What are you all up to



  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,865
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    edited July 2024 #60092

    Nellie,  it's an RSPB reserve about 10 minutes south of Leek. Whilst dogs aren't allowed in there is a good Public Footpath that runs along and through the western edge of it. When we had a dog we had several walks in the immediate area using OS maps that we incorporated the PF into them.

    The reserve is best seen in Spring, late April/ early May when the Pied Flycatchers and Redstarts return as they tend to be singing then. Be warned, there are no flat bits.

    Not home until tomorrow morning. MiL quite OK thanks.

  • HelenandTrevor
    HelenandTrevor Forum Participant Posts: 3,221
    edited July 2024 #60093

    Been. Catching up. Some lovely photos, there are some wonderful places in this country, have to agree about Yorkshire  R&R, its one of my favourite countries too. Sounds like trips away are going well, and everyone's making the most of the better weather. We've had another very warm day today too, I have been at work though. 🙁

    Car passed its MOT so all good for a while,  can sort the insurance now, I was waiting until after the MOT before renewing, have until the end of the month anyway. 

    Sorry to read about your eye Millie, glad to hear you got it sorted. 

    David, I bet Margaret is feeling relieved to have her tooth removed,  I had a phone call from my dental  practice to say my dentist was leaving,  and my check up had to be re arranged,  I hate having to change dentists.

    We have been sitting outside this evening,  our local foxes are getting bolder, they just sit and watch us, watching them now! 🙂

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,182
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    edited July 2024 #60094


    The dentist we use is moving to Southampton which is a bit weird as we moved from Southampton to MK!!! Fortunately she is still there to finish the course of treatment, she apparently leaves next week. Since our practise was taken over from the original group of dentists who had been there years we have had so many changes, which is a bit unsettling. Even all the admin staff have changed. Not quite the same as it used to be. I don't think we will be rushing to change, reserve that judgement to when we get to see the new dentist!


  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,835
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    edited July 2024 #60095

    Hope your eye gets better soon millie you must be relieved that a detached retina has been ruled out - hopefully your eye hospital appt should provide the answer. 

    You asked earlier, Helen and Trevor - about the lovely Wardens that had been here for ages at NYM - it appears they have moved on to Durham Grange. She always did a coffee morning for Macmillan Nurses - which we supported and they did create a really nice atmosphere but all that seems to have gone with them.  Site is very quiet and has been all week which is unusual but we will see if it fills up tonight.

    Yesterday's trip out to Ruswarp didn't go as planned because when we got to the Waterside Cafe - it was closed - gates locked - the little steam train that used to be there has gone and track taken up. Bit of a disappointment to say the least. Went over to Egton instead - to look at a private site with a view to possibly taking up a seasonal pitch next year (our neighbours at home have a seasonal there).  Beautiful site but only two caravans occupied and it was a bit like a ghost town. Think we'll be giving that idea a miss. Spent the rest of the afternoon reading, sitting in the shade under the trees - gosh it was hotsmile

    Fish and Chips this lunchtime at the Hare and Hounds in High Hawsker - hopefully sitting out in the garden. It's a regular haunt for us and we can throughly recommend it if anyone's in the area.


  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,063
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    edited July 2024 #60096

    Hope all goes well with the eye Millie. 
    Richard sounds like you are having a nice time away we love North Yorkshire and visit at least once a year we were down that way in May and as usual it was great one of our favourite places for a meal is the Fox and Rabbit just outside Pickering 

    Glorious day here today very warm as was yesterday. Yesterday I was up early and away out a cycle then in the afternoon we headed in to Weston for a walk along the sea front it was very busy which was nice to see lots of people on the beach. We took a walk down the pier and had a drink overlooking the water. Came back to site quite early and cooked pizza on the Cadac and just sat out for a while enjoying the weather. Very nice here today not sure what we are doing yet.

    Hope everyone else enjoys the weekend 

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,430
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    edited July 2024 #60097

    Lots of interesting posts to catch up with😁 Millie, glad your eye ok, I had a similar experience a few years ago, luckily seen quickly and detached retina ruled out thankfully. Glad Margaret has lost the tooth now DK, and hoping she feels better quickly.

    Yorkshire is absolutely beautiful, but I am biased. We love Northumberland and Cornwall/Devon as well. Anything that has moors, sea coasts, woodlands attracts us. I agree about Whitby, it used to be a nice visit, even in a busy Summer, but since the P&R arrived, it’s changed a great deal, and isn’t a pleasant visit when it’s so busy. envy you your bold foxes H&T.

