What are you all up to



  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,916
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    A bit windy here too, but mild in comparison to many. I know they have shut schools in Scotland. Keep safe everyone.


  • heddlo
    heddlo Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 905
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    @DavidKlyne just popping in re Margaret’s operation. Further to a recent post of mine I think (or know!) the NHS is a postcode lottery David. I have just received a consultation appointment for my hip on the 3rd March! No idea when any operation will happen but I was surprised to receive this response so early.

    We hope everything is going ok with everyone in today’s gales. Fingers crossed for all. We are fortunate to have got off lightly here, it’s been windy but we have had worse, with no dire warnings!

    So sad to read of your TB issues with your lovely cows @Goldie146. I can only imagine the heartbreak it is causing. Thinking of you and do hope something improves for you all soon.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,170
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    @heddlo You do hear of people getting hips done quite quickly, especially if the local NHS are willing to use none NHS facilities. I think InaD posted the other day that was how she was getting her operation. Margaret was referred to the Milton Keynes Hospital back around July despite during the intervening months making several phone calls and an intervention from our GP she is yet to receive an appointment to even see the Consultant, so goodness knows when she would have the operation? Margaret has had her pre-op and on Monday has an appointment with the Physio no doubt to explain all the do's and don'ts and the after care. Subject to all being well her operations is due on Wednesday 5th February. It is a lot of money but we are hardly spending anything at the moment as she is so restricted in what she can do. Even a trip to the supermarket is a big struggle. On the bright side she has mentioned that it would be nice to go on a cruise when she has recovered😊


  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,114
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    edited January 24 #62045

    We have had winds of up to 50 mph at home and out at the coast there have been gusts of nearly 70 mph. Walking around today I am surprised how little damage appears to have occurred. Apart From the wind the day has been fine and sunny for the most part. We received a phone call this morning to say that the caravan was ready for collection but there was no way I was going to attempt towing it home although it is only a relatively short distance to the dealer's. We will collect it tomorrow, as the forecast is for a fair day and get it reloaded, and cleaned outside, in readiness for our next trip, which we have yet to sort out.

    Hope everyone else has avoided any damage or injury.

    @milliehull hope that your son and family have had their power returned, the heating on and no property damage either.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,170
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    Its even disappeared from my YouTube history. I suppose there are two possibilities. Firstly the poster may have decided to withdraw the video, perhaps to re-edit or change some aspect. Secondly YouTube may have taken it down but its difficult to understand why they would have done that as I don't think there was anything really controversial in the video. So it looks like a bit of a mystery.


  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,857
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    edited January 24 #62048

    Happy Valentines day for tomorrow from Wales. Hope you're card to me is in keeping with the local language ( which around these parts is 50/50 Welsh and Sccouse)😀


  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,857
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    Good to hear the caravan will be back on the road soon Nellie.

  • InaD
    InaD Club Member Posts: 1,757
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    @heddlo @DavidKlyne Yes David, it was me who posted about getting a very quick appointment. Was diagnosed in Oct '21 with OA both hips, and last year the right hip has become very much worse. Went to GP in December and was referred for an up-to-date x-ray before being referred. Had x-ray on 30 December, saw GP on 10 January for result and was referred to Ortho clinic. Got phonecall on 14 January with a choice of hospitals, one of which was a private one about a mile from home, which I chose. Appointment is for 28 January, which I still can't believe, only 4 weeks after having the x-ray. Have to wait and see what happens then.

    As I said in my previous post, it really is a lottery as far as the NHS is concerned, and it shouldn't be. For Margaret to have been referred in July and still not to have been given an appointment is really not acceptable. I don't blame you for going private; one piece of advice my GP gave me at the start of last year was not to "soldier on" too long, as by then one can possibly not be fit enough to even undergo a hip operation. But if an initial clinic appointment takes so may months, then as you say, how long before one could get an operation?

    I wish Margaret all the best for her operation and a speedy recovery. And definitely go on a cruise afterwards!

