What are you all up to



  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,916
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    @nelliethehooker - yes it's being done through Valliant boiler insurance… fortunately Valliant are sending someone tomorrow morning.


  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,415
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    Another freezing cold day here, still plenty of snow and ice. We decided to get some fresh air and headed to RSPB Old Moor for a look around, armed with binocs and scope. Thick ice covering all but tiny patches of the lakes, but we saw plenty of ducks of different kinds, Cormorants, Herons, and a Marsh Harrier. Just good to get out, but had to be careful on the paths. I left slow cooker doing it’s stuff to a Chasseur, so not much to do this evening. Hound had an afternoon at home, it’s a bit too cold for his old bones at the moment, even wrapped up warm in the car. Hope things warm up a bit this weekend, it’s almost a week now of sub zero temperatures here. I suspect our washer (in garage) is frozen, but will take a few things up to Mum’s tomorrow.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,857
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    Same weather over here @Takethedogalong. We were going to venture for a walk but it's actually dangerous. We decided on a visit to Lady Lever Gallery and Museum at Port Sunlight. We haven't been for a couple of years. It's not very big but always a joy. Even that far up the Wirral the streets and paths off the main thoroughfares were iced over. The temperature showing on The Van was Zero! After a day travelling in it and it being in weak sunshine it still has snow on the roof. Had to help a neighbour whose car got stuck on the icy road in the road outside the house.

    Anyway Mrs.WN got to see her favourites paintings, all for free, apart from a donation. I was taken by a Terracotta Horse sculpture from China, dating from the Tang dynasty so that would make it somewhere in the region of 1100-1400 years old. Quite amazing.

    Due to various appointments we probably will only manage a single night away in the near future. Would have been a very nippy night it was last night.

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,843
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    edited January 10 #61865

    Although we have had no snow since Sunday (which soon turned to grey slush) it has been so very cold here. Cars and paths frozen every morning so we have been very careful about going out as not everywhere have de-iced their paths.

    Over Christmas we decided that we needed a new fire in our living room so took ourselves to B&Q and bought a very nice living flame electric fire which makes our living room very cosy.

    On Saturday our son and grandson helped us to do a tip run with the old fire which was very heavy ( we also took the opportunity to clear some stuff from the garage). It was our great grandson's 5th birthday on Sunday and he had his first 'proper' party in a hall local to them. I had forgotten how much noise 10 children can make!! But they all had a great time. Monday I had a dentist appointment first thing and drove there through horizontal rain, sleet and snow but it dried up in the afternoon but with a biting wind. The rest of the week I have been having a clear out of old paperwork. I had filed and kept all our old bank statements going back years but our daughter, who is an accountant, told me it wasn't necessary to keep them so OH has burnt them all in our garden incinerator. A long overdue job! I have made some headway but there is still a lot of paperwork to clear.

    A very good friend of mine who I have been friends with for 35 years told me at the beginning of the week that she has decided to move to be near her son in Kent. She has been a widow for 10 years and has had a few health problems this past year so it is absolutely the right decision for her but I am devastated and will miss her terribly. I must make the most of the next couple of months with her.

    So pleased to hear that you are at home at last @KjellNN . What a long haul. Do take care of yourself and make sure you get some rest.

    I hope your OH gets a date for her operation soon @DavidKlyne

    Glad you are home safely from your latest trip @nelliethehooker . You are no doubt planning your next trip.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,114
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    @DSB hope that you got your boiler fixed this morning and you are back in the warm now.

    @Takethedogalong and @Wherenext it sounds as if you both had a good day out today. I like the photo of the terracotta horse.

    Millie, for some reason I can't get your @ symbol to work. I do like the look of your new fire, very realistic flames! We have not yet started to sort out our next trip, what with the caravan going in for its repair which we don't know how long that will take and the fact that the new Site Directory hasn't yet arrived and we like to use it as our first point of reference for sites.

    Athough it froze again over night last night and it has stayed rather cool all day there has been some thawing and most of our pavenments are clear of snow and ice. We had a walk up on the sports fields this morning as the ground was frozen solid instead of being soft and squelshy.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,415
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    @milliehull nice fire👍 It’s surprising how cosy a living flame fire can make a room.

    We have just got back in from Mum’s. Sis worried as boiler had got a fault. She diagnosed it correctly, a frozen condensate pipe, but needed a bit of help to sort it out, which the three of us managed. Got to have house warm overnight for Mum, it’s showing -6c up where she lives, so no wonder pipe had frozen up. No chance of moving Mum down to here🙁, she needs her special bed and chair, but thankfully we got it sorted. I really feel for all those folks who have to cope without help from loved ones😢

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,916
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    edited January 11 #61869

    Thanks @nelliethehooker - yes, all fixed now. Apparantly it was the PCB....