    Red hot here today, spent most of it cool inside, but we have christened the pool, and great fun it was. It is shoehorned into garden, I would have liked a larger one, but didn’t want to do major garden changes. We are both tall, so can just get a leg over and hop in without steps. A couple of “oo” moments acclimatising to the water temp, but lovely once in. Managed a good 45 minutes splashing around, think I might be able to set up some sort of elasticated swim with OH bands attached to my legs for a proper workout. 

    Glad your latest break is going well WN, it’s lovely around there.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,865
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    edited July 2024 #60098

    What a day.

    Got a call whilst about 20 minutes from arriving home from MiL to say she had fallen whilst walking in the village. We contacted our neighbour who fetched her home and we arrived as she was administering treatment to her elbow.

    OH and her mother then spent 6 hours at A&E as MiL needed a head scan as she'd banged her head. She's survived but with cracked ribs. We don't think it was as a result of her just losing her balance but a genuine accident through a bit of careless thinking or non thinking. (I can empathise with that).

    A few photos of Rode Hall. Lovely little place, free for HHA members but only open one day a week.

    We also had a little visitor on our flyscreen, a Clouded Border Moth, quite common but lovely to look at.

    I was hoping to see a Springboard Ttda.laughing

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,169
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    edited July 2024 #60099

    Interesting day at Silverstone  Museum today, lot of info on the history including when it was a bomber training outfit.  Wellington straight is named after the wellington bomber etc.

    Another warm day with a high of 32C

    Yesterday we saw our first cereal crop being harvested

    Sadly the number of road kill deer were in the dozens 

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,133
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    edited July 2024 #60100

    WN, sorry to read about your MIL's fall, especially after your comments yesterday. Thankfully you were on your way home when you found out. Hope that she is feeling a bit better and that there has been no major damage done.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,430
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    edited July 2024 #60101

    Oh bless WN, I feel for you all, have been there a few times. Hope you are all ok, mentally and physically. Poor MIL is going to be sore, and you two will be living on Adrenalin. No diving board, it’s not deep enough and we couldn’t afford the water🤣 Just imagine instead, my feet tied with elastic bands to the side of the pool, swimming like crazy, arms only🫣 🤣🤣

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,063
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    edited July 2024 #60102

    WN - Hope MIL makes a speedy recovery best wishes 

    What a lovely day here today 28 degrees and blue skies all day so we had a slow morning then SWMBO wanted to go to the car boot sale that was on in Burnham so we went there not bad for a walk around but not much worth buying. We then went back to Bristol as when we were there the other day we ran out of time to finish the SS Great Britain museum but the tickets are valid for a year so we used them again today to finish off the museum then had a lovey 45 minute boat trip round the dock area very interesting and lots of interesting history explained by the commentary on the boat such a nice views on a day like today. On way back to the van we stopped off at the Green King up the road as they were doing a buy one get one free offer on meals so that was dinner sorted. Spent the rest of the evening enjoying the sun sitting in the awning having a few drinks. Site almost full tonight. Weather looks like it will be turning tomorrow though 

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,929
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    edited July 2024 #60103

    Hot day for travelling yesterday.... and the traffic was pretty bad too.  Took us an age to get from Wareham to Tamworth.... so many hold ups and several of those were car accidents. 


  • RedKite
    RedKite Club Member Posts: 1,758
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    edited July 2024 #60104

    Sorry to hear about your MIL WN and hope she improves and glad that you were nearly hope after your short break.

    Ttda you made me laugh about your swimming arms in your pool I had not thought about that, but as we are taking ours down next week and putting the spa which I used before the pool I have enjoyed using the pool but circumstances have changed, but the water will be reused as much as possible have got 3 new water butts to fill so we can use the water from the pool to fill the spa as well and will have no maintenance over the winter with the spa as it all gets packed away, ours friends who have a inbuilt pool said last Sunday when we were there for lunch it was 30C in the pool now that would be too hot for me.

    Glad you got your eye sorted promptly milliehull and hope you feel better.

    Enjoy your weekend folks and breaks away, it is a mad weekend here as roads are very busy with folks getting away and next weekend so not the best time to be on French main routes and the Olympics starting next weekend.

    Got to just under 33C yesterday and same today with a storm forecast for tonight and then a few cooler days.

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,929
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    edited July 2024 #60105

    Seems a bit cooler today... and a little cloudy...  one or two dark clouds too - perhaps we could get some rain....


