What are you all up to



  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,170
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    edited July 2024 #60002

    Mrs One tells me I’m the only dishwasher she needs.  At the moment I take that as a compliment 

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,852
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    edited July 2024 #60003

    I think I am finding my way round the new dishwasher and like you  DK I think there is only 1 or maybe 2 programmes we shall use. Good tip to run it on a hot wash about once a week. It is also WiFi enabled but I cant think I would ever use it. Our previous dishwasher was a basic Bosch and we have gone up a grade or two with this one which is probably why it is more complicated.

    Glad you enjoyed your holiday despite the weather Helen. It has been raining on and off all day today but quite humid. We stayed near Masham in a cottage with our son and family last year nellie. Lovely area. Is the Black Sheep brewery still.open? They were in trouble last year. Some years ago when we were in that area with the caravan we did more or less the same walk as you from Middleham Castle. We hardly saw another soul.

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,930
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    edited July 2024 #60004

    I've not met with a Wi-Fi enabled dishwasher before Millie!  Sounds wonderful...  I guess that means you can ask Alexa to wash up!!  🤣🤣


  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,852
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    edited July 2024 #60005

    I wish David 🤣🤣

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,137
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    edited July 2024 #60006

    Millie, they are still advertising the Brewery tours and selling the beer in the local pubs so I guess it is still open. 

    Just like you, OP, we still stick with washing up by hand. Anyway there's no room in the caravan to fit a dishwasher, and I have never seen one that works on 12v as well as mains electricity.

    It has been a very wet here for most of the day, although it did slacken off in the late afternoon before starting again. We just had a run out to Catterick Bridge to replenish stocks before our next move. This CL is definitely one we wouldn't hesitate in using again.

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,063
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    edited July 2024 #60007

    Glad you had a nice time away Helen. I agree about Morecombe we visited there last year when we were staying at Blackpool it was ok for a walk around but we wouldn’t rush back.

    We have had a good day today it’s been raining on and off but we went to Glastonbury spent a nice couple of hours walking round the town we have been to Glastonbury a few times and love it people just wander around without a care in the world and don’t care what people think it’s just so laid back we may go back next week for another visit when the weather is better and take the walk up to the tor. Fish and chip van on site tonight so we had dinner from there save cooking then watched the football what a good game best of the tournament so far. Weather looking a bit more promising for the rest of the week fingers crossed 

    glad you are enjoying your trip Nellie 

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,406
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    edited July 2024 #60008

    Oh flip what an afternoon. Supposed to be picking granddaughter up from Tiverton station, but she was sent by her GP to hospital for blood tests so phoned to say that she would get a later train. Meanwhile OH was at our GP for an appointment when I got a phone call from him to say he was being sent straight to hospital for an emergency CT scan on his previous aneurism operation site. Called granddaughter back and agreed that she would change at Exeter, and come to Barnstaple station and her sister would pick her up but this put 2 hours on her journey, which worried me. I then drove OH and we arrived at A&E at 5pm and left at 8.45. The nurses were just lovely, I even got a cup of tea. Lots of tests done and then the scan. Then both granddaughters turned up on their way home as worried about their grandad. They were allowed in to see him in bed in A&E. Our granddaughter has been in so many times some of the nurses recognised her. They had just left and the Dr arrived to say that a small problem that they would just keep an eye on but no real problems, such a relief. Driving him home I owned up to how worried I had been, he then said, yes annoying I’ve missed most of the football! Nurses, were just lovely in there so caring and kind and they do have a lot to put up with sometimes, all credit to them.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,866
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    edited July 2024 #60009

    Oh Debsc how you must wish for a quiet uneventful spell, even just a week where everything runs smoothly and there are no emergencies. Best wishes.

    Another rainy morning in the Lakes, so we set off to Farfield Mill and Heritage centre just outside Sedbergh, where we managed to find enough to keep us interested for 3+ hours. The Mill used to be a weaving mill and it still has some machinery in it, unfortunately not working, but the place has been taken over by small entrepreneurs making and selling all sorts of higher class goods, such as glassware, jewellery, woollen items including rugs, art galleries etc. Ttda would love it.

    They handily have a decent tea shop where I tried a Chickpea, chilli and lime soup for lunch. Interesting and quite satisfying.