    Off down to Exeter today to visit our youngest daughter.... (just for the day!!!)

    Like the fire @milliehull We could do with one of those...!


  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,843
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    I entirely agree @Takethedogalong. Such worry for them. I also feel the same about their financial affairs. When both sets of our parents reached older age OH and I took over dealing with their finances as they just wouldn't have coped. It is even worse now that most of it seems to have to be online. However do the really elderly deal with it all on their own?

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,450
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    @milliehull That is why I’m so glad I’ve kept more or less up to date with techie stuff. Relying on bank branches and suchlike would make life so difficult now if I hadn’t embraced the internet. Besides, look at the fun we get from forums 😀

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,688
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    edited January 11 #61872

    Another below freezing day almost a week now? But last night was the coldest, the temperature in the house (Ok where the Hive thermostat is) recorded a low of 14.4C, normally it never gets below 18. I've never had to to 'boost' it at four in the morning!

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,415
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    edited January 11 #61873

    @Wherenext Lady Lever Gallery is on my bucket list, mainly for Pre Raphaelite paintings, but it all looks very interesting, as do the other Liverpool Galleries and Museums. Last time I visited Liverpool was on the Manchester Ship Canal, another must repeat trip.

    @milliehull yes, it’s so a rapidly changing, hi tech reliant world now. We have been looking after/ caring for my parents probably around 20 plus years now. Not much in the earlier years, but I did sit them down and talk them into changing a few things such as setting up DD’s for household bills so that Dad wasn’t going into town a couple of times a week to “pay a bill” It was his excuse for getting out, it didn’t stop him getting out (he didn’t drive, but his bus pass took him all over) but he didn’t have all that added stress of walking to the Bank. We got their house pensioner proofed as well, the bath with shower over out and a proper walk in shower put in, some new carpets and less rugs, I kept a look out for Gov grants that replaced an old boiler, insulated walls and roof space. Got them spending a bit more money on themselves as well, they had two, sometimes three decent holidays with me and Sis and sometimes OH as well, took them places they had never seen before. Sis even took them abroad, coach holiday as Mum wouldn’t fly. She wanted to go to Germany to see who had been flinging bombs at her as a child🤣 I got them simple Nokia mobiles that they could learn to use easily, and that way they were never stuck no matter where they were. Mum even learned to use an IPad after Dad had died, but by then she was in early stages of Dementia, so it was mainly looking at photos and watching films. Mum is 96 next, can’t do a thing now, stuck inside, bed or special chair and it breaks my heart daily to watch all that creativity, spirit and love locked away, rarely surfacing. She tells us she loves us though. It’s taught us such a lot, in truth. Independence is great, but stubbornness and pride sadly can kill if taken to extremes, so I am making plans for my old age as much as I can. Embrace all kinds of helpful technology, don’t skimp on essentials such as keeping warm, having some fun, good food. Make a few plans, do some stupid things, keep in touch with loved ones. I can’t climb mountains or gallop a horse across the moors any more, but I can still ride a bike, go wild swimming, etc…We are lucky enough to have loving family members who will look out for us as much as they can. It’s sad that your friend is having to make a move, but she is being sensible, and maybe you can meet up still occasionally. We used to transport OH’s Mum up to see her friend in Middlesboro and vice versa a couple of times a year, so hopefully something like this might work for you and your friend.

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,062
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    edited January 11 #61874

    We like Port Sunlight WN we always visit there when staying at Chester hopefully be down that way in a couple of months. Lovely little place hard to believe it’s so close to the city we like a drink and a meal at The Bridge Inn pub there decent food at a reasonable price also like a walk round the garden centre there

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,857
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    @Francis - we often pop into the garden centre when visiting the Museum. They serve better coffee than the museums own cafe. However we didn't have the time yesterday. We did pass The Bridge which is still open. I like the history of Port Sunlight. I used to know someone who lived there and they said that there were very stringent rules about any amendments that the householder wanted to make, both in the house and the garden. Still are as far as I know.