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,170
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    @InaD Thanks, as you say it varies so much from different Health Authorities. Margaret was referred initially to a non NHS facility and they do have private hospitals that can do hip replacements paid for by the NHS. However there were a couple of issues in that they raised issues due to Margaret's previous heart problem and the likelihood it would have been at a hospital some distance away. The latter is not a major issue but it would be more convenient to have it done locally. The surgeon that is doing the operation also did my hip 15 years ago and also a knee procedure so we are familiar with him. I think your GP is right in saying don't let it go on too long. To me Margaret is in far more pain than I was and although I have every confidence the operation will make a massive difference I do worry a bit about the recovery given our respective ages when we had our operations. At least she won't be able to argue with the physio's😊


  • heddlo
    heddlo Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 905
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    edited January 25 #62052

    @InaD and @DavidKlyne I had my hip replacement done at a private hospital on NHS, this was 3 years ago next month. When I was called on Thursday to ask what hospital I would like my previous hospital was not mentioned, when I queried it and mentioned that my previous one was done there and I, ideally, would have liked the same surgeon, I was told because I am over the ideal BMI and I have CKD (chronic kidney disease) I would not be offered that hospital. I agree I could do with losing a bit of weight but I don’t think I look too overweight (🥴🤣) and the CKD I’ve had for years and it has been stable for years too!! According to my Doctor I only have it because the goalposts have changed with the NHS; a few years ago I wouldn’t have had it! Nothing has changed with me since the last surgery so I suspect the goalposts have changed with the private hospital too.

    Really sorry if this exchange is boring for everyone else, but it’s interesting to hear how much areas differ.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,413
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    @DavidKlyne I am wondering if that video might be a subscribe channel, as it did look that way at the end, if I recall correctly. There are close to 400 videos about WW on their official website, some short, some long. I put a link into my earlier post. Some are the history, some are all about the renovations, but all produced by the digital team working at WW. That one you posted, it sounded like Hugh Bonneville (of Downton Abbey fame) narrating it, but not sure. It did mention others in the series.

    We seem to have extra scanners going in at all sorts of locations around here. OH had a quick scan at a local Health Centre only half a mile from us on Weds, he said it was very swish, not just a porta cabin type set up. He was in and out in ten minutes, and only got the appointment a couple of days before. We have seen scanners at our local Tesco as well, and extra ones in the car parks at the big hospitals round here, so you don’t have to wait a long time, or even go into the hospital itself. They are giving out appointments at all times of the day/ night as well, so clearly making good use of the equipment, and having them staffed. OH usually opts for a late evening appointment if offered, as it is very quick in and out. We know from experience that if a scanner of any sort breaks down though, this can cause a huge backlog of waiting patients, and they have to prioritise cases again. Plus some surgical ops are very specialised, and only certain centres have the right equipment and staff. That’s why my OH had to go to Leeds last time rather than Sheffield. It’s good for the extreme cases, but it does leave too many needing routine operations in too much pain sometimes. I have to say that it’s a big factor for us now we are the age we are, having really good, accessible care. It’s made us think really hard about moving anywhere else in the future. Same with our friends, they are up and down to Sheffield almost weekly.

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,062
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    edited January 25 #62054

    Not the best day here yesterday that storm was one of the worst we have ever seen. We are 2 streets back from the beach so slightly sheltered but it didn’t feel like it yesterday. The caravan is kept on the drive right at the back corner out the way but the wind was certainly catching it yesterday at one point we were seriously worried that it was going to get rolled over so went out and moved the cars around to shelter it and tightened up the steadies that had all loosened in the wind. Thankfully it survived with no damage. We actually seem to have escaped lightly only a few fence slats down but next door lost part of their wall and the other side neighbour lost a lot of roof tiles. Much calmer today but still a bit breezy. Lots of damage around the town our local Wetherspoons lost part of their roof

    Hope everyone else has a nice weekend

  • eurortraveller
    eurortraveller Club Member Posts: 6,906
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    Regarding delays in seeing a hospital consultant…. Reading these posts it seems that some of you are finding a smooth running system, but others are meeting delays in even getting the initial expert consultation.

