What are you all up to



  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,133
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    edited July 2024 #60032

    Yesterday was another dry day and we drove over to Easby Abbey, where we had a walk along the old railway line to Richmond Train Station. After lunch we visited St Agatha's Church,  to view the wall paintings and the replica of it's 7/8 century cross, before we had a wander around the Abbey complex.

    Apologies for the jumble of photos as I have not figured out how to place them in their proper order.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,865
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    edited July 2024 #60033

    Never been to an Opera DK although Mrs.WN and MiL once took a ferry across Lake Constance from Lindau in Germany to the Austrian shore to watch an evening rendition with Pyrotechnics of the Magic Flute.

    My music taste is eclectic. I was a heavy metal fan growing up but softened at the edges to allow other genres in, even some Irish Folk music. Embraced Punk Rock for a while then spent the 1980s in the wilderness, at least once Freddie Mercury passed away, not particularly enjoying anything.

    In 1990, September I believe, I heard a piece of classical music that I was surprised to find that I liked. It wasn't your normal fare of Beethoven or Bach or Mozart but a piece by Shostakovich, a sort of Punk rock classical piecelaughing. I've gravitated to the classical music side now but still able to enjoy other genres. Still turn to Planet Rock on the radio every now and then. Still enjoy Gregorian Chant especially if heard in a church. Have CDS encompassing Hildegard of Bingen from the 1200s to a still living Arvo Pärt.

    We used to travel to Liverpool and Manchester almost once a week in Autumn and Winter to concerts but when we retired we found ourselves away in the caravan more often than not. We're still more likely to be found listening to music rather than watching TV. In fact we've just returned from a week away in a cottage and none of the 3 TVs were switched on once. Bliss.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,133
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    edited July 2024 #60034

    We had a spectacular sunset last night, and around the same time a grand firework display that lasted for about 20 minutes.  This morning we managed to get the caravan cover on just before a short shower and then had an interesting tow, especially from Hawes past Ribblehead Viaduct  where there was some sort of event taking place, from the number of vehicles parked there, down to Ingleton and onto Kendal, where we are on another THS.

    Pleased to read that you got home safe and sound after your week away, WN, and that you have been able to sell most of the item you no longer require. It sounds like a fine night out last night, tda, glad that you enjoyed it. Pleased to read that the weather has improved for you Francis.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,430
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    edited July 2024 #60035

    We’ve been to a few Ballets, got Sheffield City Hall and The Lyceum a few miles away, and the Leeds venues. Coppelia, Nutcracker, and a few such as Dracula reinterpreted by the wonderful Northern Ballet. I do want to see a good production of R+J if I can. Like Opera as well, but not keen on musicals, just not my thing. I saw a lot of the “biggies” in my teens, as we were taken to Crucible every month with school, so Godspell, JS Superstar, Joseph &TDC. Evita remains my favourite. Love Shakespeare. OH likes Gilbert and Sullivan, and we keep threatening to do Buxton Opera House, but G&S is a bit “ok then” for me. Only if enticed🤣

    I have just found out that there’s a tour of Jeff Wayne’s wonderful War of the Worlds musical next year though, and Sheffield Arena is on the list🤩  My OH bought me the original album back when it first came out, as we both loved the music and idea. I’d like to see some of Mozart’s operas. My sister took Mum and Dad to see Luciano Pavarotti twice, no idea why I didn’t go, we might have been away. Some of tickets are an arm and a leg though…….£345 for a package to see WOTW😱 
    I would love to see The Two Cellos in concert, they a fabulous.

    Last album bought…………a couple of nights ago, I downloaded T.Rex Greatest Hits! I love to Boogie💃🕺🎼🤣

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,063
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    edited July 2024 #60036

    Lovely sunset Nellie

    Lovely warm sunny day here yesterday so we had a relaxing morning then made our way to Wells in the afternoon. We had visited wells the last time we were here but it was late in the day so everything was closed. This time we were there earlier so was great to have a walk around what a nice place and the cathedral was beautiful some great architecture it always amazes me how they built these building all those years ago with the amount of work involved and none of the modern tools we have now. On way back we went in to a brilliant little village called Axbrodge we had never been before but what a surprise a lovely little place with a lovely village square with a few pubs etc. Was still nice when we got back so cooked Pizza on the Cadac then took a wander down to the pub at the site next door for a few drinks and to watch the entertainment.