    @Takethedogalong - It's a small museum but they do have some excellent stuff there.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,857
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    Still snow and ice lying on the ground. Felt colder today with a bit more of a breeze. Not a day to stand and talk whilst outside. A few jobs and that was it for the day. Could have done with @milliehull fire. Looks miles better than the ones I remember from years ago.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,114
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    edited January 11 #61877

    Lots of frost on the ground this morning, and although it was quite sunny first thing but clouded up as the day went on, warmed up a bit and by the time we got back from our morning walk virtually all the frost, ice and snow had disappeared. We even had a short rain shower just as it went dark,but thankfully it didn't last long.

    Hope your trip down to Exeter went without mishap, and you didn't get involved with the football traffic, @DSB

    Today's view is of Black Coombe from our local golf course. No sunlit vista this afternoon.

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,843
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    Very hard frost here today. In fact it hasn't melted at all in the shade. Nice and sunny though very cold. More clearing out done.

  • vbfg
    vbfg Club Member Posts: 521
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    I participated a couple of years ago and had a huge shock as I had high blood pressure and my cholestorol was sky high! I thought that as I am not overweight, don't smoke, walk around 3 miles a day and ate what I thought was a reasonably good diet and didn't drink too much alcohol, I was OK. WRONG! I am now taking low does statins but if it wasn't for the tests, I would not have known as I very rarely go to the doctors. If anyone gets a Future Health invite, I suggest that they go!

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,317
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    Good to read folks news. @KjellNN delighted to read you're home and hopefully recovering well. Being in hospital is tiring and like living on another planet. When my OH was in for 3 months, then back in for 3 weeks after 2 weeks it took us both a long time to get back to 'normal'. Then COVID hit……. At least they've given you a good overhaul!

    I've much enjoyed the colder weather, far far better than that awful murk, with clouds on your head that started before before Christmas and outstayed its welcome. We had the one fall of snow, on our wedding anniversary _- it didn't snow on our wedding day. But we have had very heavy frosts, including this morning, and until today brighter sunny days. So our heating has been working hard. For several days frost hasn't lifted out of the sun. Feeding the birds is a 2 or 3 times a day job and its an almost impossible task to keep water liquid. Luckily there's a stream/brook/dyke very close to our house which has stayed running…..

    @milliehull I'm loving your new fire. Very cosy. We have an open gas fire which we haven't used since we arrived. We have brought a 'chimney sheep' for the flue, very effective, which has to be removed before use, and because of the cold, replaced again. So we go without the cosy look. In our last house our fire was coal effect but the chimney wasn't open. I miss that a lot. We have this fire serviced every year but that seems a waste.

    I confess to really taking my foot off the gas since Christmas and I'm beginning to feel more relaxed and better for it. But it will be a bit full on again very soon. OH has his oral op appointment Tuesday. We're hoping 3rd time lucky, but both apprehensive. The hospital have texted several times to remind about the appointment. They did on both previous occasions! So my heart is in my mouth every time a text arrives…… Then the following week I/we have a funeral in Essex. The dog is booked for her groom, she refused to leave the car for me or the groomer before Christmas……….

    Wishing all those under the weather better.

    I'm loving seeing the photos too

    Using a newly aquired laptop for this post. The forum is laid out slightly differently on each of my devices………

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,317
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    edited January 12 #61881

    I've much enjoyed the colder weather, far far better than that awful murk, with clouds on your head that started before before Christmas and outstayed its welcome. We had the one fall of snow, on our wedding anniversary _- it didn't snow on our wedding day. But we have had very heavy frosts, including this morning, and until today brighter sunny days. So our heating has been working hard. For several days frost hasn't lifted out of the sun. Feeding the birds is a 2 or 3 times a day job and its an almost impossible task to keep water liquid. Luckily there's a stream/brook/dyke very close to our house which has stayed running…..

    @milliehull I'm loving your new fire. Very cosy. We have an open gas fire which we haven't used since we arrived. We have brought a 'chimney sheep' for the flue, very effective, which has to be removed before use, and because of the cold, replaced again. So we go without the cosy look. In our last house our fire was coal effect but the chimney wasn't open. I miss that a lot. We have this fire serviced every year but that seems a waste.

    I confess to really taking my foot off the gas since Christmas and I'm beginning to feel more relaxed and better for it. But it will be a bit full on again very soon. OH has his oral op appointment Tuesday. We're hoping 3rd time lucky, but both apprehensive. The hospital have texted several times to remind about the appointment. They did on both previous occasions! So my heart is in my mouth every time a text arrives…… Then the following week I/we have a funeral in Essex. The dog is booked for her groom, she refused to leave the car for me or the groomer before Christmas……….

    Wishing all those under the weather better.

