What are you all up to



  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,172
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    Although its the tradition I am not that keen on Turkey for Christmas Dinner as I find it quite dry. I think I would prefer a large chicken? Anyway, this year I have persuaded Margaret that we should try a Rib of Beef. So another visit to Waitrose this afternoon to secure said joint. A jolly conversation with the staff on the meat counter. At least I can park that worry! Number one son might be joining us for Christmas Dinner and may well cook it for us, each to his own skills!!!

    Other news on the horizon is that on Monday evening we have booked a private consultation with a surgeon to discuss Margaret's hip. We seem to be getting nowhere with getting an appointment on the NHS and she is in absolute agony. We don't particularly want to pay for the operation privately and there are some issues that might prevent a private operation but we want clarification on where we are. Same surgeon who did my hip and who works for the NHS. The private consultation is not allowed to move us up the NHS list but we need to understand the options. MK Hospital has a 25 week waiting list for hip operations and I am not sure Margaret can suffer that long?


  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,119
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    More grand photos, @milliehull, and pleased to read that your OH managed the walk.

    @Wherenext it is nice to read that OH is feeling better today after her reaction to the jab. Perhaps another early night for you both after your 3:00 am call today!

    @DavidKlyne fingers crossed that you and your wife receive some positive reassurances from the consultation. Like you we won't bother with a turkey this year, as we wouldn't find one small enough to fit in our air fryer!! Instead we have decided on some nice beef steaks, much easier to cook in the caravan!

    Good late planning that, going to the site and so being able to get the damage sorted out. Glad you had a pleasant night at Snowshill after seeing Broadway with its Xmas lights, @DEBSC

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,119
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    It has been the sunniest day for over a week although it did cloud up somewhat in the afternoon. We had a couple of walks up on the commons below The Malverns. In the past we would have walked up onto the tops, but although OH would be able to get up, albeit slowly, the descent would be too painful on her knees! ( Not that she would have actually been on her knees coming down, it would be more likely that I would be, after a sudden charge and changed of direction by Flyte!😁😁).

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,689
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    edited December 2024 #61595

    Well we did go and see the 'world's tallest Christmas tree' at Cragside (NT Northumberland) and the house was decked out as enchanted and taken over by the forest. Not really to mine and Mrs C's taste but the younger members of our party thought it was great, as did the countess other children there as it was very crowded.

    I was very good and only had one pig in blanket for lunch!

    A little early but Merry Christmas to all.

  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,831
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    Again, amazing photos @Cornersteady. I was trying to work out how on earth they got those lights up that tree!

    Hope you soon get something sorted for Margaret @DavidKlyne . I know when Ros had her knee replaced, almost 15 years ago, she was in absolute agony and couldn't even walk 100 yards. In the end, it was done in a private hospital but under the NHS. She never looked back although just recently she's beginning to suffer with her other one!

    She, also, isn't a big fan of Turkey but we always have one. Since we're usually away in the van for Christmas, we normally cook it at home a couple of days before the big day, but this year, since we are going earlier, that won't be possible. So - we (me!) have had to compromise and we'll cook a Turkey crown in the van which will be a first for us. Which presented me with another problem, yesterday. Thought we'd try the Turkey crown in the van oven to make sure it will go in (it's frozen). Went to put it in the oven and the door wouldn't open! Realised that the inner glass in the door had somehow come adrift from its clips, preventing the door opening. After much messing about and unscrewing various bits and pieces on the door, I managed to sort it - but what a lot of messing about. Don't know how it's happened, never had a problem before but fortunately, we now know that the turkey and roasting dish fit! Good job I found it when I did.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,859
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    @DavidKlyne - We came across a jigsaw puzzle the other day that was quite fascinating, a Periodic table one. I mentioned to Mrs WN a while ago that I felt that my right hand needs something dexterous to exercise with so I agreed to let Santa provide me with a jigsaw puzzle this year. The hand has improved massively since the Stroke 2 years ago and I might be the only person on CT who has enjoyed writing out Christmas cards, albeit slowly. People take holding a pen or pencil for granted but having taken 18 months to be able to grip one and 2 years to learn to write again I assure you it wasn't this hard as a child learning the skills. It still needs more patience and exercise, hence the jigsaw. I had to break the news gently to my left hand that he might be substituted soon. I don't think he minded too much.🤣

    Hum drum day here. Both of us seem to have caught up with sleep and our arms have returned to normal.

    We're not turkey fans either and will make do with something smaller. We usually splash out on a decent white wine though and a good Port.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,172
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    @Wherenext Doing a Periodic Table jigsaw could put you in good stead to appear on Pointless? Lots of pointless answers there! I find that jigsaw puzzles tend to engage the brain slightly differently to normal and I suspect help aid memory. I belong to a Facebook group and its interesting the different strategies people use to sort the pieces, some by colour, some by shape. I always complete the edge and then just dive into the box of pieces until I find what I am looking for!


