What are you all up to



  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,865
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    edited June 2023 #55952

    Love this brue. It brought back some lovely memories. Our grand-daughter used to sometimes play the tin whistle with our son's folk group when she was younger but she is 15 now and a very keen rugby player so that has taken precendence. I wish she was still playing the tin whistle rather than rugby🥺

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,940
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    edited June 2023 #55953

    Just spotted your reply on the other thread... thanks for that... a lot of food for thought...  I'll be having a long think whilst saving up three and a half grand!  🤣🤣

    John Rose has always been good with us.  He fitted our previous Thule, and has supplied us with one or two other bits and bobs!  I usually go and sat hello to him at the NEC shows.  He was expecting the Thule gig on the new van.. 🤣


  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,460
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    edited June 2023 #55954

    I love the NPG as well. Long time since I have been, so there’s possibly more in there now. The tiny miniatures from the Tudor period fascinated me, so intricate.


    I’d visit London a lot more, but OH isn’t keen, he spent a lot of time down there as a child. It’s expensive though, to stay, to travel around, to eat, etc….. typical capital city I suppose. 

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited June 2023 #55955

    Debsc my OH is the opposite and can't cope with any fairground rides. Years ago we went to "Tucktonia" (I think?) near Southbourne. Our children got on a large ride with aeroplanes that flew out, the chap on the otherwise empty ride asked OH to help out by going on a plane on the other side of the ride "to balance it out." Perhaps OH thought he could be Biggles but I watched him go green as it started off and he couldn't stand up afterwards...he has never volunteered to balance anything out since...laughing✈️

    Hope the weather warms up in Stratford and the Alton trip goes well.

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,410
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    edited June 2023 #55956

    Thanks Brue, I’m with your OH, can’t do any of it. I will probably be the bag holder. Maybe a wander around the gardens there. They say warming up tomorrow, thank goodness. Hardy souls on the touring site are sitting out with their coats on.

    Re the previous comment on taking books to the charity shop, I usually buy books in the Oxfam bookshop in Stratford, then my neighbour and I swap books, then I take them back to the Oxfam shop. Same reaction at our Hospice shop if you take anything in they almost sigh like it’s a chore for them, never a thank you or a smile, shame as it’s a good cause. Whereas the Oxfam shop are always pleased.

  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,092
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    edited June 2023 #55957

    was buzzed by a pesky Spitfire whilst taking a dip at Costa del Solent, sorry picture not great,

    another glorious day, but mucho mucho housework needed to be done this morning to ensure all spotless before our off tomorrow, surprising how clean the bungalow is now that we dont have wet and sandy dogs roaming in and out, but do miss them frown


  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,702
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    edited June 2023 #55958

    Great pictures.

    I wonder if the Spitfire had something to do the date?

  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,092
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    edited June 2023 #55959

    We see them a lot corners, they do trips from Daedalus airfiled, £2k for 30 minutes, quick take off fly over the IOW back home, fortunately for us i think some of the money charged goes back into council coffers as they own the airfield now, used to be HMS Daedalus, now a commercial light aircraft airfield and what was the MOD buildings etc is now a very large business park, some complain, but i think it fits in very nicely and brings in lots of revenue for the LC.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,888
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    edited June 2023 #55960

    Hope those east of us, which is probably 99% of you, start getting some of this lovely sunshine we've been enjoying.

    Took a trip to Caernarfon Castle today and not only admired the structure but also some new "exhibits" that have been commissioned for CADW (the Welsh version of English Heritage). The final photo shows the most noticeable visitor that we saw today. The tall blonde one who managed to complement the outfit with a striking purple beard!

    History and Modernism all in one place.laughing


    Nice photos of Felbrigg Millie, one of our favourite spots in North Norfolk.

    Also liked M and CS's photos. Keep 'em coming.

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,174
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    edited June 2023 #55961

    Got home after a 5 day trip to Suffolk and had to put the heating on.  We’ve had this ENE wind for at least 3 weeks.  

