What are you all up to



  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,413
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    @heddlo we have used a few options with cottages, but where possible, we like to book direct with the owners, as you don’t have to pay booking fees, and can take advantage of better discounts. That said Sykes Cottages are good, and Owners Direct, West Cornwall Cottages, etc…… most cottage owners tend to use multiple websites, but our starting point is usually to Google an area we fancy, and see what options are in the area, using direct contact if we can, or via a website if not. If you can book late, you do get some good discounts, depending on the time of year. Have never used Airbnb, mainly because we have never needed to. Family have, for cottages, and had no problems, but I would be wary of apartments and rooms on Airbnb. There are quite a few CL owners that also have cottages, and we have used these as well, often getting the chance to have a look around if we are on a pitch, before we choose to use a cottage instead.

    You will no doubt have your own search criteria/needs, but happy to pass on any recommends if you need any.👍😁

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,413
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    @DEBSC I bought OH a new squirrel proof feeder recently, perches close pecking holes if anything like a squirrel gets onto it. So far, it seems to be fine (we are still feeding ours selectively). We also use window feeders, so you can just sit and watch as they land. However, my sister heard what she thought was a big bird and found a huge rat dangling from the one at Mums!😱 I have moved it and stuck it on greenhouse glass instead.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,857
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    edited January 13 #61894

    @Bakers2 - best wishes to OH when, not if, he has his op. I know you've both been apprehensive about it, both happening and not happening so fingers crossed.

    Funnily enough Mrs.WNs motor in for its MOT today, due end of the month but we're quite busy next 2 weeks with workmen and appointments. It passed no problem. Hope yours did. Service not due for a couple of months. Don't know history of how the MoT and Service got separated but it is what it is.

    Whilst there's been a thaw there was enough ice lying around some car parks we were in today to make a visit to A&E a distinct possibility. Had to go to town so did so before dropping car off for its MoT.

    @heddlo - can't recommend any one firm specifically. We've had good and not so good service/cottages from various sources. As @Tinwheeler stated in his post there is a lot of seemingly indpendent companies but they operate under a few main players. You can almost tell from the way their websites are set up, how the required facilities tickboxes etc are the same format. Might be better asking about certain areas for specific cottage recommendations.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,114
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    @Bakers2 hope that the car passed it's MOT, and pleased to hear that your OH's car passed it, @Wherenext.

    It has been relatively mild here, but we have had light rain and drizzle most of the day. I had to take our car into the Volvo garage, at Gilpin Bridge, early this morning as one of the ABS sensors needed replacing, as we were getting numerous warnings on the dashboard. Unfortunately not the cheapest of parts but all done and back home by lunchtime. The rain stopped around 3 this afternoon, but still rather cloudy.

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,062
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    Had to get the ABS sensor done on our old V70 a couple of years ago not long before we traded it in and i remember it being quite an expensive job

  • vbfg
    vbfg Club Member Posts: 521
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    Hi Nellie

    Thank you for asking and the answer is no, I have not had any further check ups or blood tests, as my GP's surgery has not been in touch to offer a check up or blood test and I have not been in to ask for one. I really do need to do so and your comment is a timely reminder to do so.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,413
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    My OH is part of the Our Future Health project, and I am about to sign up as well. Thankfully, we both have regular check ups and my OH is very carefully monitored anyway, he’s just coming out of a three monthly scan period and going back to six monthly after his last op. He has inherited a few health issues it seems, despite being very fit. But he’s doing fine thankfully. He partakes in some specific Cancer research projects as well. We usually have a good giggle at all the “super foods” advice that appears in the press, we live on broccoli, blueberries etc…..and 10 fruit and veg a day is easy for us, but if you inherit health issues, it’s so much harder. I do wonder about the fact that he was a Firefighter though, all that toxic smoke and huge stress.🤔

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,317
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    Delighted to say car sailed through it's MOT and the service cost was very reasonable.

    JJust Having a cuppa in the hospital restaurant. Much nicer than the outlets, I'm actually near a window and there's sun. It's been refurnished since our last visit- very nice.

    OH now being 'seen to'. Arrived early, parking!, secured that soon after 0900. Appointment 1015. Off to the appropriate area. Computers down, but they had folders. Told where to sit, area actually pointed to. Not by the receptionist but a nurse. Sat past our alloted time. Most others being seen. Asked and we were in the wrong waiting area 😱😡. Swiftly off to the correct area where they were very nice and waiting for him. Handed over meds list - all if it, saw him into the chair. Really lovely folk I'm not keen on teeth or nails, so made my exit. They reckon about an hour. So I'll go back then.

    Beautiful sun here, 5c too.

    Enjoy your day folks

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,857
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    Just having a coffee. Fingers crossed @Bakers2.

    Ladies have disappeared to Tesco just after 10 this morning. OH has just rung and says they've only just got to the Toiletries aisle, 3rd.one in! Oh dear. MiL does take her time!