    Still raining when we returned. Raining over in Sedbergh as well. Missing In Action - Summer!

    Farfield Mill


  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,852
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    edited July 2024 #60010

    So sorry to hear about another stressful day for you yesterday DEBSC  Such a worry for you. All the best to you and your OH. I hope the rest of the week passes peacefully for you.

    My car wouldnt start a few days ago. It needed a new battery - I cant remember the last time it had a new battery. Car now fine but the radio now wont work 🥺. We have tried putting in the code we have been given but no luck so I will have to take it to the Renault garage sometime to ask for their  assistance. It seems to be one thing after another at the moment.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,137
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    edited July 2024 #60011

    So sorry to hear of more hospital visits for your nearest and dearest, Debs, but pleased that your OH's problem is not too serious. It must be a great relief for you all. All my best wishes.

    Hope you had a better day today, Francis, and you were able to get out and about without getting wet.

    That mill is not somewhere we have visited, WN. Hope that the ladies found a few bits to satisfy their interest that were not too expensive. It is just a shame that the weather hasn't been very good for your stay in the Lakes.

    We had a few prolonged and loud claps of thunder late last night followed by a short period of very heavy rain. Thankfully it was dry for most of today with only the odd shower this morning. We moved not very far from the CL to a THS at Leyburn,, where we are pitched up with a grand view across to Middleham. 

  • RedKite
    RedKite Club Member Posts: 1,758
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    edited July 2024 #60012

    Sorry to hear your news Debsc and hope things pick up soon.

    Well another very hot day here 36.1C on weather station phew did a few things outside am but now too hot even the air coming through the windows is very warm and now on orange alert for severe storms overnight batten down the hatches me thinks.

    Hope the tour does not encounter any of the storms as they are coming through our area did think of going but not in this heat so will watch on tv as I have recorded it.

    Great photos Nth.

    Off to friends on Sunday for a light lunch and it is Bastille day and our village have their local fete so there will be some loud music Saturday night to listen to.

    Just fed up with this silly tiny font then it goes into a larger font when you hit reply heyho progress I think not.


  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,866
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    edited July 2024 #60013

    Hooray, it was dry when we got up. After breakfast and a shower we set off to Sizergh Castle, not too far away from our base. Plenty of folks had the same idea and the car park was half full by 10 a.m.

    Had a good meander. MiL not on one of her good going days today but she persevered. Had lunch then popped over to Low Sizergh Barn for some food for tonight, including some St.Sunday's cheese, as recommended by Goldie. They do have a fabulous cheese counter there.

    It's obvious that MiL would not have coped with a second week of holidaying straight away so I'm pleased we cancelled our other booking. It worked out quite well that the weather was off and on, if you know what I mean, as it gave her a break every other day.

    Touring, when we get home, is definitely going to be short and sharp trips but so be it.

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,406
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    edited July 2024 #60014

    Nice photos Wherenext, lovely area, and nice to get some of Goldie’s cows cheese. I’m sure MIL appreciates the break, even if a little tired.

    Thank you all for your good wishes, OH is fine, just a few more Drs appointments for other issues, he really should have gone sooner.

    Strange yesterday, we have come to realise that our tv receiver must be a little behind. Our daughter and family are stopping at our caravan as it’s middle granddaughters birthday today and they have gone to Alton Towers. Granddaughter phoned me last night while the football was on tv to let us know they got there safely. The football score was 1.1. at the time. Then she said, ‘oh we have scored again and I can hear shouting across the site from where the big outside tv is’. We talked for almost a minute more and still no goal here, very confusing, and then the goal came on our tv! Poor OH was getting tense and confused.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,866
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    edited July 2024 #60015

    Debsc, I wonder if the delay in transmission could possibly lead to a few bets being placed with local bookies as games or horse races are in motion. The current betting markets allow for bets to be placed whilst the action is underway.winklaughing

    Many moons ago I used to have a flutter every now and then and only when I had some spare cash. Never had a problem as I exercised control even though I had a Bookmaker client right next door to my office building. Haven't placed a bet in 25+ years now and just like smoking (finished that 40+years ago) don't miss it in the least.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,182
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    edited July 2024 #60016

