What are you all up to



  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,852
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    edited June 2024 #59852

    Sadly I am not enjoying Sewing Bee as much as usual either. As you say too much to do and having to rush to try and finish. Nothing really wearable at the end. Such a shame as I usually love it. I will catch up with it when we get home

    heddlo Just a 'heads up' '- Hindringham Hall is only open on Tuesday afternoons and Wednesday mornings. They are HHA and have a good website.

    We have woken to a thick sea mist - or sea fret - this morning so we have no view!

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,321
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    edited June 2024 #59853

    Oh I'm so glad it's not just me with the sewing bee. I thought last nights, sorry milliehull, had just a couple of wearable items and they'd needed a lot more attention! 

    I hope your seamist clears milliehull. We had rather misty conditions about 5am, but on the higher ground rather than lower. For all those not on the edge of the Fens, yes we do have higher bits 🤣🤣. It's cleared now and just pleasant 22 and slight air movement.well I'm sitting in the shade not doing much! Walked tge dogs, just a road walk at 0630 very warm then. Grand dog has hip issues, obviously don't hurt as she'll walk with you however far, or take off on the farm is she gets a scent 🫣 but pays for it later. She's almost 12 and despite the golden retriever mum having clear hop score I think it's hereditary. 

    Right back to 'holiday' mode.

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,406
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    edited June 2024 #59854

    Problem logging in on here this morning, it kept saying either my password or my email was wrong despite it being stored on my laptop so I knew it was right, I could read but not post. OH had appointment at dentist, so just left it and all fine now, weird. OH dropped me off at Dunelm, his least favourite place. I was still browsing when he returned 😊 Then a quick stop at Aldi, where I just bought a few more plants, poor things were all dying in the sun, hate to see that. Our garden is absolutely crammed but these are for a container at the front door, where the slugs ate all the last lot, these are geraniums, which they are not so keen on. Very warm this morning but clouding over and cooler now.

  • HelenandTrevor
    HelenandTrevor Forum Participant Posts: 3,221
    edited June 2024 #59855

    Lovely pictures Millie,  glad you are having a good time, you are certainly  having the good weather 🙂

    It's been a bit too warm here if I'm honest, I don't particularly like the heat, but shouldn't  really complain as it wasn't that long ago we were all saying how cold it was for June 🤣

    Like others I haven't been enjoying this series of the sewing bee, as much, most of the garments aren't finished, but I did the the crocodile  children's fancy dress makeover from last night. 

    Not been up to much this week, bit of shopping and picked up prescription from town,  had to pay a cheque in for work, couldn't believe the queue in the bank!  I used one of the terminals but had to make several attempts before it accepted the cheque and slip. 😫

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,321
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    edited June 2024 #59856




    Like others I haven't been enjoying this series of the sewing bee, as much, most of the garments aren't finished, but I did the the crocodile  children's fancy dress makeover from last night. 

    yes I thought several of the fancy dress items were good. They could have been much better with sufficient time to make them. I'd fail at the 1st hurdle, no imagination,it would take me all my time to get the idea!

    Can't think there  were queues in the bank. We keep being told we don't use them 🤬. Do they think.were all silly??

    Been 28 here. Went to collect washing from son's and water their plants, shifted pots into the shade too. Picked up a new lawn mower blade on my travels. Neither of us can shift the nut to remove the old one. Too hot to try anything exerting. Too warm for me, especially as its happened so quickly.

    Did son's family washing so all nice to come home too. Dried beautifully and fast. Smells lovely.

    Got a river trip tomorrow from Huntingdon to Brampton via a lock at Godmanchester. If the weather's like today it should be lovely. 

    DEBSC I'm not planting anything now. I'm not buying either 🫣🫣🫣. I planted cosmos the other day. Well shifted big lumps of rock hard clay and then firmed them back in. Got lots of gaps despite buying plenty whenever I see them. Open gardens in the next village, with plant sales on Saturday. I must stay at home. I must stay at home!

    Sitting in the garden now and it's really pleasant. Had to go to our front porch, not enclosed, an hour ago. Wall thermometer said 36c. Yes it's on the brick but.......

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,852
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    edited June 2024 #59857

    Another new place for us today - yes WN there are still a few places we haven't yet discovered! - Mannington Hall Gardens. It is hidden deep in VERY rural Norfolk but when we eventually found it was well worth it. Thick mist all day today on the coast but hot and sunny a few miles inland.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,135
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    edited June 2024 #59858

    This website gets ever stranger!! For some reason, at least in my kindle, B2 20:26 post above is on a smaller font than either millie's below it or Helen's above it, and looks about the same size as that before the "fix"!

