What are you all up to



  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,063
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    edited May 2018 #19322

    We decided to go away in the van this weekend so we arrived on site last night at 5.30 when we arrived it was pouring so we had to set up in the rain. We are just at The Ranch AS site so just local for us. Today has been a beautiful day and it is SWMBO birthday so we went a drive to Portpatrick and had lunch at the lovely Harbourhouse Hotel. We are now back on siite and my sister and her family have joined us so we are sitting outside her van with a cold beer.  Hope everyone else is having a nice weekend

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,755
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    edited May 2018 #19323

    A day off today as it is our son's birthday.  DD invited us all to her house, weather was great so we were able to sit outside, so we had lunch of cold meats,salads etc with various breads, followed by a chocolate birthday cake with cream.  A very nice day.

    Later the in laws came over and took the babe out in his push chair while DD had a rest, she is sleep deprived as the babe is not sleeping well at night.

    Mortgage for the new house is progressing, even though it is apparently complicated.

    Hopefully it will be sorted before too long.

  • huskydog
    huskydog Club Member Posts: 5,466
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    edited May 2018 #19324

    Thanks all for your kind words , we settled Dad in and he was pleased that he could see the garden from his room ,(that was his favourite pastime) and said that with all the lovely nurses around his last few days will be very pleasant! 


    The passport interview went well 

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,169
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    edited May 2018 #19325

    That’s a positive attitude from your dad Husky, our thoughts are with you at this time.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,128
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    edited May 2018 #19326

    HD & CY, my thoughts are with you both. Glad to see that your dad has settled in and is pleased with the outlook.

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,169
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    edited May 2018 #19327

    Incredibly busy day today and thankfully we enjoyed good weather.  Spent time helping set up our scout group jumble sale which was a great success raising some £2000.00 for the group funds.  

    Finished all the outstanding stuff so now ready for a 6am start tomorrow.🌞🌞

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,128
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    edited May 2018 #19328

    It was a really fine day here at Carrbridge. We walked from the site along the waymarked trails through the surrounding forests. Saw a Roe Deer buck this morning and a Red Deer hind this afternoon. There were many large Ants nests beside the footpaths, pulsing with activity. They are fascinating creatures to watch, carrying thinks such as mealworms, with a number of ants working together to get the item back to the nest. Managed a couple of hours sat out in the sun, when we got back to the van.

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited May 2018 #19329

    Just been catching up with the last few pages of posts.

    CY and Husky, sorry to hear your latest news, our thoughts are with you and your families.

    Brue and Cariadon, hope you both get some relief soon from the antibiotics.

    We had a good crossing on Wednesday evening and a pleasant journey to Luxembourg where we are staying until Monday. The weather has been pleasant with sunshine and a few clouds, this afternoon was really warm. 

    We have been out on our bikes and had some really good cycles up and down the river. Moving on Monday to Metz, not far but never been there so going for a look, then onto Nancy and Obernia.

    Will post again at some stage wink

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,320
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    edited May 2018 #19330

    Just prepared a BBC recipe for lamb shanks. Recipe for 8 shanks! My 2 didn't fit in my largest casserole after all 😲, so dirtied that for nothing! Had to fry on high heat for 10 minutes so splattered cooker too. Put in a roasting tin covered with foil, but sadly not deep enough to cover all of the shanks in the liquid.  May well stick to M&S ones in future, certainly less mess, washing up and probably cost in cooking time. Ho hum. Now going to prepare a fruit salad and other veg before joining OH cleaning the house.

    Warming up here after chilly start, grey but can feel/see where the sun is behind all the cloud.

    Enjoy your day folks.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,862
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    edited May 2018 #19331

    Another warm sunny day in Bavaria. Been out on the bike today for a short cycle. Thunderstorm due later and we're out most of the day tomorrow so may take the canopy awning down after lunch and sort the car out, as we're moving Tuesday.

