What are you all up to



  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,866
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    edited June 2024 #59822

    Cheers TW. We did actually manage to put the bed together at the dealers before buying. I was surprised that I slept really well. So was OH!

    They apparently stopped the 5 metre vans a couple of years ago as Fiat weren't supply that chassis. Now 5.4metres.

    As you say, it's more for day van with short stays away, which is how our touring will have to be in the near future.

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,461
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    edited June 2024 #59823

    I didn’t realise they’d stretched the Pulsar to 5.4m. Ours was 2021 and we bought it because we wanted a 5m van. It was not possible to use ours as two single beds. At that time the L1 was not available with the higher top so ours had a bolt on 'plastic' top. I think yours is a metal top👍🏻. You can see the difference.

    Is the spare wheel still mounted on the rear door? That made fitting a bike rack very difficult.

    Looking at the website, I think I prefer yours😀

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,430
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    edited June 2024 #59824

    Sounds like you are well organised to me👍 Good having four seats as well, nice to take MIL in comfort for a day out, your own cafe and loo. 

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,866
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    edited June 2024 #59825

    It was the loo that sold it to her!🧻😂

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,866
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    edited June 2024 #59826

    TW, yes the bike rack is bolted on the back. It's a Thule one.

    Salesman said we couldn't fit one but as their other branch had photos of a recently sold 2022 model with said bike rack on the back he had to eat humble pie. Looking at it we're pretty sure it won't impinge on either the spare wheel or the numberplate as they had bikes on it to test it before we picked it up. We'll just need to position first bike with handlebars away from wheel.

    It is metal top.

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,461
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    edited June 2024 #59827

    WN, we were also told the dealer couldn’t fit a bike rack and it would need to be done as part of the factory build for a princely sum so we decided not to bother. You will have a higher roof line and probably taller doors than we had in view of it being the higher H2. That might make fitting a bike rack simpler.

    We had to duck when using the side doors because the original roof level of the H1 restricted headroom at entry/exit. We were used to our previous H2 vans and that lower doorway trim didn’t half hurt! 

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,137
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    edited June 2024 #59828

    Good to hear that you both slept well in the M/H, WN. Just remembered which side has the electric step when exiting the van! wink

    Fine and warm again today, although there was a cool breeze at times. More weeding, so have half a dozen have to go to the tip, and hoovered out the car. Dental appointment early in the morning for me. OH has suffered a bit with aches and pains since the Covid injection but is much better today.



  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,430
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    edited June 2024 #59829

    WN, take a photo of how you load your bikes on back. If you are anything like us, we forget which goes in where.

    We have different photos for different bike combo’s, MTB handlebars are a lot wider than Road bike drops, so there’s occasionally a bit of muttered cursing if it’s a combo we haven’t used for a while. 2x road bikes with drops is a doddle, anything else is a bit of a puzzle. Plus, are we using Fiamma on back of MH, or Thule on back of Jeep🤔🤭😡🤣 

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,063
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    edited June 2024 #59830

    WN - great photos. Love the new camper hope it suits your requirements. If I’m not mistaken the car in your pics is a Morgan lovely cars especially when the weather is nice 

  • mickysf
    mickysf Club Member Posts: 6,532
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    edited June 2024 #59831

    It’s ‘just’ a Kit Car. Not the prettiest in my opinion. Morgans are the real deal, expensive and have a proper car build heritage. This is a Lomax first fabricated not far from us in Gainsborough.

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,852
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    edited June 2024 #59832

    We have had a very enjoyable weekend as it was OH's birthday. We had a lovely celebratory lunch at The Village Inn in West Runton on Saturday. We caught the bus there and back so that OH could have a birthday pint. Yesterday our eldest son and family came over for the day which was great. We ended the day with a fish and chip supper before they left for home. It looks as though it is going to be a hot one today

    Your new MH looks great WN. So glad your first outing was a success. Hope you have many more to come.

