What are you all up to



  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,114
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    @DEBSC very pleased to read that your daughter's operation was a success, and obviously it has turned out worth the expense.

    @DSB hope that your final concert goes well, also that your daughter and family manage to get down to you about mishap.

    @Tinwheeler I wish I could access Chrome as a browser on my Kindle but there seems be no way to get another browser apart from Silk which is the default browser. Any ideas how I could select another? However today it appears to be working quite well but I have not yet tried any of the ones I have had trouble with in the past.

    @Bakers2 manage to get the link to work tonight, but am still getting the repeated capital letters at the start of some sentences, like your good self.

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,916
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    Thanks @nelliethehooker ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘


  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,114
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    We had some rain overnight but woke to a strong wind which dried off the caravan towing cover we had installed last night in case it was raining this morning. The wind gradually decreased and the sun came out so we got away in good weather. By the time we reached our latest site, a new to us CS near Bridgenorth it had clouded up and the rain arrived in the late afternoon. Sounds like it will be a wet last walk shortly.๐Ÿ˜–

    I developed/discovered a "black floater" in my right eye, and it has the effect of looking like a money spider dancing across my glasses, most annoying!๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ I hope after a good night's sleep that it disappears!

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,450
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    @nelliethehooker I know nothing about the Kindle tablet other than it uses a form of Android. Chrome is available as an app from Google Play for Android and the Apple App Store for iOS. Do you not have access to downloadable apps?

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,114
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    @Tinwheeler I have just tried the Appstore on Kindle to download Chrome, but all I get are Google associated apps such as Search for Google, which I do have downloaded but which doesn't allow me to keep numerous tabs open. I have to keep reloading any that I wish to access, which is a pain the proverbial.

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,450
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    @nelliethehooker Sorry, I canโ€™t help further but can you not find the Chrome app which looks like the photo?

  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,831
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    Finally arrived at Chatsworth about 2.30 yesterday - after a very tiring drive. Over 3 hours to do about 95 miles! The wind was fairly strong to start with and going over the Ouse Bridge on the M62 was a bit of a challenge. Fortunately, with a heavy van and being 8' wide, it has a good 'footprint' on the road, but I nevertheless took it quite steadily. Main problem was roadworks and speed restrictions - the full length of the A63 and the short stretch of M1 that we were on were both affected and, as expected at this time of year - it was really busy. But we got here safely, which is the main thing! Looks like there's yet another storm due at the weekend. The very friendly Warden, on arrival, advised us against putting an awning up because of the 40 - 50 mph winds forecast for Saturday and Sunday. Think we'll just make do with the Thule canopy and put it away for the weekend. Mobile wifi is working a treat - 75 Mbps download at the moment so I won't be bothering with the Club's offering! Photos to follow once I have got the lights up today๐Ÿ˜€

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,403
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    @DavidKlyne She wouldnโ€™t be the only one being referred elsewhere David. They did the same with our daughter, despite that clinic refusing to touch her as soon as they saw her, they said she was too bad. She then had to go back on the waiting list to see the specialist again. And exactly the same as you say happened, it put 10 months on to the wait. Maybe Iโ€™m wrong but I think this is a way of keeping the waiting times nationally looking better than they are.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,857
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    edited December 2024 #61630

    Woke up to the sound of a raging hailstone storm battering the extractor fan in the shower room. The ground all white outside. Bitterly cold out there still but we did get some sun late morning. Strange having breakfast as looking out of the west facing window I could see a bright three quarter Moon in a blue sky but out of the east window all was black and doom like the hordes of Mordor were about to descend.

    Tesco was busier than usual at just gone 9 this morning but at least most people had a list. Mind you there did seem to be a lot of " oh bugger I missed that item" as people backtracked.๐Ÿ˜‚

    Sat down and sent an email to our Welsh AM about the COVID vaccination farce. Wait and see if it gets me anywhere. At least my chest feels lighter!

    The same surgeon scenario has been going on for far too long now. MiL had a new knee 10 years ago and yep, it was the same surgeon/consultant she saw on NHS time. The problem with waiting for the NHS is not just the pain and inconvenience as great as that is but also the dropping off and wasting of other muscles that are not being exercised due to the underlying problem plus if it is a knee, like Margaret's problem, she will undoubtedly be favouring putting her weight on her other leg which won't help that leg or back for posture. Hope it is sorted soon @DavidKlyne.