    As some of you know I have been selling off the bits and pieces we had left over from our motorhoming days. It's been reasonably successful. I have only used Facebook thus far but twin pronged. Firstly I tried some of the specialist selling groups which are good for some things and I have tried Market Place for the first time. The most expensive item, a Fiamma Back Box went tonight. Interestingly I had about six people after it! They are very expensive to buy new so I imagine many keep an eye out for a good secondhand one? Interestingly some of the cheaper items have had very little interest so might need to think of other options or probably just throw or give them away! I now have some room in the garage, especially since I moved out the cement mixer I had, I was on a promise that someone wanted but as yet he has not turned up! My next dilemma is what to do with the two electric bikes as both probably need new batteries so I have to decide whether to attempt to buy new batteries or try and sell them as they are. They weren't the most expensive bikes. My problem is I like to treat buyers as I would like to be treated myself so it probably counts against me!


  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,930
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    edited July 2024 #60017

    We're out and about in the caravan at the moment...  I won't tell you where... yet!  🤣🤣  Not our usual type of site.... not a serviced pitch in sight...!



  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,137
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    edited July 2024 #60018

    Glad to read that your OH is fine, Debs.

    It looks as if the gardens at Sizergh are as good as when we visited a month or so ago. WN. Glad that your MIL was able to get to see them. Have a safe journey home when you leave.

    It has been dry again today, although the clouds have been rather threatening at times. We had a walk up onto the moors from Carperby before lunch, and a drive around Redmire Moor in the afternoon. Had thought  going into Bolton Castle but gave it a miss this time.

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,930
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    edited July 2024 #60019

    Peedee spotted where we are.... it's a dull day, today, here at Exeter Racecourse.  Hope it brightens up a bit....


  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,063
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    edited July 2024 #60021

    We didn’t do much on Wednesday weather wasn’t great so just went in to Burnham in the afternoon and had a walk along the shore front which was very breezy then just relaxed in the van for the rest of the day. What a difference yesterday woke up to a bright blue sky so I took the opportunity to go out a cycle managed to get over 20 miles done right along the coast excellent. In the afternoon we took a drive to Minehead lovely place especially when the  sun is shining we saw the steam train and then got a pint in a beer garden overlooking the sea. When we got back we couldn’t be bothered cooking so went to the Green King pub just up the road for a lovely meal we had been there before the last time we were down this way and knew it was good. Up early this morning and out another cycle now back at the van and the sun is just trying to come out but it’s quite warm so fingers crossed for another nice day.

    Enjoy your trip David. Looks like your having a nice time too Nellie

  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,835
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    edited July 2024 #60022

    Managed to wash the van, this morning - in preparation for our trip to the NYM site next week.  Looking at the weather forecast, though - not sure why I bothered! Flippin cold here now that the wind has shifted to the north. Oh well, perhaps the BBC have got the forecast wrong again - like they did last month when we were at Sandringham and we had glorious sunshine for most of the time - despite their prediction of constant rainsmile

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,866
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    edited July 2024 #60023

    Home to a load of washing. Have to clean The Van this weekend.

    There was a crash on the M6 near the Liverpool/Manchester interchange so we slipped off by Haydock and came home via a route through St.Helens and Runcorn. ETA, prior to the crash, turned out to be the same.

    Enjoyed the break, even if the weather wasn't great.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,430
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    edited July 2024 #60024

    Have a lovely time at NYM, Perry’s Nursery is a good place to visit down in Ruswarp👍
    Hope you had a good week WN, nice to get out again after all your stressful months.

    We have been to see Peter Kay tonight, absolutely hilarious and brilliant. He’s funnier than ever, and a wonderful night out. 

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,063
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    edited July 2024 #60025

    TDA - I love Peter Kay we went to see him in Manchester during his tour of 2010 and thought he was brilliant. Good to see him back out working again after a long break.

    We had a good day yesterday I was out a cycle in the morning then we went to Cheddar in the afternoon dull but warm so we had a nice walk around the shops in the village and of course a drive up the gorge with its wonderful scenery. Got some burgers and chops from the butchers in Cheddar so cooked them on the Cadac when we got back to the van they were excellent the rest of the evening was spent sitting out in the awning watching the world go by.. It’s very warm and sunny here this morning so hopefully that lasts for the day now.