    I had all sorts of problems trying to post last night and lost a long one, so gave up!yell We have had a couple of warm days with today being by far the hottest of the year that we have experienced. We both had hygienist appointments yesterday in the morning and the took the caravan in to the dealers for it's annual service in the afternoon. Received a phone call mid morning today to say it was ready for collection so drove over after lunch and picked it up. After checking that they had done the small warranty jobs discovered that, although signed off 2 were still outstanding, one of which they fixed immediately but the other requires a replacement blind ordering, but we will wait until a suitable time that suits us to get that done as it is not causing any problems.

    Lovely photos millie, and thanks for the pointer to Hindringham Hall, one for a later date for us to visit.

    Best get this posted before it too disappears!


  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,835
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    edited June 2024 #59859

    It's not just you nth - it's the same on my iMac at home.  I suspect it's because B2 lifted a quote from a previous post.

    Lovely photos millie - you certainly seem to be getting about.  Back to the mundane for us now that we are back - Ros did 10 loads of washing on Tuesday! - all now dried and partially ironed whilst I have been cleaning the van, haymaking (aka cutting the lawn) and thankfully our gardener is coming this afternoon to tackle the jungle that seems to have appeared while we were away. I'm getting to the point where I really struggle with heavy gardening and the weeds seem to be winning  It doesn't help that we back onto open fields which seem to be trying to invade our little bit.

    Weird weather, yesterday - scorching hot and sunny until about 6pm and then the fog - not mist - rolled in from the sea.  Could hardly see the back of the garden (which isn't that big) about an hour later, and, of course, a rapid drop in temperature.  Very warm and humid again this morning.

    What IS going on with this stupid website????  Tried to post the above - and nothing happened when I pressed the reply button. Suspecting that I was going to loose it, I did a copy and then went back to 'discussions' and when I looked at the front page, according to that, the latest post in this thread was dated 2016!!  Opened it up and I couldn't 'jump to last post' - so had to do it manually. Someone has really messed this website up completely.

    I'll try again to post this.  Will be interesting if it works, because the emoticons included in the original post are no longer there and if it does work, suggests that there may be a problem with those.

    Edit - it worked - can someone report this so that those responsible can be made aware - thanks - Richard

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,182
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    edited June 2024 #59860

    Noticeably cooler this morning, thank goodness! Margaret has her hip x-ray this morning, then onto Waitrose and then she has a dental appointment this afternoon. Not sure how we found time to work!

    Couldn't get a top bolt for my new back gate in either Wickes or B&Q so ordered one on Ebay which came pretty quickly so when I have a free moment I can complete the gate.


  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,866
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    edited June 2024 #59861

    I've reported your post Richard as requested.

    Up early and off to Tesco. Big surprise this morning as OH accompanied me. 7 o'clock and she was wide awake. Did wonder if she had been replaced by an AI bot but thought twice of asking her. Gift horse and mouth.

    We put our towball mounted bike carrier on FB marketplace late yesterday afternoon. Gone before 10 this morning. Every little helps. 

    Hopefully be picking "The Van" (OH has named itlaughing) later on after the few niggles been seen to. Got a phone call yesterday from them saying they couldn't check the heating as temperature in workshop too high! Doing it first thing today.

  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,835
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    edited June 2024 #59862

    Thanks WN - let's hope someone takes some notice.  I've just noticed at least one other old post has been resurrected as well.

    Hope all goes well with the new van - exciting times, I'm sure.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,430
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    edited June 2024 #59863

    Oooo, poor thing😁 It needs better than “the van”. How about “Polly the PVC”, or “Felicity Freedom”. 🤣

    Well, our last trip didn’t go to plan☹️ Far too hot for our elderly pooch, he is really struggling now with being away, and this last outing might well be his last overnighter sadly. We still enjoyed a day visiting Betty’s at Harlow Carr, although it consisted of a picnic lunch in the nice field next door. We didn’t fancy trailing round the gardens separately, there were nine coach loads in, so heaving as well. We made decision to come home early, after going back to lovely site we stayed on. Left there at 7.45pm, after a nice meal, no traffic on A1 (thank you England Football squad) and got home in time to watch second half. Glad to say pooch a lot better at home yesterday, but we now have plan B coming to fruition…….if you cant get to the seaside for a swim, order a big garden pool! Plans are afoot😁

    Another downer as well. Had our wing mirror shattered by a passing van going way too fast in opposite direction. Ironically, he works for a car parts supplier, and at least he did stop. Mirror won’t cost a lot to replace, only glass. First time in over ten years, so I suppose we have been lucky.