  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,417
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    edited December 2024 #61600

    Another one here who enjoys jigsaws. They have to be a subject I am interested in though. During lockdown, it became my go to bit of relaxation on wet days (far too busy in garden if it was dry🤣), and I remembered we had been bought one of the Tour de France passing through Haworth in 2014. Completed it, and it’s now framed up on the wall in OH’s attic cycling cave. I really like the wooden Wentworth Wimsy type as well, but only buy them from Charity Shops, they cost a fortune. One on my list to complete is an old OS map of Northumberland. I completed Yorkshire a few years ago. At the moment I have far too much jewellery bits and bobs to finish off/start on, so jigsaws are on the back burner.

    @Cornersteady we love Cragside, never been at Christmas though, it does look nice. I love the inglenook fireplace. They will use a very big cherry picker for the lights by the way, gardeners at Brodsworth used to do some of the big trees there👍

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,689
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    edited December 2024 #61601

    Spent a lovely late afternoon in Newcastle watching an excellent production of A Christmas Carol at the Northern Stage.

    @richardandros Thought about you as we were walking through the University at Newcastle and here are some pictures for you

    The arch is where everyone has the photograph taken after graduation. I was shocked to realise out it was 6 years since my middle daughter's!

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,404
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    Finally home. As we had packed all the car up and were ready to leave the van the last job was to set the floe running and drain the van down, pushing and emptying each pipe fully of water. Turned floe on but it just kept running! Tried most things but no joy, it worked 6 weeks ago. But air getting in somewhere. Long story short we think that the wind knocked one of the small pipes out under the van. OH then spent 90 minutes under the van cutting the pipe out and replacing it. Finally floe worked. Bloody wind! We didn’t leave until 1 pm, then off to local garden centre, picked up the meat we planned to get from the butcher there, popped it in the cool box in the car and went back in for a roast dinner, thought that we deserved it. M5 quite busy for a Sunday at this time of year. Beds all stripped at the van for winter and first load now in the machine. Glad to be home.

    I love turkey, no matter how many I need to feed I always buy an extra large crown. Roast on the day, then cold with chips and salad the next day, then maybe a pie after that, then maybe sandwiches, the longer it lasts the better.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,119
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    @Cornersteady grand photos again. We like visiting Cragside but much prefer the grounds and the forest drive to the house itself.

    @DEBSC it sounds like a rather traumatic day. Glad you got home safe and sound, and don't have to worry too much about the caravan over the winter.

    Pleased to read that you both no longer have any discomfort from your jabs, @Wherenext

    It has been another dry and for the most part a sunny day. This morning we had a walk on Castlemorton Common before driving up to Berrow Downs. After lunch we walked up past the Swinyard Car Park which was filled with Mountain Rescue vehicles, from both the Longtown and West Mercia Rescue teams. It transpired that there were search parties out looking for an individual who had gone missing the previous day somewhere on The Malverns. Although I searched on tge local news websites there was no mention of the outcome of the searches, so perhaps the news will come ton light tomorrow. We just hope that the search was successful, and that the individual is found safe and alive.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,119
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    It was dry and relatively warm again today but not as sunny as recently. We visited the NT's Croome Court where we had a walk around the grounds before lunch and then through the house in the afternoon. The photos are of the Sabrina Grotto, followed by some of the impressive Christmas displays.

    The Hari Krishna room.

    The decorated stairwell.

    A selection of the Christmas trees, with hand made decorations by the volunteers.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,859
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    Very nice @nelliethehooker.

  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,831
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    Just about packed and ready for the off, tomorrow - to Chatsworth. Would you believe it, though? The strong winds - originally forecast for Thursday - which made me change our departure date to tomorrow - and then disappeared completely from the BBC website an hour later - have now popped up for tomorrow!!!!! It is forecast to calm down by 1100 - when I would be leaving anyway - so fingers crossed, we will be OK.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,172
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    Margaret went to see the private Consultant last night, he is actually the same as the NHS and did my hip 15 years ago but works privately as well, he is very highly regarded. He confirmed that she needs it done but the problem is that if she uses the NHS, where she is yet to get an appointment for the first consultation, the minimum wait on his list is six months so it could be well into the second half of next year before she gets it done and she doesn't think she can put up with the pain for that long. If she has it done privately it can be done within 4 to 8 weeks but at a cost! There are a few checks to be done because of her past heart history but this looks like the route we are going down.


  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,119
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    @richardandros Hope you get to Chatsworth before the winds get too strong. Enjoy your Xmas holiday there.Lizzy

    @DavidKlyne Fingers crossed that things can be sorted out for you site to be able to get her operation and then be free from pain.

    Very quite here today, with not a single unit arriving and about 4 leaving so there are only 12 on site and some of those are not occupied tonight. It has been dry for most of the day with just a short spell of drizzle this morning while we were out on our walk from the site, and a shower this evening.

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,317
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    Very breezy here at the moment..our door wreath is tied on to our door knocker which has been gently tapping during the early hours. Dog ignored it so did I, OH can't hear! Otherwise I would have solved when it 1st disturbed.