    Hope everyone else has a nice weekend 

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,430
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    edited July 2024 #60026

    We had long waited to see Peter Kay live, had last nights tickets nearly two years, but oh so worth the wait. Huge gasp as he took to the stage, he’s lost a lot of weight, so you had to adjust what you expected a bit, but oh so very very funny. Lots of new stuff, funny homages to his early days. The whole audience was in tears at one point, then up joining in the fun the next. A proper night out to remember.

    Thats the last of our long planned events for the moment, so I am busy finding others for us to do, as we cannot get away at the moment. Sports, music, theatre, close to home train rides, classic car shows, rock and gem shows, flower shows, trying to convince OH he might enjoy ballet (he has been before). 

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,182
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    edited July 2024 #60027

    trying to convince OH he might enjoy ballet

    Perhaps La Fille mal gardée might persuade him? 



  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,430
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    edited July 2024 #60028

    😁It might DK. We have been to a few together, but last one was Swan Lake, which in truth, the music is excellent, the dancing usually excellent, but the “story” is a bit naff. I need to find something like Romeo and Juliet to get him back again.

    It might just be payback for me being a bit underwhelmed by all the classic car shows we have been too lately. I can only do so many Austin Morris “Landcrabs” per month🤣 I tend to take my bike to some we go to, and have a bike ride while he does the car show. I do enjoy car shows, but not the ones that have rows and rows of nice but same models ie dozens of MGB’s or Morris Minors. I like seeing the big American classics, and love vintage/restored tourers. 

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,866
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    edited July 2024 #60029

    Best ballet (there's not been that many!) I've seen was on the TV at Christmas time, I think. It was Hobsons Choice and all dancing done in clogs. Brilliant. Always enjoyed the old film with Charles Laughton and OH still has the book that she got decades ago.

    We needed restocking and I didn't fancy joining the weekend scrum so was up and out by 7 this morning. Probably got up too early as by the time I'd shopped, showered and eaten breakfast there was too much time left in the morning so had an extended weeding session, which to be honest did me in for the rest of the day.

    Like David K we've been selling off bits of touring equipment, mainly on facebook. Now left with some bits, like Aquaroll and Collapz pipes for waste. We do have a seriously good Isabella windbreak that will go on FB when we get around to putting it up to take some photos of it. Ironically we did give it away to friends who gave it back to us when they packed in their touring last year. So, we literally can't even give it away!🤣

    Glad you got to see Peter Kay Ttda. He is genuinely funny.

    Holiday seems to be going well Francis. 

  • HelenandTrevor
    HelenandTrevor Forum Participant Posts: 3,221
    edited July 2024 #60030

    Had a busy day catching up with a few household jobs, including the pile of ironing, all the dry holiday washing. OH was in the garden hedge trimming. Did watch some of the women's tennis this afternoon.

    My car now has nice new brake pipes, but we discovered that it will need 4 not 2 new tyres for the MOT. At least the insurance renewal premium is the same price as last year, was expecting it to be more so a pleasant surprise. 

    Lonely to read everyone has or is enjoying their trips and that the weather hasn't spoilt things too much, this summer still hasn't arrived, we haven't had much rain here,but it has been cloudy and not particularly warm either.

    Glad you finally got to enjoy seeing Peter Kay Ttda,  we haven't managed to get to any classic car shows this year, our MG hasn't been out much either this year.

    Good luck selling the last of your caravan bits Wherenext.


  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,182
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    edited July 2024 #60031

    I am more or less down to the last few items to sell. The back box went on Thursday and a couple of Fiamma bike rack arms went today. I think with some items you need someone local to want them. I am surprised how many "clicks" something gets but doesn't result in any offers? 

    On the subject of Ballet I have been to a couple as Margaret likes them but I much prefer Opera. Many years ago they did big opera productions at the Royal Albert Hall and our Social Secretary at work would organise trips, lovely when someone else does all the work!!! Was once very lucky to be given a trip for Margaret and I to go to Glyndebourne for some anniversary at work. Not sure I would have been willing to pay for it myself as the trip was very expensive!
