What are you all up to



  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,857
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    1 Hump or Two? @Rufs

    'Twas a beautiful sunny, crisp morning up here, or down here depending where you are reading this from, so after a walk with Mrs.WN to blow the cobwebs away I decided to give The Van a wash and internal clean. OH accompanied her mother on a stroll. MiL seemed to actively enjoy herself yesterday which was oh so good to see.

    The mist with its dampness rolled in mid afternoon so I was glad we got some things done.

    Hope all those who over feasted yesterday didn't pay too high a price for it.😫 I was allowed the day off from the kitchen today. Pizza and wine night tonight.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,114
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    @Wherenext you have a better day weather wise than here in East Cheshire, as we have had fairly thick & very damp mist all day, so we decided not to go out in the car and only walked from the site. We too have had pizza tonight for our dinner!

    By the lack of posts on here it looks as if most members are sleeping off the effects of their Christmas dinner!😁

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,688
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    edited December 2024 #61714

    Well hope everyone had a great Christmas. It was warm-ish on Christmas Day with 14C. Had the family round and had a brilliant day. The day itself just goes too fast.

    As always Santa knew exactly what I wanted, I gave my wishes in November and I had actually forgotten what I'd asked so it was a nice surprise.

    One present, that was just a 'stocking filler' has become one of my favourites and I played with it all yesterday afternoon. It's a cheap K&F adapter that let me put on my old Canon FD lenses on to my latest Canon digital R cameras. So I was putting lenses from early 1980's onto cameras from 2024!

    You lose autofocus and have to do 'stop down metering' (you have to of a certain age to remember that) which I worked out I hadn't done since 1979 but I amazed myself how quickly I knew remembered, or my muscles did, how to do that - select aperture, focus first then use move the shutter speed till the camera says it's correct. It was fun and there are plenty of people who reckon old prime FD (and other 35mm) lenses are just as good as modern ones but that's a 'pixel peeping' project for the new year.

    Anyway hope everyone continues to enjoy the holidays.

    Post edit - if anyone is interested you can these adapters (got mine through Amazon) for many combinations of older 35mm lenses onto modern digital makes, so for example older Nikon 35 mm onto Canon, Pentax to today's Nikon…

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,688
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    Been foggy all day here. Very bleak midwinter. Taken just on a walk near our house.

  • RedKite
    RedKite Club Member Posts: 1,754
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    Same weather here where we are staying and we should have had sun all day after a sharp frost, we could only see about 40 metres in front of us so not been anywhere today.

    Well good job we brought some dvd's with us as TV programmes are mostly repeats.

    Looks like you are trying out new camera bits @cornersteady.

    Have a good weekend folks.

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,916
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    Same here too @Cornersteady and @RedKite..... a misty and damp day. Just the sort of day to stay indoors and eat chocolate... 🤣🤣🤣


  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,114
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    Same here, as yesterday, and across much of the North of England it would seem. Hope those that were on the road heading home from their Christmas stay away, and all those too who had to head out in their vehicles for whatever reason arrived at their destinations safely. We just walked from the caravan, on good hard footpaths put in by the site owner, similar to the walks we did yesterday.

  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,831
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    We had that weather, all the way back from Chatsworth to East Yorkshire - was pretty grim driving but we got back safely. What I couldn't get my head around was the number of drivers with no lights on apart from their running lights. Absolute madness, especially on the motorway - I reckon a good 50% of cars were unlit. Do they think they're saving electricity or something??

  • heddlo
    heddlo Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 905
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    We were travelling back from Hertfordshire yesterday, it started very misty then went increasingly to fog, unpleasant to say the least; we had a switch of drivers so OH could rest his eyes for a while. It was a longer than usual journey as we decided to use the A15 (and use Humber Bridge) instead of braving the A1 as it looked pretty jammed in various places according to Google maps. Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas wherever you were. We had a good time with the family this year, very enjoyable and really great to see them all, although grandson was a bit under the weather so we are both on the lookout for our own sore throat!! He is working some shifts in Sainsbury’s and doing his lifeguard shifts in local pool during his gap year mixing with so many people. Our granddaughter is also doing about 16 hours in Next so I suppose they will get immunity in the germ soup they live in!🙄 Do hope this weird week goes well for all, take care and very best wishes for the New Year.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,114
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    @heddlo and @richardandros glad to read that you both have got home safe and sound, given the poor driving conditions, and have had a good time away.