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,169
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    edited June 2024 #59864

    Been to Mannington Hall a few times.  They do a really good medieval weekend with all sorts of demos and craft stands.

    Booked our next trip in July, 1 CL in Buckinghamshire and Rookesbury Park.  Full programme whilst in Bucks, return visit to Bletchley Park, Silverstone Museum and booked Waddesdon Manor.

    This afternoon we are off to the grandtwins school concert 🎵 

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,866
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    edited June 2024 #59865

    Sorry to read about pooch and his discomfort Ttda. Life's a trial sometimes.

    Never been to Mannington Hall. Must get there as it looks worth the visit. 

    I think I can hear the concert OneP, although it might the concert going on at the local one nearby.wink

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,135
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    edited June 2024 #59866

    So sorry to here that the pooch is suffering from the heat these days, tda, but I am sure you did the best for him with heading home earlier than planned. I am sure that he will relish being in the cooling water of you garden pool. Shame about the broken mirror, those white van drivers think the whole road belongs to them!! Hope you are able to find the correct glass size to enable a repair.

    Pleased to hear that you got home safe and sound Richard. OH had a similar round of washing when we got home a week ago, and thankfully the weather was perfect for getting all the washing dried outside. Our garden was in a similar state as yours by the sounds of it, and after a week of weeding it is just beginning to look somewhat respectable.

    Good to read that you should have your "Van" back today, WN, and that you can get away for another short break perhaps next week.

    Not such a sunny day today, and a fair bit cooler with quite a strong wind blowing.. Starting to get things back in the caravan in preparation for another trip shortly. If it is fine tomorrow I hope to get the outside of it washed, especially the roof.


  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,835
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    edited June 2024 #59867

    I know what you mean about dogs and the heat ttda - Meg is the same - especially with her having a very thick coat.  We had her clipped much shorter last time, so she's a bit better. We take a 'cool mat' with us when we're away and she seems to like that.  The swimming pool option wouldn't work for us since, although half poodle / half cocker - both water dogs - she avoids water like the plague and even walks around puddles on the footpath!

    Exactly the same thing happened to us re the mirror, when in Devon a few years ago - two days before we were due to tow the van back home. Even though I have towing mirrors (of course!), you still need the normal one - especially on motorways.  Only the lens was damaged - and that is only plastic. It cost me £250 for a replacement which merely clipped into place!!!!!  Even the dealer couldn't believe the price.

    Took Meg to the Vet's yesterday lunchtime - she has a little cyst near the corner of her eye which I was worried about.  Vet said it wasn't a problem - but to 'keep an eye on it' ! (There's a joke there somewhere).  Anyway, it put my mind at rest that it was nothing sinister. I won't mention the bill.

    Garden now looking much better - the trusty Chris arrived yesterday afternoon and spent four hours digging out the weeds in the main border.  I just can't manage heavy digging anymore.  Even had time and the weather for a BBQ in the garden last night.

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,852
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    edited June 2024 #59868

    Sorry to hear about your pooch TDA. I hope he enjoys his swimming pool in the back garden. Sorry also to hear about your wing mirror and hope its not too expensive to repair.

    I hope the grandtwin's concert was a success OP.  used to love going to our grandchildren's school concerts.

    Clear blue sky here today but rather a fresh breeze.

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,930
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    edited June 2024 #59869

    I've been reading about all these problems with the fonts, and have been wondering what all the fuss has been about....   Mine has been fine..... until now!!  🙂  I'm now getting a large thread title; a bit larger than 'normal' size font for post, but when I come to add a post myself, the font in the text box is so tiny!

    P.S.  Hope you all had a good summer.  Looks like it's quite dull today - back to normal, then..  🤣🤣🤣


  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,430
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    edited June 2024 #59871

    Somehow or other, your cache/history has updated/cleared, and you are now enjoying the latest enhanced experience the rest of us are tolerating🤣

    I get round the small text answer box by “pinching” my IPad screen if I need to, but with my reading specs (99p) I can cope. 