    I'm loving seeing the photos too

    Using a newly acquired laptop for this post. The forum is laid out slightly differently on each of my devices………

    Edit, I managed to loose

    this entire post when i corrected a spelling mistake in it on my phone! Fortunately it remained on my laptop, so a quick copy and paste and its back! phew. Only issue seems to be not to be able to finish the edit in the same paragraph………

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,317
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    Checking out on my phone again.

    It seems that the copy of the original post has been pasted in a different font…..

    Technology Never ceases to amaze me!

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,916
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    edited January 12 #61883

    Thanks @nelliethehooker - traffic seemed fine. Just a few foggy patches on the way down. Ended up at Exmouth... and the 'Ocean' on the sea front. As well as serving food there is a soft play area upstairs which suited our eldest daughters 4 year old lad. It was good to meet up - just a pity that our son and his family couldn't have have made it..


    P.S. Lovely photo of Black Coombe.. 👍

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,843
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  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,114
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    edited January 12 #61885

    @vbfg pleased to read that I am not alone in having the tests with them. I had no outstanding issues, although I have not had the results of the blood tests back yet. I anticipate no problems as we have what I consider a balanced diet and I walk around 9 mls every day. I agree with you that those that get the invite should go and have the tests, especially if they do not get them done regularly at their own doctor's practice.

    After having taken the statins for a while have you had further check ups to see how you are progressing?

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,114
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    @Bakers2 fingers crossed that your OH's operation goes without a hitch on Tuesday.

    It has been a rather dull chilly day, because of a breeze, but no longer freezing so virtually all of the snow and ice has gone. It did look as if we would get some for but I think the sea breeze has kept it further inland. Not done a lot today apart from the usual walks, with and without Flyte.

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,317
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    Another absolutely stunning sunrise. It's actually 2c. Not frost to see much but crunchy underfoot - worse than the thick frost on the hard surfaces. Birds are enjoying their breakfast. I'm watching 4 blackbirds share - gives you an indication of temperatures recently.

    Thanks for your good wishes for my OH. I'll pass them on.

    Have a great day folks. I have car service and MOT today. Should all be fine but I'll be happier when I know it's passed and I have the bill 🤔 bizarre 🤣🤣🤣

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,415
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    @Bakers2 yes, what a fabulous if eerie sunrise, I blundered to bathroom and was astonished at how red the sky was, more like a beautiful sunset than sunrise.

    Busy day here, up to Mums early as Doc coming out to see her, no idea what time, so we like to be ready. It’s a routine visit, if usual is to go by, her bp will be spot on, everything else will be fine. Our snow is still here, but it doesn’t look quite as cold.

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,403
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    One of my Christmas presents from OH was a new bird feeder station. We set it all up yesterday and removed the old one which we’ve had for ages and a couple of the arms had rusted off it. New one has multiple hangers so I purchased some new feeders in preparation. Now eight feeders hanging from it and a very large squirrel proof one hanging in the apple tree and holding 3 more feeders. I can see it while standing at the kitchen sink and it’s a real time waster, but I love watching the birds. Most of the hangers hold different feed so we get a really good variety living next to a wood. The new hanger also means that I don’t have to fill up the feeders each day. Yesterday I was about to refill one when 8 long tail tits arrived together, they ignored me completely and fed, I could easily have reached out and touched them, a magical moment. Since New Year the squirrels have suddenly completely disappeared, there were 3 of them visiting our garden multiple times a day. They were a nuisance but we think someone may have maybe shot them, as others have suddenly disappeared like this before, which is sad.

    OH had lots of hospital appointments to attend last year, now very suddenly and out of nowhere it seems to be my turn. A few booked for the next couple of weeks.

    OH now staring out of the kitchen window, watching all the different species of birds really does keep us entertained.

  • heddlo
    heddlo Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 905
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    Could I please ask what company some of you use for a holiday cottage? We have used a few and they have been fine but I would like to try some others. I do remember seeing someone mention one last year, the company may have been a persons name perhaps? Or maybe I’m dreaming that!!

    We also love looking at the birds @DEBSC. One of our smaller bird feeders we use for suet pellets and OH has been refilling that twice a day, mainly starlings it seems. Our squirrels have not been around much either although we have seen them again in the last couple of days.

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,450
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    edited January 13 #61891

    @heddlo you will find that many of the letting agent companies are part of the same group with the same T&Cs. Some of them have T&Cs which show CAMC's terms to be really generous. Check the small print at the bottom of the website front page or Terms page to find who the parent company is. Only you can decide if you want to deal with that company.

    I think CAMC is letting its cottages/lodges through Cottages.com which is just one of the many trading names of Awaze.