What are you all up to
The solicitor is necessary because the rules are complicated and keep changing as time goes on. Only a legal expert would know all the rules and how to comply with them. Her Chinese citizenship is necessary as she needs to visit China once every two years to collect her pension from the primary school in which she was a teacher for 25 years. Without this she would need a visa to visit China, also she has property there.
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Can pension not be done by bank transfer?
I have a small pension from Norway, having worked there 8 years, it is paid directly into our Nationwide account every month. Nationwide are good as they make no extra charge to receive money from abroad.
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Things were much easier when I first settled here in 1970, hardly any paperwork, no money to pay, just the little green Aliens book to keep up to date. I still have it, and my passport stamped with the "indefinite leave to remain" .
Citizenship these days is quite expensive to apply for, over £1100 now.
Norway does not like people to have dual nationality, and I did not want to renounce my Norwegian citizenship, so have never applied for British citizenship.
I still get to pay all the taxes etc, just don't get to vote........ anywhere.
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No because one of the rules for receiving her pension is that she must appear in person every two years to prove that she's still alive!
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The rules have become much more stringent these days. I think this is because the visa authorities were previously accused of being too lax with not enough control over immigration. It seems the main concern is overcrowding of UK, being an island with a limited amount of space to accommodate an ever-increasing amount of net migration.
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What am I doing today?
I am sat in the sun on the C&MC site in Stonehaven with a lovely view of the sea
drive up started dull and miserable, van now filthy as farmers tractors out on the roads delivering potatoes mud everywhere. Drive finished (1.5 hrs) in lovely sunshine. Arrived at site 12.01 how's that for perfect timing. First time we've arrived and there not been a queue. Site really quiet less than 20 outfits mostly m/h's. Never seen it this empty before.
Went for a short bike ride along the front, hoped it would clear my head as i woke up this morning with a head cold
it worked for awhile but back to sniffing and Sneezing.
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If we had tried doing this ourselves without the help of a legal expert, we wouldn't have known that my wife's existing language certificate was no longer meeting the new rule requirement of a higher level of English proficiency. So her visa would have been refused with loss of the £993 paid for the visa fee. Then another £993 would have to be paid for a new application.
The problem is that in 2009 when it was a little easier than now, she was granted indefinite leave to remain. However, five years in China caused that to lapse because the rule was having to remain in UK for at least 180 days per year to keep the validity of such a visa.
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Hope your cold goes soon TammyG, I've just had a cold that didn't last long, thank goodness. Hoping for a quieter night tonight, we had helicopters over us last night, round and round in circles. We are used to various flight testing going on but this was something else, shaking the buildings a bit, very low too.
Off soon for a break in Devon, taking advantage of the mid week discount.
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This firm of solicitors specialise in visa application work and so have knowledge and experience of how to obtain a successful outcome. The money is well spent if it gets us a future together.
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I know the feeling!
Recently I had to get a form signed to confirm I was still alive or Norway would have stopped paying my pension, had to be a "responsible adult" that signed it.
And when I sold my share in my parents home, I had to travel to Norway to sign the paperwork as it had to be witnessed by 2 Norwegian citizens.
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Thanks brue hopefully it will be short lived, OH had his flu jab yesterday I've yet to organised mine as i have to pay so need to do it through a pharmacy, I'll wait a few days until this has passed.
Have a good break in Devon, no such luck of a mid week discount here
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Hope your cold passes quickly Tammygirl. Sounds like a nice day at least you saw the sun and a decent view 😉. Been rather warm here again but very cloudy, would prefer clear and cold.
Brue have a nice break in Devon. We've cashed in the RFL and completely winterised our motorhome 😢 and he's tucked away in storage, with a visit or two before we go to NZ and I expect well be chomping at the bit to get out in him again next April.
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All packed and paperwork sorted for our trip to N.Ireland tomorrow to see youngest son, DIL, and 2 grandchildren.😀.
I hope your cold gets better soon tammygirl. Enjoy N.Norfolk JVB. Enjoy your time in Devon brue. Hope the roadworks dont cause you too much trouble bakers2.
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I do hope all goes well DSB.
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Spent the morning fitting a 'ciggy socket' in the garage of the MH, so I'll now be able to use a lamp to find stuff when it's dark.
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Well retiring from this computer for 24 hrs, after bobbing in and out almost like a countree dancer !!
Had a visit from Highly Qualified Gas Engineer on his day off. He, actually my gt nephew was fixing a couple of 'fluid problems' I've had since I got back from Scotland. all is now fixed, cured, restored to {almost } perfection, so I've tidied up, disposed of disposables, shifted loads of da***ed moss, Bought filled & hung two new seed feeders for birds & generally scratted around as befits one of advancing years !!
Not complaining about the "advancing years" you understand, 'cos the alternative is not exactly a pleasant option is it !
Take care all you 'Travelling People' , have pleasant times all you home birds and I'll check up on here early on Friday so please Behave !!
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It's been a lovely day here at Pardon Hill today. We did a circular(ish) walk from the site over Langley Hill to Winchcombe and back by Frog Wood. Out for 4 hrs and did about 8 mls. Passed a couple of interesting sculpture which I hope to put on here when I've downloaded them. It was warm enough for me to sit outside the van reading for nearly an hour when we got back, and then there was a beautiful red/orange sky tonight, auger well for tomorrow.
We have now managed to book 3 sites for our next trip, over X-Mas, but will wait till the end of the month to book any more when we see how we're getting on with the appointments that we'll have to fit in when we get home.0 -
Have a great trip Millie....you certainly get about!!
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Yes thanks Millie. Got another appointment within the next few months. No doubt that's when they tell me I have to lose weight and I have to tell them about the growth hormone/ steroids bit. We'll see in due course.
He seemed to agree that I need the knee done.
Have a really good trip to N Ireland. Safe journey.
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Thanks MH, have a good trip to see the family.
Bakers2, thanks feeling a bit better at the moment I found some teatree and lavender essential oils in the bathroom cupboard, so have wet a tea towel, sprinkled it with both and put it on the little oil filled radiator we carry in the van in cold weather. Van heating off for the night just the radiator on. Old fashioned but it usually works for me.