  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited June 2023 #55962

    Another full day today starting with a trip to the Giant's Causeway. I guess pretty much always overrun with tourists but still a sight not to be missed, especially I weather as perfect as this! smile

  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited June 2023 #55963

    Then a return by the Antrim coastal road with some spectacular scenery, gorgeous white sand beaches, a road bridge connecting the mainland to a tiny offshore island and a lunch stop at Ballycastle where this artwork of 4 swans in flight is based on the Irish legend of the "Children of Lir", a long story told better in this link than by me! wink


  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,940
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    edited June 2023 #55964

    Thanks for sharing all tbe photos.  Wonderful to see!  👍👍

    • David
  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,190
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    edited June 2023 #55965

    Great photos all, thanks for posting them.

    Yesterday we moved up from the Blackmore (Malverns) site to the Clent Hills site. It is between 1/4 and 1/3 full but some of technical are obviously on seasonal pitches and not all appear to be occupied. Both yesterday and today have been rather dull, and it is quite chilly tonight. We need to go food shopping again this morning, and in Halesowen came across a Sainsbury's where diesel was 141.9 per ltr which compares very favourably with the local garage where it was 15p dearer.. This evening we went out for a meal with our son and DIL, and it was great to meet up with them again, as it has been a while.

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited June 2023 #55966

    Nellie, I'm pleased for you meeting the "Younger Members "  for a meal --  I just hope that they did not nick your juiciest chips  surprised

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited June 2023 #55967

    Well is it not D--Day  ??  And a Tuesday as well  !

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,865
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    edited June 2023 #55968

    moulesy our DIL's parents live in Ballycastle and that is where our son and DIL were married. The beach there is wonderful. Did you not venture accross the Carrick a Read rope bridge to the little island?! I must admit I never have. I always volunteer to be the photgrapher and take pictures of those members of the family who venture accross!! Glad you are gaving such a wonderful time.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited June 2023 #55969

    We did it Millie, climbing down onto it and then launching across is definitely scary! What you don't need is anyone "bouncing" on it. laughing

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,865
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    edited June 2023 #55970

    Gosh you were brave brue. I was standing there once waiting for the family to come back and an American lady came off in tears as she had been so scared! It is still cold and grey here. We walked to the pub last evening and those who were out and about were all wrapped in coats, scarves and hats. More like november than june. Luckily unlike Debsc I decided at the last minute to pack a pair of jeans and a jumper. Thank goodness I did I shall be wearing them again today! It is hopefully supposed to improve from tomorrow 🤞

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited June 2023 #55971

    Checked t'forecast a short while back and it's barely clearing 20* until w/end then it comes up bright and warm BUT illuminated by a few of those blue zigzaggy things. Not what is really wanted except over night when them there flowery things might benefit.

        Towny !                  

  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited June 2023 #55972

    Our last full day in Belfast, so it was up and out early (for 50% of the party wink) for a walk along the waterfront and a look at some of the city's less publicised sights. The two massive cranes "Samson & Goliath" dominate the area and can be seen from all over the city. The "Belfast Buoys" would originally have guided vessels safely from the Irish Sea into the harbour. On one side of the waterfront are a number of ground level plaques naming all the ships built by Harland & Wolfe (including, obviously, Titanic). The opposite bank is becoming overcrowded with the now inevitable steel & glass monster hotels & offices.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,190
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    edited June 2023 #55974

    Smashing photos  again, M, you have certainly  seen lots. Glad that you have had a super trip.

    It was cool again here first thing but brightened up as the day went on. We drove over firstly to Hartlebury Castle, the former Bishops of Worcester Palace, which one came walk through, and also holds the Worcestershire County Museum. Such a lot to see so we must return. Then we went onto Harvington Hall, which has the greatest number of priest holes in any historic property in Britain, and it was where our son and DIL held their wedding  reception. This time we took in the house tour, which was supposed to last 1 1/4 hrs but as there were only two couples on it the excellent guide gave us an extended one and it was near two hours long. Photos of the chapel, the Castle and the Queen Elizabeth I walk at Hartlebury and one of Harvington Hall, although  not in that order!!laughing

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited June 2023 #55975

    OOOH, more b--i--g  Chimneys for Brian to drool over !