  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,090
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    edited July 2024 #60106

    "Got a call whilst about 20 minutes from arriving home from MiL to say she had fallen whilst walking in the village. "

    feel for you WN, almost 2 years since my OH had stroke which left her with some balance issues, 5 weeks ago she fell over in the road, broke her wrist very badly, plaster comes off next Wednesday, but the fall has taken away all the confidence she had regained since the stroke, now it will be back to the drawining board with a new batch of physio and trying to regain confidence, she has also been diagnosed with "Essential Tremors" similar to Parkinsons disease, but a much much less severe form of the shakes etc, oh! and for good measure osteoporosis, she has had several blood tests and now has a virtual meeting with the consultant etc next Tuesday to see if she is suitable to join a 2 year trial for a relatively new drug, means injection once per day, but could be worse, I have told her i am going to put her in a bag and shake her up laughingstill, we are still hoping to get away for a month in Septemberlaughing

    cloudy today but not cold, have been getting in 2 swims per day, yesterday was the hottest day, 27 degs C, glad i can cycle down to beach, car parks very full, and ice cream man doing a roaring trade

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,755
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    edited July 2024 #60107

    It has been a good trip, pity we cannot stay longer, but there are things at home to be looked after too.

    Good ferry crossing yesterday, very smooth as weather fine, and we were back here by 8pm.  Today I am doing various little jobs for my sister, the young people are off into town for some sightseeing and shopping, then later we all meet at my nephew’s house for a BBQ, hope it stays dry.  Not so sunny today.

    The Lofoten  Islands are suffering, like many popular areas, from over-tourism, the problem with MHs, many of them quite large, and campervans is particularly bad, much like on the NC 500.  Roads that were never built with such heavy traffic in mind, ferries with long queues, lack of facilities, and every decent parking place taken over for overnight stops.

     The locals are not happy, despite tourism being an important part of the economy, as most come from the mainland loaded with their own food, and do not spend that much money.   On the 1 hour/35 mile drive to the ferry yesterday we met 150 MHs/campervans heading north, driving on the generally narrow roads was quite stressful.

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,929
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    edited July 2024 #60108

    Sorry to hear this news WN...  Hope that they sort her our at the hospital and that she's making good progress.  All good wishes.


  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,852
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    edited July 2024 #60109

    So very sorry to hear this WN. MIL will hurt for a while yet bless her. A&E is never a good place to be despite the staff working so incredibly hard. Very best wishes to all of you. I hope you can have a restful weekend to try and recover.

    Still very hot and humid here. I think we might get a storm later which will hopefuly clear the air.

    I have had a few attempts to post this and it kept transferring me to a page saying 'do you need to send us a message'. No I DO NOT want to send you a message!

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,865
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    edited July 2024 #60110

    Thank you folks.

    The hospital were happy to discharge her into our care and she slept quite well considering. She's obviously sore. 

    I had a chat with her this morning and talking about how the accident happened was more a question of her mistake in not applying the brakes on her walker before trying to get water out of it, thereby letting the walker start to get away from her, her snatching at it and then losing her balance. Expressing to her that she should take it that her overall recent improvement outweighs what has happened as that was a circumstance rather than an integral fault of her condition, if that makes sense. I did express it in rather more plain terms, honestly.laughing I think it might be helpful to her that I've gone through broken ribs and a Stroke in recent years so she won't just blame it on being old, although if she does then what does that say about me?🤷‍♂️

    Good luck Rufs. I still get some tremors, or Spacicity, mostly when the right arm or hand is under pressure and certainly first thing in the morning. I just tell it off and it seems to work. Tried it on OH but that backfired!

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,865
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    edited July 2024 #60111

    The rain that was forecast has just arrived. Several local outdoor events have been cancelled by the council due to reports of heavy rain and possible thunder and lightning. Of course the forecast for tomorrow is dry.

  • heddlo
    heddlo Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 907
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    edited July 2024 #60112

    Glad to hear that your trip ‘home’ has gone well KjellNN.  I’m sure as much as it’s been enjoyable for you it’s always good to get back to a rough routine again and your own house.  I know we always feel like that after our Far East trips! 

    Hope you MIL feels better soon Wherenext, sore ribs are pretty painful for a while.  We had similar experiences with my late Mum and MIL but somehow they always managed to get issues just before we went away, and indeed on our way somewhere.  That’s life sometimes!  

    Take care with your eye Millie and hope it gets a proper look at very soon.

    It’s a bit cooler here today, thankfully.  We are grand dog sitting and he’s so lively whatever the weather, it’s a shame we aren’t!  Another week and we take him back.

    Our garden it looking quite good just now, I suppose all the rain then the warmer weather has helped out.  The hosta is pretty just now, Hostahousy did suggest a name for it a while back but I’ve forgotten it now. 