    Just seen a White Stork fly over the campsite, which was busy this weekend due to Pentecost. There is a mid range Burstner on site. Towcar? Mini.surprised

    If ABM is ever down this way then I can point him in direction of a supermarket that sells 6 different varities of his favourite Snowdonian cheese!smile

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend folks.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited May 2018 #19332

    That sounds like a nice meal B2. The sun is shining here with a cool breeze, can't go outside for long due to effects of the latest antibiotics. Had a bad start to the day but feeling a bit better just now, don't feel like much food, just hoping we won't have to cancel our break which is coming up soon. Had mad dreams last night about the Royal Wedding...we'll be on wedding overload by the end of the week! wink

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited May 2018 #19333

    Thank  you  for  your  kind  thoughts  about  my  dietary  requirements,  WN  surprisedlaughing.  Sadly  the  doc/chief  nurse  would  not  be  at  all  'appy  bunnies  should  I  start  increasing  my  intake  of  calories  and/or  carbohydrates  above  their  present  level  cry

    There  is  of  course  the  other  restriction  on  my  following  your  advice  -->  Brian  has  allowed  his  passport  to expire  since  our  Northern  &  Western  neighbours  will  not  be  erecting  Border  posts  any  time  soon  ( for  which  Brian  is  so  very  happy  --  not  politically  but  scenically  of  course cool  please  insert  the  biggest,  daftest,  happiest  smiling  icon  thingy  here  )




    P.s. /Edit

      I  suppose  you  won't  be  upset  if  David  DSB  asks  for  those  directions  innocent

  • Goldie146
    Goldie146 Club Member Posts: 2,509
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    edited May 2018 #19334

    It’s more or less quiet on the farm at the moment. We’re watching the grass grow and making sure all the tractors and machinery are ready for silaging, in a couple of weeks (maybe).

    We had a night out on Friday down at Morecambe. The Platform (was the old station) is an impressive venue, even if the seats are quite hard. 

    The main act was Show of Hands. Just a duo this time. Always a good show. We always go in time for the support act, though some people obviously don’t. Very disrespectful. And this time they missed the wonderful Geoff Lakeman. Father of Sean, Sam and Seth (for fellow folkies out there). He sang and talked (and heckled latecomers) and I could have listened to him all night. So another CD bought.

    As an occasional treat we stayed at the wonderful Midland hotel across the road (not too dear if booked early, and the breakfast is brilliant).

    Today it’s just shopping and reading the papers. Then a very English supper - duck, Formby asparagus, Jersey Royals, Lancashire strawberries and English wine.

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,320
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    edited May 2018 #19335

    Goldie glad you have enjoyed a well earned night off and away from home. I hope dinner is being prepared for you? 😉.

    Our lamb shanks were delicious. I loved the sauce OH didn't, not unusual 😤, just stock, white wine, onions carrots garlic, fresh rosemary and bay leaf tomato puree but all very gooey. I think I'd make in advance next time and reheat but it wasn't overly fatty. Fruit salad was our first English strawberries - wouldn't normally sacrifice them to a fruit salad but had odd bits of fruit that needed using. Plenty more for tomorrow and possibly 😉 beyond.

    Sun broken through here now so need to consider our afternoon entertainment 😉

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,063
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    edited May 2018 #19336

    Glorious weather here today. We are just home from a lovely weekend at The Ranch AS site one of our favourites as its local. We left there today at half2 and only a 45 min drive home. Now sitting in the back garden just fires up the BBQ

  • Goldie146
    Goldie146 Club Member Posts: 2,509
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    edited May 2018 #19337

    Goldie glad you have enjoyed a well earned night off and away from home. I hope dinner is being prepared for you? 😉.

    You surely jest!

    It's not a gender thing, but just that I have more time (even when working full time), but I've never had a meal cooked for me at home. Breakfast on the odd Sunday doesn't count as I make the bread overnight.

    I don't mind - but it's the ideas that I struggle with sometimes. Two main meals a day for 48 years. But there's been holidays, meals out and invites to take out of that. And I'm a dab hand at cooking a huge pot of something and disguising it as something else over the subsequent days. And 9/10 it's yoghurt or ice cream for pudding.

    There won't be any leftovers tonight though.

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited May 2018 #19338

    POOPED  !!

    Spent  the  w/end  sorting  all  those  tiny  'just  take  a  minute'  jobs  which  of  course  took  the  whole  weekend  up. Then,  of  course,  tidying  up  the  workshop  ( Its  a  Shed  you  twerp  !! )  afterwards.  The  final  job  was  to  sort  out  more  bird  food  for  the  'ready  use'  containers  since  I'll  be  away  again  on  Thursday. { Cirencester  &  Trewethett  Farm which  is  a  new  one  for  me }  Decided  not  to  get  any  more  pnuts  for  the  tweets  since  they  appear  to  be  very  low  in   sustenance  properties  --  well  the  bloomin'  mouse  in  there  didn't  seem  to  be  at  all  well  fed  yell.