  • RedKite
    RedKite Club Member Posts: 1,758
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    edited June 2024 #59833

    Agree with you mickysf re car as we used to live in Malvern and in 2019 friends of ours gave us tickets for a tour around the Morgan factory as we were staying at Broadway club site a very interesting tour around the factory, my mum used to live about 800 metres from there.

    WN hope all goes well with your new MH and have no problems with it as we met somebody at Obterre the other week and we know him from living and working in Malvern and he had his from new late this January and has had nothing but problems with it they had just done a trip around northern Spain and come back to Obterre as they have an old caravan in storage there and said that electric door connector was playing up and it would not lock either and kept beeping and flashing on the dashboard drove them mad so he ended up with a fiat dealer the other side of Tours to get it fixed as nobody else would touch it as a English reg vehicle but also had other faults as well not a happy chappie.

    Had the wild boar in field last night so a few patches of soil and stone have been moved and OH is hoping to mow today normally at this time of year the ground would be rock hard but with all this rain it is a lot softer so hope we can get some sun on it to dry out again.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,182
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    edited June 2024 #59834


    Looks a go anywhere size of van? Perhaps you might be interested in watching a few Vlogs from "Life is too short" https://www.youtube.com/@LifeistooshortCK  They have recently changed from a small Nissan camper van to a van similar in size to yours. 


    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,406
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    edited June 2024 #59835

    Well the yellow weather warning for heat wasn’t needed in Devon, warm enough but not hot and thick cloud all day. Worked out though as I managed a full day in the garden, both front and back looking good now. Middle granddaughter came for a couple of hours this afternoon, her sister was rushed into hospital again today, she was sitting with her there to keep her company but her Mum went and took over so granddaughter came here for a while. So proud of how she looks after her sister and steps up in the family. Tried out a new recipe in the slow cooker, it didn’t look as though it was going to quite work out so I improvised and made a few changes, it was lovely so think I will stick to the improvisations next time. Sorry to the fans but I’m getting fed up with football on the tv and if it’s not that it’s the elections. Not sure which is worse. 


  • HelenandTrevor
    HelenandTrevor Forum Participant Posts: 3,221
    edited June 2024 #59836

    Millie, Pleased you enjoyed your holiday, & Happy Birthday to Mr M 🎂🍾

    Wherenext your new Campervan looks really good,  glad you are finding it comfortable, some neighbours have a similar small van and are really loving it.

    We had a lovely afternoon with our grand daughter yesterday, spent some time at the park and then let her sit in the caravan which she thought was fun, next step is coming away with us for a couple of nights, Might have to find some extra energy 🤣🤣

    Been very warm today, but managed to get 2 loads of washing dry in a couple of hour's.  It was very quiet at work this afternoon which meant I got home a bit earlier to enjoy the sunshine as it had cooled down.

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,170
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    edited June 2024 #59837

    Arrived home this morning after my 1000 mile, 8 day trip to Wales and Hampshire. Van sorted and in storage.

    Gorgeous sunny weather in East Norfolk with a temperature of 23C.  

    Congrats too WN on the acquisition of their new van 

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,321
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    edited June 2024 #59838

    Oh DEBSC your family are certainly going through it. Thinking of you all. I'm also very inclined to agree with you about current TV viewing. I saw a good cartoon yesterday and again today on social media. A couple sitting in front of the TV one asking the other "would you rather shout at footballers or politicians?"

    It's been very warm here, 26c ocassional sun but generally overcast, very still and heavy. It feels slightly better at the moment.

    I did a shady dog walk before 10. My towels were almost dry on our return. More washing dried quickly. But otherwise, minimal chores have been done. I've been sitting in the shade doing a bit of mending and knitting for 'Tiny' who's growing fast looking at mum yesterday. I'm only doing the one cardigan - started February but I can't seem to get much progress!

