What are you all up to
I'll echo other peoples posts DEBSC. She, and all of you, deserve a bit of good fortune.
Where did the day go? Refilling The Van with the stuff we took out the other day, gardening, driving MiL for various appointments, moving furniture for painters who are here tomorrow, cleaning dirt and dust found when moving said furniture
, cooking and admin.
Early morning tomorrow to complete moving furniture to let them in.
Enjoy your weekend Helen. What's the name of the CL in Cheshire. We might make a 2 nighter of it as it's not too far from home.
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Debsc, that sounds very encouraging. Major step forwards in medical science are being made all the time. Hopefully it provides a better quality of life. With all the negative talk about AI I do wonder if in the field of medical science it could make a big difference for the better.
Cool enough today for me to wash the car, which was badly needed! I am in the process of selling a lot of the old motorhome stuff on Facebook selling groups and Marketplace. Had a few successes but also a bit of stress. Its fine when you get one person wanting something but we have just sold the Avtex TV and had several people interested. The couple that purchased it travelled 50 miles and so I didn't feel I could offer it to others until they come to view. Some people can be persistent and I have just had to tell them to form an orderly queue!
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We've had the same David but with caravan stuff. We had 13 enquiries for an awning but told everyone after the first that a sale had been agreed but buyer was picking it up today as she was a nurse on shifts. We did promise to get back to them if sale fell through but would have gone in enquiry received order. It is a bit stressful as I'm not used to being wedded to my mobile all day. Nurse duly turned up and bought it.
Could do with a mass clear out as we need the space in the garage.
It was interesting having a chat with her. She was on a covid ward during the pandemic and said it took a lot out of her. Made her realise about enjoying life while you can.
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Busy day here, starting with a trip to the recycling centre with multiple bags and crates of garden rubbish, followed by a short shopping trip. I then got the caravan cleaned outside this afternoon and prior to our evening meal we stripped wallpaper from a wall in our entrance hall, and then I washed down with the paintwork around the doors in preparation for painting tomorrow. In between we managed to fit In 5 walks out with Flyte so far, with another in a few minutes time. It has been much cooler with a strong breeze this morning, although the sun did come out at times and it warmed up then.
Hope that the trial is a success for your granddaughter, Debs.
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I haven't have a problem with the booking system, fortunately, TTDA. Booked a site last night... all set for a short break at Pandy CAMC site.... although I read reports of variable pitch sizes. No doubt all will become clear in due course..
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Glorious sunny day here today. We bought a new BBQ last week and haven’t had a chance to use it yet so today might be the day if the weather is still like this later on. Planning on moving the caravan to the middle of the drive later and give it a good clean including the roof then we can begin packing for our main 3 week summer trip we are due to leave at the end of the week just hoping the weather is nice down south.
Hope everyone else is having a nice weekend
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I’ve been very surprised by the size of pitches on Club Sites we have recently visited, very generous. (Cayton Bay, Clumber, Burrs) Mind we are only a small MH, so don’t need a huge amount of space really. Enjoy Pandy, not a site we know.🙂
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We've always been happy with the size of pitches on CAMC sites. I do have an issue with hardstanding pitches on the C&CC sites, when the custom on some sites (eg. Conkers C& CC) seems to be: caravan & awning on the hardstanding, but park your car on the grass!! Just never 'got' that.... The car is what you'll need to move more frequently, in all probability. Just a bit of rain is all you need to start churning up the grass. I'd be in favour of them extending their HS to include the car....
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The only time we stayed at Pandy we had a phone call from our eldest son, at 19, with his A Level results which were good enough to get him into UCL, he's 47 now!!! Pitches do vary in size but generally serviced pitches are generally pretty good. I think some of the newer C&CC sites are getting larger hardstandings.
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Rather a poor day weather wise, with mist in the morning and drizzly rain until late afternoon. It did brighten up later but too late for me to contemplate any outside jobs. However if did mean that I could get the painting of the door surrounds in the hall done prior to papering a wall tomorrow.