    Still no joy with getting the booking system to work though. I did get a response from Club suggesting I change my browser, like I hadn’t already though of that🤔 Hey ho, in no rush to book anything so I won’t stress.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,430
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    edited June 2024 #59872

    What a fabulous trip K, hope you get chance to post some scenic photos. Must be lovely to see your old home and other family members. Have a great time, hope all goes well for you all👍

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,430
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    edited June 2024 #59873

    I’ve just realised that folks are thinking the pool is for our pooch🤣 No, we tried that a few years ago, both dogs wouldn’t go near the pool we bought them, water far too clean. Yet they were straight in any beach or river opportunity. The pool is for us, will replace the £37 huge inflatable one we had two great years enjoying. I burst it last year, cleaning it to put back into storage, but it owed us nothing. This will be a deeper, rigid framed one, and will come with chlorine doser and filter. Just need to shoehorn it into garden now, think it will only need one small flower bed altering🤞 

    Mirror is only glass replacement, so not very expensive thankfully. It was bound to happen at some point I suppose.

    I hope Meg’s eye isn’t anything long term, and yes, best not to mention the fees😱 We could fund a monthly holiday with what our pooch costs us in vet fees each month at the moment. He’s having routine blood tests next week, we might have to “pack” (crowd) fund these🤣 But he’s worth every penny we spend on him, gives so much back to us🥰

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,321
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    edited June 2024 #59874

    KjellNN glad you've arrived safely and haven't had time to get bored or forget your fixing skills 😉. I know little about articles weather but wasn't expecting you to say 30c for an outdoor temperature!

    Takethedogalong, sounds like the usual customer care for the club. What can one say? Hope your dog is feeling better now the temperatures have moderated? Oh boy wasn't it hot? 

    Been early and late strolls with ours and the grand dog. Today we were able to have a lovely, slightly later walk over the fields and tracks. It was delightful. Yesterday I  drove a short distance, delivering something, in the village about 1530 the car thermometer said 26c. To my amazement I saw 4 folk walking 5 dogs, one had 2. All in their sunshades looking cool. I didn't dare stop or stay anything because I couldn't have contained myself 🤬🤬🤬🤬. There had been posts on our village FB page the day before. 

    RichardandRos I hope Meg's eye isok. I know what you mean we have a cockapoo who avoids water like Meg. But will go in the sea. Grand dog, not averse to ditches and ponds, often has a Guinness look about her, but however calm the sea not interested. Funny creatures.

    Rather cloudy but pleasant temperatures today. Returned clean laundry to son's house, I said I'd do the last worn stuff, bedding towels etc. I knew the weather was going to be good 😉. So it'll only be holiday stuff to wash on their return. Did a few jobs that get neglected here as well as there 🫣. I might do mine now the temperature has cooled and whizzed the vac round. I watered plants so all should be fine until they return.

    Ordered new, no drill blinds, from an online company we've used before for the bathroom and cloakroom.  (Non drill ones weren't available when we ordered before. They've arrived so I'll tackle those shortly. However, as I offered them.at the windows I think one may big fractionally too long 🤬. I noticed that you could, for about £10, add  insurance that they'd fit. We discussed this and decided against it as our others fitted fine, so must have got measurements correct. Can't comment as to whether the insurance offer means they have differing tolerances. I won't know until I've tried to fit them. But I will be checking my measurement order and blind lengths very carefully if they don't fit...... Wish me luck!

  • RedKite
    RedKite Club Member Posts: 1,758
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    edited June 2024 #59875

    Enjoy your trip KJN.

    Well  a different morning here as there has been a lot of major works around the village for nearly 12 months now all electrical and we had notice to say we would be without power today so little camp stove and kettle came in very useful and then just after 8am one of the workers said they nneded to get to the high voltage lines in our field and wow interesting to watch as the three high voltage cables have been removed and our supply which was same pole now been moved to top of the pole all wires rolled up and they get recycled as they are aluminium, there have been a lot of new big electrical boxes installed and a lot of underground cables put in hence overhead cables over our filed have gone what a different view and what will the Kestrel and other birds do now, but done and cleared away and on to the next stage and our electricity came on at 2pm so 2 hours earlier than planned.

    A bit too hot here now 33.5C on weather station so some inside chore done should be a bit cooler from tomorrow and a storm on the forecast.

    Have a good weekend folks.

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,406
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    edited June 2024 #59876

    Nice to hear about your long awaited holiday KJ, must be lovely to catch up with all your family.