    Filling The Van with some water for a night away tomorrow night as MiL out to lunch with friends. Snow finally gone. A bit of sun but clouding over.

  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,831
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    Positively tropical here at the moment - 6 degrees and rising!! Took Meg to the groomers earlier and then I've been getting the van ready to go away for a few days on Thursday. Our friends in Old Malton have invited us for lunch on Friday so, rather than have to drive all the way back home afterwards, we're taking the van to a CS we use near Thornton Le Dale which is only about 10 minutes from Old Malton. Not bothering to clean the van or the car - which is unheard of for me - but there's no point at this time of the year. Perhaps I'm getting lazy🙄

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,916
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    edited January 14 #61902

    @richardandros .... I could do with doing the car, too..... but, to be fair, I generally tend to do the inside, then take the car up to the car wash for the outside.... I promised myself I would do it today, but we were up until 4am to see our daughter off home - she's on her way back to Ullapool to catch the ferry back to Stornoway... Don't think I've got the will power today....


  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,062
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    Our car was last washed just before Christmas when it was in at Volvo for its MOT and service unheard of from me too but it’s just too cold caravan needs done to but we won’t be away in that for another few weeks so will get bith done soon as the weather seems to be looking up a bit

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,317
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    All dental work done, hitch on lump so not done. Need to speak to Papworth, so waiting again. Home by 1300. Both shattered. Thanks for your good wishes.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,114
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    @Wherenext hope your night away goes well, and @richardandros enjoy your trip to Thornton-le-Dale.

    @Bakers2 it is a shame that not all was done for OH at the hospital, but at least the first part is over. I had a similar experience with being sent to the wrong waiting area, when I went for an MRI scan but unfortunately I missed my slot and had to go back another day.

    @vbfg I am pleased that I have inspired you to go and get retested, and hopefully the results will be positive.

    The day started with quite dense mist and it took much of the morning to disperse. I was able to get the car washed before lunch and hoovered out afterwards. If it stays dry tomorrow I intend cleaning the inside of the caravan but will leave the outside until after we get it back from its repair next week, and then we hope to get away on our next trip.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,413
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    @Bakers2 sorry not everything went to plan today, but hope you get some rest now.

    I have had a do this, do that sort of day. Too wet to get onto garden, but it’s been dry and sunny most of the day, and warm at long last. I popped to see my Aunt, who is in a Care Home not far away. Mum’s lovely SIL, sadly like Mum now, dementia has taken over, but it was good to see her. Another very creative lady, and a superb artist. She exhibited, and taught others as well. I am lucky enough to have some of her work, which we treasure. She could wood carve as well, Mum has a beautiful fire surround she did decades ago. Nice walk back home, and then we set to cutting and squeezing Seville oranges for marmalade. Soaking overnight, then OH (he loves making marmalade) will do all the boiling magic tomorrow. I expect a sticky kitchen!🤣

  • Goldie146
    Goldie146 Club Member Posts: 2,505
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    I had a day out yesterday - at Furness General Hospital. I’ve been on a list for a while for a Carpal Tunnel release op. At Monday dinner time I got a call offering me a cancellation. So grabbed it. Terrible journey there - at least 50 minutes longer than usual (roadworks and faulty lights), then a long wait for my turn. Back home at 7:30, bandaged and worn out).

    I trying to do nothing today, made easier by my husband, son and grandson out to a Lunch Meeting, including food.

    I’m now on the waiting list for the other hand. Which I hope will be at Kendal (just down the road).

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,170
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    @Goldie146 Margaret had both her hands done last year, a few months between, and recovery was quite quick once the wounds had healed.


  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,831
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    @Goldie146 - pleased to hear you had the op done successfully. You'll just have to try and take things easily although that must be nigh on impossible in your 'job'!

    Beautiful - almost spring-like - day here at the moment. Warm and sunny - hope it lasts over the weekend whilst we are away. I actually relinquished this morning - well actually, was feeling a bit ashamed - so I decided to give the van a quick wash before going away tomorrow. Ros been in Beverley all morning - on one of her 'long' hair appointments. Suspect 'long' is a euphemism for expensive😉

  • heddlo
    heddlo Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 905
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    I’m joining the NHS queue today for my second hip replacement. The first hip replacement was 3 years ago next month and according to the notes read to me this morning the surgeon had noted the arthritis in the right hip and it was very likely to need replacement but as there were no signs of particularly bad discomfort at the time they would leave it for a while. Unfortunately the hip has decided to go down the real discomfort route recently although I’m not sure what has happened to particularly cause it! The nurse is hoping that I can avoid the referral to the MSK (musculoskeletal) clinic first and will try to get in the consultant queue first as there are already the notes to say it would probably be needed. The wait time for the MSK clinic is 17 weeks and the referral to the consultant is a further wait, with whatever wait there is after that. As we have our son and family visiting from Macau in July I wouldn’t want it too quick anyway although I’m in cloud cuckoo land there! I just hope it doesn’t get much more painful in the wait.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,170
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    @heddlo Could your doctor not refer you directly to the consultant, especially if you have up to date x-rays? I sometimes wonder whether all these clinics just slow the whole process down. Margaret was referred for a consultant appointment September/October last year and we have still not heard anything from the NHS. This is the reason we decided to go the private route. It's a lot of money but the longer an older person is out of action due to joint pain the more difficult it is to get back to a good level of fitness? Good luck and I hope you get it sorted as quickly as possible.