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Just returned from a weekend staying on a Yorkshire Vineyard and brewery. Small campsite, music night, cafe and tour of the vineyard. Good value in my view and a recommended stay particularly when they have those event weekends.
https://yorkshireheart.com/Nun Monkton is also worth a walk around, pretty little village near the river with lots of history, just a short stroll from the site..
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Well yesterdays caravan wash turned out taking a lot longer than I thought ended up cleaning under all the skylights then the awning rails on both sides it’s amazing the amount of moss etc that gathers van looks great now though.
Up early this morning and away down to the Moffat classic car show with the Mercedes great day nice to meet up with friends rain stayed off which was a bonus. Merc now back in it’s garage ready for next time. Caravan packing this week getting ready for the off
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Where are you off to Francis? Hope it goes well for you.We know Moffat well as MiL born and bred there. OH still has cousins living there.
We're having a night away on Tuesday, just local. Trying the bike rack out. Practice run today, which involved a lot of contortions (bikes not me) and a few naughty words.
We seem to have hit upon the solution. The Van has a high rear mounted spare wheel which was the problem. We don't seem to have stopped much today as we were finishing off moving all of the breakables back into place after painting yesterday.
Also took both of my ears for a clean out, well I couldn't leave one of them behind. Thanks NHS.
Although, I'll now be able to hear the TV in the other room where MiL seems besotted by anything to do with antiques, garden makeovers or Poirot!
All I need is for Poirot to be investigating the discovery of a body whilst someone digging up the patio and for the silver candlesticks that was used in the murder to be lying next to it. My world will be complete.
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Enjoy your night away WN. 👍
We have just finished watching England game🫣 Tde France was superb today.
Have ordered our pool, just need the next heatwave now🤞
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Hope your night away goes well, WN, and the weather is kind for your bike ride.
Have a good trip away, Francis, where are you heading for this time?
Fingers crossed that the pool arrives before the next heatwave,, tda, and It is all set up in time.
It was a rather dull start to the day, but thankfully it stayed dry throughout and OH's washing dried outside. I Bobby Dazzled the caravan before we completed the paper hanging, and then loaded items into the caravan in readiness for our next trip. In the afternoon the sun came out but there was still a cooling breeze making it pleasant for my walk out.
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Wherenext Apologies I managed to loose my post yesterday, server error and then WiFi problems! We stayed over night at Small Holding near Holmes Chapel, no ehu but a toilet, loads of space and quiet and entrance to woods which lead to a country park opposite.
Spent yesterday exploring Arnside, which was quiet when we arrived but after walking along the bay got back to find it was heaving,with organised walks. We also visited Warton Crag nature reserve, fantastic views from the top of the Quarry.
Last night we ventured down to one of the local pubs, it was like stepping back in time, about 100 years, mind you the locals were very friendly and we enjoyed beer or 2 and a good chat.🙂
Enjoy Somerset Francis, hope the weather is okay, our forecast for the NW isn't looking good.🥺
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Gosh that England game was a narrow squeak last night🫣 Pleased they got through though. Gardening at Mum’s this morning, some hard landscaping in between the showers. Little bit warmer than yesterday thankfully.
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Thanks Helen. I suspect that we might be paying Arnside a visit next week when we take MiL for a cottage break over near Cartmel.
We bought a windscreen cover online last week and decided it was too cumbersome. We were able to take it back to Euro Car Parts depot in Chester this morning. No hassle. Bought a lightweight one instead.
Had rain off and on all day.
Really need 2 nights away to unwind but as we're going away soon we need to start doing things here, like prescription collections for all 3 of us.1 night will have to do and we'll be grateful. MiL is starting to walk on her own quite a bit now, still not far but she can trusted not to overdo it.
Enjoy Somerset Francis. An underrated county.
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The pitches do actually still vary in size David, but most of the smaller pitches are designated non-awning. Some of the longer standard pitches are not as wide but the car is expected to be parked in front on the unit. We're fine an a sdrviced pitch... 👍👍
The site looks good, although I can't compare it with 'pre-refurb. It's our first time here.
