What are you all up to
Metheven, I can't see anyway that I could get my caravan to such a destination and I know from personal experience how tedious and boring long haul flights can be, having done it myself! That is why I can't understand what Tammygirl sees as enjoyable about it. She has a lovely motorhome in which to go exploring and having fun so why not use it?
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At the altitude planes fly, something like a mile high, you're a mile away from any view down below and that's assuming there are no clouds, Oneputt! If you used your caravan instead, you would be much closer to the spectacular views, wouldn't you? Plus you would have the benefit of being able to stopover and walk around the area. Isn't that better than a cramped seat on an aircraft?
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Brue, it's what's known as expressing an opinion or point of view that has nothing whatsoever to do with trolling!
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Nice to read of those away having a wonderful time, I've had to put my plans on hold due to still suffering from Sinusitis. Have had more antibiotics, so should now cure it. While being unwell I have been reading posts but have not felt like posting.
I too have noticed Malcolm that you are against anyone that lives differently to you, or anyone that seems to enjoy life. I and other members on here bought our caravan / motorhomes to holiday in, you bought your to live in, you want us to live your way, even though we are happy to live as we are.
Now you are against or to me you sound Jealous of Tammygirl's holidays. and stated that she should be using her motorhome to holiday, BUT Malcolm you rarely use your caravan to holiday .
If your life as it is, is so delightful why do you have to continually mention it in every post you write, I ask again and maybe you will answer this time, Who are you trying to convince?
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Cariadon, I spend 365 days a year in my holiday home and I get value for my money out of it. What more holiday do I need than that? Or should I say what more holiday does anyone need than that? Furthermore, I have the enjoyment of two cars to use for days out! If I stayed on one of the Canary Islands, I would miss my caravan and I would miss my two cars.
What would be the point in my spending money on flight tickets and hotels just to leave behind all the lovely things I have here?
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"Metheven, I can't see anyway that I could get my caravan to such a destination"
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The HGVs don't bother me. I find it quite interesting to watch them come and go from my caravan window.
Not my idea of fun, but you could subscribe to this if your really interested M. I believe some folk collect them, like I did with train numbers many years ago.
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When I am in the plane someone else is doing the driving, allowing me time to look around. When I am towing, especially given the state of our roads and the amount of traffic, I prefer to concentrate on driving rather than the view.
Given that your rig is even longer than ours, other than motorways, where do you find all these convenient places to stop and walk around the area. They always seem to have a couple of cars or HGV's parked in the middle when we try and stop.☹️
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There are plenty of laybys. If you find one is occupied with not enough space, the best thing is to keep going until you find another one. We always manage to find somewhere to stop if we need a break.
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Cariadon, I only work part-time, usually about 3 to 4 days a week and mostly just 3 to 4 hours, each of those days, to supplement my retirement pension. It can hardly be described as work in the true sense of the word. It's more like having three evenings out per week! The rest of my time is leisure or holiday time and staying in our caravan enables us to enjoy it as such! On my days off, we often go out, visiting local attractions, National Trust, English Heritage, HHA, WWT places, using our membership. These are all holiday activities which I get plenty of time off to enjoy! The very word retirement means working less and holidaying more, doesn't it?
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What has your work got to do with it, plain and simple your caravan is you home, NOT a holiday home, it's your way of life as you have told us many time, so dress it up whichever way you want, call it whatever you want, YOU live in a caravan 24/7, 365 days a year, and the only touring you do is when you have to move pitch every 21 days and the odd holiday.
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Whilst we've been staying here on the club site in Brighton we have visited the Lanes for the first time. We have visited Brighton pier for the first time and we have walked the promenade for the first time. We have also enjoyed the surrounding park and visited other places with spectacular views. What's all that, if it's not holidaying?
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I read that too, cariadon.
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The only difference in my way of life is that I spend my money on getting a life whilst you keep spending yours on getting things for your house, which you can't take with you when you go!
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Hi all, another lovely sunny day in Lanzarote.
Malc, I've had a caravan all my life. I know the ups and downs, I love being away in the mh but there is more to life than that. Airplanes are the gateway to the world so to speak. Don't forget I am married to a former soldier so we have done lots of travelling, we love it.
I do not have to justify my choice of holidays to you or anyone else, as said before you have chosen your way of life and the rest of us ours. That should be the end of the matter.
Thanks to all for your supporting posts it is appreciated.
Now time for a spot of sunbathing and a dip in the lovely warm pool
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I rarely respond to your posts but I feel that I have to with the regard to the subject of trolling/excessive posting. It is not up to you to cast doubt on the decisions that others make in terms of where they go on holiday or how they chose to live. It is one thing to have your own view on a subject, and even express that view, but to cast doubts on another person's decisions is at best rude and at worse a deliberate ploy to troll the forum. I am afraid your protestation of innocence on this matter don't wash. May I suggest you reacquaint yourself with the terms and conditions of this forum and immediately cease this sort of posting. We want this forum to be a friendly place for people to contribute.
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Malcolm, It seems to me you spend your life working to service your debts whilst we spend our lives on hobbies, caravanning and foreign holidays. Eventually when we pop our clogs our estate will go to our children as did our parents to us - what is wrong with that?
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It's raining here at the moment and no swimming pool but my wife can't swim and I'm not too bothered either about spending my day by the pool! Sorry if that offends you but the relaxer in the awning is good enough for me!
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Reported what, brue?
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If you have to ask MM, you obviously don't read your own posts.