    It was still misty when we rose this morning, but not as dense as the two previous days, and it slowly cleared through the day. We are thankful that this site has a good hard 1.75ml path which is ideal for getting out for a walk without getting muddy boots, and the adjacent lanes see very little traffic too. Not used a lot of diesel this week!😁

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,843
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    Good to hear that people had good Christmases. We had a great time with the family. We were all at our daughter and SIL's on Christmas day and then at our eldest son and DIL's on Boxing day. All great fun if slightly exhausting! We have had the same weather as everyone else - dank and foggy. It wasn't a pleasant drive home from son's on Boxing night but at least they only live about 15 miles away. Glad to hear that those away got back safely. Yesterday gradually brightened up as the day went on and today is lovely and sunny but colder. We are bracing ourselves for more wet and windy weather mid week. We went to Waitrose to stock up on a few things after the Cathedral earlier today - what a difference to last week - where was everyone!

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,916
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    edited December 2024 #61724

    Glad you had a good Christmas @milliehull and others.


  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,114
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    edited December 2024 #61725

    Nice to read that you had a good Christmas with your family, @milliehull and that the weather has cleared up down your way.

    It was much better today with extended periods of sunshine, and no colder than the previous ones. Drove down to Congleton for fuel, for both the car and for ourselves before heading along to Brereton Heath were we had a couple of walks. There were lots of families and their dogs doing the same thing! Our last night here before we head further north, gradually making our way home.

    The morning sun over Mow Cop ridge with The Cloud to the far left.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,415
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    sounds like most folks have had a nice Xmas, and few days after😁 We have had a quiet Christmas, apart from having to go up to Mum’s as boiler dumped a load of water😱 expected a nightmare, but nothing much to see, all still working ok. We didn’t meddle, phoned BG Homeserve, call answered within 10 seconds, engineer arranged for Boxing Day, needed part, couldn’t get one local but came back next day, fitted, checked, all fine, so 👏👏 BG.

    Done a bit of local walking past couple of days, but had a run out to a nice garden centre today for lunch. Half price cards for next year, birthday gifts for SIL x 2, niece, and a new squirrel proof bird feeder (my money is still on the squirrels🤣) for OH. And I have seen my next Birthday present🤩 Deciding on a few trips out later this year, Indoor National Cycling Champs at Manchester, fancy afternoon tea on another railway (Keighley and Worth Valley🤔), we might go to some Cyclocross racing not too far away. OH has been gazing at cars on tinternet this evening………..we both fancy a Chrysler Crossfire. However, where to put it might be a problem………….

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,688
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    Just back from my abdominal aortic aneurysm screening having reached the required (old) age, all well and under 3cm (phew). The only thing funny was that it was done in a local care centre in Stanley and the waiting room was shared with 'Children Services' so on one side were the old gadgies and on the other side were the young bairns. Both extremes catered for I suppose.

    Cold and windy today, some snow forecast for New Year's Day with high winds but then very sunny and clear and very cold from Friday which is my kind of weather at this time of year for taking photographs.

  • Goldie146
    Goldie146 Club Member Posts: 2,506
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    I'm catching up with paperwork that I abandonned a week ago, and outside my Grandson is catching up with spreading slurry - so don't open the door! There's definitely an agricultural whiff.

  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,831
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    You're just a sprog Corners - had mine done years ago!! Good news, though - well done😀

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,857
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    Had an extremely efficient blowing away the cobwebs morning. Went for a stroll alongside the Dee estuary/marsh for a good couple of hours. Quite sunny but a very brisk wind kept us moving.

    Back home early afternoon, in time to get the next 3 days sorted food wise.

    @Takethedogalong - Sounds like someone's been making plans. We were tentatively doing something similar but thinking about MiL and just having 4 night stays in cottages with her. Doing something for 6 days on the run seems beyond her now so we've been thinking Skipton way as its one of her favourite places (mainly due to having a dress shop that sells her sizes, although she would deny that!😂). Maybe get a cottage in Grassington. I would be interested in details about Keighley railway if you go. Sort of thing MiL would enjoy and we like it around those parts as well.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,415
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    @Wherenext we used to take Mum to Skipton. Nice cottage at Seat House Farm. But there are plenty of lovely places around there. Not been on K&WVR, even for a ride, a new one for us, but not too far from home, so do able in a day. Can highly recommend the breakfast on the Bolton and Embsay Railway👍 Thirsk is another nice town, some very good independent shops, again plenty of holiday cottages around there. No railway, but the James Herriot Museum is really good, very interesting. The town is fairly compact as well, and no hilly streets, although the cobbles can get “interesting”. It’s usually knit bombed in the Summer, so bright and colourful all around. Helmsley and Rievaulx close by👍

    Thirsk knit bombing, garlands, banners, bunting, bollards, benches, phone boxes, etc….you name it, they yarn bomb. The town has two lovely wool/sewing shops, model shops, artist shop, book shop, and some nice eateries.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,857
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    We like Thirsk as well @Takethedogalong even once staying at the club site on the racecourse. We did actually try to visit the town when we left Ampleforth Abbey earlier this year but Thirsk was rammed solid. We think it's probably a bit far travel wise for her now. She enjoyed Embsay last year so would probably do it again.

