to Polesworth). The other group I have is the Tamworth U3A choir, who (like the Brewood Singers), visit various places to do concerts, according to invite.
Sorry you had a problem with the pathway. Sadly, I get the impression that many public footpaths suffer a similar problem, especially if they are not used regularly. The only thing you can do is report it and hope that the authorities will sort it.
Sorry we missed you. Perhaps Cornwall in the summer - if we get there! It could be all dependent on when (If!!!) I ever get a date for my knee op.
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Rather grey day here with some rain, now that's passed it's a bit warmer, but not cold.
Pottered this morning, food shop this afternoon either our local Lidl and Tesco have cut back on stock or else there's a lot more folk shopping there! Fresh aisles seem decimated whatever time of day you visit. Also notice both stores look dingy, scruffy and neglected with empty boxes tossed about randomly. I wonder if i notice more because I've got used to NZ supermarkets which are bright, spacious, well stocked and staffed even the budget ones. For example onions are continually tidied and dry flaky skins removed and all items are very neatly displayed not heaps 😉. Is that a case of 'over there' syndrome?
Just having a cuppa before going off to shower or bath undecided which at the mo, before getting an early dinner then picking up friends for a quiz night.
Mousley sounds like you had a very nice break. Glad you reported the footpath and hope something is done about it. In he village where I grew up we had a chap, the one who dug the graves - by hand 😲, who used to walk every footpath in the parish on an annual basis to ensure they were kept open. He may have been paid to do so, that wouldn't have concerned me as a child. At the time I remember asking and being told that so long as there was evidence of use, once a year I assume, they couldn't be closed. I recently walked from mum's to the river, a favourite haunt of us kids, to find a lengthy diversion from one side of the river past the water mill to the other. All nicely done on the public footpath and major block-work and fencing from the road to the millhouse, glad it wasn't my pocket funding it. The mill owner paid for it all.
Yesterday we gardened here and at aunts plus visit into town so busy.
Goldie the video was beautiful, you can't beat the seasons and fauna and flora of the UK. We had a wonderful walk or two through our local bluebell woods. The May here is profligate this year, usually a sign of a decent summer 😃. Lots of verdant greenery in NZ but it lacks the colourful wild flowers we have if you exclude the lupins further to the south and profligate in the south island.
Cyberyacht sorry you've had to postpone your trip because of hospice visits. Thoughts are with you and your family.
DSB enjoy your concert, wish we lived vloser we' come and listen. You have very many commitments but that keeps you out if mischief 😉😉
Brue and cariadon wish you both better, sounds most painful.
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Thanks for your good wishes B2. Just looking in, had to cancel everything today so no visit to Mum (on the weekend when the rest of the family nearby are away) or theatre tonight. Tried to give the tickets away to neighbours etc but no luck so phoned the theatre as it's a sell out and someone might want them.
Re the rights of way most parish councils have a footpath councillor. In our parish the bounds are walked every year which helps to keep an eye on things but it's true, little used paths can get very overgrown. You can legally walk across a planted path but it depends how much of an effort that can be, easy to get lost in a tall crop like maize later on.
Sorry to hear CY wasn't able to get away, sad to hear of family being ill.
Glad DSB & Moulesy enjoyed their breaks.
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Glad your enjoyed the last leg of your break Moulesy, did see your post from the "Packhorse " we will be in the Peak District over the late May BH, may just have to pop in if in the area.
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Finally managed a walk through our local woods to see the Bluebells this afternoon. Even the sun kindly made an appearance
The dog enjoyed the walk too, squirrel spotting!
We also caught a glimpse of a Munjac deer.
Sorry to hear you are still feeling poorly Brue, hope you feel better soon.
Glad to read you had a nice trip too DSB.