    Boy how things have changed, 'Tiny' is due a few days later than our daughter, our 1st. I gave up work at 6 months about now and rested, it was a hot summer, no maternity pay 😉, so I just rested up and enjoyed the last 'freedom'. Son and family off to Portugal tomorrow for a week. Hopefully then a lull before harvest...... I'm still not sure if it'll be crops or baby 😂

    I thought I'd escaped grand dog duties for their holiday. I just kept my head down! As from tomorrow evening we have a 2nd dog. She's getting old and stiff and is no trouble except she won't use the garden for her business. So needs several walks and OH isn't always able to assist these days - without the heat in the mix. No worries worse things happen at sea. Our dog needs a good 3 miles off lead at least. Grand dog too heavy to carry and no off road conveyance 🤣

    HelenandTrevor you certainly will need energy for a couple of nights away with your granddaughter. And lots of fresh air.......

    Sorry if I've missed others news, but now have company....

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,866
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    edited June 2024 #59839

    Thanks for the well wishing from various folks.

    One thing we didn't want to do, well 2 things really, was to just sit back and let the caravan rot and not be used, and secondly look back in 5 years or so and say "I wish we'd bought that campervan and at least tried to make it work". At least this way we'll know and we're not bad at adapting.

    Things as you would expect have been rather busy here. Still acquiring things we need or might need and getting rid of things we don't.

    I dont remember if I said that a kind neighbour who is excellent at woodworking has made a "home" for MiLs Dolly-Trolley. We normally keep it in the garage but she can't open that so is house bound if we're away. She can now access the trolley which she uses as an aide for walking and is now solo walking on some days. She said it gave her her freedom back. It hasn't done our freedom any harm either but she is tickled pink with it.

    You have a lovely caring family Debsc. 

    Hope all well with your brother OneP. Bit worried about mine as he was supposed to ring tonight. Hopefully he's just fallen asleep as usual.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,182
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    edited June 2024 #59840

    Talk about mad dogs and Englishmen going out in the midday sun! I knew it was going to be hot, although strangely not always sunny. Decided to fit my new back gate today. It came pre-constructed so at least that was a bonus. It took a bit longer that I expected but perhaps I was just flagging? Quite please with my efforts. Just need a top bolt for it now so and excuse to go and have a rummage round B&Q tomorrow. 


  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,755
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    edited June 2024 #59841

    A day of packing for our trip, just not used to having to be so organised and all the restrictions on what can be packed where!    We will get there eventually.

    Mainly dull here till about 5, then some sun, but very mild.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,137
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    edited June 2024 #59842

    Early visit to the dentist for her to take an impression for a new dental plate. 3 more visits booked roughly two weeks apart for fittings etc, which means that we will be able to fit decent length trips away inbetween. Have booked a couple of sites for our first already. Back again to the dental surgery tomorrow for our quarterly hygienist appointment. A warmer day today with just a very light onshore breeze which kept the temperature at a pleasant level for our walks.

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,930
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    edited June 2024 #59843

    Hot day yesterday, so outdoor jobs restricted to a quick sweep upand a tip run.  Spent most of the day on concert programmes + taking the caravan in fir warranty work.

    • Another warm day today.  Now sitting in the car park of George Eliot Hospital, waiting for Carol who has gone for a hip injection!


  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,182
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    edited June 2024 #59844


    Is this the first injection Carol has had? Margaret was told she would have one but when she got to the appointment they said there was no point as she needed a hip replacement! Her pain is getting no better and painkillers only have a limited impact on the pain. She has an x-ray on Thursday which might push the process on a bit more?


  • heddlo
    heddlo Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 907
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    edited June 2024 #59845

    I didn’t get an injection either David as my hip joint had no space in which they could put an injection!  The femur had started to wear away the hip socket and, apparently, they need a clear space between them to insert the needle.  I’m sure Margaret’s X ray will give more information.  Fingers crossed for her that she doesn’t have too long a wait. 