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We travelled home from Norfolk on Saturday. I am glad that we were travelling away from the coast as the traffic going to the coast was one one long queue. It was a very hot day which made the unloading and unpacking hard work. Sunday was cooler. There was a celebration of St Peter at the Cathedral (our Patronal Day) and 'the great and the good' were there including one chap with spurs and a sword and another wearing stockings, black patent shoes with silver buckles and coat with lots of buttons - I am.not sure what their titles were but they were obviously important. At least they thought they were! An interesting morning 😁. In the afternoon we went to eldest son's for a BBQ. OH and son watched the England match and even DIL and I got interested towards the end - what a nail biting finish. This morning was OH's appt with the physio. She sent him for an Xray on his knee and gave him some exercises for his knee and his back. There was some talk of an injection. Follow up in 3 weeks. Aldi shopping this afternoon plus shopping for some other bits and bobs. In between times I am trying to catch up with all the washing. How can only 2 of us generate so much?!
DEBSC Positive news for your grand-daughter. I do so hope it works out for her
WN great news that your MIL is beginning to walk independently. I hope you enjoy your night away in your MH this week and also have a lovely cottage holiday near Cartmel with your MIL.
Helen enjoy Arnside. A lovely part of the country.
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In between times I am trying to catch up with all the washing. How can only 2 of us generate so much?!
Because you're clean living? OH occasionally says to me that she wishes we were not so particular about personal hygiene as it would make life a lot easier. Not with her sense of smell it wouldn't!
Doesn't sound like you needed those snow shoes after all Millie.
Edit - I think the club is missing a trick. They could easily get the reply box sponsored by Spec Savers!
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I agree about Specsavers WN. It really hurts my eyes the print is so small. I got so fed up I stopped checking for any typos I might have made.
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We visited Morecambe today, came away thinking we shouldn't have bothered. Very run down and apart from some school children on the beach on a field trip it was deserted. The weather was pretty miserable, raining on and off. Day improved with a trip into Carnforth where we had lunch at the Brief Encounter cafe followed by a visit to the exhibition at the station, very interesting with film, railway and Brief Encounter memorabilia, you could even watch the film.😆
Good to read your MIL's walking is improving,hope you all enjoy your cottage break WN.
Millie, the washing after a holiday is always one of the jobs I dislike too, bit like the tiny font when typing on here!! ☹️
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Helen, are you on a CL near Arnside? Enjoy your stay in the area.
Sounds like an interesting morning at the Cathedral, Millie. Hope that the x-ray helps to identify the problem with your OH's knee and the the exercises easy his aches and pains.
We were able to get the van packed up and away between a light shower of rain. We had an easy 100ml drive to our first site of this trip. It was raining lightly while we set up and then had a heavier shower around mid afternoon, but it has been dry since then. The nights do seem to be drawing in a bit too quickly though it has been a dark day all round.
A couple of photos from this evenings walk, does anyone know what they are known as?
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"and 'the great and the good' were there including one chap with spurs and a sword and another wearing stockings, black patent shoes with silver buckles and coat with lots of buttons - I am.not sure what their titles were but they were obviously important."
Sounds like the Lord Lieutenant and the High Sheriff of the County, millie. They were always invited to our annual Order of St John service when I worked for St John Ambulance - so a similar thing.
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Thanks R&R I thought that was who they were but didn't want to say on here as I wasnt sure. The Mayor was also there and arrived slightly late - but then he is Italian!
Grey and wet here today.
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Grey and wet here today.
Milliehull, isn't it just. Fine mizzle but heavy. 2 damp dogs here plus me! Just right for your washing! There's a new discussion started about Northern Ireland
I thought of you when the asked about places to visit as well as site. Wherenext has given a couple of sites he'd earmarked but not used.
Right must finish breakfast and sort todays tasks, which now includes a hair wash, not on the agenda........
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There’s two good things about Morecambe that we take advantage of - The Platform (very good music venue - developed from the old Railway Station) and, if we are feeling flush The Midland Hotel. Though it’s not now as good as it was.
And maybe sometime in the future The Eden Project