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,062
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    We were up and away early this morning as we had to be in Glasgow for 8am to drop the car in to the Volvo specialist for its MOT and service. All went ok only two small advisories and all ok with the service so bill not too bad hopefully thatโ€™s us ok now for another year of touring. While car was in we headed to the shops utter chaos the place was so busy luckily they didnโ€™t take too long with the car so we were home by early afternoon.

  • Freddy55
    Freddy55 Club Member Posts: 1,865
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    edited December 2024 #61632

    @nelliethehooker , I too have a couple of โ€˜floatersโ€™, one of which is as you describe. Iโ€™m not sure, but I think they generally donโ€™t go away, but rather we become accustomed to them so notice them less, at least , thatโ€™s what I was told. For a while, I thought I was being attacked by fungus gnats ๐Ÿ™„

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,114
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    @Freddy55 I have had them in the past and they did eventually disappear, thankfully, but that was before I wore my glasses constantly so they were not so much of a problem. This time they appear to be on the right lens of my glasses which exacerbates their effect. Hope they soon disappear!

    @Francis pleased to read that the Volvo passed its MOT, just right now for getting away I think.

    @richardandros glad to read that you managed to get to the Chatsworth site. Enjoy your time there over Xmas.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,114
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    We had heavy rain through the night, but thankfully it has been mainly dry today. We visited the NT'S Wightwick Manor today, with a walk around the gardens before lunch and around the house afterwards. The house was built by Theodore Mandor, of Mandor's Paints, round 1890, to resemble a 15C Manor, and employed William Morris, of the Arts and Craft movement, to design it.

    5 aspects of the house with the right hand wing appearing to be the oldest part when in fact it was the "new" extension to house the Gallery.

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,843
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    edited December 2024 #61636

    Such wonderful photos @nelliethehooker What a beautiful house. I love William Morris and Arts and Crafts houses. I hope your floater improves, they are reallly annoying. You might remember that I had some bad ones in the summer and ended up at the eye clinic. They have gradually improved and I hardly notice them now.

    Sorry about the above post. Everything stopped and it wont let me delete it!

    We are now back from the family in NI and I will catch up with you all soon.

    Edit by DSB: I've deleted the 'blank post @milliehull . All good wishes, David.

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,317
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    @Goldie146 wishing you a very happy birthday for tomorrow ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿฅ‚๐ŸŽ‚.

    Posted whilst I'm on here and remember ๐Ÿซฃ

    Glad you're home safely @milliehull , just time to catch up before Christmas Day ๐Ÿซฃ

    Still prepping here, 48 mince pies made Wednesday, so far behind this year, usually a good stock in the freezer.reduced to 40 one 1st day, hidden better now! Aiming at marzipaning 2 cakes today and gift wrapping. I will not panic ๐Ÿ˜‚.

    LLovely photos folks. No time to linger.......

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,171
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    I love homemade mince pies. A long time ago now but I remember my Mother making them on Christmas Eve and the smell wafting upstairs into my bedroom. Margaret makes them but more recently it has been a bit difficult for her to stand and mix everything by hand. I thought a mixer would be a good idea and JL had a good deal on a Bosch model, although it did come with lots of accessories we are unlikely to use! Anyway much easier for her to make her mince pies and cakes.


  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,843
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  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,317
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    @DavidKlyne I dislike bought mince pies, cheap or expensive! To sweet. A big void above the filling before the lid.

    I make mine, thin and crispy, with as much mincemeat as I can get in. This year we had to search for spills as tasters. I actually have another pound of homemade shortcrust in the fridge and more mincemeat. Just need to get time to combine them!

    I actually use my food processor for making pastry. Far less mess and the consensus is it's best I've ever made. I knocked up 3lb of pastry whist veg cooking one evening ready to make them!

    Another slight issue ๐Ÿค”. Marzipanned one cake, marzipan already prepared, but haven't got a 2nd big enough container for the other cake ๐Ÿซฃ. I had a big one that hasn't been used for a few years. It seems to be AWOL -part of our pre move clear out?? Sent SOS to DIL but I'm not holding out much hope...... That'll teach me to offer to make them one. Any suggestions for storage gratefully received! I've not got time to dash out to shops......

    Right lunchbreak over, time to marzipan 2nd cake. And gift wrapping. Lost the sun now, decent breeze and cold on the dog walk so I'm hoping the washing is drying.