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,852
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    edited June 2024 #59846

    So sorry to hear that your grand-daughter is poorly again DEBSC. I do hope she recovers enough to go back to Uni in the not too distant future.

    I hope your OH gets some news about her hip at her forthcoming appt DavidK. OH's 18 year old 'new hip' is failing fast and is csusing him a lot of trouble and pain. He has an appt with the physio at our GP surgery when we get home next week and we shall see how things go from there.... if at all🤔

    We found somewhere completely new to us today - Hindringham Hall gardens. They are absolutely glorious, especially in this lovely weather.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,866
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    edited June 2024 #59847

    I really shouldn't be this tired as I've not done a great deal of physical work today. Sure, I had an hour or so of trimming hedges that needed tidying up, the worst bit being the clearing up afterwards but the rest of the afternoon merely spent doing admin jobs.

    I can only put it down to the weather being humid. We did get some sun to go with the humidity after lunch but it's mostly been overcast.

    Mrs WN spent 3 hours this afternoon trying to help neighbours join the 21st. Century on their computer which hasn't been updated for nearly 20 years. 

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,866
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    edited June 2024 #59848

    Beautiful photos Millie. It's ages since we've been there. I couldn't believe there was somewhere in that area that you hadn't been to before.laughing

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,321
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    edited June 2024 #59849

    Beautiful photos milliehull.  Sky sets them off..... I've never heard of Hindringham Hall, I'll Google in a bit.

    Wherenext I'm sure you'll find the weather has a great bearing on how you're feeling. We had overcast hot yesterday and to us it felt humid. OH did nothing and I did bare minimum. Today its been hotter, 28 but nice blue sky. Dog walk warm warm starting at 0630. We both had more energy, but still did little. It's such a sudden change.

    Sorry to hear folks suffering with hips etc. Wishing you some relief.

    Been a busy evening, grand dog arrived soon after 1900 with son. Quick drop off, he'd gone by 1915. Got to stop at local Coop for dinner on way home. Pack, MIL arriving and all be out by 0400. Grandson got up at 0500 again.

    Set the timer to video call younger grand daughter for their 0730. She called first so birthday greetings/thanks exchanged whilst munching breakfast. Where have those 8 years gone? Really sad to think we've not seen her since she was 20 months.

    Happy holiday KjellNN 

    Watching the sewing bee. Actually not enjoying this series. They seem to be asking for too much in far too short a time and nothing ends up wearable. Especially when they're encouraging recycling. Also far too much rubbish banter and time filling. 

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,182
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    edited June 2024 #59850

    Thanks Heddlo

    I can see that makes sense. She had previously had a Scan on her hip and perhaps it was the detail on that was the reason they said what they said? She goes on Thursday for her x-ray. A company called Ravenscroft are dealing with it, on behalf of the NHS. They have a small hospital in MK where they  can do hip operations but there is some doubt whether they would be prepared to do it as Margaret has had a Heart Bypass and they have no emergency set-up which probably means she will have to have it done in Milton Keynes Hospital and that is probably where the delay will occur?


    My hip is now 14 years old. Its been brilliant for most of that time and I do get pain in it now and again. However I am not sure if its the hip causing the pain in the knee or the knee causing the pain in the hip. As its fairly intermittent I am hoping its the knee causing it!!!


  • heddlo
    heddlo Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 907
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    edited June 2024 #59851

    I’m glad it’s not just me feeling that way about Sewing Bee Bakers2,  I realise we all need to be more waste aware but it seems quite a lot of what they make don’t look good at all. Could I do it? Absolutely not……. but!!!  

    I’ve also never heard of Hindringham Hall Millie, it looks beautiful.  We are having a week in Norfolk in September so thank you for the information, we shall add it to our visiting list. 

    It seems a little cooler here this morning so we hope for a fresher feeling day, we are off to the seaside for the day so will be cooler there anyway.