    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,403
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    After a thick mist this morning, a beautiful day here, almost like spring. I wrapped up in thick sweater, large coat, hat and gloves for a walk on the local small beach. Hat was left in the car and the gloves soon came off. Plenty of people out doing the same in the sunshine. I seemed to be the only one without a dog or three though. OH said that he would come and sit on one of the many benches nearby, as he can’t walk very far. Except they have temporarily moved them all as they will be clearing and moving all the sand that has blown over the path and the road in large piles. All the double yellow lines have been covered in thick sand so cars parking everywhere at the moment.

    Hoping that it is not misty tomorrow as I have an appointment at Exeter hospital, over a hundred mile round trip. The issues with country living.

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,916
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    edited January 15 #61913

    I had carpal tunnel done on both hands some 25 years ago... and have had both knees and both shoulders done. My hips are now the worse for wear, but nowhere near as bad as my wife's. She has another appointment with the pain clinic and the orthopeadic surgeon next week, so we'll soon have to make a descision on whether she waits or whether we pay!

    All the best for those in a similar position...


  • InaD
    InaD Club Member Posts: 1,757
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    Having read others' experiences with hip problems, I am now also one of those, the joys of getting older 😉 was diagnosed over 3 years ago with OA both hips, but the right hip has been getting a lot worse. Back to the GP in December, and an up-to-date x-ray was requested. I had that done on the 30th of December, saw the GP last Friday after checking in the NHS app that the result was back; he agreed to refer me to orthopaedics, as the x-rays showed the right hip had indeed got worse. I got a phonecall yesterday from the booking management centre, with the choice of 4 hospitals, one of which is a private one and only about a mile from where we live. Opted for that one, and I've been given an appointment for the 28th of January in the Orthopaedic clinic there. I couldn't believe it, that's just 4 weeks after going for my x-ray. The NHS really is a lottery as far as appointments are concerned.

  • Fozzie
    Fozzie Club Member Posts: 578
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    Came home today to find two flyers on the doormat,

    The first one was "An exciting offer for 2025" on the envelope,from Pure Cremations, and the second one was from a Care Home.

    Are they trying to tell me something!

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,916
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    @Fozzie .... it was worse for us.... we just had the 'Pure Cremations' information.... at least you had the option!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,114
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    Misty again first thing but it had gone by around 10:00 and it has been fine and sunny at times. I was able to get much of the caravan cleaned inside between dog walks and heading into town to pick up OH's prescription.

    Hope all that are going to see about operations get them soon.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,114
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  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,843
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    edited January 16 #61919

    A very grey misty/foggy day here. The lights in the house have been on since we got up and I can't see us switching them off all day! All the ice and frost disappeared on Monday and it was quite a pleasant day so we went for a walk in our park and then had a coffee in their very nice cafe. I daren't let OH go out too much in the icy conditions as he is not very steady on his feet these days (and neither am I sometimes😁) so it was nice to get out and also see a lot of others doing the same. I was back on the Cathedral shop on Tuesday after a break last week as they were stock taking. I don't know whether you have seen in the national press but Peterborough Cathedral has started a 'Cathedral in Crisis' campaign as our finances are desperately struggling. The cost of heating (although half the heaters have been turned off this winter), staff costs - the increase in NI and the minimum wage etc - has meant some redundancies sadly, and the cost of repairs and maintenance and many other things mean that our outgoings are exceeding our incomings despite some very successful exhibitions and events and so much help from volunteers. It is a very sad state of affairs. As the campaign had been launched on Monday and was on the local news we did have quite a few lovely people coming in to the Cathedral to make donations. I hope we can stay open but there is a very real danger that we won't be able to continue opening 7 days a week. I am off out for lunch with some friends today to try and cheer myself up.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,413
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    @milliehull its sad to hear about Peterborough Cathedral. It is one of the few we have visited that doesn’t “charge” visitors for entry nowadays. It might be the sad way it needs to go. Not being religious, we tend to look upon Cathedrals as living history, more in the way of a Museum, so we always donate something, buy from the shop, have a meal in the adjacent cafe, and try and contribute to their upkeep that way. I cannot imagine this country without its Churches, large and very tiny, they are just so interesting, tell so many stories, showcase some unbelievable architecture, building skills, artistry, inspiration. I hope that a good plan for the future happens.

    Off to another bit of history this afternoon, Wentworth Woodhouse tour!