    @Takethedogalong your handiwork looking good and festive.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,857
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    edited December 2024 #61644

    I've been sandbagged or whatever it's called these days. We wanted to give The Van a run out to keep it ticking over so decided to take it down to a nearby cafe about 5 miles away but just off the A55 and give it a good blast. Mentioned to OH it might be nice to take MiL, who is always up for an outing so we toddled off to Betty Berkins cafe. Whilst there OH suggested to her mother that she might like to carry on to Aberkan, a Yarn, Woollen and Craft mill further along the coast road. "When did you get that idea?" I asked whilst MiL spent a penny. "Just after you mentioned coffee before we got up". ๐Ÿ˜Ž

    8 large balls of wool, 4 needles, a pattern and a bag later for MiL and 3 balls, a pattern and needles for OH later I managed to get home. Have to admire MiLs desire to carry on knitting as she says it helps exercise her bad hand. OH knows the project won't be finished and she'll have to do that.

    I used to make a mean, thin, crisp pastry mince pie but stopped when I had the Stroke and haven't the desire to start again.

    Had a reply from AM, so wheels set in motion.

    Have to put that one on the list @nelliethehooker. Not been there.

    Your mantelpiece decoration looks fab as well @Takethedogalong.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,857
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    edited December 2024 #61645

    Well that was strange. Put post up. Edited it slightly and it's now completely disappeared. Also earlier on had a "Page can't be found" on home page whilst attempting to access this discussion. Will have to rewrite the post.

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,403
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    @Bakers2 try wrapping it loosely in non stick baking paper/parchement. Pop it on a plate and then cover it all, plate as well, in tin foil. Iโ€™ve got two like that sitting in the dining room ready to transport.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,857
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    As I was saying earlier, We decided to take The Van for a spin along the A55 to keep it ticking over and MiL jumped at the idea of coming along as tea/ cafe and cake were mentioned in the same breath. So off to Betty Berkins, a cafe run by 2 sons of a woman MiL used to know well and be in the W.I. with but unfortunately is now in a care home with Dementia. So she passed along her thoughts and I was then sandbagged into carrying on the trip to a Craft, Yarn and Woollen mill along the coast road. Both ladies came away with oodles of wool (at least a sheep worth), needles and patterns. Keep them quiet for a while.๐Ÿ˜‚

    Had a reply from my email to my AM at Senedd. She's sending me some forms.

    Lovely photos @nelliethehooker and @Takethedogalong.

    Good to see you had a full crowd @DSB. Makes all the preparation work worthwhile.

  • heddlo
    heddlo Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 905
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    edited December 2024 #61648

    This is the way I store my Christmas cake too! Although without the plate.

  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,831
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    @Goldie146 - wishing you a very Happy Birthday, from us - for tomorrow - hope you have a nice relaxing day. Not done too much today - a bit of shopping for essentials and a trip to the Chatsworth Farm Shop which was heaving! Bit disapointed that the cafe isn't dog friendly so we had to give that a miss. Still haven't put any lights up - mainly because the awning hasn't gone up yet in view of the storm due tomorrow and Sunday. That said, quite a few new arrivals have put theirs up - just hope they don't get demolished by the wind. I do think, however, that I am being a bit too cautious as it's survived winds of that intensity before.

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,317
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    @DEBSC thank you. That was at the back of my mind. As its only a few days it should be fine.

    Both now marzipanned. Kitchen cleared. Cuppa time.

    Then wrapping, hopefully everything left ๐Ÿคž. Was planning doing tomorrow and then delivery to son's whilst they're out tomorrow. BUT informed this morning he'll call in for our high chair, to use at theirs christmas day after dropping the dog for her groom. Highly likely he'll hang around until she's done so need to hide edibles ๐Ÿซฃ. Might have to allow a couple of mince pies to be consumed, by our 3 year old grandson. So action stations now!

    He only called in for our travel cot Wednesday evening!. Farmhouse and cottage lets need 3 cots and 2 highchairs. As youngest grandson isn't anywhere near yet sitting, theirs has gone there, hence ours disappearing. Ours has no tray and is used at the table.

    It's raining now, quite heavy. Washing in but despite a good wind hadn't dried much....

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,916
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    Happy birthday @Goldie146 Have a great day.... ๐ŸŽ‚๐Ÿท๐ŸŽ‚๐Ÿท๐ŸŽ‚๐Ÿท๐ŸŽ‚