    Love the post box.

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,843
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    Love the photo of the yarn bombing @Takethedogalong.

    I had rather hoped that we could have some fresh air to blow the cobwebs away @Wherenext but we had a funeral to go to. The sister of a great friend of ours.We didn't know the sister terribly well but we went to support our friend. There was a surprisingly good turn out for an elderly person. We met up with so many people from years ago - funerals are like that these days!

    It's been lovely sunny day here today with a lovely sunset but looking at the weather forecast for tomorrow I don't think we are going to get the same good weather. It's not looking too good for the next few days.

    I hope you manage to find somewhere nice to take MIL for a few days @Wherenext. Grassington sounds a good choice.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,171
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    Bit the bullet today and went back to see the private Consultant regarding Margaret's hip to tell him she would like to go ahead. Time scale seems to be early February if the Anaesthetist agrees that it can be done in the private hospital. If not, due to Margaret's previous heart operation, it will be done at the main hospital but that could take a couple of weeks more. I had my hip replacement 15 years and just don't remember being in the same amount of pain, she can hardly get around the house.


  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,114
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    edited December 2024 #61735

    @DavidKlyne hope that the Anaesthetist agrees that your OH can have the operation in the private hospital, and that she is soon relieved of the pain. ( As you can see I am still having trouble with some of the highlighting of specific club members!😫)

    @Wherenext fingers crossed that you are able to find a few cottages in the Yorkshire Dales to take your MIL to for a few days at a time.

    Your plans sound interesting @Takethedogalong especially the trip on the train, as I know how much you enjoyed the last one.

    @milliehull we too had a fine start to the day, and although it clouded up during the afternoon, we also had a lovely sunset. We moved site this morning and had an easy tow up to near Blackpool. We did have a strange occurrence on the M6, when for about 5 minutes there was not a single vehicle in sight behind us, not long after we joined the motorway, & this at 11:15 on a Monday! It turned out that there had been an accident between the two junctions to the south, and the police must have held back all traffic to clear the lane obstruction. After being on a CL that was full for most of the week we were there we are the only unit on this one!

    The sunrise in East Cheshire

    The aftereffects and the sunset on the Fylde

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,415
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    It must be awful being in constant pain, hope that your OH gets sorted asap DK.

    We got the beautiful sunset as well, been a nice day here, but temps due to plummet New Years Day evening. We are hoping to get a few laps of our local park in tomorrow on our bikes, before the rain starts to come down. Mind I can hear the wind blowing outside, so we shall have to see what the morning brings. If it’s an indoor day, I am going to tackle our pantry. Lots of stuff gets shoved in and it needs a good sort out.

    We are contemplating removing a hedge as well this year. Reluctantly, but it’s a nightmare to tackle each year, and next door hardly touch their side. Popped round to see our nice neighbours, asked them what they thought. Once we get back out and touring, we might get the chance to do some long tours, and we don’t want to be coming home to something resembling Sleeping Beauty’s castle. If they want to keep the hedge, we will cut it back our side and put the fence in on our side to keep the growth at bay. Nothing imminent yet, but I have sown the seeds. Going to lay a paved circle for our pool as well, so need to replan and replant some areas.

  • Freddy55
    Freddy55 Club Member Posts: 1,865
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    That’s great news @DavidKlyne , at least the light at the end of the tunnel is looming large. All the best to you and Margaret 👍

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,857
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    OH just seen a fence panel 2 doors down get blown out and then blown straight over the roof of the flat roof extension of that house. A big 6'x5' panel to boot. You could say its a bit windy here.🌪️ Hope everyone safe wherever they are.

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,916
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    Weather seems OK here @Wherenext.... hope I haven't jinxed it by writing this!!! I know they have cancelled tonights New Year celebrations in Edinburgh... and the last time I heard, they were thinking about cancelling London too....

    We've just got family around tonight… and were thinking about getting a take-away for tea.... a rare decision for us...!


  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,843
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    Goodness @Wherenext that seems a bit extreme!! I hope you will be OK.

    I have been on the Cathedral shop this afternoon. It was surprisingly busy which was nice. Some people were still buying Christmas decorations 😲, We don't go out for New Year's Eve these days but have just ordered a Chinese takeaway and will probably finish off the Quality Street. I hope everyone stays safe in this windy weather. I wish you all a very happy, healthy and peaceful New Year.

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,916
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    edited December 2024 #61741

    We've stayed in today too @milliehull ..... but we've ordered an Indian takeaway for tea....

    Just been to let the dog out the back.... feels like the wind is beginning to whip up a bit..... @Wherenext