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,460
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    edited June 2023 #55976

    Lovely and interesting photos M and Nellie, enjoying your trips😁

    We have had a nice day, Trans Pennine Trail for me, the Holme Moss Hills and TPT for OH, took MH out and made a full day of it. I shall have to sack my Swannie though, as I was getting ready to set off, there was a sheepish silence from outside, and I could see an OMG look on OH face. Someone had forgotten to charge up my battery from last time out🫣 I went for it anyway, managed around 10 miles on pedal power alone, keeping my bit of battery for the 1:4 last half mile. Didn’t need it, OH picked me up at bottom of the BIG hill at Dunford Bridge. 🤩 Decided to keep him😁

    Some lovely bits of sculpture and pretty wildflowers along the Trail. This is the old Woodhead line that used to connect Sheffield with Manchester. Big disaster took place here in the 1880’s, now a pretty picnic stop off on the trail, with lots of information. We rocked up at Winscar Reservoir after my ride, great scenic place for a picnic and sit out after a ride.

    Decided on our next short trip out next week as well. Check out the expected heat wave starting this weekend, we might have our pool out again as well🥵 Looking at a possible 26c. Next week in our area.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited June 2023 #55977

    Great photos one and all, so different too....I liked the rabbit and carrot TDA! (Easily pleased here wink)

    I don't know about a heatwave, we've now had three weeks of very dry, very warm weather although each day starts off with a cold NE wind and dull skies. Quite strange as it's like August in June with a wind chill to remind us it isn't!


  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,460
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    edited June 2023 #55978

    We are very lucky having the TPT so close to home Brue, there are lots of link up spurs to and from it as well, so it does give us some really good off road riding. It’s just getting to the off road spurs that can be a bit of a dice with death, but our local Council is busy at the moment putting in some new cycle lanes to try and separate cycles from HGV’s and buses. Pedestrians round here haven’t grasped the concept of shared pavements that well, so it can be a bit of a challenge trying to negotiate groups five wide, and folks do park there cars over pavements, emerge from gateways without checking. It all adds to the fun😱 

    I am going to join C&CC today. We don’t have many CLs close by, but we did spot some great CS sites out and about yesterday, plus the Club Sites, if we ever get to use them will be a bit cheaper with discount. Years since we were Members.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,888
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    edited June 2023 #55979

    A day of malfunctions for us.

    Interesting reading DK talking about new technology with his new car. This new super-duper no key entry or start applies to our Kia as well and the ignition has refused to talk to either of the fobs on numerous occasions today and yesterday. So we called into a Kia dealer today, after the car reluctantly gave in, but received not a bit of help. We've now booked it in to our local one at home next week and having to keep our fingers crossed.

    Camera also malfunctioned today. Must be me! So no photos of Plas Newydd NT house on the Menai Straits and of Bryn Celli Ddu, a burial mound with Solstice alignment.

    You'll just have to take my word that the photos would have been great.laughing


    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,410
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    edited June 2023 #55980

    Chilly again this morning but it warmed up this afternoon, still a bit of a chilly wind though, OH didn’t manage to take his sweater off all day. We went for a stroll at Hidcote, got there at lunch time and it was packed. We hadn’t thought to book so actually had to sit in a queue to get into the car park, one out one in. The volunteers doing a good job of directing it but we waited about 15 minutes. The overflow to the overflow car park was being used, never seen that before. I took a packed lunch, but the queues just to enter the cafe were very long. If anyone is thinking of going I’d advise to either, book or go in the afternoon when it’s quieter. All very pretty in June though. 

    Then on to Broadway for a drink outside the Broadway Hotel, really lovely in the sunshine. Went to Tesco on the way back to pick up meat and salad stuff for tomorrow as my cousin and her OH are coming for a bbq. Nice if this wind would drop. OH just had a well deserved beer now he’s sound asleep, I’m just deciding what to cook for dinner.


  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,888
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    edited June 2023 #55981

    See previous post about malfunctions. 

    Playing around with trying to load recent days' photos did have limited success and I took this one for car aficionados, advertising the Pub on the front at Red Wharf Bay. Nice pub as well.

    Club website now playing up and moving text to much lower in the page by itself. This is what happened with my Samsung android but this post on MacBook Air. Happened yesterday as well. Just wondered if anyone else is experiencing the same or does all technology just hate me at the moment?


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