    If that happens it can be a sensible tactic to pay £150 or so for a private consultation - and that will be quick and within a few days. And then you say to the doctor “Look I would like to stay with you if it needs an operation but I don’t have medical insurance”. And he/she moves you seamlessly to his/her NHS list. We have done it twice and it was £150 well spent. It gets things moving.

  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,831
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    @eurortraveller - that's exactly what I did when Ros fractured her pelvis. Our GP originally diagnosed her as possibly having a trapped nerve but as the days went by she was in more and more pain and literally couldn't walk. She had a private GP consultation (don't think it was as much as £150) - he recommended an MRI scan, privately - for which she would have had to wait anything up to six months on the NHS (I actually waited nearly a year when I had one done). It was done within a couple of days and revealed not one, but three factures. An operation wasn't possible / advisable but at least she was put on a course of serious pain relief (morphine) until it healed itself.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,170
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    edited January 25 #62057

    ET that might work in some cases. Take what Richard has outlined which thinking about it was really an emergency anyway but they didn't know that at the time. We were told in no uncertain terms that whilst you get a diagnosis quicker by having a private consultation in no way are they allowed to jump NHS waiting lists. This maybe because the consultant works both for the NHS and privately and may well be a condition they have to agree to. Having said that we knew what the problem was, we knew what the solution was it was just everything was so slow moving. The consultant told us that everyone on his NHS list for hip replacements is in the same boat in terms of how bad they are so very little room to prioritise people because those people who are not deemed as bad wouldn't be on the list anyway! Just to illustrate how things have changed. 15 years ago I had my right hip replaced. Whilst I have been in pain for a couple of years, but not terrible pain, I was told by my doctor in the November I needed a replacement, I saw the consultant in the December and in the following March I had the operation. At the time that was only a matter of weeks longer than Margaret going private! Compared to my experience people are not even getting an appointment to see the consultant in that time currently!


  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,114
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    It has been a much better day here with sunshine for most of it, and just a relatively gentle breeze, just right to get the washing dried outside. Had to give our windows a quick clean this morning after yesterday's wind as it was like looking out into dense mist when we got up. Then after a walk along by the coast we picked up the caravan before lunch and got it reloaded this afternoon prior to another round of window cleaning! Still waiting for the Site Directory, so it looks as if someone at the membership department was tell "porkies" when they said 10 days ago that we would have it in 3-5 days!!

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,114
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    @Francis pleased to read that your caravan and property has suffered negligible damage. We had put the car in the garage and with the van away at the dealers we didn't have to worry about anything being blown or falling onto them.

    @Takethedogalong impressive art installations, and a fine looking spread too.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,114
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    @DavidKlyne as tda suggests it may be a copywrite issue hence it's removal. Thanks for looking into it anyway.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,857
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    Sad day today. I've been meaning to have a clear out of our book shelves. I've already sorted our UK walking and map books etc but got stuck into our collection of maps, guides and associated nature/walking/cycling books from Europe. We still harbour hopes of getting to the near Continent but we really can't see ourselves getting to some far flung places and there are some that we wouldn't go back to anyway. Everything from "Birding in Eastern Europe to Walking in the Alps around Gap"

    So now we have over 100 of these in a very large box and a firm that collects these from your doorstep, sells them onto the appropriate places and donates 60% of proceeds to a chosen charity is collecting them tomorrow. Sad? Because I see our previous lifestyle coming to an end. So many happy memories.

    If by any chance anyone desperately wants a specific map of a part of France or Germany or a specific walking book or "Where to watch birds in.." book then let me know and I'll see if I've got it and get it to you, foc. But be quick as they pick the box up tomorrow.

    Windy and raining today. Seems like we all survived relatively intact from the storm the other day. Good to hear.