    Still  I'm  happy  to  relax  now  &  read  the  Sunday  papers,  if  that's  not  a  contradiction  in  terms wink.

    Hoping  that  our  ailing  ones,  Brue  &  Cariadon,  are  seeing  an  improvement  healthwise .  Thats  not  to  exclude,  of  course,   any  others  deserving  of  a  little  sympathy  and  a  couple  of  aspirins  or  suchlike.wink

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited May 2018 #19339

     Very late start this morning as I was up during the night watching the thunderstormsmile sheet and fork lightening.

    What was a fairly busy site for the last few days is now deserted. Dutch and Belgians gone home, we are the only brits on site.

    Weather not so great today, bit dull and overcast but its dry so managed a nice walk along the river then crossed over into town and walked back along the other side .

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,862
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    edited May 2018 #19340

    Well we did have that thunderstorm but it was an apology of one.

    Had a stroll this afternoon before said storm broke. Weather very hot but now a bit more refreshing, looks like we'll be going from 28° to 13° on Tuesday. Have to dig out the thermal vest!

    We've enjoyed the site, good facilities and not over crowded despite national holidays. The weather has helped and we've been out and about. Good place for M/homers to stop as good cycle routes and an easy, pleasant 1 mile walk to the centre of a pleasant town. Aldi just 400 yards away and very good. 




  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited May 2018 #19341

    Travelled from Clumber Park in good weather and journey got here at 12.35  behind a queue of six ,but booked in about 10mins, 

    What a lovely site in a beautiful area (forgot your warning about about the kerb Stevel no damage thoughsurprised)

    Hope your visitors came and Barbie was okwink

    Ps we are at Hawes (used to be Brown Moor)

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,320
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    edited May 2018 #19342

    JVB66 where is here now?

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited May 2018 #19343

    Sorry surprised see above ps

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,177
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    edited May 2018 #19344


    I notice you don't actually name the sites/stellplatz you stay on? It would be interesting to know for future reference.


  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,397
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    edited May 2018 #19345

    Glad there was no damage. It's a wonder they did nothing about it during the recent refurb.

    Unfortunately visitors unable to make it . Barbie was excellent though, and completed in sun shine.😀

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,862
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    edited May 2018 #19346

    Camping Straubing not far off the A3 just south of Regensburg. The site is municipal and sited on a small island just 1 mile from the town. As is usual for Germany they have a MittagsRuhe from 1 until 3pm but to be honest I've not seen the barrier down yet and the warden will quite happy allow you to pitch up and see him later if arriving between those hours.

    The only thing I've not seen is a M/H emptying point (will have a search before leaving tomorrow) but the vast majority of users are Motorhomes, probably 70/30%.

    I did mention site a while ago when replying to a post from Oneputt but that may have been on a different thread. My apologies.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,862
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    edited May 2018 #19347

    Got away with a lovely morning nature watching and arrived back at the site about 5 minutes before a fairly good thunderstorm, which has refreshed the stale air.

    Paid up for our 10 night stay and will make our way south tomorrow. The warden has kindly allowed us to stay a bit later to have lunch as we can't get in to new site until after 3pm and it's only about 2 hours away.

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,169
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    edited May 2018 #19348

    Nice to see a little flexibility WN.  We arrived a Camping Pruemtal by Butburg today.  We checked in at just gone 1.30pm, didn’t seem to be any Ruhe Zeit here. First impression of site is very positive so looking forward to our stay.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,862
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    edited May 2018 #19349

    Can't say I'm too fond of Bitburg as a drink. We've fastened onto a good Bavarian brew called Weltenburger Kloster Anno 1050. Not quite as good as an Adnams but very acceptable.smile

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited May 2018 #19350

    Another beutifull sunny and warm day  ,took a trip to Kendel had a  look round, filled car to brim with diesel, at Morrisons did an Aldi shop (oposite Morrisons)then a scenic return trip to Hawes

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,169
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    edited May 2018 #19351

    Still got some Adnams with me🌞🍺