    Sunny here again this morning but a bit breezy not much planned for today.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,865
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    edited July 2024 #60037

    Lovely sunset Nellie

    Sounds like another fine day down in Somerset. Liked the county every time we've been.

    Ttda - Buxton Opera House is wonderful. A good few years ago when we were staying at the club site in Buxton we went one evening to a production of The Merry Widow, a light operetta, put on by the Derby Arts and Theatre Association and very good they were too. We plonked ourselves down and found ourselves sitting next to the Mayoress and her OH from Derby. We had a very convivial chat and she was as proud as could be with the reception the amateur group got.

    Must admit our caravanning experience has given us some wonderful memories.

    Dry day here, to now, so gave The Van a wash down. 

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,406
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    edited July 2024 #60038

    Well I’m sorry to report but I don’t think that this summer’s weather is about to get any better. It’s St Swithins day tomorrow and they have now forecast heavy rain. So that’s 40 more days of rainy weather. Now over many years - I’m not about to admit how many- I have reason to note this date and it’s not just an old wives tale, it is usually right, and it’s actually true - something to do with the jet stream I believe. So it looks like being September now before the chance of proper decent weather.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,182
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    edited July 2024 #60039

    I was born in Southampton, so not far from Winchester with it's association with St Swithin who was Bishop of Winchester way back. I seem to recall that it often rains on St Swithin's Day!!!! Do we need an excuse for it to rain in the UKsmile


    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,406
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    edited July 2024 #60040

    Yes David but seriously, when it doesn’t rain on that day we have a great summer.

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,169
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    edited July 2024 #60041

    Just watching the Vienna concert from Schönbrunn Palace, wonderful 

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,133
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    edited July 2024 #60042

    We have made a dash home today, as I have dental appointment early tomorrow morning, before heading back to the caravan . This has enabled OH to do  a couple of rounds of washing, but it has been neither warm nor windy so clothes etc are drying inside on the maiden, where they will stay until we return some time next weekend. It rained late last night and again just now, so those watching the match in the "fans zone"  in the grounds of our neighbouring amateur football club will be rather damp! By the sounds of it England have just scored!!

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,182
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    edited July 2024 #60043

    They have a wonderful rose garden at the Palace if you ever get the opportunity to visit.


  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,169
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    edited July 2024 #60044

    We visited the Palace some 6 or 7 years ago, it was a lovely experience 

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,929
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    edited July 2024 #60045

    On our second site of the summer..... and the rain comes!!  Nice day yesterday whilst travelling, and managed a Cadac evening meal last night.  Not looking good today though!  😧


  • RedKite
    RedKite Club Member Posts: 1,758
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    edited July 2024 #60046

    A brief shower this afternoon but still quite war here.

    My car has been serviced and CT (MOT) today and no issues thankfully then this afternoon OH had a appointment with specialist nurse and he was there for an hour as she has more time and all ok and another item to his prescription for some cream for his sore patches on the back of his ears and she said to make sure that the arms of the glasses are cleaned frequently  as it could be the problem.

    Had a good lunch with our friends yesterday but it was so hot to sit out for the meal nearly 36C even though they had a large canopy wound out and ended up with a headache heyho, a bit cooler today thankfully and tomorrow so hope we can get some ground work done before it gets hot again on Thursday and Friday, the weather is very different to other years as some days very hot and then days when it is much cooler.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,133
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    edited July 2024 #60047

     Please send a bit of that warmth this way RK, although it has been fine today for a while it is raining again just now.

    After my visit to the dentist this morning we called in at Tesco for fuel and some provisions before heading back to the caravan at Kendal, with a walk en route and another after lunch. All ready now for our next move, back into the Dales.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,865
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    edited July 2024 #60048

    Some great birdwatching to be had in the grounds OneP, especially some of the rarer Woodpeckers. 

    First time we went there we caught the train into Vienna but second time we drove in and actually managed to park right outside the gates. Not so sure it would be allowed nowadays. It was 1991.