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,062
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    edited January 26 #62063

    cold but dry here today so took the opportunity to get the Volvo washed it’s not been cleaned since before Christmas but to be fair we’ve not been using it much as we’ve been dodging around in the mini. Back in the house now to heat up. Also brought the caravan carpets in to give them a clean youngest son gave us a loan of and industrial carpet cleaner that he has so cleaning the van carpets with that and see how they turn out. Then next weekend the van will be getting a nice spring clean getting ready for the season is good. Sad day WN but good you have all your memories there are things that we used to do that we no longer but still look back fondly

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,753
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    I have been out this morning and checked for damage to the house and garden, both look fine, but my wood store had 2 loose boards on the roof. Have fixed them back in place meantime but will need to do a better repair once I feel more able to tackle it.

    Cars are fine, caravan looks OK, but I have not yet checked it inside.

    No obvious damage in our immediate neighbourhood, and someone else has been to check the Guide Hall, which also seems to be OK, so that is a relief.

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,916
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    edited January 26 #62065

    We were hoping to get out in the caravan today, but for the first time I can remember, we've decided to cancel! The forecast of high winds (today and tomorrow, especially) in the West, just sound a bit risky, particulary in view of the weather over this last few says, so we're delaying our visit. Disappointed, but I have a feeling things could go either way with the weather.... I'm getting the vibes that some areas of the country are getting far worse than the forecast, but some areas are getting far better - I just don't want to risk damage to the caravan, car, or us!! I'm not usually so cautious!


  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,916
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    edited January 26 #62066

    Glad all looks well for you @KjellNN. Fingers crossed that the woodstore can be repaired sucessfully. Our daughter who lives on Lewis said that the winds were nowhere near as bad as the forecast they were getting, but some have really had a difficult time....

    Stay safe everyone.


  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,857
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    How's the recovery going @KjellNN?

  • JimE
    JimE Club Member Posts: 389
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    @Wherenext Commiserations …. I too have a collection of maps and guidebooks amassed over nearly 40 years. I rarely look at them now as some are a bit out of date and it's easier to look things up digitally.

    It's a great idea to give them away so that a charity benefits from some of the proceeds - which firm did you use (if you don't mind me asking) ?

  • Goldie146
    Goldie146 Club Member Posts: 2,505
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    Up till now we’ve avoided any weather related damage, but about an hour ago as we were thinking of getting ready for milking the power went off. Judging by the village WhatsApp group it’s not just us.
    By the time I had sorted out candles our lights came on. No, not quick work by the Electricity Board - our generator was deployed. It’s a bit bigger (and noisier) than those seen on campsites. Powerful enough to power the house and most importantly the farm buildings - including most importantly the milking parlour.

  • InaD
    InaD Club Member Posts: 1,757
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    @DavidKlyne I understand what you say about the private hospital having issues with Margaret's heart condition and the fact it's some way from home. I agree it's more convenient to have it done closer to home and I'm pleased she's got a date now, albeit you had to go private. Things do seem to have changed from what you described when you had a hip replacement, in that it seems to take longer to even get an initial appointment in some areas. I think last time I read about waiting lists, there are something like well over 7 million people waiting for non-urgent surgery.

    @heddlo from what you say, it does sound like the goalposts have been moved. I used to work in a GP surgery some years ago and I remember that sometimes test results which used to be classed as normal changed, and what was considered normal, became abnormal. I think CKD was one of those amongst others; similar with cholesterol levels, what was once normal is now considered raised cholesterol levels.

    As you say, sorry if this is boring for some people, but it's indeed interesting to reead about how areas differ in relation to NHS referrals etc.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,753
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    The ribs are doing well, no pain there now, bruising almost gone, still on the antibiotics until 14th February.

    However I have developed a new problem. Last Tuesday I woke up with sore arms between elbows and shoulders, took some painkillers that night. Wednesday left arm was fine but right one still sore, and got much worse during the night. Thursday morning rang doctor and got an immediate appointment. He prescribed different painkillers, and sent me for an x ray, which did not take long. Results of that still awaited.

    Pain killers worked so felt much better on Friday, but on Saturday the pain came back, this time in my wrist, with pins and needles in my fingers. Much better today though, but no idea what is going on! Seems to be a lot of different problems that can cause pains in the arms.