    Son and granddaughter due to arrive soon for the weekend, the family is moving back to Devon soon so he is bringing more stuff to put in the lockup, easier for when they move. Youngest granddaughters birthday party later, her birthdays on Monday but school etc then, she’ll be 11. Our daughter had a busy day yesterday and I got a call today to ask me to get her some extra party food. She didn’t get home till 11.30pm last night and busy today working as receptionist in busy holiday park, apparently the world and his wife are booking in today.

    I haven’t said sooner as we have had everything crossed that it would actually go ahead and be ok. When our granddaughter was discharged from hospital  recently there was no plan for the future, which did distress her. She has recently been rushed in on average 3 times a week and while in there she has had many Drs standing by, including an anesthetist ready to put a tube in her throat as she just couldn’t breath. All very frightening. While in there conversations must have taken place as her immunologist from another hospital then contacted her to say that she has been accepted on a clinical trial. So yesterday her Mum took her across Devon for this to happen. Very complicated but the hope is it will stop her body attacking itself so frequently, 80% chance of working but we won’t know for a couple of months and a lot more treatments. It won’t cure her but hopefully will reduce the times the anaphylaxis happens. Very costly apparently so we really appreciate it happening. So many on here have sent their good wishes in the past so I just wanted to say thanks and update.  All of this didn’t stop our Son saying to her,’so now you’re a Lab Rat are you’ she did smile.

  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,835
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    edited June 2024 #59877

    Debsc - Must be an incredible worrying time for you all, but that sounds like good news and a very positive development. Fingers crossed the trial is successful.

    B2 and ttda - thanks for your comments re Meg.  I'm sure she'll be fine - it was more a case of us needing reassurance - best to be on the safe side.  As you say, they give us so much back and like you, always want to do the best we can for our four-legged friends. I did think the pool was for pooch! Meg won't go in the sea, either.  I've been taking her to the beach since we first got her and I think she has always associated the noise of the waves with water and therefore something to be avoided - so probably my fault. The only water she thoroughly enjoys is when it's warm and soapy in the shower - well she is a bit of a princess, so can't blame hersmile

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,406
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    edited June 2024 #59878

    The posts on dogs and water made me smile. Many years ago we had a beautiful springer spaniel. She was water mad, we couldn’t keep her out of the sea, river or any other water. If in the car she recognised she was near the beach or river she would wine until we safely opened the car door and she would leap out and race for the water and then we had a problem getting her out. However, we used to bathe her in an old baby bath in the back garden, I only had to lift it down and she would disappear, to be dragged out and held firmly in the water to stop her escaping while I washed her. We still miss that lovely but strange old dog.

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,321
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    edited June 2024 #59879

    DEBSC wonderful news. Keeping everything crossed for your granddaughter.  Do keep us posted. Have a lovely family weekend. Sounds like it's going to be full on for a change 😂

    Takethedogalong I assumed the pool was for human use but RichardandRos post made me wonder. Good to have it cleared up. Enjoy your new pool.

    My OH spoke about getting something similar recently, our large pool was given away several.years ago. I did however point out we'd just spent a fortune on grass treatment. He got my drift, but he's sown seeds....

    Tried the blinds,no instructions - naturally you have to go online 🤬. Had to ring company anyway as I'd managed to lock the turn bit, without getting near the window..New part coming free of charge. He did say you need lots of strength. Checked my measurements and the order. They are right but boy are they going to be a tight squeeze. I'll await son's return for holiday and a spare hour.....

    Decided I'd better do the ironing. Open gardens in the next village tomorrow. Huge plant sale too according to the organisers.  Do I visit or not? Oh of course I'm going 🫣😂

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,430
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    edited June 2024 #59880

    So hope everything goes well for you all. Our next door neighbour’s girlfriend used to suffer severe anaphylactic shocks, she crawled round to us one morning in an awful state, I had never seen anything like it, but, she is now living independently not far away and doing very well. Fingers crossed that your GD’s trials work, and that she can enjoy a less stress filled life, she, and you all are so brave. Sending best wishes to you all xx

  • HelenandTrevor
    HelenandTrevor Forum Participant Posts: 3,221
    edited June 2024 #59881

    Just popped in to catch up with the news, sorry to hear your pooch has been finding the heat a bit much Ttda hopefully now its cooled down he will feel better.

    KjellNN hope you have a great time on Norway.

    Lovely pictures again  Millie.  Wishing you all the best DEBSC..

    Sorry if I've missed anyone, lots to catch up.

    We are currently on a stopover in Cheshire on our way up to Lancashire, cheap and cheerful CL at £7 with a lovely nature reserve opposite. Weather much cooler but dry.