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,063
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    edited July 2024 #60049

    Good couple of days here. Yesterday was very sunny and warm best day of the holiday so far so we didn’t do much took a walk to the market about a mile away and on way back stopped off at campsite up the road for a drink in their beer garden so Nice in the heat then headed in to Burnham on sea for a walk along the shore front there was a brass band playing on the shore front so we sat and listened to them for half an hour or so before getting fish and chips to take back to the van. This morning it was pouring so I went to the John Haynes motor museum while SWMBO had a day on site in the van as she’s no t really interested in classic cars so let me go to spend as much time a I wanted there. Some lovely cars all well laid out so I ended up there most of the day I had been 3 years ago when we were last here but being a bit of a classic car nut it was well worth a visit lovely collection well worth a visit for anyone in the area interested in classics. When I got back we went to the local green king for a lovely meal before heading to the bar at the site next door for a drink. Not too sure what we are doing tomorrow we shall wait  and see what the weather is like.

    Glad you are having a nice trip David and getting use of the Cadac. Enjoy the dales Nellie lovely part of the country we were down that way in May.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,430
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    edited July 2024 #60050

    That’s a beautiful sunset Nellie, hope you enjoy the rest of your latest Tour. It’s not been too bad a day here, but the rains started and due to keep going all night, forecast is for a lot warmer and dryer later in week here in South Yorks. 

    I did a post Grad day release course in Buxton for a couple of years in my early working years, and made friends with someone who worked at the Opera House. We must get there at some point.

    We loved the Haynes Museum Francis, I found it a lot more interesting than  the Big Museum up near Warwick. A few years ago now. If you are NT members, Lytes Cary is a very nice day out. Gorgeous gardens and old house, and a nice estate walk as well. I can’t remember how close Forde Abbey is to where you are staying, that is a beautiful garden and Estate as well, House very interesting.

  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,835
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    edited July 2024 #60051

    Arrived at NYM site yesterday afternoon - in hot sunshine and managed to get the awning up and everything unloaded from the car but it was 5pm before we finally sat down and I was exhausted.  The lovely wardens that had been here for years have obviously moved on and I have to say there is a totally different atmosphere here with the new ones.  I won't say any more other than the 'welcome' was very efficient - but not much 'welcome' there!

    Having a lazy day today - weather has already changed with fairly heavy rain overnight which seems to be par for the course everywhere from what you are all saying. My mobile wifi is excellent this morning - despite the remote location - 52Mbps download and 7 upload - and that's without the external aerial.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,865
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    edited July 2024 #60052

    Francis - I read about a new cycle route being opened up in North Somerset the other day and meant to post it for you so here it is

    Pier-to-Pier Cycle Route

    Enjoying a coffee break before going to town to pick the ladies up. OH has accompanied her mother on the bus this morning, another box ticked.

    We had OH's cousin visit us unexpectedly yesterday to see how his aunt was progressing. Nice to see them again as they live in Scotland.

    We also offloaded nearly all of our caravan equipment to someone who is looking to buy a caravan shortly. We gave it away, at least it was a good cause.

    Just have the one item now left. We can see more garage space.laughing

    Enjoy NYM RandR. The way things are going you don't know how long the site has left.

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,063
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    edited July 2024 #60053

    Thanks for that WN much appreciated. I actually cycled part of this route last week but didn’t realise it was now an “official” route it was just a route I had done the last time we were in the area. Hoping to get out a couple of times later this week so will find this useful many thanks 

    Dry but very breezy here today but speaking to someone else on site this morning and they say it’s to brighten up for the rest of the week 

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,406
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    edited July 2024 #60054

    Went to Burford Garden Centre yesterday, the place was packed, we thought it might be quieter on a Monday, the cafe was particularly busy. Just had a prawn roll but very nice, oh then I must admit to a coffee and cake later. We didn’t buy anything, except a couple of scotch eggs for our tea. Love it there but oh the prices, OH liked a shirt just plain white, but he changed his mind after seeing the price £120! Nice to have a good look around there though. Then we drove back past Diddly Squat, we knew it would be closed, but as we were so close just went to look. Wouldn’t have gone if it was open as would have been too much traffic. Not a fan of Clarksons but he does highlight the farmers. I like seeing the countryside and watching the farming bits though. I always wondered why fields had the set tramlines, now I know.

    Granddaughter runs a brownie group with some friends, they took them all out for the day on Sunday, she said it went well and they had a lovely time. Unfortunately her wheelchair has broken but NHS are coming to see what can be done today, hope it doesn’t take too long to repair as she had to wait months to get it, hoping they will leave her a replacement for the time being.