  • HelenandTrevor
    HelenandTrevor Forum Participant Posts: 3,221
    edited July 2024 #60113

    Very sorry to read about your MIL's fall Wherenext,  wishing her all the best for a speedy recovery. Glad you had a good break, I didn't realise there was a P.footpath round RSPB Coombes,  we were there back in April but as it said no dogs we didn't venture in.

    It's been much cooler today and rather cloudy, I have to admit it feels better than yesterday's 30°+ heat. We had a walk round the local reservoir and then went to the Herb Centre, resisted buying anymore plants but did enjoy some Lemon cake in the  cafe 😋

    Thank  you R&R for the warden update at NYM sounds like you are enjoying your holiday, bit envious,  don't think we will make it up there this year.😢


  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,865
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    edited July 2024 #60114

    Hi Helen. The PF doesn't actually go around the outside of the reserve but does enter it at Sharpcliffe Hall and skirt the south western part of the reserve. It's well signposted in that part of the reserve. In fact the only 2 people we saw in our time there were walking a dog that had great delight in cooling off in the river (Churnet?).

    We've come to accept that life often gets in the way of most planned things Heddlo. No point railing against it as it doesn't change anything.

    Edit - I don't think KjellN is actually home yet as he has been across to an island in Norway and returned to base.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,430
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    edited July 2024 #60115

    Cooled off a bit here today, but still warm enough for a swim. Loving the pool, if we can’t get away, it’s giving us lots of fun and exercise.

    inside now, pizzas and catch up on TdeF….

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,852
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    edited July 2024 #60116

    Your garden looks so lovely heddlo. Best of luck with your grand dog.

    Your photos are great WN. what a lovely garden. I love these HHA gardens that are only open once or twice a week. We discovered 2 whilst in Norfolk last month. Both of them absolute gems.

    Son and DIL came with us car shopping today as OH has finally agreed that we don't need the big Mitsubishi Outlander since we dont have the caravan anymore (especially as I won't drive it!) . After looking at lots of cars we finally decided on a Citroen C3, just 2 years old. OH test drove  an automatic but just didn't like it so we went for one with a gear box. We hopefully pick it up next weekend. We originally thought about a Mini Countryman but decided that for the age  (2 years) and mileage (low) we wanted they were slightly out of our price range.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,133
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    edited July 2024 #60117

    That looks very interesting Nellie, you don’t half find some great places.

    Thanks tda, that's one of the reasons why we go away. There are so many things in this country that are worth investigating. Here are a couple from yesterday, Glasshouses Mill and the Iron Lattice Bridge to Castlstead gardens

  • HelenandTrevor
    HelenandTrevor Forum Participant Posts: 3,221
    edited July 2024 #60118

    Thank you for the footpath information, I will keep it in mind, as I am sure we will be in the area again before too long.🤞

  • HelenandTrevor
    HelenandTrevor Forum Participant Posts: 3,221
    edited July 2024 #60119

    Good luck with the new car Millie hope all goes well and you can pick it up next weekend as planned.

    After reading all the lovely holiday posts, I  decided we needed a weekend away so just booked a CL for next weekend 😊 

    Nellie you certainly find some great places to visit, I must try and keep a note of them. Have to agree we do have some wonderful places in this country. 

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,133
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    edited July 2024 #60120

    Yesterday was the warmest that we have had so far while away. OH does not "do" hot conditions, much preferring  cool breeze days, so we only managed a 3 ml walk along by the R.Nidd, most of it in the shade. I walked in the other direction after lunch before getting the van ready for our move today from Parsley Bridge via Grassington, which is quite some road, with a 2 ml climb of up to16% incline and a similar descent in places, and so onto Kendal for our final night of this trip. Thankfully it stayed dry for most of the day but we have just had a very heavy downpour. Hopefully it will be fine again tomorrow.

  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,835
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    edited July 2024 #60121

    Sorry to hear about Mil's accident WN - hope she's soon feeling better.  

    Wow - what a beautiful and immaculate garden Heddlo - makes me feel quite guilty about ours. We're both struggling to keep on top of it now and having a large pond adds to the work. I've bitten the bullet and got a firm to come in next month to give it a professional deep clean because I just couldn't manage to do it myself.

    Our stay at NYM comes to an end tomorrow so will be packing the awning etc away this morning (after the statutory Sunday cooked breakfast (on the griddle outside, of course!). Looks like being another hot and sunny day - we really have been lucky with the weather - despite the forecast!!

    We haven't been as adventurous as some - in getting out and about (especially Kj!) - but we've had a nice relaxing week and met some lovely people on site.