    Now got a nice blob of bluetack so it's quiet even though it's moving. It's in a good recessed porch facing west. Checked the outdoor tree lights, including the newly added lit Robins (a jolly fiddly additional job as shorter than I expected lengths between them meant positioning was crucial otherwise they weren't perching on a branch) holding well.

    @richardandros safe travels, I'm certain you'll be sensible. Likewise to all travelling be sensible and safe.

    still catching up with Christmas prep from feeling poorly. Getting there slowly, but I heard another aunt by marriage passed away at the end of last week. Was surprised, probably knew - filed and forgotten!, I was down as her next of kin. Luckily her nephew, who sort of took over from us when we moved, agreed to take up the baton. That's 3 since September........

    Right today's tasks, both were yesterday's! Await after dog walk. It's either marzipaning 2 cakes or making mince pies. Pastry made and in the fridge as is the marzipan. Just need to combine to make the end product.....

    @DavidKlyne I hope Margaret can be accommodated swiftly. It shouldn't be the case, but if you can pay and they are prepared to operate go for it. It's only money, life is for living and there's no pockets in a shroud. Sadly no one will do my OH's oral op for any price, so we just hope the 3rd date will be honoured next month 🤞

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,917
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    Also windy here this morning @Bakers2. Fortunately managed to empty the caravan of those bits and bobs we usually take out when we don't use the van for a while. We went out right at the end of November/ start of Decaember, but it looks like it'll be mid January before we next get out. Our daughter/ SIL and grandson are coming down the day after Boxing Day (from the Outer Hebrides), and are threatening to stay for a fortnight!! 🤣

    So sorry to read about Margaret, @DavidKlyne - Carol is suffering too - we are just wondering about 'the options' too.q

    Meanwhile, just one concert left (the main one) tomorrow... then it's just a practice and several church services to go...


  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,317
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    WEll I think they've got the wind speeds wrong and under estimated gust speeds! I can safely say all my cobwebs are gone 🫣. The car is rocking too!

    @DSB,I'm getting double initial letters again and once it gets in a strop it won't go red 😤. How wonderful to have them stay for 2 weeks. Your grandson must be at a fun age now. Sorry to hear your OH suffering, good idea to explore all avenues 🤞

    Also note I'm getting 2 capitals on initial paragraph - hard to clear....

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,455
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    @Bakers2 Have you tried Chrome yet? It worked for InaD 👍🏻

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,404
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    @DavidKlyne Last year we paid the lions share of our daughter’s big back operation, no way she could have paid it. It literally changed her life. She went from bed ridden and morphine for strong pain relief to living her life again. Like you the private surgeon was also the one who probably would have done it on the NHS but at least an eighteen month waiting list and we seemed to be going nowhere with the NHS, except ‘manage the pain’. Her daughters needed their Mum back and we were stepping in all the time. Op done in 6 weeks, now she is visiting the gym twice a week to do back strengthening exercises and Pilates. She can drive again and is back to work. It shouldn’t be this way but if it can be managed then go for it. Hope Margaret can be sorted one way or the other soon.

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,917
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    Thanks @Bakers2 . Sorry to hear you are still having the double initial letter problem.... I know one ir two folk are having problems if they use Firefox - @Rowena is referring it back to the developers - Apologies.... can't remember if you are one of the Firefox users or not....


  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,317
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    I'm using Samsung on both my tablet and phone. I don't have issues with any other websites.

    @Tinwheeler not tried anything else. Only issues with this site so I can manage. Got lots to do before Christmas so no time to play 🫣

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,172
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    @DEBSC That sounds like some transformation? Good to hear that it has been successful. I don't know what it is with hip and knee surgery but there seems to be a massive number of people waiting for operations. Perhaps its the Baby Boomer effect, lots of people of a similar age needing the surgery. Here in MK I wonder if its all those 30 somethings that came here to work and raise families in the late 70's early 80's are making a similar impact. Next appointment for Margaret is on 30th December which will set the ball rolling. I had my haircut today and I joked with Margaret on whether I would another one before she gets it done!!!


  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,917
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    edited December 2024 #61619

    @DavidKlyne ... The last time I went to the barbers and asked for a hair cut. He asked, 'Which one?'....

    I'll get my coat.... 🤣🤣🤣🤓


  • Freddy55
    Freddy55 Club Member Posts: 1,866
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    @DavidKlyne , it must be thoroughly miserable to be in constant pain. Add to that the frustration of waiting, not knowing when it might be sorted. I seem to recall having it done privately would cost around £14,000? Not an insignificant amount. It’s a pity that in certain areas (most?) the NHS is really struggling, not in small part because we’re all living longer, statistically speaking. My wife has had to wait 9 months to get an appointment at the Heptology department.

    I do hope Margaret doesn’t have to suffer for too much longer.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,172
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    @Freddy55 Thanks for the comments. I really don't know what the answer is with the NHS. Some sections seem to achieve quite quick times to get things sorted but other parts seem to have a big problem and as you point out its not just hip surgery. I think one of Margaret's issues was that she was referred to a non NHS clinic in the hope that less intrusive treatment would work. Unfortunately this has set things back, probably, 6/9 months.