  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,835
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    edited July 2024 #60055

    "Enjoy NYM RandR. The way things are going you don't know how long the site has left."


    I'm intrigued WN - do you know something I don't???? It is a lot quieter than we have seen it before - but that's probably down to the weather. When we were here, about the same time last year - it was 30+ degrees!

  • vbfg
    vbfg Club Member Posts: 528
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    edited July 2024 #60056

     A hundred and twenty pounds for a shirt!  I wonder how many of them they sell?

    I don't like Clarkson either and he most probably highliights the farmers as he now knows how it affects them, as it affected himself.  It was in the papers this morning that he has now bought a pub, so perhaps he is now concentrating on that rather than on the farm shop.

    My son is a paraplegic and was loaned a wheelchair as  his went in for repair and he had only had it a few days when it collapsed as one of the cross bars underneath completely snapped.  Very luckily, I managed to borrow one off my friend as my son cannot even stand up and is completley imnmobile without a wheelchair.  He has used one now for almost 50 years but it was only the second time that we had had a serious problem with one of them, so all things being considered, that is pretty good.



  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,430
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    edited July 2024 #60057

    Club has announced 5 non facility sites are to close this season. It’s the annual cull of loved places that don’t make the large income the Club now needs. Details are in UK sites section, Nunnykirk, Bromyard, Dockray Meadows + 2 others. Five more coffin nails…….

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,406
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    edited July 2024 #60058

    Vbfg, I think that sometimes they don’t realise how much a disabled person needs their wheelchair, as it is their legs, as in your Sons case it must be his lifeline. They asked our granddaughter if she needed it every day! It fell over going up an uneven pavement, she tipped out and it snapped the part holding the wheel, at least she suffered no damage.

    They probably do sell a few of the shirts, Cotswolds -Cameron, Clarkson, Amanda Holden and the Beckhams etc homes, seems to be plenty of money around the area now. Shame really as when I was growing up there it was lovely and unspoilt, now it’s millionaire country.

  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,835
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    edited July 2024 #60059

    Thanks ttda - Of course - it was mentioned on here recently - but I didn't join the dots and realise they were all non-facility sites. I really hope this one doesn't go as well - we never use site facilities anyway, so it makes no difference to us - although I must admit that I'm getting to the age where serviced pitches have their attractionssmile. This site has always been more relaxed - more like a big CL in some ways - and that's why we like it. Having said that, these new wardens have changed that atmosphere quite a lot, but I won't harp on about that.

  • HelenandTrevor
    HelenandTrevor Forum Participant Posts: 3,221
    edited July 2024 #60060

    Dropped my car off this morning to have 4 new tyres fitted, so it's good to go for it's MOT on Thursday, been a good little car, almost 20 years old now. 🤣

    Lovely to read about trips away, we like the NYM site R&R, not stayed for a couple of years, but I remember the warden's being lovely. Pleased you're enjoying Somerset Francis, hope the weather stays fine. I really liked Wells, but wasn't impressed with Glastonbury.

    DEBSC, I've never visited Burford Garden Centre, can't think why as we don't live that far away, 🤔 must make the effort and take a look.Hope things work out with the wheelchair. 


  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,852
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    edited July 2024 #60061

    We had a good weekend with the family. Local son, DIL and 2 grandsons came over Saturday eve and we all had a chinese takeaway. Eldest grandson now having driving lessons 🥹. Doesn't seem old enough to me 😁. On Sunday we all went to our eldest grand-daughter's for birthday celebrations - her 29th on Sunday and her fiance's 30th last Tuesday. She gave him a rather grand BBQ for his birthday (having lived in Australia for several years he loves a BBQ!) So it was christened on Sunday. The weather was dry, warm.but not very sunny. It was a lovely family day.

    Today the weather is dreadful. Torrential rain all night and most of this morning. Started to dry up and then a thunderstorm mid afternoon. The new exhibition 'Monsters of the Deep' opened yesterday in the Cathedral so it was very busy on the shop. We have some lovely merchandise relating to the exhibition. Lovely to see people enjoying themselves. Quite a few Americans.

    Best of luck with the MOT for your car Helen. My car is even older than yours and still doing good service luckily. I hope your grand-daughter gets her wheelchair sorted out soon DEBSC. Glad you are enjoying Somerset Francis and you also in The Dales nellie. I think the weather is supposed to improve for a few days this week.